Reader Question: Massaging Lincoln?

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Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply!

Ed asks: How good are the Lincoln Aviator’s massaging seats? I tried them at the dealer, but only briefly. Seemed very good, but 5 minutes wasn’t enough for me to decide. Any comments? I’m a geezer with arthritic back.

My reply: This is subjective – preferences vary – but I thought they were very good; certainly as good as the massaging chairs available in other vehicles, such as certain Benz models. They can be adjusted to suit (lower back, upper, etc.) and there are several different types of massages to select from. The main beef I have with all of these systems is that the controls – through the LCD touchscreen- can be inscrutable (I’d much prefer readily accessible buttons on the door panel or some such) and they shut off too soon! I’d like for them to stay on until you manually turn them off.

Otherwise, these things are a godsend for a sore back.

. . . .

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