Now We Know Who Runs Bartertown


Elon Musk has become a darling of the opposition to the Left, which is interesting given Elon’s EV grift is so beloved by the Left. Also interesting is that Elon is hailed as the savior of Free Speech, supposedly because he allows it on the platform that used to be called Twitter that now goes by X.

But only if you pay for it.

And only if you don’t say mean things, even if they happen to be true.

Elon’s commitment, then, is to money – as if he needed more. It is certainly not to “free speech,” in air-fingers quotes to mock it because it isn’t. It is more like the “free speech zones” contrived by The Chimp, which set aside areas for people to “speak freely” about their opposition to such things as the contrived attack upon Iraq in areas where no one could hear them.   

Mission Accomplished.

Now Elon has openly revealed his faux commitment to free speech by caving in to the Marxists who control Brazil, who demanded X censor anyone the Marxist who control the government of Brazil decide hurts their feelings by saying mean things about them – irrespective of the truth.

Initially, Elon balked.The Marxists then shut down X in Brazil, which no doubt cost Elon some shekels. That led to Elon folding. He agreed to censor mean Tweets – or whatever one calls them now that it’s X – even if true.

The resumption of [X]’s activities on national territory was conditioned, solely, on full compliance with Brazilian laws and absolute observance of the Judiciary’s decisions, out of respect for national sovereignty,” said Judge Alexandre de Moraes, who is Brazil’s version of Roland Freisler,  the head of national socialist Germany’s Volksgerichthof, or “people’s court.” It was of course the government’s court – there to rule against the government’s critics.

Such a people’s court is likely to convene here, soon. The Left has made it clear what it will do if the ballots the Left is in charge of counting about four weeks from now affirm the selection of the Harris-Walz dynamic duo. Judges very similar to Roland Friesler will be appointed and they will rule very much as Freisler – and de Moraes – have ruled.

And Elon will fold. Just as he has already folded.

He even paid a yessa massa fine of $2 million dollars to the Brazilian Marxists as a kind of indulgence to be allowed to censor the speech of people the Marxists don’t like.

Previously, he had accurately called de Moraes a “criminal” and urged that U.S. aid to the Marxists in Brazil be cut off. But when it began to cost Elon real money – the $2 million fine he paid cost him about the same as it costs most of us when we buy a Snicker’s Bar at the Dollar Store – he stopped calling the criminals what they are and decided to play ball with them instead, thereby proving that what Lenin said about capitalists is true. Their lust for money trumps every other consideration, even that of their own survival. So long as they can make a buck in the Now.

Ostensibly, the yessa massa’ing is limited to a relative handful of Wronthinkful accounts, including the account of Marcos do Val, a Brazilian senator who is not a Marxist and whose speech must therefore be stifled. Also anyone who supports the former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro – who “lost” an election very similar to the “election” lost by Trump in 2020. There – as here – it is anathema to question these “elections.” To publish “misinformation” . . . even if it is true.

Because that is “hateful.”

But – as ought to be obvious – once the yessa massa’ing begins it will never end. Elon is not a stupid man, so he must understand this. To give these “shit Leftists” – as they are accurately if earthily styled by Argentina’s Javier Milei – is to give them everything. They are never satisfied and they are never reasonable when it comes to abiding anything that might limit their power.

The only way to combat them is to give them nothing.

Elon gave them everything.

Having agreed to censor “just a few” accounts – at the direction of the Marxists who run Brazil now – Musk has implicitly agreed to censor every account the Marxists tell him must be censored.

It is just a matter of when. And whom.

Communications Minister Juscelino Filho, who is Brazil’s equivalent of national socialist Germany’s Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels – gloated in a press statement that X’s decision to capitulate, pay fines, and comply with court orders was a “victory for the country.”

We showed the world that here our laws should be respected, by whomever it may be.” 


And Elon will show the same respect once the Harris-Walz duo are duly installed in about a month from now. The same respect he has already shown for anyone in this country who posts mean Tweets – even if true – or who does not pay Elon for the privilege of providing X with safe content that doesn’t hurt Leftists’ feelings. And data to be mined.

Never mind.

We all ought to have seen this coming – because it never went away. And all-to-many of us were all-too-willing to play-along with Elon and X, rather than dump it and create and use alternative platforms/venues that will never cave in to Marxists. That would rather go dark – or go underground, if need be – than play ball with “shit Leftists.”

Including those who pretend they’re not.

. . .

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      • Hey Nasir,

        X deleted his comment, as can be seen in the screenshot in the article where it begins “Hi Eric Peters,”. They apparently interpreted a little sass as “hateful”.

        I think I always will wonder if Elon changed the name to “X” so millions of people would say that they “are on X”.

