An Interesting Inversion . . .


VW’s TDI diesel-powered cars – which you’re not allowed to buy any longer – routinely exceeded the mileage figures touted by VW and the federal regulatory apparat (the EPA). I can attest to this from extensive personal experience, having test-driven every TDI-powered VW offered for sale prior to VW being forced to cease offering them – supposedly on account of their “emissions” having exceeded federally allowable maximums.

This was technically true – in the sense that under wide-open throttle (pedal to the metal) the TDI engines would briefly “emit” fractionally higher quantities of oxides of nitrogen. The difference in these “emissions” was trivial; it was never demonstrated that the engines’ briefly, fractionally exceeding federally allowable thresholds had any meaningful impact on air quality, let alone caused actual harm to anybody. Nonetheless, this “cheating” (which every car company does in the sense that they program their vehicles to pass the federal emissions certification tests) served to villify VW and push the extremely efficient TDI diesel engines off the market.

On the other hand, the electric vehicles being pushed onto the “market” by the federal apparat almost always never deliver the range touted and affirmed by the EPA – which also oilily and deliberately misrepresents the efficiency of EVs via touting a supposed miles-per-gallon efficiency equivalent styled “MPGe” that only counts the efficiency of the electric motors in EVs but not the inefficiencies involved in the generation and transmission of the electricity that powers EV battery packs.

I can attest to the inefficiency of EVs from extensive personal experience test-driving pretty much every EV that has been pushed onto the “market” since VW’s TDI diesels – and not just them – were pushed off the market. I italicize the latter bit to emphasize that it is no longer possible to buy a diesel-powered car of any make in the United States. The attack on VW was an attack on diesels, generally  – because they threatened to make EVs look ridiculous from both a functional and financial point-of-view.

But even more so from an environmental point-of-view.

Consider: A diesel-powered car that is this close to being a “partial zero emissions vehicle” – as per the federal apparat’s own definitions – that travels 50 miles on a gallon of fuel is whole numbers “cleaner” than a gas-powered vehicle that only travels 35 or 40 miles on a gallon of fuel. It may be fractions of a whole number “dirtier” than allowable per federal standards during wide-open-throttle acceleration; but which is of more relevance to the environment?

Assuming, of course, that “the environment” is the criteria.

Consider: A diesel engine can reasonably be expected to have a useful service life of 15-20 years on the lower end; it is common for diesel engines to run reliably for much longer. This means the vehicle has a useful service of 15-20-plus years. That means it is not necessary to buy a replacement vehicle before 15-20 years. One may choose to buy a new vehicle, of course.

But that is not the same thing.

A battery-powered vehicle has a useful service life defined by the life of its battery pack, which is the most expensive part of the battery-powered vehicle. If the battery pack is regularly discharged and subjected to “fast” charging – which is almost unavoidable if the vehicle is to be used regularly – the battery will likely require replacement many years before 15-20 years have elapsed. Since the battery is so expensive to replace – especially relative to the depreciating value of the EV itself – it is typically not worth replacing.

The EV is thrown away.

It is obvious that it’s gratuitously “harmful to the environment” to throw away a vehicle after a shorter rather than a longer period of use and – in the case of EVs – even more harmful because of the greater quantity of environmentally harmful materials and manufacturing processes involved in making new EVs.

An EV may not “emit” anything after it has been manufactured. But there are copious “emissions” involved in the manufacture of EVs as well as the powering of them, after they have been manufactured.

These are all inconvenient truths that are known but not acknowledged by the powers-that-be and rarely ever touched upon by the Praetorian Press.

Why might that be?


Perhaps it is for the same reason that the truth about VW’s TDI diesels regularly out-performing the miles-per-gallon figures touted by VW (and approved by the federal regulatory apparat) and by dint of that “emitting” less than the apparat gave them credit for not “emitting” is never acknowledged, either.

It is entirely possible that a whole numbers difference (in VW’s favor) negated the fractional difference in wide-open-throttle emissions that the federal apparat used as the excuse to push VW’s diesel engines – and not just those – off the market.

Meanwhile, the apparat seems unconcerned about the fact that battery powered devices are far less efficient than advertised; that the range figures touted are commonly overstated by 20-25 percent and sometimes 30 percent or even more (as when it is very cold out).

That this constitutes not only false advertising at the least and – arguably – outright fraud but also an environmental problem that’s more substantive than the dirty business VW was subjected to over the “emissions” of its very clean diesel engines.

Why do you suppose that might be?

. . .

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  1. Serious question:
    Are there still diesels out there on the used market for sale?
    (not that I can afford one right now)
    Or have the ALL (new and used) been banned by Gooberment fiat?

