AGW Caught Raping While “Serving”

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A Los Angeles armed government worker named William Rodriguez has been arrested on suspicion of committing two rapes over the past four years – the oldest of which was linked to him through DNA records while he was being investigated in the other case, prosecutors say.

Rodriguez, 33, was arrested Tuesday on two felony counts of forcible rape, and is expected to be arraigned Thursday, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office said.
He is  accused of one raping a female acquaintance at his home on November 1.
While being investigated in that case, investigators checked his DNA against the state database. That matched him with evidence in an unsolved sexual assault of a female in 2015, the district attorney’s office said.
Rodriguez most recently worked for the LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division, which investigates crashes and traffic-related crimes in parts of northwestern Los Angeles.
“When one of our own breaks the trust of the people we are sworn to protect and to serve, it tarnishes the badge we all wear proudly on our chests,” the head LA AGW – Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore – said Wednesday about Rodriguez’s arrest. “This arrest also reflects our commitment to pursue every lead no matter where the investigation takes us.”
Rodriguez was being held in jail Thursday morning while he awaited arraignment….

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  1. Michael Moore, I wondered what he was doing now. He’d be all for hut hut hutting everybody a cop might see. Hell, they COULD have a gun. Wish I hadn’t thought of him. He’s exactly the type of person that’s killing this country. Stick Scotty Kilmer up his ass and they’d both be happy.


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