  1. I dont use X but I hear there are still staybehind censorship algorithms that get used. Try complaining about it.

    As per brazil what’s worse, brazillians being held accountable for using proxies to get to X or elon sucking up to their judge, who was sanctioning his starlink business there, who dresses like Mr. Eat Ze Bugs.

    Say what you want about ‘Elon Musk. He’s a transhumanist and it’s for the money. Yeah. And the deep state dems system is collapsing and he wants a pro-human future.

    I could give a rats ass if his motives are selfish (they are). He’s devastating the enemy politically, self proclaimed DARK MAGA.

    Going to mars means more jobs. Staying the plan with the depopulationist transhumanists would only get him killed along with us, because anyone left after the bombs dropped are gonna burn them out of their bunkers.

    I used to call out the Muskites that he was a ripoff artist, now it’s the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    • I agree with this, Steve –

      And I hope Musk might be having a real awakening; that he might not be a bad guy. That maybe he’s becoming a better guy, at any rate. But – like you say – even if it’s just a cynical maneuver in his own self-interest, if it helps smash these comnunists then he is my friend. Just the same as I’d be happy to pick up a communists’ rifle and use it to deal with communism.

  2. I cannot help but wonder if Musk is not playing both sides against the middle? And pity the fool who believes that he gives a damned about anyone, let alone their free speech?

    • This is my main concern, but his breaking with the globalists over this election is unforgivable. It’s either a jail cell with diddy or a pro-human future and mars missions again at this point. I don’t see an option for him to be in the middle.

  3. I don’t trust Elon.

    At best, he is possibly slightly less bad than some of the alternatives.

    To the extent to which that’s all the choice anyone has, well then so be it. You choose your poison and you make the best of it.

    But to the extent to which a better alternative option can be had, I’d prefer to focus in that direction instead.

  4. I am confused as to why X needs offices in so many countries, why can they just have one office in a free speech country and tell other countries to pound sand? if people in Brazil want to go on X they can do so without an office in Brazil or am I completely oblivious to how the internet works?

      • RK – in todays day and age, cant they just sell ads and all online ? They dont need a presence in a country if they dont want, do they ? From Pakistan and Twitter (along with many other services) are banned. Most people still use them via a VPN and pay via a credit card, or if that gets blocked a Dubai based prepaid card. And if that gets blocked guys at corner shops take cash and send to someone abroad who pays ! This happens a lot with the Indian dishes for TV – they were strictly banned in Pakistan. Yet it never stopped anyone who wanted it ! I understand it is happening for Starlink as well – there is even an unauthorised “authorised distributer” in Pakistan 🤣🤣

        • You think that only the NSA has a room 641A?

          The difference between the Internet and satellite is that the satellite receiver can be anywhere within the “footprint” of the satellite. Because of physics, the Indians couldn’t restrict the footprint from spilling over into Pakistan. So if you could get a receiver to descramble the signal (and unlike the US much of the broadcast satellite feeds around the world are sent in the clear anyway) you were golden. In the case of Pakistan that’s just basic hardware smuggling.

          The Internet has plenty of points to tap. Encryption will get you some anonymity but when the federales see a bunch of traffic going to one destination it’s going to raise eyebrows.

          As for selling exclusively online, we saw what happened with Amazon and the states demanding they collect sales tax. You think that X will take on the Brazilian government on their home turf? Does Brazil even have a legal system to allow foreign corporations to sue the regime?

  5. Right Eric, if Elon really was about free speech and had some balls he’d tell Brazil to pound sand, stuff the $2 million dollar fine, and close up shop in Brazil. Unfortunately he proved Lenin’s quote that “the capitalists will sell you the rope you’re going to hang them with”. If anyone has f*ck you money it’s Eloon.

    • Through regulations they ruined all the street cars…

      They are doing the same thing with the race cars….1st step hybrid…next step all EV’s…like Formula E….No sound, no emotion…just dead and boring….

      The slave owners torturing the slaves…ruining and banning their cars and their motor sport…….

