Some More About The Googling . . .


Here’s a follow-up video about the Googling that’s happened to EPautos (and it’s not just EPautos):

It’s a kind of preview of what’s coming in the event that the Joyful One is (s)elected in about two months from now. If she is (s)elected – and that looks entirely likely given the Orange Man’s intellectually shambolic performance at the “debate” – if you want to call it that – earlier this week. He conveyed once again – in his usual disjointed way – that he does not have any principles that form the basis of his positions on issues.

He agrees, in principle, with everything the Joyful One says.

They both have “plans” for us. The bickering is over whose “plan” is “better.” According to them. In other words, which of the two “plans” will be imposed upon us by people who think of themselves as the planners of our lives.

Our choice – if you want to call it that – is which of their plans we’ll choose to have imposed on us by which of the two planners and their respective retinues of courtiers. Elon Musk, for example. Orange Man has said he will give him the job of determining whether various federal “plans” are wasteful.

There is never any talk of ending these plans.

The Orange Man says he will decree no more taxes on tips and overtime. In other words – and assuming he actually does so decree – some people will have to pay less of their earnings in taxes. It is never everyone will pay less – let alone no – taxes. That being problematic because it does not keep various groups of us squabbling among ourselves for favors bestowed by the authority that never cedes its authority to rescind its favor.

Orange Man’s appeal is the appeal of what has been lost and which is badly wanted back. Like a former girlfriend who left you for some other guy. It is easy to forget the part about how she left you for some other guy. It is easy to remember the “good times.” Orange Man summons memories of those times. Of a more-or-less reasonable time, when (for the most part) Americans were a sane and reasonable people and the government reflected this.

There was a sense of stability rather than chaos and a feeling that the federal government wasn’t in the control of people who seem determined to  – in no particular order – turn America into a Thought-Policed Gulag where anything you think can and will be used against you, start a nuclear war with Russia rather than admit that Russia won its local war with Keeeeeeeeev and (failing that) establish Greater Israel no matter how many semites have to pay for it with their lives (and Americans’ money).

All of that – not to mention $6 for a dozen eggs that used to cost $3 – makes one rather nostalgic for the way things were and Orange Man is the living avatar of that memory, even if many of his followers want to forget about the “beautiful” drugs he awarded Emergency Use Authorization and which were then actually pushed on people, unlike the street drugs that are almost never pushed on people, who choose to buy and take them.

It is easy enough to forget all that. Or – at least – to decide not to remember. For the sake of the hope that maybe we can get back to where we once were, at least a little bit.

Maybe. Hopefully.

But if not, what’s happened to EPautos is going to happen more – and harder – to  everyone who is the least bit Wrongthinkful. They are not going to back down once they have consolidated their hold on the levers of power. Orwell – as he usually did – put it in a way that neatly, exactly and chillingly coveys our future, two months hence:

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless… ”

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

. . .

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  1. “We’ve got your pinks, your blues, your reds, your yellows, your greens.”

    A local clothing store for yutes would advertise those words when a new shipment of cool clothes had arrived.

    The rumor was that the local military installation medical facilities were dumping expired drugs because a new shipment was going to be there to replace the expired drugs.

    The only option was to sell them to the local yokels, sneak them off the base and find a distribution point.

    I dunno, heard it all through the grapevine 50 years ago.

    Drugs can be bad for ya. Especially the pharmaceutical kind, if you didn’t know by now. Vioxx, Prozac, Ritalin, all have caused plenty of harm from the harmacists.

    On YouTube, Royal Cooking is a good channel to watch. The cooks are from Ukraine and they have a rather interesting way of presenting a cooking show.

    In other words, the cooks are provocatively dressed voluptuous Ukrainian women who live on farms. They sure can cook.

    Rural life Iran has a fit and trim beautiful Iranian woman cooking to her heart’s content.

    The sizzle sells there too. You can learn a lot about cooking.

    A couple of places I go on the internets, you gotta eat.

    Food can be your medicine.

