NY Hero Says: You Wanna Fucking Resist?


New York “Hero” Slaps Man For Refusing Unwarranted Search

  • “Let me see your f*cking keys… I’m searching your f*cking car”

A New York deputy with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department was caught on film early Friday morning slapping a young man who declined to have his vehicle searched.

According to Adam Roberts, he and his friend Colin Fitch were approached by two deputies while shopping inside a Walmart that evening.

After being forced to present their IDs, the pair were taken outside to Colin’s vehicle and asked about a .22 rifle on the backseat.

As Colin explained that he had just purchased the rifle earlier that day at a nearby store, a deputy Shawn Glans began demanding access to the vehicle, despite Colin proving that he was of legal age to own it.

“So they started questioning us and were very ornery and asking about the gun and what not and then Colin asked him what we had done wrong and what he was charging us with and he didn’t give us a good answer,” Roberts said.

Choosing to assert his Fourth Amendment, Colin told Deputy Glans that he would not consent to a search unless a warrant was obtained.

“But he said he wanted to search the car… and my friend Colin asked him what his reason was for and the cop went on about how he just wanted to check, and Colin didn’t really feel like he had a real reason.”

After failing to coerce Colin into opening the vehicle, Deputy Glans became irate, ironically at the constitutional right he swore to uphold.

“Let me see your f*cking keys… I’m searching your f*cking car,” Deputy Glans said, taking Colin’s keys against his will.

Astonishingly, as Colin began to vocally protest the illegal seizure of his car keys, Deputy Glans responded by smashing the back of his head.

Glans continued by unloading a stream of profanities at Colin for daring to defy his unlawful actions.

“I can get a lot more intense,” Deputy Glans told Roberts. “I’ll rip your f*cking head off and sh*t down your neck.”

Unable to find any illegal activity whatsoever, Deputy Glans ordered the pair to go home.

Roberts says the video has since been shown to Glans’ supervisors, who claim an investigation is underway.

According to Carlos Miller of Photography Is Not A Crime, Deputy Glans’ past is filled with reckless and violent behavior as well.

In 1999, Deputy Glans was forced to pay millions of dollars after smashing head-on into a father of six while driving nearly triple the speed limit. The man, who had spent the last 14 and a half hours at work trying to provide for his family, was left so brain-damaged that he became blind and paralyzed, only able to move his left arm slightly.


  1. Yeesh, a cross post from a comment on SHTFPLAN about, ‘Blowback: Kindergarteners ‘Accidentally’ Pepper Sprayed by Police During Classroom Demonstration’:

    kynase says:
    Comment ID: 3263810
    November 9, 2014 at 6:23 pm


    I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree with you. most of us have either a fireman or policeman come to school and tell us all about their jobs. We weren’t indocterinated…we were being taught all about our police men and women and our firemen and women. Heck, I took my girl scouts to the fire dept a few months ago a they showed the girls all sorts of amazing features, teaching them how to be safe during a fire, even letting the girls use the hose! It was amazing!

    And before we all attempt to crucify all cops and firemen, recognize that the media merely shows us the negative. We don’t hear about all of those amazing heroes that save lives daily. I know a lot of amazing cops and firemen that would lay down their life to save another person. Arguably there is no greater sacrifice than giving your life for another. Sure, there are a some bad cops, but there are people in every single job position that suck. And let’s be honest…some times mistakes happen…whether it be in a classroom (as with the kinder class) or in the heat of battle, judgement can be clouded or accidents can occur. And to assume that an officer or a fireman will never make a mistake is to assume that they are superhuman. We all make mistakes. All of us.

    Maybe, Mac, you could offer an article about a cop doing something awesome, as opposed to feeding into the hate frenzy on this topic. Just a thought.

    [Stockholm Syndrome, anyone?]

    • @helot – The smarter ones are working at UPS & FedEx these days. Only the leftover kids who were bullied in high school and out of work military ground pounders are the majority asking for the jobs these days. And DHS and the current crop of administrators are very happy to get those easily trained ones. A far cry from 30 or 40 years ago when 1 out of 500 or 1000 applicants actually got the job.

    • Sheesh!

      Did you notice the same Cloveronian cadences?

      We weren’t indocterinated…we were being taught all about our police men and women and our firemen and womenWe don’t hear about all of those amazing heroes that save lives daily….

      A pattern.

      Government schools, stamping them out in their millions.

  2. Shawn R. Glans

    Shawn R Glans NY Deputy is Suspended by Saratoga County NY Sheriff Michael Zurlo

    Arrest Glans FB page has 2500 likes

    The town of Wilton and Saratoga County Pay 6 million judgment to man paralyzed by Glans http://alb.merlinone.net/mweb/wmsql.wm.request?oneimage&imageid=5948373

    Chief Richard L. Castle suspends another hero

  3. “In 1999 Deputy Glans was forced to pay millions of dollars…..”. If only it was actually deputy Glans paying those millions of dollars out of his own pocket and not the tax cows of whatever jurisdiction hired this parasite there would be a lot less of these incidents. As long as these maggots have “qualified immunity” there’s no consequences for them; after a brief paid vacation under the euphemism of administrative leave deputy douchebag will be found to have “acted appropriately” and be turned loose to continue preying on us mundanes.


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