  6. Criminalizing free thought has been going on for far longer than Elon Musk’s caving in to Brazilian officials.
    A good example of this is the so-called jewish “holocaust™” which has been turned into a state “religion” in many countries.
    Even Canada has succumbed to the criminalization of holohoax (oops, I mean “holocaust™”) heresy, making those who question the “official narrative” into criminals, subject to prosecution for “incorrect thoughts”.
    A major holocaust™ truth seeker (Ernst Zundel) was prosecuted in Canada for incorrect thoughts. His testimony proved that holocaust™ claims were based on falsehoods and fabrications, yet he was still punished. His Canadian home was firebombed by jewish (mossad) interests which was never investigated.
    Canadian courts have taken the position that in any case involving the so-called holocaust™ the “commonly accepted narrative” is to be regarded as truth, regardless of how outlandish and impossible the claims, not unlike Soviet “show trials”. One cannot introduce evidence countering “official” holocaust™ claims. Attempts to do so result in contempt of court citations and much more.
    To Zundel’s credit, his prosecution “witnesses” made fools of themselves, unable to counter Zundel’s testimony, hence the official criminalization of holocaust™ heresy (actually truth).
    The roots of punishment for holocaust™ heresy can be laid at the feet of the Nuremberg trials which were not subject to normal “rules of evidence”, but were equivalent to Soviet “show trials” where the sentences were predetermined. Innuendo and hearsay were not only encouraged but were a major part of the “testimony”. Outlandish, impossible claims were entered into the court record as “evidence”.
    Defendants were tortured by British (jewish) “handlers”, with their families threatened with being deportation to the Soviet Union with certain death being the result. Defendants were told what to say and to admit to “crimes” and other acts which never occurred.
    It’s worse in Germany, where two elderly women (90+ of age) were incarcerated in German maximum-security prisons for daring to question the holocaust™.
    Google the following names: “Monika Schaefer”, “Ursula Haverbeck”, “Sylvia Stolz”, three martyrs sacrificed on the altar of the new state “religion”, “holocaustianity™“. All three have been imprisoned for merely questioning certain claims of the so-called “holocaust™”. See for yourselves what happens when you question “the holiest of holy” holocaust™.
    To add insult to injury, Sylvia Stolz was prosecuted for merely defending her client, doing her job as a lawyer.
    American politicians are attempting to do the same thing here, with investigations into “anti-semitism” being conducted. Attempts will be made to abolish or restrict the First Amendment. They will fail…
    American jews are worried about the amount of support Palestine is receiving from ordinary Americans. They are worried about “annudah shoah™”. Of course, there’s NO business like “shoah™” business.
    The so-called “holocaust™” grift is running out of steam. With AI and ChatGPT methods, the holocaust can indeed be proven to be a hoax–a massive grift that has been going on for far too long…

  7. Elon has a lot in common with Speaker Mike Johnson and Cocaine Mitch; they all fold like cheap lawn chairs when facing ANY resistance!

    • You are to believe front man Elon Musk character runs 5 corporations, dates Hollywood starlets, has a big family, and is going to send us all to Mars as corporate slaves like in some scifi movie. Like Zuckerberg who can’t code, and when in front of congress he had no idea how Facebook worked. These frauds are just like political candidates – put up jobs who read CIA scripts.

      The Zuckerberg Dossier
      Facebook Insider Confesses All
      Mark Zuckerberg is a Fraud Used by the CIA

      The following anonymous document claims to be written by a Facebook insider who was Mark Zuckerberg’s lover from their freshman year at Harvard. Mark’s continuing indiscretions with his ongoing government contract keep getting him in trouble to this day. Mark was supposed to simply be the fake “boy genius” of Larry Summers’ (Harvard’s president) social media project funded by DARPA/In-Q-Tel (CIA)/IBM and the secretive international “public-private” group called The Highlands Group organized with the DoD Office of Net Assessment.

      It was Summers and a group of government officials who fabricated, produced and directed Mark throughout the entire fraudulent creation of the Facebook propaganda story at Harvard. These claims are explosive and allege that the entire fraudulent social media network called Facebook was always controlled by the government through the people who were at Harvard directing Mark. The anonymous author of the letter below, who we will call “John”, also points out why Facebook was created, how Mark was controlled by Eric Schmidt, James Beyer, Larry Summers, Sheryl Sandberg and the evil intellectual property thief Professor James Chandler.

  8. Hillary Clinton openly called for MORE censorship on social media in a recent interview, saying that unless there was MORE censorship, people like her would “Lose total power”. Of course, like so many other Democrats openly calling for censorship, it’s ALWAYS FRAMED as “Stopping disinformation”, never mind the fact that the biggest spreaders of disinformation is the government, followed by corporate/ establishment media. Examples include COVID, climate change, Russiagate, Ukraine, face diapers, Joe Biden, the 2020 election, war, mRNA vaccines, Kamala Harris, Hunter Biden’s laptop, etc.

  9. I don’t have any idea what the stats of looks like, but for a one or two man operation I’m sure it’s batting way above the average blog. Is going to a web page as convenient as opening an app? No, and we cannot just post whatever comes to mind, but that’s a feature, not a bug. Eric makes no claim that this is any sort of a free speech zone, yet I feel free to say whatever I wish (even if I never get replies…).

