Double Digit Pumps


They are apparently recalibrating gas pumps in California to register double digit gas prices. Not the total price of what you pump but rather the double digit cost of a single gallon of gas. The expectation being it will soar to more than $10 per gallon in the near future – and not Because Putin, though the Biden Thing continues to say it’s so, hoping you’ll believe it and blame Putin Rearing rather than him, enserfing.

But it is because of the other things in California that gasoline sold there is currently the most expensive sold anywhere within the boundaries of the United States. In part, because of the extortionate taxes levied by the things which control California – which is or ought to be regarded by the people of California as a joke in very poor taste, given California’s “progressive” – i.e., socialist – policies.

Aren’t socialists supposed to be in favor of easing the burden on the working class, the average person?

Well, that’s how socialists talk. How they walk – and tax – is another matter. 

Haven’t you heard? C’mon, man!

In addition to the federal gas tax of 18 cents per gallon that all Americans pay whenever they buy gas – which was supposed to be used to maintain the roads people drive upon and so unobjectionable, when it was used solely to maintain the roads upon which people drove upon – California drivers also pay other taxes, as follows:

State Excise Tax: 51 cents per gallon (about three times as much as the federal tax gas). 

Sales Tax: 10 cents per gallon.

Low Carbon Gas Tax: 22 cents per gallon. 

Greenhouse Gas Tax: 15 cents per gallon.

Underground Tank Storage Tax: 2 cents per gallon. 

That’s about $1 in taxes in addition to federal taxes on a gallon of gas that actually cost about $1.50 (less taxes) just two short years ago, before the Biden Thing gait-ataxia’d its way into the White House. 

Gas s also made more costly by making it more expensive to refine and distribute; by imposing requirements at gas stations that pumps have “vapor recovery” systems – and so on. Someone gets to pay for all of this.

Guess who?

There are several angles from which to gaze upon this concatenation of regressivity – the term used to describe taxes that are disproportionate in themselves and which also disproportionately hurt people of modest means the most as they lack the means to pay them.

And haven’t got much in the way of viable alternatives to paying them.

Taking the bus in lieu of the car doesn’t work when it doesn’t go where you work, exactly – or pick up/drop off in time to get to work on time and then home in reasonable time. It is why most working people cannot afford to take the bus. Walking is great exercise but you show up sweaty and late, usually.

Plus, tired.

Most working Californians therefore rely upon their cars to get to work and back. They bought them expecting to be able to use them for that purpose. But it is becoming too expensive to use them, courtesy of all these taxes. In effect they are being forced to stop using what they bought in good faith by people of very bad faith – who now expect them to just suck it up.

The combined cost of a gallon of regular in the state that birthed car culture already approaches $7 per gallon. This is about two-plus dollars higher than the current national average and three times the national average was when Orange Man Bad.

This means the average working stiff who drives a paid-for 12-year-old economy car with a 15 gallon tank is currently paying close to $100 for a fill-up.

And is likely to soon be paying more.

The Biden Thing’s thing – Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg – counsels people who cannot afford to pay more in taxes than the gas, itself, ought to cost (and did, before the Biden Thing was propped up behind the podium) to go out and buy electric cars that cost twice as much as other cars.

It is astounding that the man can still walk the streets.

The effrontery of “progressives” is stupendous. They tell the working class what’s wrong – and then make them pay for it. And then make the working class pay for them. For their exorbitant salaries, for instance. The slick-haired governor of California, Gavin Newsome, is remunerated to the tune of $209,747 – making him the most-remunerated governor in the United States. Not counting the remuneration he probably receives via various grift-graft schemes. In any event, he can afford an electric car – because you’re paying for it, if you’re a California taxpayer. And also the cost of filling up the government cars he is ferried around in, which he doesn’t have to spend a cent on – for the cars or the fuel. And which he doesn’t have to wait for, either.

How much more can the taxpayers take?

The question is rapidly becoming more than speculative as there is a limit to what people can pay – and $10 per gallon is probably in the ballpark. Sudden enserfment ensues – and not just in California, either. The national cost of diesel fuel – upon which truckers rely – approaches the cost of gas in California. If it gets to $10 per gallon, there will be very few truckers on the road – and very little in stores, too.

What there is will cost even more than it cost to get it there.

All courtesy of these things that have insinuated themselves into positions of power by promising lots of free stuff to people who get to pay for it all.

. . .

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  1. I have mixed feelings about this, cause a lot of people bought big trucks for reasons of vanity and debt, and it’s a predictble cycle of expensive gas prices and tight parking lots. A boom in money printing and crappy construction projects is generally followed by recession. If you have need to drive great distance on a regular basis it seems smart to have a hatchback or something efficient. I Know lots of people who “need” a brand new pickup to tow the boat or haul plywood, but then they commute 60 miles a day and complain about gas prices, and they can’t afford a boat or projects, cause they are paying $1000+ per month on a used pickup. At any other point in history, cars would depreciate faster than they can pay off the loan. They leave the hitch on the truck and back into things. These people shout about free dumb but they put their kids in day prison (school) think that you should pay your taxes, follow the speed limits when you aren’t in front of them, they think you need to wear a mask and take vaccines.

    People really need to hold themselves and public officials to standards, I expect that many people will find themselves in debt and out of work, as there have been long times of waste and irresponsibility on many levels.

  2. More green bs…….the new low sulphur diesel for ships, pollutes more, ruins engines, is a fire hazard….
    This is a bit like the lithium fire bomb battery, green….haha…….solution

    Shipping-Gate: Why Toxic VLSFO ‘Frankenstein Fuel’ Is Such A Danger For The Planet
    An alarming series of top secret industry reports is painting a picture of a hazardous new fuel (called Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil or VLSFO) having been introduced into the fuel tanks of global shipping, without sufficient safety testing, training of crew, or regulatory oversight.

    This article reviews why VLSFO presents such a hazard for global shipping, sailors, coastal communities and the marine environment.

    Destroy supply lines? Easy, destroy the ship’s engines. No supply lines = no fuel or food…

  3. Using diesel is getting expensive but is still cheaper then an owning an EV…..

    Banning ice powered vehicles to be replaced with EV’s that use twice as much fuel = insanity.