  2. Hi Eric –

    As a proud owner of a 2014 Porsche Cayenne diesel, I couldn’t let this one pass by without a comment. Not a day goes by here in Los Angeles where someone doesn’t comment on the fact that Porsche made a diesel, or is surprised by my mileage, 550 city and 750 highway. Once I even had a Porsche service advisor, no longer employed by the dealership, suggest that I upgrade to a newer car. My response was why, nothing Porsche offers now comes close to this Cayenne. It’s a tank with only 86,000 miles. I’ll be rollin’ coal for the foreseeable future. Keep up the good work!

  3. Mitsubishi took a $2 billion dollar hit to earnings in 2016…they had been advertising false fuel economy figures….they were attacked by the automotive press…@ 22.37 in video

    EV manufacturers all publish fake fuel economy numbers…the government and the media say nothing…..and no fines….

    and based on these zero emission and fuel economy lies they say EV’s will save the planet…lol

  4. Fuel efficiency was realized about 45 years ago with the Mercedes-Benz OM612 four-banger and OM617 FIVE-banger diesel engines, in various models, which respectively put out 84 and 114 ponies, the torque numbers were adequate A W123 body with the four banger and five-speed stick could get 40 MPG around town, and this was when diesel was CHEAPER than regular gasoline. Similar numbers could be had with the “Wabbit” diesel. Chevrolet had a dinky diesel available in their otherwise humdrum Chevette from Isuzu, based on those old Jap micro TANK engines from WWII.

    These vehicles, if properly maintained, were indestructible. Maybe that was the issue. Not only did the automakers want Uncle Sugar to save them from the vagaries of the market, taxing authorities wanted more SALES TAXES from moving cars! Eight or so perecent on a $45K car ain’t chicken feed.

  5. Should be sued for false advertising….

    It shows a plug in the picture….calculated at the wall plug….

    Then they can say it was calculated on electricity in the battery…skipping all the energy losses at the power plant, in the transmission lines and in the charger…a 65% loss not included in the calculation….the reality is the average EV gets around 25 mpg….

    An EV is a CEV…coal electric vehicle… most EV’s are powered by coal…back at the power plant….

    Some owners find…using public chargers…an EV costs more to charge then an ice vehicle gas bill….

    Save on fuel?….but…way higher cost for frequent tire replacement…far higher maintenance and repair costs too…plus inconvenience…a time cost….

    zero CO2?…sue them….tons of CO2 back at the power plant….how do they get away with lying?

    • Skipped the biggest by far cost of ownership….depreciation…far higher then ice vehicles….and then….a $22,000 battery replacement…lol

      An EV is far more expensive to own then an ice vehicle….

    • This is all very true, but the statistics on energy use, tire wear and lithium battery disposal feed the exact narrative that private transportation degrades the environment and increases energy consumption. As a result, they will use EVs to kill the private car altogether.

      It does not matter that private autos may be more efficient or whatever.

      The point is that we don’t want to argue on their turf. Private transportation has been America’s birthright since its inception. The communists that don’t believe that are bent on getting rid of this freedom we inherited. They can bang it in their ear.

      • “As a result, they will use EVs to kill the private car altogether.”…right

        EV’s are being used to bankrupt all the car manufacturers…then later they will say…we just figured out EV’s are far more environmentally destructive then ice cars….so all cars are banned….but just for the slaves….

        the slave owners…the control group…. will still travel around in 400 foot super yachts, private jets and still get to drive their collector Porsche’s and Ferrari’s…..

  6. ‘Now show a number that shows something is quantifiably better than another something. Doesn’t matter what …’ — ReadyKilowatt

    MPGe is toilet paper math:

    Sample and Hold
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Weight: 110
    Disposition: Even
    Mood Code: Rotary Adjustable

    I need a unit to sample and hold
    But not the angry one
    A new design, new design [one one ohhh]

    — Neil Young, Sample and Hold

  7. Top photo: 117 MPGe

    There’s been a terrible misunderstanding here. Since the 2009 Tesla Roadster needed a mileage rating for its window sticker, and the ‘crats had never seen an EeeVee before, Elon cooked up his ingenious MPGe formula. Of course, he skewed the calc to give his EeeVee ‘ludicrous mileage,’ by excluding power plant efficiency. Burning hydrocarbons in a power plant loses over half the fuel’s energy content, just it does in a gasoline vehicle.

    But the ‘crats — many of them lawyers and other atechnical people — had no clue about Elon’s mathematical legerdemain. They literally thought that since 117 MPGe is three times higher than the average gasoline vehicle, then switching the whole US fleet to all-electric would cut energy consumption by two-thirds. NOPE — not even close!

