Batman Begins . . . Again!

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Here’s another example of “Batman” in action… or rather, armed government workers who think they are Batman.

Well, they dress like Batman. All that’s missing is the carbon fiber six-pack and cod piece.

In this instance, “Batman” is troubled by a guy eating his lunch in a McDonald’s parking lot. He is determined to bring this Evildoer to justice.

The young ‘uns reading this will not remember, but there was once an America in which a geek who dressed like the ones depicted here would have been locked away in a psycho ward for their own safety, as well as ours.

Neidermeyer, phone home.

. . .

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    • I have done this for years and never once been troubled. My parents did it before I was born, they did it with me after I was born, and I continued doing it after I started driving solo. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone ever being accosted for eating their lunch in a restaurant parking long.


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