    Should be still selling these:
    the all-new 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S.

    Fuel efficient ice cars:
    Model HP Avg. cons l/100km mpg U.S.

    Fiat 500 1.3 JTD Multijet 16V Pop DPF 75 4.2 56
    VW Golf 1.6 TDI BlueMotion DPF 105 4.1 57
    Skoda Fabia 1.4 TDI GreenLine DPF 80 4.1 57
    Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ecoFlex CO2 Pack DPF 75 4.1 57
    Audi A3 1.6 TDI Attraction DPF 105 4.1 57
    Toyota iQ 1.4 D-4D DPF 90 4.0 59
    Renault Twingo 1.5 dCi Rip Curl 84 4.0 59
    Volvo S40 / V50 1.6D DRIVe Start/Stop DPF 109 3.9 60
    Volvo C30 1.6D DRIVe Start/Stop DPF 109 3.9 60
    Toyota Prius 1.8 Hybrid 136 3.9 60
    Mini One D DPF 90 3.9 60
    VW Polo 1.6 TDI BlueMotion 90 3.7 64
    Seat Ibiza 1.4 TDI Ecomotive DPF 80 3.7 64
    Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCi ECOnetic DPF 90 3.7 64
    smart fortwo coupé 0.8 cdi pure softip DPF 54 3.4 69

    EVs No Longer an Economic Alternative to ICEs As Supercharging Rates Go Through the Roof, including the battery cost they never were….

    But even in the U.S. where Superchargers charge you by the kWh things have gone haywire. A Tesla owner shared on Twitter the Supercharging rates from the Los Angeles area and indicated that they roughly doubled in the past years. To be sure, the $0.58/kWh rate is for the peak hours from 11 am to 9 pm, with half that outside this interval. Twitter users across the U.S. have indicated similar rates, with averages of $0,40 becoming the norm.

    EV owner uses 4 gallons to go 100 miles, that is 25 mpg, lots of ice cars get better fuel economy.

    the all-new 2014 Volkswagen Golf BlueMotion diesel, capable of a claimed 88.3 mpg imperial, or 73.5 mpg U.S…..1.3 gallons used to go 100 miles @ $4.00 a gallon = $5.44

    travelling 100 miles in an average EV uses 1.03 gallons equivalent of fuel = 34.7 kwh of electricity @ $0.40 per kwh = $13.88, that is the net amount, but….at the power plant 4 gallons of fuel were burnt to get a net 1 gallon of fuel equivalent 34.7 kwh used by the EV.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s.
    (under not ideal conditions it might be 12% efficient).

    They advertise EV’s getting 102 mpg….they should be sued, it is impossible using the technology they use, it is another huge lie….the real number 25 mpg…lol…lawsuits coming…

    There is an additional cost for the EV owner: the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery. Total cost: $13.88 plus $22.00 = $35.88

    They saying paying $35.88 to go 100 miles in an EV is cheaper then $5.44 in an ice diesel….hahaha…lol, they are math challenged….or lying….

    Each EV will use multiple batteries……

    Remember that to get the same level of longevity that petrol and diesel cars an EV will go through three battery packs which is hell of a large carbon footprint, and very expensive the tesla battery is $22,000, it costs you $22.00 per 100 miles just for the battery.
    3 batteries = $66,000, this makes ice cars look very, very cheap to own/run….haha
    now you know why very few of the taxis are EV’s, charging times, higher fuel costs and very expensive battery replacement, hybrids or diesels are far better.

    NOTE: tesla battery lasts 100,000 miles and costs $22,000 ( someone said there is also a $4500 recycling fee….haha) $4500 recycling fee…lots will probably get thrown in the bush…

    EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans. 5 times $22,000 = $110,000 very very expensive, makes zero sense….lol

    Re: EV semi trucks
    There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks. Why? charging times, these trucks quite often run 24/7, worse fuel economy, with batteries it would drop 50%, very high battery replacement costs, NOTE: these trucks easily go one million miles with ice diesel engines.

    NOTE: EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans.
    So in one million miles the semi truck would need 10 to 20 battery replacements, these trucks weigh 5 times as much as a tesla car much so if the battery cost 5 times as much it would = $110,000 per battery replacement.

    The only thing that works in these big heavy trucks is ice diesel engines, that will not change.

    There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks, because these buyers aren’t stupid, they can do the math/research, they know about the EV bad fuel economy, very expensive cost to replace batteries, long charging times, fire risks, huge purchase prices, very short lifespan compared to a one million mile diesel…..only the general public is stupid enough to buy an EV.
    $35.88 to go 100 miles that is how they restrict/stop your mobility….
    They ban ice first then later on they say, we just figured out the EV’s are way worse and ban them too, then you walk…..

    • “Cell phone footage at the time shows the car surrounded by large, hot flames that took firefighters a long time to put out. Even after being towed away, the car reignited three times.

      Tesla cars are known to burst into incontrollable fires after serious accidents and take 40 times more water to put out than a normal car. The cars reignite mostly because of its electric battery, which can put out extreme amounts of heat even after the fire is extinguished. “

      • Hi Mark

        The biggest problem with EV’s is the batteries in EV’s are very dangerous, a fire hazard, how they ever got passed for safety standards is a huge mystery.

        Lithium-ion batteries have a tendency to overheat and can be damaged at high voltages leading to thermal runaway and combustion. like driving around sitting on top of a huge bomb, make sure you don’t hit anything or get hit while driving one of these abortions.
        EV fires are very hard to put out the only way is with the application of huge amounts of water.

        Tactically, this may mean using a master stream, 2½-inch or multiple 1¾-inch fire lines, to suppress and cool the fire. Vehicle fires don’t typically call for surround-and-drown tactics, but these are not typical vehicle fires.

        One example: the flames on the Tesla were extinguished, it reignited again. Firefighters began hosing it down with copious amounts of water, up to 200 gallons per minute, but “that did not extinguish the flames,” according to the NTSB. At approximately 9:13 p.m., nearly three hours after the first alarm was received, firefighters had to pour out more than 600 gallons of water per minute. In the end the agency used 20,000 gallons of water.