    X and the other social media platforms came about as an accidental side effect of the early Internet. There were no full-time connections, and bandwidth in the last mile was scarce. So it made sense to run client-server applications. When bandwidth got a little greater and audio/visual content became the bulk of network traffic, they were able to build massive server farms to house it all.

    The ISPs, which used to offer web space and NNTP servers, got out of the business when the DMCA would have forced them to police their servers for copyrighted content (which ran rampant on NNTP, unfortunately).

    The governments of the world created the centralized Internet. Ironic that the one of the secondary goals of the early ARPAnet was to survive damage, but today a few key peering points would knock out 90% of the network. And one or two companies control most of what you read. But it makes it easier for regulators to quash unacceptable viewpoints.

    As for Musk… He should have pulled X out of Brazil. You say your elected officials don’t like what we’re doing? Fine. Lotsa luck gentlemen. But he’s not holding the strings on this either. He didn’t just cut a check to buy X, he has investors. And they expect an ROI. He’s just the front man for the shop. Oh sure, he can meddle in the day to day activity, but he’s going to follow orders too.

    But the other major issue that I see is that writers and other professionals should be doing their own thing, if they have any sort of following at all. But they choose to remain ignorant of the basics of how to run a blog, how to promote themselves, and how to run a business. They keep looking for someone else to handle that stuff, like Patreon or the New York Times, which use X and Facebag to promote their work because the marketing department is too lazy to actually promote themselves. They outsource their distribution and promotion, then complain when they aren’t promoted the way they want. Client-server is just someone else’s computer.

    • I beg to differ. The internet is more robust than most people realize…
      That being said…
      Actually, I find it easier to discern TRUTH nowadays because of the internet.
      I remember the days when most people had two or three television channels and one or two newspapers. Talking heads like traitor Walter Cronkite (who was considered the most trusted man on television) was only spouting off what slanted “news” that his jewish masters authorized.
      Back then, us truth seekers had a difficult time getting alternative sources of information. Mail and newsletters were the only ways most alternative sites had at their disposal to communicate.
      The internet was (and still is) the most liberating of mediums as anyone can start and run a website or blog and get his or her point across with the touch of a button. This is why both governments and NGOs want to throttle those who “stray from the official discourse”. Today, it is much easier for anyone to become an informed citizen, unlike the days of old.
      Of course, it takes effort, something that many people are not willing to peruse, but the TRUTH IS out there…
      In the days of old, “three television stations and two newspapers”, the Gaza genocide would have been described as “brave israelis fighting a determined enemy that endangers the jewish people and the whole world”.
      Keep in mind the 1967 jewish “six day war” is still being described as a “defensive action” by israel, rather than a pre-emptive strike and the subsequent genocide of retreating Egyptian troops and civilians.
      If the internet was available in those days, the deliberate “act of war”, the attack by israel on the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) on June 8, 1967 would have been exposed as not only an attack by israel, but complicity at the highest levels of the U S government. Crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara would have been duly tried and executed for treason.
      Quite possibly, israel would have ceased to exist–a good thing.
      Even the so-called jewish “holocaust™” is receiving scrutiny that would have been impossible in past decades. It is finally being exposed as the most massive jewish grift of both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries…
      From engineering, technical and logistical standpoints, the jewish “holocaust™” can easily be shown to be totally fraudulent. Nowadays, it takes jew-run “Hollywood productions” to reinforce the taxpayer-funded jewish “freak shows” known as “holocaust™ museums” to keep the grift alive.
      Keep in mind, with the advent of cell phones and go-pro cameras ANYONE can be a true “journalist” who is on scene before the “official” journalists arrive.
      It could be argued that we are living in a “panopticon society”, only that us citizens also have the same capabilities.

      • This whole Israel / Jew thing – find it very interesting. My whole life, that was the one thing you were never allowed to question / criticise. All of the sudden that has changed…. Im wondering why… It is possible that they have lost control of the tech (with camera phones and all).

        On a separate note – with all this new AI in phones – will they even be allowed to take pictures in the future of atrocities committed by genocidal regimes favoured by our dear leaders? 🧐🧐

    • Hi RK, curious are you from a tech background? I did wonder why all these ISPs stopped offering web hosting over the years… didnt realise it was the regulation that killed it. Being a nerdy kid who got on the net in the 90s… it is a shame how that libertarian dream of the internet was killed off with the centralisation. Most people who came online after 2000 were just driven on by some of the products (such as facebook or whatever) and probably dont even get what it meant.

      • First computer I ever got my grubby fingers on was a DEC PDP-8e dad picked up at a hamfest when I was about 9 or 10. I made the lightbulbs dance and wasted paper on the teletype. But I’m also dyslexic and couldn’t really get good at programming, too many syntax errors. And I got sidetracked by music, which led to television just as the desktop video age began. Ended up in the cable industry for 35 years. Cable was fairly computerized even in the 1990s, and of course running Internet over cable networks wasn’t supposed to work, yet somehow we managed to get it mostly reliable. Now the TV in Cable TV is a distant second fiddle to data.

