
The Mobility Show

There used to be car shows - annual events at which the car manufacturers would show off their latest designs, to wet the appetite of car buyers. How about a mobility show,...

Today’s Thoughts, December 22, 2013

This is ugly, but like a cancer diagnosis, hiding the truth isn't going to help: Donations are way down. After a very encouraging November, we've had (so far) a very discouraging December. Dom...

More Electric Diaper-Wearing

Audi has just announced it will lower the sticker price of the e-tron, its first fully electric mass market vehicle . . . which is having trouble finding a market. Probably because...

The Magic Fingers Car

Some of you may remember Magic Fingers - and may be wondering what that has to do with cars. Magic Fingers - if you don't remember - was a feature found in...

Another $60k-plus to start EeeeeeeeVeeeeee

If there truly were a "climate crisis," you'd think they'd stop producing EeeeeeeeeeVeeeeees almost no one can afford. Of course, there isn't a "crisis" - that's just the excuse being used to...

How They’ll Force us Into EeeeeeVeees

Just some thoughts about the subject: . . . If you like what you've found here please consider supporting EPautos.  We depend on you to keep the wheels turning!  Our donate button is here.  If you prefer not to use PayPal,...

The “Honda” That Isn’t

Once upon a time, General Motors had divisions such as Pontiac and Oldsmobile that sold Pontiacs and Oldsmobiles. When they began trying to sell repackaged Chevys, people became less interested in...

Under Water . . . Again

The more expensive new cars become, the less financially rational it is to buy one. But not so much for the obvious reason. The up-front expense of buying a new car is...

Slow . . . in the Curves!

It is claimed by some that "speeding" is a sign of dangerous driving. How about slowing down - when the road curves? After having sped up to right-on-top of the car ahead's...

Orange Goes Franco

The Orange Man is seen by many as the man who will stop the spread of authoritarianism in the United States. But maybe he's the man who's going to legalize it. Orange...
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