“hero” Tailgates Clover in the Rain


Here’s a video of a “hero” driving right on the ass of a Clover:

The Clover should move over, of course. But he’s just a Clover. The “hero,” on the other hand…

Aren’t they supposed to know that tailgating is dangerous as well as aggressive driving?

And this “hero” is tailgating in heavy rain.

How would a “hero” react if the roles were reversed?

We all know the answer to that one.

The “hero” would have pulled the offender over, roared at him about his dangerous, reckless driving and – at the very least – issued a fat ticket. And since “reckless driving” is an offense for which one can be arrested and taken to jail, it’s a good bet that the offender would have been cuffed and stuffed, too.

But because the roles aren’t reversed, the “hero” can drive recklessly with impunity.

It’s not only what the do.

It’s what they get to do.

. . .

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  1. This video is not available on youtube something about the account holder being terminated. Was it showing a copper in bad behaviour which goes against youtube philosophy of totalitarian government?


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