Park Pork Harassment


Park “heroes” are among the worst, in terms of their penchant for harassment (and worse). This video is illustrative. A family has pulled its RV into a parking area at a public park. There aren’t any signs (the “hero” who confronts them later admits this) forbidding people to park overnight. So they do. The “hero” accosts them, spews pedantic nonsense and threatens to cite them for “arranging bedding for the purpose of sleeping.”

This is typical of Park Pork. They are like elementary school hall monitor bullies – except they are armed and have (effectively) license to kill when their Authority is affronted.

The citizen in this video bravely attempts to stand up to stupidity – the petty meanness of these Porkers – and even tries to reach the Porker on a human level.

Luckily, he was not Tazed – or worse – for doing so.

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  1. I think part of the reason why the park pork are the worst is they are low on the pecking order of LE. There is a definite pecking order when it comes to heroes. Federal full LE agencies are the tops, especially the FBI. Followed by ATF, US Marshals, etc. Followed by major city PD’s and state troopers followed by county. Lower down are suburban PD’s and rural departments. Park pork, even federal ones are in this category. They can only look down their noses at hose heroes (who are always below cops) and low paid private security guards like mall cops.

    Compound that problem with the often complex and picky hunting and fishing regulations that they enforce, it only leads to dickheads being park pork.


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