        Then the fire still isn’t put out……..Batteries can be expected to reignite after being put out because they still have stored energy. 15 hours later it catches fire again…
        “Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to extinguish”….. the vehicle must be parked under “quarantine” for 48 hours, so that no new fire can break out.
        Batteries are difficult to extinguish, and they can burst into flames again several hours later –ATTENTION: in some cases, right up to a week later

        another huge problem….
        – If there is a fire in an electric or hybrid car, we are acutely aware that the smoke may contain hydrogen fluoride, which is extremely harmful. Even small doses can result in water in the lungs.
        The greater the amount of energy the electric vehicle may contain, the greater the fire risk of electric vehicle fires.
        So they want to increase the range but that means bigger batteries which are far more dangerous, tesla is the worst they have up to 1800 lb of batteries, a huge fire on wheels going somewhere to happen.

        Here is the biggest problem nobody talks about……
        31% of fire departments don’t train for electric vehicle fires. 50% of fire departments say they don’t have special protocols in place to handle electric vehicles after an accident. These EV’s shouldn’t be sold the fire departments can’t even put out the fires, these things endanger everyone.
        Remember this while driving your EV:
        Drive down the road in your EV, hit some debris, a high bump, a huge pothole (the cities don’t fix the roads anymore, so don’t buy an EV), a raised manhole cover or drive into the ditch, puncture the battery and the battery catches fire.
        In addition to crashes, some of the earlier fires involving Teslas were reportedly caused by debris in the roadway puncturing and gouging the undercarriage of the lithium-ion battery pack.

        The damaged battery pack exposed the lithium, causing an exothermal reaction and subsequent fire. This hazard was thought to have been solved with the installation of a titanium cover encasing the battery pack, giving the undercarriage more resistance to severe damage. looks like they don’t work too well, remember this while driving your EV.
        Most electric vehicle fires are caused by the thermal runaway of a damaged battery. Thermal runaway is the rapid and extreme rise in temperature and when it initiates the same reaction in adjacent cells it is known as ‘thermal runaway propagation. When thermal runaway happens, it can produce smoke, fire and even explosions.

        Fires while the electric vehicle is stationary (an EV can catch fire even while parked, don’t sleep in it), this can happen from:
        Extreme temperatures, both extreme heat and cold
        High humidity
        Internal cell failure
        ATTENTION: Overcharging or problems with the charging station (the EV can catch fire), don’t charge it in your garage, what if something goes wrong while charging?
        Is that why so many charging stations are out of order? the software shuts them down over any little issue because they can cause fires.

        Fires in gas powered vehicles is far easier to put out compared to an EV and doesn’t take 24 hours to put out. (it is very very difficult for a diesel powered vehicle to catch fire, they are by far the safest)
        they soon will ban far safer gas powered vehicles and the best and the safest by far diesel powered vehicles, throw a match in diesel, it won’t even catch fire……..

        After 10 years the battery in your EV is near dead, useless, the car is scrap now, no residual value: Lithium-ion batteries are subject to aging, losing capacity and fail frequently after a number of years.
        A bigger worry is being cremated in the thing.
        Electric car batteries are catching fire and that could be a big turnoff to buyers.

        BMW initiated a recall in the United States of 10 different BMW and Mini plug-in hybrid models because of a risk of fire caused by debris that may have gotten into battery cells during manufacturing.
        Then, in early October, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration opened an investigation into reports of apparently spontaneous battery fires in Chevrolet Bolt EVs.
        A few days later, Hyundai announced that it was recalling 6,700 Kona Electric SUVs in the United States, among about 75,000 of that model to be recalled worldwide, after it had received numerous reports of vehicles catching fire while parked.
        Tesla faced problems this last year after multiple highly publicized battery fires.
        Container puts out inextinguishable fires in electric cars…/

  4. How to smash the EV conspiracy:

    ‘Bloomberg cites new data from Barclays Plc that says monthly power bills could be 40% more than last year’s.

    ‘Miami households spent 38% more on energy in April than a year ago. Power prices in the state have jumped due to the rising cost of natgas.

    ‘In California, higher costs for electricity and less reliable electric grids mean consumers will pay on average 25% more this summer.’

    When energy prices explode, utilities either pass them on to customers or go bankrupt.

    Passing them on means the cost of charging an EV in your garage won’t be much different than filling the tank of an OldTech clunker at the gas station.

    And the cost of EVs themselves can only rise:

    ‘Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares expects a shortage of EV batteries by 2024-25, according to CNBC. He then said the adoption of EVs by 2027-28 will slow due to a lack of raw materials for vehicles.’

    Houston, we’ve got a problem.

    • Hi Jim

      from zh comments

      All part of the plan to take down America and the West. Cut off the food, energy, injections to make them sick. Soon, something will go terribly wrong with America’s sources of water. These elite globalists, POSs need to be removed from the planet.

      In kanada. They will make a 50 year contract to buy wind power at 50 cents per kwh. They will pay (they are the government ) 80 cents per kwh for solar. That electricity is sold for 12 to 18 cents per kwh. The kanadian citizen picks up the difference.

      Welcome to Bidenzuela, where we clean out our bug zappers for our Thanksgiving dinner.

      America has enough coal to last for 300 years. It has more gas than Saudi Arabia has oil. It has more arable land than any country on Earth. The idea that America should have any shortages of energy and food – is absurd. It is entirely contrived – and fake

  5. One Billion People At Risk Of Power Blackouts As Global Grids Stretched

    Soaring natural gas prices are forcing U.S. utilities to quickly turn to more coal. This is expected to cause huge price increases for consumers of electricity in the future. The soaring natural gas, coal, and oil prices (these are burnt to produce 75% of electricity, 20% is nuclear), are a clear signal the green energy transition will not be fast or cheap. (what is green about burning natural gas, coal, and oil?…… haha)

    Push into EV’s but you can’t charge it = no mobility
    For the US to 100% EV would require 13x the energy generated today. I wonder how they plan to achieve that? There’s only one way I can see. 1/13th the pop. of today.