        These days I fly drones and have day job that is about as un-tech as you can get.

        I remember playing with dial-up services. BBSs and FidoNET, Packet Radio, Compu$erve and AOL, and then my girlfriend who worked for Penn State gave me her campus network login… Whoo hoo, that was something! This program call Mosaic made pages that looked like desktop publishing! And you could look at a coffee pot in Cambridge University, or a fish tank somewhere.

        I’m sure there were some in the ISP world who wanted to maintain the user space servers, but not enough people used them. Microsoft acquired Frontpage and managed to crush it by adding their own extensions that wouldn’t run unless you ran IIS, WordPress wasn’t even on the horizon, and most people didn’t want to bother building a site from scratch. So for the ISP who looked at the numbers, why bother?

  10. My view – elon and his “free speech” drive is just to get us to trust him and his X platform. So they can know who’s thinking what… and then decide how to deal with us. I knew this from the beginning (looking at Elons past). But couldn’t help myself… man its fun trolling on twitter…

    • Nailed it. The powers know that they need to vent social pressure when it builds and it’s better to funnel it into something they can control than whack a mole new platforms and chase individuals all over new outlets. Trust but verify and be equally or more wary of a sudden new friend than old enemies. Sure, exploit TwitX to the greatest extent possible to get information disseminated but it’s very likely a honey pot.

  11. The “B” of BRICS is Brazil. Even though they’re left wing moonbats, they are smart enough to get out from the beneath the thumb of US hegemony.

  12. Clay Travis spent time yesterday singing the praises of Elon as a “hero” around the top of the second hour of his show. Maybe it was a little before the break.

    Travis isn’t alone. I’ve encountered conservatives who believe that Musk’s space activities are “too important” to trifle over matters of free speech or standard cars being regulated out of existence for his benefit.

    • Hi Roscoe,

      The Right suffers from the same delusion as the Left…they think the rest of are impressed with “celebrities” and their thoughts on anything. I was reading an article yesterday with the media literally begging Jamie Diamond on who he is voting for. For now, Jamie has decided to keep his secret to himself. That is the smartest play.

      The country is divided in half. Why would you piss off a large percentage of your client base? All this does is depletes revenue. How does one make a difference when you have lost half of your audience?

      • The problem is, most people spend more time with celebrities than they do their own families. People spend hours looking at screens for entertainment, hours listening to music and media, and hours consuming the written page. How much time does the average family spend together? I’m an exception because I’m basically a hermit, but I see it when I visit my sister and parents. Oh sure, everyone might be in the same room, but the TV is on, the phones are out and no one really wants to have a conversation with the people in the room.

        Because compared to the high production of TV and the beauty filtered social media posts, we’re boring and ugly.

        This is nothing new. Been going on since the days of Shakespeare, and long before that too. The entertainment is always a nice break from the mundane. The Bible would’t have stuck around had it not been for the page-turner plot. Electronic media, bringing that entertainment into the house, broke down the last barrier to separate itself from the rest of our lives. We used to be able to go outside and get away from the TV (remember trying to watch a portable TV? Never could get all the stations and was usually black and white). Now it’s in our pockets and with us 24/7, and even after only 15 years or so I doubt many people on Earth could give it up cold turkey and not suffer.

      • Should be Jamie Dimon…not Diamond. This is what happens when I try to type and watch the new Cartier collection at the same time. 😳

  13. ‘The only way to combat [shit leftists] is to give them nothing.‘ — eric

    And to rigorously call them out.

    Experienced politicians know that their words will be distorted and selectively quoted by belly-crawling presstitutes. When it inevitably happens, a competent leader will promptly and loudly protest, demanding an apology and a correction. Otherwise, the abusive behavior of the Lügenpresse will only escalate.

    Kamala Harris, to cover for her incompetence, inarticulateness, and impostor syndrome has abjectly failed to enforce any personal boundaries with the mendacious media. She has allowed the 60 Minutes TeeVee show to entirely alter the character of her remarks using strategic editing and out-of-sequence clips.

    That is, Harris is now compromised and captured by the Lamestream Media, in a way that no other vice president has ever permitted. Contrast Orange Man Bad, who regularly points to the presstitute rabble in the back of the arena and mocks them with trash talk. Being treated like the screeching stenographer lemurs they are is the only way the keep the noxious, lying Fourth Estate on a short leash.

    Kamala totally flubbed this test, as you can see here:


    Remember Kamala’s word salad answer about Israel on 60 Minutes? It’s gone.

