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The Opportunity Cost of Cloverism

The other day I was waiting at one of those lights that never changes - or at least, takes a really really long time...

Filthy – Worthless – Republicans

Fred nails it - out of the park! By Fred Reed All indicators point downward, I tell you. On the lobotomy box the other night I...

What Will We Say?

What will we say when the government announces that "for security reasons" it will begin conducting random checks of our homes? That we will...

The Fraud Called “Democracy”

Another excellent piece by Paul Craig Roberts: Every day that passes adds to the fraudulent image of what is called Western democracy. Consider that the entire...

At The Hands of TSA Pigs

Here's the appalling experience of a retired Air Force Lt. Col, a doctor, trying to board an airplane in the USSA:  Oct. 17, 2011 Albuquerque International...

What’s Gonna Get Us

The typical American is so conditioned to Authority that he will not even dare to defy a road sign - even when it's out...

Corporate “Personhood”

Huffpost is pretty lefty, but this one's pretty solid: WASHINGTON -- Of all the Occupy Wall Street refrains, one of the most memorable is, "I...

Left on Red

Well, why not? If the way is obviously clear in both directions, if it's obviously safe to enter the intersection, make your turn and proceed....

The New RoboCop Car

If you're old enough - or just like old movies - you'll get a deja vu kick (in the head) when you read about...

Americans Don’t Drive….

That great philosopher Jeff Spicoli once sagaciously noted, "Dudes on 'ludes should not drive." Too bad most American drivers are on 'ludes. Or might as...
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