    For those of you excited about electric cars and a green revolution, I want you to take a closer look at batteries and also windmills and solar panels.

    A typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds, (tesla batteries go up to 1800 lb. ) It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

    It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.”

    Sixty-eight percent of the world’s cobalt, a significant part of a battery, comes from the Congo. Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material. Should we factor in these diseased kids as part of the cost of driving an electric car?”
    When the green morons are virtue signalling with their coal burning tesla they should think of this…Their mines have no pollution controls, and they employ children who die from handling this toxic material.

    I’d like to leave you with these thoughts. California is building the largest battery in the world near San Francisco, and they intend to power it from solar panels and windmills. They claim this is the ultimate in being ‘green,’ but it is not! This construction project is creating an environmental disaster. Let me tell you why.

    The main problem with solar arrays is the chemicals needed to process silicate into the silicon used in the panels. To make pure enough silicon requires processing it with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen fluoride, trichloroethane, and acetone. In addition, they also need gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium- diselenide, and cadmium-telluride, which also are highly toxic. Silicone dust is a hazard to the workers, and the panels cannot be recycled.

    Windmills are the ultimate in embedded costs and environmental destruction. Each weighs 1688 tons (the equivalent of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tons of concrete, 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass, and the hard to extract rare earths neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. Each blade weighs 81,000 pounds and will last 15 to 20 years, at which time it must be replaced. We cannot recycle used blades. Sadly, both solar arrays and windmills kill birds, bats, sea life, and migratory insects.

    from zh comments

    So…food shortages, power blackouts, fuel shortages, pandemics, war, inflation, ….all of these things just happen to coming at the same time, while WEF/Biden had the slogan “build back better” and are claiming this is a great “transition”.

    As We of your WEF say, the Transition from your world as you’ve known it to Our new world order Corporatocracy will be very painful for you. But it must be performed, the Transition, to save you from yourselves. A single generation or two takes the biggest hits and is quickly removed, but the next will thrive as serfs or proles.
    It’s for your own good that We, your World Economic Government via the United Nations, will govern you.

    Blackouts, food shortages, shortages of general merchandise and consumer goods, shortages of medicines, inflation and price hikes and price gouging, price spikes throughout economies… these are all symptoms of bad government, bad leadership, terrible people in the political class.

    They fail to mention all of the plants they have destroyed in CA. Nuclear, peakers, etc. Gone. They didn’t just shut them down. They demolished them.

    When the power grid fails, production and modern life rapidly grinds to a halt. News of blackout and energy shortages raises the question of whether we are being “toyed with” by those pushing us towards what they see as a greener future. It could be argued these “outages” are why we need to, “build back better” the whole grid. Of course, the flip side of that argument is that overzealous environmentalists are causing most of the problems that have resulted in outages. Electricity remains the lubricant of modern life, without it society cannot function. More on this subject in the article below.

    And all on purpose. The globalists are deliberately destroying the energy systems.

    Only a leftist would ban oil pipelines, close down coal, discourage oil & gas exploration but demand more people drive an EV….

    Re: Solar installation at home..The Solar panels will require frequent cleaning, the Lithium batteries will overheat and become un-rechargeable and the (US manufactured) inverter will fail because of faulty electrical components from China.

    Nikola Tesla had the secret to cheap wireless electricity for all, but TPTB saw to it that such a beneficial scenario would not infringe upon the exorbitant profits of the Big Utilities companies and their subsequent fossil fuel adjutants.
    Exactly right. JP Morgan yanked funding on wireless electricity after Hearst, who had recently sold his copper mines to Rothschild, accused Tesla of talking to little green men. Hence the wasteful global electric grid and all its associated spoils, while the “historians” have Tesla dying broke and in love with a pigeon.

  6. You can watch Mark Dice’s youtube videos to see the ignorance and insanity of the typical California voter. This is a state where Larry Elders didn’t even come close to beating loathsome jagoff Newsome. Just like Lightfoot will very likely win reelection in Chicago whole swathes of the country are too far gone to save. Hopefully a full on breakup is coming. Only good thing I see happening in the world is Russia is kicking our nazi puppet’s ass in Ukraine. That is fun to watch along with the media’s outright freakout over it with nonstop daily lies.

  7. While this might not seem directly related to energy costs, it actually is. This analysis is very eye opening and I highly recommend it:

    “UK Media Says Russia ‘Close to Major Victory’ in Donbass, Western Unity Crumbles in Davos”

    I only recently found this guy, Alexander Mercouris. Apparently he does an RT show called “The Duran”. If you have time, you should really hear what he says about how people at Davos are reacting to Russia’s clear success in Ukraine and how that is causing problems for their Green agenda.

    Totally worth the time, if you’re interested, I promise!

  8. I’m in central NY. Last Tuesday, 5/17, reg. gas was 4.799. I dunno about that chart, but paying 4.41 would be a relative bargain.

  9. So I keep hearing people lament on the radio news segments that they want to switch to electric. Unfortunately, they are naive to the fact that MISO has predicted power shortages this summer (READ: Under-Frequency/Under-Voltage Problems), especially in the Michigan area. Sometimes as much as a 5 gigawatt disparity. Rolling blackouts a-plenty, lest the entire grid collapse from an underfrequency condition or a critical line starts sagging into a tree. Thank you green energy! Even when the wind is plentiful in Minnesota, they can never get the energy out of there, so power becomes really cheap there and nowhere else!

    Here’s a handy map to view power consraints and prices:–market-data/markets-displays/

    • They’re only allowed on the radio news segments if they hold the desired views. To create a fake assumed consensus of opinion for the people listening.

  10. California’s gas taxes don’t explain the full price difference, the supply side is broken too, by government, naturally.

    We have per-county and sometimes per-city gasoline formulation requirements, and they change with the seasons. Usually, only a single refinery produces a formulation for a given area, and what happens when there is no competition? It’s so obvious that only a Democrat could miss it.