    This is what many Americans will now see.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

    • Hi Jim,

      Except the whole country now sees her for the incompetent and staged idiot that she is. From her fake scenarios to drinking beer with Colbert, phony accents depending what crowd she is campaigning to, being “one of the girls” on Call Her Daddy, and her political ploy going after DeSantis while he is in the midst of protecting his state from a hurricane. She is pathetic. Any fool that looks at this woman as a “leader” needs to have their head examined.

      • I don’t think they care. She’s part of the machine, the machine has selected her, and the machine is who they’re voting for.

        And given the left’s view of the right (a bunch of hayseeds and rednecks) I imagine they believe this is fake middle-class behavior what will pull them into voting for Kommie Kamala. Or at least to show that she’s reaching out???

        • I agree, RK –

          I think it’s a mistake top assume other people – Leftists – give a damn about issues of competence or integrity. Let alone common decency. Leftists vote their interests. These interests are power and Free Shit. The Leftists running for office get power by offering Free Shit to the shits who vote to get it. And that’s basically it.

          We will have no choice, I expect but to defend ourselves because we are not going to vote ourselves out of this.

            • Hi RG,

              Well, every government job holder, for one! Then there are “the schools” – and the people who vote for them. And the duped young people who think communism will mean “free” education, housing and health care. Plus free abortions.

              • Hi Eric,

                One does not go into government to make money. I have seen plenty of government paychecks over the years…they aren’t impressive. I can’t argue with you on the kickbacks of being a Congressional representative though.

                The money from the schools is being siphoned from the top. Like most things in life the money rarely gets to its directed goal. When teachers ask parents to supplement tissues and paper towels the funding is not flowing down the chain of command.

                My point was government promises free education, housing, and healthcare, but does anyone truly receive it? Well, unless you are an illegal immigrant.

                • “One does not go into government to make money.”

                  Doing a serach for “AOC net worth” reveals pages and pages worth of links of the lugenpresse “fact checking” and denying that she is worth $29 million. So, we can conclude she is worth $29 million.

              • I’ve tried desperately to get friends and family to understand that government employees don’t pay income tax.

                Sure they “pay” income tax but they pay with dollars that were first taken from someone else which means there is no net gain to society.

                If a parasite is paid $100k and then “pays” $25k in tax back to the same person that gave them $100k, the net effect is the parasite is paid $75k a year of stolen funds which has to be earned by actual productivity.

                At the end of the day, they simply can’t accept this and somehow believe that the $100k was “earned” by the parasite and that parasite is paying $25k that wasn’t already taken from someone else.

                Sort of the same sort of belief system that desperately wants to believe the paid into a Social Security trust fund and now they are just getting back “their” investment.

            • People in government are in it for the retirement, the benefits and the safety. They know they’re not going to be fired. They know their department is safe from elimination, there’s an etched-in-stone law that created it. No one ever proposes cutting anything in a government budget, except the amount of YOY increase.

              You’ll make a lot more money in the private sector, but you’ll have to earn it… and prove your worth every day.

          • “We will have no choice, I expect but to defend ourselves because we are not going to vote ourselves out of this.”

            Bravo Eric!! I wasn’t sure if you understood this or not but it’s great to see that you do.

        • They definitely don’t care. Biden’s presidency adapted the Left to the idea that its “OK” to have a president with visible dementia as long as someone, anyone with a D next to their name was in office. And not Trump. Most of the country really does believe the BS put out by the mainstream and leftist media. Very sad times.

          • Amen, RS –

            Leftists do not care about the candidate; they care about Leftism. There is no dealing with these people other than to deal with them. And until our side truly gets this grim reality, we are doomed.

            • The late Rush Limbaugh, despite his MANY faults (being an insufferable GOP shill was the worst of ’em, during any Leap Year with the Presidential election, I simply didn’t bother to tune into his program that did nothing more than regurgitate RNC talking points until the clown show was over on Election Day), got it right on “dealing” with Leftists…DEFEAT them!

              Let’s hope things remain in the realm of civil discourse, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves that the Loony Left will be gracious losers…and they’re highly likely to lose this time around, and BADLY, and “badly” may be their reaction…e.g., kinda like that last episode of the original Star Trek that was a dumpster fire, “Turnabout Intruder”. Captain Kirk, his body somehow taken over by his jilted former love, Dr. Janice Lester, and he being forced into her corpus, has gone hysterical as McCoy and Scotty, participating in a farcical Court-Martial of Spock for mutiny, consult with each other in the corridor and figure that there’s something “funny” going on, enough that they should acquit Spock. Scotty advises “Bones” that when they outvote Kirk, and Spock is free, that doing so would “stick in his ‘craw’ “, i.e., the possessed Kirk won’t accept being frustrated in his/her attempt to get rid of Spock, and at that point, they’ll have to depose him. Likewise the Loony Left will “lose its shit” not only at a return of OM to the White House, but a resounding defeat on the order of Reagan unseating Carter back in 1980.

