Latest Radio: David Knight Show 12/10/21

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Here’s the audio of my appearance on David Knight’s show on Friday. I always enjoy these as David is arguably one of the best-informed and most intelligent news analysts on the air these days:

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  1. Sorry to hear you’re still in the struggling journalist category, Eric, but I think it’s often hard to earn a lot of cash when you’re busy ripping the system. I should know. 🙂

    • Haha, I have to say, I am NOT worried about depopulation. A mass culling by our nefarious overlords, maybe, but people having less kids? Nope.

      More land, more resources, more freedom.

      Luckily, the planet isn’t overpopulated, yet. But people do have a horrible tendency to aggregate into huge cities, and, as wise men have said, nothing good comes from THAT.


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