    Furthermore, when the single refinery has a technical issue requiring downtime, it is NOT permitted to bring the slightly different formulation from another, so supplies run down, prices go up. Refineries are efficient things, changing formulations means changing how pipes connect, not turning a few knobs.

  11. “..Regressivity – the term used to describe taxes that are disproportionate in themselves and which also disproportionately hurt people of modest means”

    I’ve always loathed the term. Disproportionate, sure. But what else do you buy that is “proportionate”, or perhaps “progressive”, that instead of one cost for everyone, it is a proportion of your income.

    What if the gas tax WERE “progressive”? And don’t give the “progressives” any ideas, but… What if the gas tax were some percentage of your income per gallon instead? Or worse, what if it were a graduated percentage, like income tax? Perhaps someone making $30k a year pays 3 cents, and someone making $300k pays $30 per gallon in tax.

    No, the problem is these gas taxes are excessive.

    Also, gas prices are unadulterated madness due to artificial scarcity. That’s the real problem.

    I went through LA to visit relatives a few years back. I experienced their dollar-a-gallon tax, which I first thought was some kind of convenience gouging for being close to the beach or something. Nope, it was the whole state. My aunt told me it was the tax for taking care of the roads! I guffawed! The roads were complete shit. A hodge-podge of concrete and blacktop, they were evidence of a lifetime of necessary corrective patchwork. They made Arizona look like Valhalla when it came to roads.

  12. The leftist solution? Push everyone into 25 mpg EV’s with $22,000 battery replacements, with ice driving taxpayers paying part of the cost of the EV’s fuel at the power station, a subsidy for EV owners, who pay no road tax, (the ice drivers pay it).

    EVs No Longer an Economic Alternative to ICEs As Supercharging Rates Go Through the Roof, including the battery cost they never were….

    But even in the U.S. where Superchargers charge you by the kWh things have gone haywire. A Tesla owner shared on Twitter the Supercharging rates from the Los Angeles area and indicated that they roughly doubled in the past years. To be sure, the $0.58/kWh rate is for the peak hours from 11 am to 9 pm, with half that outside this interval. Twitter users across the U.S. have indicated similar rates, with averages of $0,40 becoming the norm.

    EV owner uses 4 gallons to go 100 miles, that is 25 mpg, lots of ice cars get better fuel economy.

    ice gas vehicle economy example that gets far more then 25 mpg……
    Fiat 500 0.9 lt. gas 8V 51 mpg city, 69 mpg highway…
    The Fiat used 1.44 gallons of fuel on the highway to go 100 miles @ $4.00 per gallon = $5.79

    travelling 100 miles in an average EV uses 1.03 gallons equivalent of fuel = 34.7 kwh of electricity @ $0.40 per kwh = $13.88, that is the net amount, but….at the power plant 4 gallons of fuel were burnt to get a net 1 gallon of fuel equivalent 34.7 kwh used by the EV.

    Thermal efficiency of power plants using coal, petroleum, natural gas or nuclear fuel and converting it to electricity are around 33% efficiency, natural gas is around 40%. Then there is average 6% loss in transmission, then there is a 5% loss in the charger, another 5% loss in the inverter, the electric motor is 90% efficient so another 10% loss before turning the electricity into mechanical power at the wheels.

    33% – 6% – 5% – 5% – 10% = 25% efficiency for EV’s.
    (under not ideal conditions it might be 12% efficient).

    They advertise EV’s getting 102 mpg….they should be sued, it is impossible using the technology they use, it is another huge lie….the real number 25 mpg…lol…lawsuits coming…
    This is the same as the carburetors that give 200 mpg hoax… lies..

    There is an additional cost for the EV owner: the tesla $22,000 battery is used up, worn out in 100,000 miles. this works out to $22.00 per 100 miles it is costing you for the battery. Total cost: $13.88 plus $22.00 = $35.88

    Each EV will use multiple batteries……

    Remember that to get the same level of longevity that petrol and diesel cars an EV will go through three battery packs which is hell of a large carbon footprint, and very expensive the tesla battery is $22,000, it costs you $22.00 per 100 miles just for the battery.
    3 batteries = $66,000, this makes ice cars look very, very cheap to own/run….haha
    now you know why very few of the taxis are EV’s, charging times, higher fuel costs and very expensive battery replacement, hybrids or diesels are far better.

    NOTE: tesla battery lasts 100,000 miles and costs $22,000 ( someone said there is also a $4500 recycling fee….haha) $4500 recycling fee…lots will probably get thrown in the bush…

    EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans. 5 times $22,000 = $110,000 very very expensive, makes zero sense….lol

    Re: EV semi trucks
    There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks. Why? charging times, these trucks quite often run 24/7, worse fuel economy, with batteries it would drop 50%, very high battery replacement costs, NOTE: these trucks easily go one million miles with ice diesel engines.

    NOTE: EV vans are worse as they will burn through five or six battery power packs to last as long as the existing ice vans.
    So in one million miles the semi truck would need 10 to 20 battery replacements, these trucks weigh 5 times as much as a tesla car much so if the battery cost 5 times as much it would = $110,000 per battery replacement.

    The only thing that works in these big heavy trucks is ice diesel engines, that will not change.

    There is zero EV heavy duty semi trucks, because these buyers aren’t stupid, they can do the math/research, they know about the EV bad fuel economy, very expensive cost to replace batteries, long charging times, fire risks, huge purchase prices, very short lifespan compared to a one million mile diesel…..only the general public is stupid enough to buy an EV.
    $35.88 to go 100 miles that is how they restrict/stop your mobility….
    They ban ice first then later on they say, we just figured out the EV’s are way worse and ban them too, then you walk…..

    travelling 100 miles in a 50 mpg diesel uses 2 gallons of fuel @ $4.00 per gallon = $8.00 and it has a huge range……

  13. We are at double digit stupidity that will never be fixed.

    Put Klouse in a horse trailer, along with Nancy, Bill, Joe, Chuck, the rest of the motley crew, dump a good load of barley or wheat into the trailer so the grain is waist to chest deep on them.

    You’ll be able to train them to do what you command them to do. Bit and bridle, set of reins, you can ride like the wind over those crazy sub-human animals that they’ll break down and bawl.