              Are you READY for the vote?

        • Hi RK,

          I don’t believe she will win, but even I can’t discount a 100,000 extra ballots being slid out beneath a polling table somewhere.

          The machine doesn’t work. How many times does one continue to promote it when all it spits out are the same empty promises? I believe it was Einstein that said, “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” And yet, the American public foolishly believes that the system will work if “our guy” gets in.

          Both sides have been handed the keys to the kingdom and both sides have continually screwed it up. How many times does one open their wallet and see less money…or worse, no money? How many times does one need to look at the price of gas, food, or housing and think, “Yeah, this is working. Four more years!”

          When I hear young women say, “Abortion is the most important issue.” My thinking is there is no hope for someone who thinks like that. They are voting on an issue which they can control, personally, over something they cannot like taxes, war, inflation, etc. Talk about insanity.

          • “When I hear young women say, “Abortion is the most important issue.” My thinking is there is no hope for someone who thinks like that. They are voting on an issue which they can control, personally, over something they cannot like taxes, war, inflation, etc. Talk about insanity.”

            Well stated RG.

            I’ve struggled to understand how it came to be that the highest priority for young women is the legal right to kill.

            Women historically have been the kinder, gentler, better version of humanity.

            I know there have been exceptions throughout history but it is disturbing to see that that killing is now the top priority for so many young women.

            • What these young dingbats that clamor for the “right” to MURDER an unborn child for the “crime” of being conceived at an inconvenient point in their lives (never mind that being killed is generally “inconvenient” for almost everyone) fail to realize is that the SCOTUS didn’t “outlaw” elective abortion at all! What they did was remove the egregious error of effectively legislating from the bench in that ill-fated Roe v. Wade decision, and remand the issue back to the several states, where it BELONGS. They can work politics to achieve the desired result in their state; and given the far better and far-reaching communications of today versus a half-century ago, let alone that airline travel has cheapened considerably, likely the very “blue” states of CA, IL, NY, and MA would keep the status quo. What would any state that attempts to severely curtail elective abortion do, stop every female of child-bearing age at its borders, subject them to a pregnancy test, and refuse them exit if the rabbit dies? Methinks the “Planned Parenthood” types and the rest of the crones that holler for “a woman’s choice” could put their efforts into providing travel and lodging expenses for those that wish to terminate a pregnancy but must travel to another state to do it. That’s STILL “freedom of CHOICE”!

            • Fact is, the woman is only choosing to put out a contract on the unborn child. The muscle that actually carries out the deed is an AMA certified medical doctor.

              When you think about it in those terms, the legality of abortion is all about admonishing the doctor’s role and liability.

              • Supposedly abortion was never intended to be used as birth control.
                It appears that women are doing just that–using abortion as birth control.
                Not good…

      • ‘Any fool that looks at [Kamala] as a “leader” needs to have their head examined.’ — RG

        ReadyKilowatt is onto something with his quip about ‘fake middle-class behavior.’ Packaging leftist firebrands like Kamala (and Obama before her) as just regular old middle-class suburban folks is deeply insidious and cynical, but undeniably effective.

        Since the days of Clinton’s triangulation guru Dick Morris, the dark art of turning talentless, incoherent poseur candidates into believable actors commanding the stage has been nearly perfected. Kamala is a blank canvas. As her lawn boy Tampon Timmy likes to sing in the shower,

        Bend me, shape me
        Any way you want me
        ‘Long as you cuck me
        It’s all right

        — The American Breed, Bend Me, Shape Me

        • Hi Jim,

          Maybe my optimism on some of the American public awakening and seeing things the way they truly are will backfire, but I am determined to see a ray of light. The Apple iPhone was only introduced in 2007. Since then we have had three Presidents and a burst of new media. Nothing is kept under wraps anymore and everything is fair game.

          I don’t believe the majority of Americans realized how sinister their government is. After Trump’s election, the Plandemic, and somehow a 77 year old man with no accomplishments (or a real job) got 81 million votes when no one would even show up to his rallies has to have left a few questions in the average American mind.

          For years we were told what they wanted us to know. There were no other media establishments to question the narrative. That is changing. The incompetence and manipulation of government is out in the open. I think it is going to be very hard for one to keep their rose colored glasses on especially when there is nothing to show for it.

