AGW Films Torture Session

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If you thought the AZ Sadist an aberration – here’s another:

In Patterson, NJ, an AGW named Ruben McAusland has been caught not just dealing the arbitrarily illegal drugs he “busted” others for possessing but also torturing a man lying in a hospital bed.

As part of the investigation into this AGW’s other dirty work, the contents of his cell phone were given a look-see and – well, see for yourself:

“Prior to that video being discovered, we did not know about that assault,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Rahul Agarwal said in federal court in Newark on Wednesday morning.

The patient, later identified as Andrew Casciano, has since filed a $4 million suit against the city.

The disturbing video was taken on March 5, 2018 at a hospital in Paterson. The man in the hospital bed, Casciano, had just attempted suicide and was being treated. After finding the video, the FBI launched a secondary investigation into this sadistic pair of cops which led to both of their arrests.

People who are surprised by this ought not to be. AGW’ing attracts brutal people; narcissists, power-trippers and outright pyschopaths, as here – and in AZ.

And all over.

The only way to reform this problem is to end AGW’ing – and revive the idea of peacekeeping. Which implies that peaceful people be left in peace; that “the law” has legitimate business only with those who breach the peace.

But it will likely take a major re-set of our society before that ever happens.

. . .

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