    You’ll be able to extort every last penny they have so the can be free again. They deserve nothing and need to be sobbing constantly. Be good for them.

    They will have nothing and you’ll be happy they do. What they deserve the most of all, nothing.

  14. I heard some guy named Walsh on the Bannon show (on Rumble) discuss the problem with Diesel pricing across the country. In recent years, Diesel would be $1.00 more during the winter and then would settle back between the price of regular and plus at the pump after the winter heating season, as demand for the fuel drops.

    Since the “pandemic”, diesel has been consistently higher because a large refinery in the NE was permanently closed due to the artifical lockdowns and associated drop in demand. The refinery was unable to make a profit. As a result, the supply of diesel has gone down by enough to keep prices high across teh country as refineries attempt to keep up with demand.

    Ironically, the Keystone pipeline could have supplied more of the fuel that refieneries could easily turn to diesel. We know what happened there. It would likely have alleviated the situation by now as it would likely be online right now.

    It goes without saying that this is all Biden caused and intentional. The question is what the hell are we going to do about it?

  15. It is indeed ironic that the car culture that started in California – thinking of “American Graffiti”- has been turned on its head. Both of mu kids lived out there at different times many years ago and we always looked forward to out annual visits as the area is physically beautiful. Really too bad that the commies/socialists took over the government and ruined it for the people living there.
    Brings to mind the BS “domino theory” the PTB used to justify the Vietnam war: “if we don’t fight the Commies over there, we’ll have to fight them on the beaches of California”. Well, no need for that, they’ve taken over without firing a shot.

  16. The next step in this economic fiasco is the government telling the working taxpayer serfs to bend over, grab the ankles and spell r-u-n ! The only choice to be had in this scenario is lube or no lube….maybe!

  17. Demographics are destiny. California was once a reliable Republican state, electing Ronald Reagan as governor. Now it is a one-party state dominated by the money of the lunatic coastal elites. It’s an anarcho-tyranny where some laws are enforced on some and other people aren’t held accountable.
    Third Worldization: the utter breakdown of the law and the ability of the rich within such a feudal society to find ways to avoid the violent chaos.
    In a medieval-type society of two rather than three classes, the rich in walled estates rarely worry that much about thievery. Crime is written off as an intramural problem of the poor, especially when the middle class is in decline or nonexistent.
    Violent crime is now soaring in America. But two things are different about America’s new criminality.
    One is the virtual impunity of it. Thieves now brazenly swarm a store, ransack, steal and flee with the merchandise without worry of arrest.
    Second, the Left often justifies crime as a sort of righteous payback against a supposedly exploitative system. So the architect of the so-called 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, preened of the riotous destruction of property during the summer of 2020: “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.”

    The problem I have with California is the lunacy not only spreads when the people with means flee the dystopian hell they’ve created, it impacts markets and makes goods and services more expensive since corporations have to go along with the dictates of the lunatics that run the former Golden State. Those costs get passed on to the red states.

    What needs to happen is this: California’s statehood needs to be revoked and returned to a territory status, which means the governor would be appointed by a GOP president. That governor could systematically dismantle the Gordian knot with one cut of his pen (sword). Then he could start enforcing the law, rounding up criminals and deporting those who don’t belong.

    • As you sort of alluded to, Cali has no incentive to secede because it benefits from making red states pay for their socialism (or whatever you want to call their system of slavery), through various forms of federal bailouts. A red state, which stands to benefit from no longer being a slave by seceding, will be destroyed through war if they try to secede. If they try to lessen their slavery through peaceful means like elections, see 2020. It’s slavery. Slavery of the productive and generally red areas by the parasites and generally blue areas.

      • This extends to third worlders who invade sanctuary states and cities and impose direct and indirect costs on the productive slaves in the local area and nationally. These invaders are financed by the slaves (involuntarily, of course) they’re replacing. And then compete with the slaves financing their immigration, lowering their wages and lot in life, digging their hole of slavery even deeper. These invaders of course vote to further enslave the heritage population of the area they invaded. Just like leftists destroying a state and moving onto the next one.

        • That’s not unlike the travesty that happened from 1861 to 1865. Seven states in the South, soon to be joined by four more in the mid-South, after the 1860 election made it clear that demographic change since the American Revolution had rendered them at the mercy of a majority of their fellow states, whose economy had entirely diverged from their own, that benefited from a high-tariff, protectionist stance that was inimical to their own interests. Tariffs and what went with it, a strong central bank, had long been a bone of contention between the Southern states, with a primarily agrarian, cash crop economy, the larger producers (“Plantations”) heavily dependent on slave labor, the “traditional” form of literal HUMAN capital. As, like the rest of the country up to that point, the South was rich in land, labor, and natural resources, but POOR on cash, it depended heavily on foreign trade, as the domestic market for its crops, while not insignificant, would never permit the Southern States the ability to grow its economic base. Part of this, of course, was that while the Northern States had use for Southern cotton, sugar cane, and tobacco, they were not going to permit COMPETITION in terms of industry. The South did have an unrealized manpower pool of not only Negro slaves but also a great deal of itinerant, ” ‘po whites”, the North wanted neither for any of them to come into THEIR states, and also didn’t want Southern industries to rise up, save that which they owned and controlled. With Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860, by a distinct MINORITY, exclusively in the North and what was then the West (Lincoln only ran in four of the “slave” states, and by no coincidence, these four remained in the Union during the “Civil” War, he won NONE of them), Northern industrialists push through, even before his inauguration, the Morill tariffs, which raised tariffs to a punitive degree.