  2. The debate was a shitshow but not like you put it. Anything the two agree on is her lying through her teeth with empty promises copying his policy positions.

    What she said was basically meaningless drivel, fed to her with an audio ear-ring.

    Still, Trump managed to pick up some undecided voters if the post debate polls are to be believed.

    I was disapointed he didn’t just outright call her a human trafficker. I guess that’s being polite.

    I’m voting for the guy who just promised no tax on overtime.

    • I will say the Harris did what I thought would be impossible. She actually made Hillary Clinton look almost likeable in comparison to herself.

  3. Nice use of Navin R. Johnson. Kind of a shame to turn Navin into an evil, duplicitous traitor, but I’m at a loss for figuring out an appropriate movie character.

  4. ‘Orange Man has said he will give [Elon] the job of determining whether various federal “plans” are wasteful.’ — eric

    Commissions to ferret out ‘government waste’ are an old chestnut of the Grand Old Party. The president has a direct way to confront waste: veto spending bills. Whereas appointment of a commissioner to ‘study’ waste tells us right up front, they aren’t sincere. They are toying with us.

    Objectively, the largest amount of government waste is found in the Defense Department. DOD cannot pass an audit, after 15 years of trying. Some $3 trillion of its assets are unaccounted for. Defense spending is the largest source of fedgov grift, bar none. But since defense is a sacred cow of the Repugnaclown party, the NDAA appropriation bill will carry on metastasizing, this year and every year.

    READ MY LIPS: government spending and debt accumulation will grow relentlessly, no matter what, and no matter who is in charge. Never forget that the Uniparty is an institutionalized looting operation. It has three main sources of revenue: 1. Irresponsible borrowing; 2. Theft by taxation; 3. Counterfeiting currency on a Brobdignagian scale, which is how they plan to avoid default (for now) on $35 trillion of debt (see Item 1).

    A government of looters shies from truth like a vampire from a silver cross. What magic talisman, one wonders, flashed in their scaly reptilian faces, would make Big Gov shrivel up and die?

    • By the way, saying ‘sacred cow’ will be punishable as hate speech under the Kackala regime.

      Hopefully the prosecutions won’t be retroactive, for chronic offenders such as myself.

      • “saying ‘sacred cow’ will be punishable”

        Right. Get used to using the phrase, “Her Divine Presidency” before they begin the midnight knock on the door.

        Or, in America, the much more civil 3AM flashbangs through the window, followed by a stack of storm troopers.

    • Too true Jim, the scale of the grift is truly astounding; just read somewhere that Clowngress appropriated even more $billions of dollars to the Pentagram than they asked for. They can’t steal it fast enough to pay off all their cronies.

    • Hardly just the Rs, @Jim. Al Gore’s schtick was “The Gore Report on Reinventing Government: Creating a Government That Works Better and Costs Less” (Still available on Amazon, I see.)

      That was back in the day when if a President put his VP in charge of something, there was at least paperwork generated…

      • Amazing that Owl Gore not only invented the internet, but also reinvented government too in his spare time. What a multi-tasking polymath! /sarc

  5. The America we miss and loved so much is gone because we chose so. Soon the next phase of our destruction will begin.

    Take illegals for example. Are we telling them we don’t want this and to ship them back to their home nations? Nope. We are asking them to give us more stolen money so they can be better taken care of.

    Trump/Camel Toes – ‘promise’ to eliminate taxes on tips and overtime. They’ll simply ‘borrow more’ or tax somewhere else but they will never reduce spending.

    America wasn’t stolen away,,, it was voted away. And, sadly, the voters aren’t finished with her yet.

    • In the immortal words of Tonto, “Who’s this ‘we’ shit, Kemosabe?

      You wanna get on your knees like those worthless scum in Congress worshiping BLM, be my guest. Don’t try to drag me down into your collective guilt crap. Libertarians aren’t collectivists.

    • “America wasn’t stolen away,,, it was voted away. And, sadly, the voters aren’t finished with her yet.”