          • Hi RG,

            I’d like to be optimistic, too. But then I got to listening to Jordan Peterson talking about the data indicating around 10 percent of the general public has an IQ of 80 (or less). Such people cannot be reasoned with; you might as well try and discuss conjugated verbs with a rooster. How many have IQs of 100 or less? Probably 30 percent. Maybe more. The Epsilon Semi-Morons and Deltas outnumber the Betas and the Alphas.

            Remember what Carlin said about the intelligence of the average person – and that 50 percent aren’t as intelligent as that.

            • 50 percent of everyone has an IQ of 100 or less.

              Libertarians are on average measurably smarter than either liberals or conservatives.

              I’m not sure by how much but I’d bet we’re up against at least 80% of everyone else.

              There’s no winning unless we select ourselves out a la the Free State Project. Trouble is there aren’t any jobs in New Hampshire and I’m middle aged and pretty well settled where I am.


            • This is the doom of “democracy”…never mind that if a person is “smart”, over time, (s)he becomes prosperous, i.e, “rich”. Those that are “poor” are usually “dumb” and there’s damned little anyone can do to remedy that over the long run. That’s why in the days of yore, that was handled quietly in most villages and county seats, where their respective idiots were simply turned away. Indeed, most states that didn’t recognize female suffrage didn’t actually deny them the franchise by statute, it was just something “understood”. Only when there was reason to incentivize intelligent females to settle and marry the horny menfolk in the West was the idea of universal suffrage embraced. I still like how it played into the plot of the hilarious 1965 film, “The Great Race”, with good ol’ “Ethel Mertz” (Vivian Vance) giving her newspaper publisher husband fits with her female suffrage efforts in NYC.

        • Listen to Michael Malice’s interview with Dinesh D’Souza. One point D’Souza makes is that the Democrats has no moral issue with doing whatever is necessary to get in office, while the Republicans will draw a line that won’t be crossed. Most of that is ingrained in the conservative mind, that moral character matters. If you have no moral character, you’ll do anything to get what you want.

  14. The Muskrat is Exhibit “A” when it comes to rent seeking grifters. He also illuminates the fact that there’s not a dimes worth of difference between “conservatives” and leftists.

    This darling of the Left made his millions purely on GovCo regulating both earth and space travel. Carbon credits from other car companies and running a GovCo space program (in all but the fact that he’s not directly employed by GovCo).

    He’s been sucking on the GovCo teat from the get go. And Leftists all wanted to have his baby.

    Now, he’s a darling of “conservatives” because he bought twitter and “restored” (kinda sorta) “free speech” on the platform. And Leftist tshun him like any other straight Christian White guy.

    Bottom line is, those running this sh*t show are all alike. None have any desire to just leave people be and “mind their own damn business” – T. Walz.

    Nurse Ratched, meet The Captain & Red Legs Terrell.

    God save us all.

  15. I don’t see Elon as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but as a man on a journey who was so ticked off by the progressives that he took the red pill to see what would happen.

    He will make mistakes and I’m glad you’re willing to talk about them on this platform, to me that id accountability, but I don’t think we should totally hang him out to dry like the left did unless/until he deserves it.

    • I agree, JSR –

      But at the same time, we cannot let these shit Leftists get away with anything. And those who do must have their feet held to the fire until they get it.

    • We in the Brazilian gov are here to tell Elon what to do and fork over 2,000,000 dollars in punitive costs, just to make sure. You stupid ignorant swine, Elon, you you you, you will pay through the nose.

      The Brazilian gov knows how to butter its bread.

      BOHICA for Musk!

      I just want to find a few mammoth tusks before everything freezes solid in Siberia by mid-November.

      Anybody here see Frank Zappa on SNL way back when when he was screaming and yelling ‘no censorship’? The guy just went nuts on TV that night. For entertainment purposes only.

      Yeah, that was kinda cool to watch and stuff.

      • I remember the 1980s, when Jesse Helms was spending all that time looking at pornography so that he could better know it when he saw it. Back then it was the remnants of the 1970s sex-drugs-rock and roll lifestyle that was bleating the free speech alarm. Hugh Hefner was spouting his drivel monthly in his editorials, even as his empire was being undermined from below by smut peddlers who were far less restrained than he.

        Unfortunately Zappa got tossed into that same pot. And I think once he got to that point he decided to own it. Most of his work wasn’t any worse than the stuff being played on the prog-rock FM stations, but just a little more… direct. “We made love in my Chevy van” was alright, but talking about Catholic girls who put out? No, that crossed a line! I guess if Sammy would have asked her religion before picking her up, maybe the censors wouldn’t have allowed it?

        • On my “bucket list” is to put up a montage of attractive Jewish females to Zappa’s “Jewish Princess”…with a garlic aroma, that would level Tacoma.


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