          The handwriting was proverbially on the wall for the South, so to speak. South Carolina, who had agitated about secession (The “Nullification Crisis” of 1832) about thirty years prior (what’s often forgotten is that during the “War of 1812”, the New England states, not particularly happy about how the war was being handled, proposed secession of their own, look up the Hartford Convention of 1814), was the first to leave the Union, on Dec 23, 1860. Five other states of the Deep South (LA, MS, AL, GA, and FL) and Texas, which had been an independent country for nine years prior to its joining in 1845, only fifteen years prior. At this point, although these states immediately began to muster their respective militias, hostilities had not broken out, as lame-duck President Buchannan was hopeful the “rebellious” states could be peacefully won back in. And, due to their concerns that the “Peculiar Institution” was threatened by refusal of the “free” states to uphold the Fugitive Slave Act, despite Supreme Court rulings that they were bound to, the Northern politicians did offer the Corwin Amendment, which passed through the House on Feb 28, 1861, and the Senate on March 4, 1861, just as Lincoln was being sworn into office. Lincoln had voiced his support of the proposed amendment, and further opined that the slave-holding states had a better chance of keeping the “Peculiar Institution” intact within the Union than outside of it; he was proved prophetic as the last slave-holding state to formally abolish slavery was KY – in 1973!

          The point of all this is that the “unity” in the “United” States is tentative and FRAGILE, and the signs that once again it’ll be broken are evident for anyone willing to open their eyes. It was “preserved” by the tyrant Lincoln, by FORCE, and the “righteousness” of the 16th President, who was actually very much hated, not only by the South for obvious reasons, but even in the North, is a myth that was perpetuated after his assassination to consolidate the conquest and occupation of the states of the breakaway republic that attempted to assert ITS independence, just as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers had some 85 years prior. With the consequence and destruction of the nascent Confederate States of America, the VOLUNTARY Union of the several states, which Lincoln had cynically purported to preserve (by, as his 1862 letter to Horace Greely pointed out, freeing ALL slaves, or freeing NO slaves at all, or freeing some but not others), was itself destroyed, and the Federal nature of the United States Government was replaced by a NATIONAL one in character, with the states now subjugated vassals.

          Since that time, the money flowed into DC, aptly named by the late G. Gordon Liddy as the “District of Criminals”, and the “battle” has been, as the “pot”, like a high-stakes poker tournament, grown exponentially, to get one’s MORE than “fair share”, at the expense of other states, or other constituencies. The rising gas prices are a result of SEVERAL failed Government policies to override the free market, starting with the grotesque inflation brought on in the wake of the ‘Rona, and further manipulation of the US oil reserves and how gasoline and diesel are ALLOWED to be formulated and sold. Of course its wreaking havoc in the lives of ordinary working Americans, but the PTB work their deviltry to keep us divided, so they can put off the “pitchforks and torches”.

  18. ‘The Biden Thing’s thing – Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’ — eric

    “Where the rubber meets the rectum,” as Mayor Pete likes to joke.

    Bend over, here it comes again!

  19. “Once upon a time, diesel was significantly cheaper than gas. Are taxes the reason its higher now?”

    That, plus Obummer rammed through regulations making diesel more expensive to refine.

    • And “war” was made on the car companies that had decent diesel-powered vehicles, like Volkswagen AG and Mercedes, as the corn lobby in the US was pushing their ethanol crap. Both the Bush Administrations, the Clintons, and O-Bozo did everything they could to stop diesel passenger cars and trucks, as they’d become viable competition through the free market alone.

  20. California also has higher regulatory costs via complicated “vapor recovery” pumps and monitoring. The state has its own gasoline formulation which is only produced in refineries located in California, which means higher wages of California, and agressive CARB inspections.

  21. Well, here’s what your friendly local “Californicator” (at least until I retire, which, unless things really go “South”, or an opportunity that necessitates my “hanging ’em up”, I’m putting off until March 1, 2026, for certain reasons) can do to counter that, a BIT:

    I have a boarder, who, though he’s a great friend, has a g/f with whom things are getting serious, and they’re getting their own place (whew!). I’ll miss the dough a small amount, but at least I’m gaining a realistic office with which to (1) “Telework” more than I have been, saving that eight-mile daily commute and (2) I’ll have more space to do other things that can make up the difference. There’s also the tax deduction for an honest-to-Gawd office which I wasn’t comfortable doing before.

    What, pray tell, is there to see and DO that, in over thirty years of living in Northern CA, that I haven’t already done? And, with my three sisters and their families having already left the once-“Golden” State (one lived north of Auburn, two in Fresno), there’s much less family to see. I still have #1 son about ten miles away and step-daughter about four miles away, so not too far when I would go there (or vice versa). As for shopping, I can get groceries delivered from Safeway, or do a quick pickup order from Walley World when I do have to go to the “orfice”, and aside from Tuesday night “taco night” at Del Taco, or a local sushi place which I can just about walk to, there’s few places I’d bother to eat out from.

    All these lifestyle measures are simply what I’d be doing ANYWAY, as it’s my TIME that’s precious, not necessarily my wallet, as it doesn’t smart that bad even with gas at the local “AM-PM” (ARCO) approaching $6/gallon for regular. Not for ME, who drives about 500 miles a month with a 4-day/week commute and visiting #1 son after work two of those days. It’s just not a huge impact on MY budget…now, my KIDS, that’s another matter! They have to spend at least TWICE what I do on gas, and though both spouses work, I make more than each couple does combined, and I don’t have little mouths to feed like they do!

    Which is ALSO a story you could do, Eric, although I know your site is automotive-oriented. California’s a socialist hell-hole, we all know that, but it’s manifest in ways that are contradictory to their blather. These woke idiots, especially those of the “PETA” crowd, passed a law a few years ago mandating that eggs sold in CA had to be from “Free Range”, or “Cage Free” chickens. Needless to say, that greatly increases the cost of eggs, which again, for just myself and/or lady, isn’t a back-breaker, but for, say, my daughter-in-law, with two teenagers and an 8 y.o., and her husband? Not a trivial matter, as it’s more than the cost of scrambling a dozen eggs for their breakfast. Eggs also go into almost everything they BAKE. Milk? That’s shot up, too, as milk prices are heavily influenced by costs of diesel (which, out here in the West, is used as fuel oil, it’s not like on the East Coast where you have separate “heating oil” sold, which is simply a heavy grade of diesel) used to heat pasteurizers and, of course, for refrigerated TRUCKS and tankers. There’s a huge difference between myself and/or “guest” who can barely finish a half-gallon before it expires versus a family with kids. It gets to the point where I just “schwing” by the Wal-Mart on the way to their house and pick up 2-3 gallons when I visit.