    But tell that to some Hahhhhvid lawyer like Jenny Granholm, who doesn’t know a BTU from a furnace flue. She thinks MPGe is the most earth-shattering four character expression since E=mc².

    It’s darkly comical, but human history is replete with examples of powerful people who were totally out to lunch, like the militant geocentrists who put heretics to death for advocating heliocentrism. Fact is, 117 MPGe ain’t shit. And it’ll be our ruin.

  8. “When everything Americans believe is false, our misinformation campaign will be complete.”
    ― William Casey CIA Agent Head under Reagan

    The lie about everything because that’s their job. They tell absurd lies and make you pretend to believe them.

    The only thing we can do besides ignore them is call them out on their lies. Thank you Eric for doing this.

    • My truth meter has been skewed for years. I now begin with the assumption that every single thing out of the government media mouth is a lie. Its not often wrong, sad that its come to such a pass. Calling out Govco lies is slowly getting through the thick skulls of the unwashed masses. Hopefully the next 9/11 they pull, will make everyone mock and ignore whatever weak ass narrative they put forth.

  9. Sadly, this has become a case of their lying, we know their lying, they know we know their lying and yet they still insist on lying. Everyone who looks into EVs knows their best use potential is as an in town runabout but instead they are pushed as a replacement for more capable vehicles.

    The real question is “Why” but most people can’t see what’s happening until long past it has become obvious.

  10. Following much research, (and common sense), I’ve realized keeping any vehicle operational absolutely as long as possible is the most economically intelligent course of action.

    Considering the total overall financials involving using resources in manufacturing vehicles and their new price today. It’s a helluva lot of $$$!!

    Considering a consumers vehicle operating costs,i.e., purchase price, fuel, maintenance, repairs, insurance, taxes, etc, it’s also a helluva lot!!!

    Logically, the useful life of vehicle point to about 30 to 40 years of before junking/recycling.

    But (((government))) doesn’t want that, since it’d make to much sense…I wonder why???

    • Playing to the crazies who believe that man is despoiling mother gaia is just another useful tactic for the fascist side of our country. They don’t give a crap about the actual environment or the country, but the idea of a completely disposable car that has to be replaced at huge expense after only 8 years is pure crack cocaine to them.

      It’s so easy to win if you’re willing to cheat.

  11. e-car sales plummet in Germany

    E-car registrations are down 70 percent over there.

    It ain’t working and the denial is off the charts.

    The German gov needs to fire up the two nuclear power plants they have taken off line. Forget about wind power, there will never be enough and the maintenance will always be there for wind towers.

    There is a power plant about 70 miles south of here, it has two generators, one to produce power, the other is down from time to time for maintenance. Then the other power plant is shutdown and maintained while the other produces electricity. Sometimes, both are generating power 24/7.

    The clinkers adhere to the boiler like barnacles on a sailing ship.

    Workers would shoot with shotguns at the boiler to remove the clinkers. At the end of the day, some shotguns had bent barrels.

    Those days of shooting clinkers off the boiler might be over, I don’t know.

    You have to haul away the ash, you have to mine the coal, transport it to the power plants. You need a drag line to remove the overburden. You need employees and skilled workers. Plant engineers, everything.

    Natural gas generators eliminate coal mining and ash hauling.

    Lots of natural gas, it is always there and never goes away.

    You need oil and gas, coal, nuclear power, hydro power, to have a civilization that is modern and has stability.

    Solar and wind are auxiliary inputs, the electricity is for alternative energy companies to make a lot of money, should be obvious.

    The Germans need to get up to speed on power generation. If you want electricity, you have to let it happen using all forms of resources. Has to be done that way.

    It’s what works the bestest.

    • ‘The Germans need to get up to speed’ — drumphish

      From an essay by Gregory Hood this morning:

      ‘The perpetual guilt imposed on Germans after World War II is the foundation of the modern German political order.

      “We Germans are the only people in the world that have planted a monument of shame in the heart of their capital,” said Bjorn Höcke, referring to a Holocaust memorial. The Telegraph added that Mr. Höcke said that modern Germans have “the mentality of a totally vanquished people.”

      ‘Hysteria and fear over the gains of a moderately right-wing German party are therefore justified; an entire moral framework and political system are in jeopardy. If Germany becomes a “normal” nation whose people are allowed to be patriotic, other white nations could be, too.’

  12. All anyone needs to read is this one quote from the highest climate change body in the world. They’re not afraid to say it out loud.

    “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    These people tell us who they are and what they intend to do

    Why won’t people listen?