      Great comment.

      I can’t fathom why people think voting harder is going to get us out of this mess.

      Especially so when the choice is between dumb and dumber with each already having “served” within their respective regime’s. We already know that neither of these psychopathic parasites is worth a damn.

    • We can want out of one hand and spit on the other, but our ‘representative’ do not listen to us. Calling your congressman in the age of cell phones, email and spam filters does no good. They just put you on voice mail for “heavy call volume”

      If you attend a legislative hearing, as I have, they give you a whole two minutes, while they deliberate for 20 on each bill considered. Their delibration consists of reading the convoluted bill text, and hearing each member comment or restate their purported legislative ‘intent.”

      So when you say we don’t fight, yeah, we don’t because we really can’t.

      It’s going to take much stronger, physical measures to happen to them or their families to get their attention. We have to be prepared to die for it.

    • ken: “America wasn’t stolen away,,, it was voted away. And, sadly,
      the voters aren’t finished with her yet.”

      “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted Libertarian”

  6. The past few years made it blatantly obvious we’re in the midst of a spiritual war. Others may call it a war between nationalists and globalists/ technocrats or a war between the sane & insane.

    The globalist/ technocratic elite (Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc.) want people to think their sinister agenda is for “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaving the planet”, “You’ll own nothing and be happy”, “Protecting public health”, “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety”, “Joy & freedom”, etc., while framing people who speak out against their agenda as RUSSIAN STOOGES, CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, FAR-RIGHT, FASCISTS, CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS, etc. The disgusting thing is, there are people who actually BUY the BS peddled by these sociopaths and regurgitate it uncritically.

  7. Google is a pay to play system, just like X. Difference is you have to pay for search engine optimization (SEO) or pay for Adsense advertising. Probably both.

    As for the orange one and the “joyful” one… What’s to say? The president can issue edicts from the Offal Office, but the bureaucracy is going to carry them out. If the Department of Spending Our Money doesn’t want to implement Trumps decree, it won’t happen. They’ll slow walk, come up with excuse on top of excuse, or worst of all, follow the letter of the law exactly (with internal auditing and endless requests for clarification on every word). Unless it is something the leviathan is in favor of, then anything goes. And Trump had plenty of both during his time.

    Off topic: The “final” (we’ll see) Grand Tour is out on Amazon Prime Video. Over the years I’ve enjoyed watching Clarkson May and Hammond travel the world in exotic and terrible automobiles. But that was in the before time. They’ve aged horribly, as has the concept. The old Top Gear was lightning in a bottle, but even watching old episodes, the nostalgia isn’t enough to keep me interested. The legacy corporate media is out of ideas. They’re just using the leftover rice from yesterday to make fried rice today. It’s still just day old rice.

    Oh, has the world changed or have I changed?
    Oh, has the world changed or have I changed?

    Pass the pub that wrecks your body
    And the church, all they want is your money
    The Queen is dead, boys
    And it’s so lonely on a limb

    • Hi RK,

      One of Don Henley’s greatest, most poignant songs (in my opinion) is Boys of Summer. Especially the last refrain about how a little voice inside your head says you can never go back.


    • If only we didn’t let “the founders” destroy the Articles of Confederation.


      Side note: Why isn’t James Madison held with the same contempt as Lincoln and Wilson in libertarian circles?

      • So few even know of this business where the “founders” pulled off the original coup.

        “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it.”

        “A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”

        – Lysander Spooner knew the drill.

        Personally I’m sick of hearing the slaves speak in reverent terms regarding the document that has lead to their enslavement.

        The brainwashing incurred over 12 years of government “schooling” is impossible to overcome for most people.

  8. Well stated, Eric. Most terrifying is that it’s all about to get a whole lot worse. And there is a large contingent, ironically enough, mostly comprised of imbeciles on the receiving end of the result of the joy, cheering this on. I do miss the Amerika I remember. Maybe when the dust clears we will be lucky enough to experience that again.


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