    As for what I can do, political-wise, to stop this insanity? Outside an armed revolution, I don’t see that it’s possible. Demographics made it unlikely that, in an “honest” election, we could throw the rascals out, as ever more, especially in the Bay Area and Los Angeles, CA is become the land of the “VFW” – Very FEW Whites. And who sez there’s any chance any election is “honest”? With the mandated “mail-in” balloting, as if the means to stuff the drop boxes, as shown in “2000 Mules”, wouldn’t suffice to cinch any close election, there are ways to readily figure out which ballots don’t go THEIR way, even if supposedly the counting process is monitored by all partisans. Last September, when we had the Gubernatorial recall election, and the Dummycrats actually got scared that “Gabbin’ Nonsense” would be un-seat, and likely Larry Elder would replace him, they mounted a $100 million campaign on his behalf. That might have been why Newsome stayed by a 64% “retain” vote…OR…it might have also been that there were HOLES in the envelope, which were strategically punched to show a vote to “recall”, and, if you did, to pick “Elder” from a field of about a dozen candidates to replace Newsom. It showed IF you folded your ballot and inserted into the envelope as instructed. So, though I’ll still vote, I’m not kidding myself that it matters here anymore.

  22. The people in CA VOTED for this; let ’em shut up, suck it up, and ENJOY it! If the elections were rigged, then WHY aren’t the good people of CA NOT storming the statehouse with their guns? Why aren’t they using the 2A for its REAL purpose of fighting a tyrannical gov’t?

    • Shh…don’t kid yourself that enough Californians aren’t ALREADY arming to the teeth. But, like any other “revolution”, just “storming the statehouse” wouldn’t be a wise maneuver. It’s a matter of (1) getting more and more of the Cal Guard on “our” side and (2) getting the regular US military to stay OUT of it. Else, it’s just a fool’s errand.

    • Mark: “The people in CA VOTED for this; let ’em shut up, suck it up, and ENJOY it!”

      I didn’t vote for it. I didn’t vote at all.

      “If the elections were rigged, then WHY aren’t the good people of CA NOT storming the statehouse with their guns?”

      Because that’s just a faux-macho fantasy, enjoyed by many Merkins in their daydreaming hours, but entirely contrary to the nature of the human animal. Humans don’t spontaneously act with collective violence against their hierarchical superiors. They only act with collective violence when commanded or incentivized to do so by the some source of authority capable of providing material means and resources. This goes for the Merkin and Russkie Revolutions as much as for every other mass violent episode in history.

      “Why aren’t they using the 2A for its REAL purpose of fighting a tyrannical gov’t?”

      See above.

      • If Californians “rise up” and “take to arms”, it’ll be more like what the “Bloody British” tried to do at Lexington and Concord in 1775, or the Army of the Potomac, as directed by President “Dishonest Abe” Lincoln, tried to do in 1861 (as he’d been frustrated from doing at Fort Sumter, SC, earlier that year, by a pre-emptive strike by the SC militia under command of PGT Beauregard), which got resounding thwarted in the First Battle of Manassas (what you Yankees term “Bull Run”). That is, there will likely be some “false flag” event, then the Biden Administration, and/or Governor Newsom, will attack US.

        And we DID “storm” the CA Capitol (we don’t call it the “State House” like in MA), although, AFAIK, no guns were present…there was a huge protest over the COVID restrictions about two years ago, to the day, and though it was peaceful, the Lamestream Media went absolutely APESHIT over it, saying that the “MAGA” types were “rioting” and so on. What it came down to was, they were scared SHITLESS of even a bunch of folks waving signs and voicing displeasure. We sure as hell did NOT see the Governor come out and explain his actions to the people!

        • It’s too bad that the South didn’t win! They could have at Gettysburg, you know; had they made another determined push or two, they could’ve finished off the Union. The Union fought a holding action and basically forced the South to use up so much ammo and supplies that they felt compelled to withdraw. It was more like Coral Sea in WWII; it was hardly a decisive victory for the Union.

          • So said valor-stealer Brad Whittaker, who was lecturing 007 while playing with his toy soldiers in a scale mock Gettysburg diorama. He felt that Meade could have ended the war with a Union victory if he’d been willing to take 35K casualties; hell, “Grant woulda done it.”

  23. Random Thoughts (a la Thomas Sowell):

    -Oil companies always get beat up over their profit…never their profit margin.
    -We’re being bled to death by fucking fools
    -Nullification? Secession?
    -Cloward-Piven organized & orchestrated crisis since shrillary’s fake Russia-gate
    -Anyone remember when Ron Paul auctioned off a trillion-dollar Zimbabwe note?
    -We’re indeed in dementia Joe’s dark winter; it ain’t going away

  24. The US Psychopaths In Charge spent a lot of your money, and your progeny’s money, trying to destroy the petroleum industry. Now you get to pay for the result as well.

  25. “The national cost of diesel fuel – upon which truckers rely”, and a great deal of production machinery, and all agricultural machinery.
    I don’t know the numbers now, but for decades fuel taxes averaged considerably more than oil company profit on a gallon of fuel.
    Once upon a time, diesel was significantly cheaper than gas. Are taxes the reason its higher now?

    • When sulfur content in diesel wasn’t an issue, it could be refined a LOT cheaper than gasoline. Indeed, the proportionate demand of gasoline versus diesel, versus heavier petroleum products, matched well with the market demand, even accounting for seasonal fluctuation. It was once a “low-sulfur” diesel was mandated that it got a lot more expensive to refine, hence why it’s often more expensive that premium gasoline.

      • Absolutely. I think that the low sulfur diesel requirements began around 2010-11. That’s when diesel started exceeding the price of premium. It did fluctuate, though and droppped int eh summer to the price of plus. Of course, not now.

      • The government ruins everything

        When low sulphur diesel came out the mechanical diesel pumps for the injectors started failing/wearing out, the low sulphur diesel has less lubrication…..

        solution: add 1 ounce 2 cycle engine oil per 5 gallons of diesel…….


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