  13. “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

    We’ve seen the redefinition of words, so why not numbers too? The 117 MPGe number… what does that mean? Whatever the EPA says it means. Numbers and words used to convey information. But now we live in a world driven by advertising, marketing and production of fictional stories for entertainment. These modern wordsmiths no longer wish to convey information, they want to sway public opinion. And they have no problem with destroying language (and numbers) to achieve their goal.

    Take a word that invokes pleasant memories. Use that word out of context to talk about your idea. Repeat it often enough and pretty soon not only is your idea associated with that word, it changes the meaning of the word. We see this happening in real time with the word “joy,” which has been adopted as the central theme of the Harris campaign. I imagine a few Don (Dona?) Drapers sitting around a conference room with a wall of whiteboards covered in words. And “joy” being the one with arrows and circled. Because joy triggers an emotional response in voters’ minds. Can’t help it. But Kackling Kamala isn’t joyful at all, (nor is her message). In fact it’s quite the opposite.

    Now show a number that shows something is quantifiably better than another something. Doesn’t matter what it measures, just that one number is larger (or smaller) than the other. Focus on that, not the context. 2030 is a good number to throw around. It means nothing. No “climate scientist” is flat out saying that 2030 is the end. They are saying that it might be too late, but not that the Earth is going to go POP! like a balloon. But the Don Drapers don’t have time to explain nuance, so they came up with 2030, and with that imply the environmental apocalypse, unlocking of the 7 seals, etc. That’ll fit into a soundbite and stupid politicians and reporters have an easy to remember talking point. And the Hollywood types can hype up 2030 too. Because 95 IQ people can understand 2030. They can’t grasp 150 years from now there might not be the champagne powder we’ve grown an industry around in Aspen.

    • Hi RK,
      Talk about bending the meaning of words, a synonym for joy is “gay”, which used to mean happy, but now just refers to fags.

      • If you really break it down, word are nothing but symbols with meanings attached. Symbolism is very important for those among us who practice in the art of deception. It’s a subtle mind control.

        I had a teacher once who told me he believed Satan created language. I was taught as a child in church that Satan cannot read your thoughts. What a tool for reading minds and manipulating thoughts, language!

        Imagine what it would have been like to live without language. What would thinking even consist of? Pictures and emotions?

  14. If they were concerned about the environment, then the gazillions of tons of plastics wouldn’t have been manufactured for EVs, wind turbines, and solar cells either.

    These are the same troglodytes that contend that single use plastic silverware is bad but single use K-cup coffee pods are fine.

  15. If electric vehicles were about saving the environment they would look a lot more like an Aptera and less like a Cybertruck.

    The fact that the public cannot see this is why we can’t have nice things.

  16. Eric – not sure if you’re following – but here in the UK we have this new ULEZ area where people with diesels older than 2015 are charged 15 quid a day to drive in…. without getting into the absurdity of this – the interesting thing is the Brits may finally be waking up and not complying. And not only that, they’re going on the offensive and actually ripping the cameras down – as documented by this guy.

    • Good morning, Nasir!

      It’s beyond high time for Brits (and everyone) to fight back. Minimally, by refusing to comply and doing everything possible to obstruct and stymie these SOBs.

    • Three cheers to the guys doing that! Probably should smash the camera too so they can’t just put it up again. Soon the PTB will have to install cameras to watch the other cameras 😆. Ironic that the home of George Orwell has more surveillance per population than anyplace outside of Commie China.

      • Are you sure? I suspect the US is far more surveillance intensive than anywhere else on the globe. The only real danger to the transnational socialists (Tranzis) is the well armed american public and its tradition and historical memory of freedom.

        Thus their comings and goings and thoughts must be closely watched lest a critical mass of resistance come together. This is the real reason for their fear of Trump, not anything he’s actually done.

        • Hi Ernie,

          “I suspect the US is far more surveillance intensive than anywhere else on the globe.”

          I am not entirely sure I agree with that. I think it depends on where one lives. I live in an area of the country where the FBI, CIA, NSA conduct their training because there are no telephone towers, internet connections, or surveillance. They could bring out the dogs and the infrared technology, but it is too easy to hide if you know where to go.

          I think that is why they are having a hell of a time finding the guy in Kentucky that decided to shoot at cars over the weekend. I also assume he is dead, but he could be hiding, too. There are certain parts of NC, VA, WV, and KY that are overgrown with forestry, caves, mountains, and underground bunkers that if one knows the topography it is pretty easy to run. I am sure the same goes for Montana and Northern California.

          The country is too big to be able to oversee every nook and cranny and lot of these areas have zero infrastructure. I have never been to China, but I am sure all of the surveillance is conducted in the large cities. If you are fortunate to live out in the country like Qinghai, I bet the government doesn’t even know those people exist.


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