Don’t Deport . . . Defund


Hopefully, incoming President Trump will not try to deport the millions of illegal aliens – they are not “migrants” – the outgoing Biden-Harris regime allowed to flood into the country because (a) it’s probably not doable without imposing a regime of checkpoints and “papers, please” on Americans and (b) because it is likely to provide catcall ammunition to the Communists – there are no “Democrats” anymore – and (c) most of all because it isn’t necessary.

Just defund them.

Trump could demand – and the new Republican Congress could pass – a law making it a federal crime for any state, county or city government official to disburse any money collected in taxes imposed on American citizens to illegal aliens. This should include benefits paid for by American taxpayers.

No more “free” hotel rooms and debit cards loaded up with American taxpayers’ money. No more “access” to things we’re forced to pay for, such as government schools.

It’s simple – and more important, it’s right.

Because people who are not citizens do not have a right to live at the expense of citizens. It’s even worse than taxing citizens to benefit other citizens – who are at least citizens and have a legal right to be here, at least. Using money extracted from Americans by the government and having the government – that is, smug Communists and their useful idiots  who control the government – to benefit an endless stream of random strangers from foreign countries is effronterous and it is probably one of the chief reasons why Trump won the election. American citizens are sick of paying taxes – as the law requires them to do – and which they are hounded by the law to pay – for the benefit of people who are not required to obey the law. Who are rewarded for ignoring it.

No me gusta. 

It would also work.

Absent the “free shit” – so to speak – there would be much less incentive to come to America illegally. Abiding by the law – and becoming a citizen – would have value again.

And it would not require that American be turned into a “papers, please” police state.

. . .

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  1. From a conservative news site….

    TERF’s helped stop commie la and the open border…..

    An NBC News exit poll found that in 2020, 57 per cent of women voted for Joe Biden against 42 per cent for Trump (a 15 point difference). This week, that had changed to 54 per cent for Harris and 44 per cent for Trump (a ten point difference).

    Why?……The answer may be that it is a backlash against woke policies that have consistently seen women’s rights sidelined. Women are rightly angry at seeing biological men compete against females and seeing biological men in changing rooms, safe spaces and even prisons.

    If there is a war on women it is being waged by the progressive left who are prepared to sacrifice the rights of women on the sacred altar of wokeism.

    The Republicans rightly exploited this.

    One of Trump’s most high-profile attack ads against Harris ended with the words: “Kamala’s agenda is they/them, not you.”

    in just a few short years many of the rights and protections women thought they could take for granted have been stripped away. It is women who have to bear the brunt of progressive woke policies.

    TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) used to be an insult. Now it’s a badge of honor worn by women sick of woke politics and tired of being second-class citizens.

    And it is the rise of the TERFs who may well have lifted Trump into the White House.

    • Hi Anon,

      I agree with Kunstler, who said the election was a contest between the sane and the not. He’s right. Just take a look at the outpouring of infantile emotional incontinence by Harris supporters, especially they/them types. These people are diagnostically ill in the head. Even ’60s Democrats such as RKF, Jr. can see it.

  2. Shutting off the money supply would indeed be the easiest (maybe) way to get rid of the illegals. However, there are also plenty of sleeper cell agents waiting in the wings for their orders (Chinese? Iranian?), who do not need our money. What about them? Also, build the damned wall already, and inform the south that we will not tolerate illegals pouring across. And if we can destroy the underground tunnels too, that is even better. I can see Trump (trying) to implement such measures. But sadly, you can always count on that feckless Congress and the do-nothing Republicans who are always willing to, well, do nothing except f- things up, and padding their pocket books in the process.

  3. Eric,

    Couldn’t agree more. While I’m quite supportive of open movement of people, and I will even say the west needs a certain type of immigration, the way immigration is currently set up it attracts the worst. As a person who’s immigrated many times in my life, I can tell you stories of how retarded western immigration rules are….. Its becoming so much now that I’m seeing people with money from Pakistan are no longer even bothering with the west and choosing destinations like Dubai, Singapore and even KL or Istanbul as a second home.

    But ofcoruse, with the free handouts, the west continues to attract the worst from all places. And at some level I cannot even blame them – if someone keeps handing out free money, why wouldnt someone go ??! It’s only rational !!

    The bigger question to be asked is how on earth can all the western countries seem to have the same idiotic policies at once!

    • Good question, Nasir. Probably because it’s being done deliberately. GIve out that “free shit” while making the legal immigration process expensive, lengthy and arduous. It would be senseless if not purposeful.

      Many people from Mexico and Central America somehow save up thousands of dollars to pay the cartels to smuggle them in. Why the hell can’t they just go to an American embassy or the like to apply for citizenship, have the process streamlined and efficient, then just let ’em buy an airplane ticket once they’re approved. Make the application process a fraction of the cost of paying a cartel.

      Yes, some might not be accepted, then they might go the illegal route. But when the legal route provides more resistance than trekking thousands of miles across jungles and deserts and paying criminal coyotes thousands of dollars, something is horribly wrong.

  4. So, why do you suppose they ‘allowed’ a Trumpo win? hmmmmmmm

    Well, come on all of you, big strong men,
    Uncle Sam needs your help again.
    He’s got himself in a terrible jam
    Way over yonder in Iran
    So put down your books and pick up a gun,
    We’re gonna have a whole lotta fun.

    And it’s one, two, three,
    What are we fighting for ?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
    Next stop is Iran;
    And it’s five, six, seven,
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.

    Come on Wall Street, don’t be slow,
    Why man, this is war au-go-go
    There’s plenty good money to be made
    By supplying the Army with the tools of its trade,
    But just hope and pray that if the bomb is dropped,
    They drop it on the Iranian IRGC.

    And it’s one, two, three,
    What are we fighting for ?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
    Next stop is Iran.
    And it’s five, six, seven,
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.

    Well, come on generals, let’s move fast;
    Your big chance has come at last.
    Now you can go out and get those Iranian Quds
    ‘Cause the only good Qud is the one that’s dead
    And you know that peace can only be won
    When we’ve blown ’em all to kingdom come.

    And it’s one, two, three,
    What are we fighting for ?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
    Next stop is Iran;
    And it’s five, six, seven,
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.

    Come on mothers throughout the land,
    Pack your boys off to Iran.
    Come on fathers, and don’t hesitate
    To send your sons off before it’s too late.
    And you can be the first ones in your block
    To have your boy come home in a box.

    And it’s one, two, three
    What are we fighting for ?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
    Next stop is Iran.
    And it’s five, six, seven,
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.

    Trump will make Whitey dying great again saving Israel from Iran.
    Dinero no problema! Cancel the debt and start again!

    Half a million bucks per dead hero
    Makes the family much more cheerful.

  5. My thoughts exactly, Eric. I don’t think T-rump is anymore serious about deportation than he was about repealing Obongocare “on the first day” or “Locking her up”- but if he were, no doubt it would be more of war against ‘Murcans than anyone else- just as our borders are wide open, but if YOU come within 100 miles of thyem inside of your own country, YOU will be treated like a dirty criminal and abused and deprived of your civil liberties. Think that, on a nation scale, even in Iowa or Kansas. I doubt that the welfare will stop, either. Too many politicians and “contributors” have their hand in the cookie jar, with plenty of Caucasian-hating liberals to justify them.

  6. Not only in the Americas where illegal immigration is being funded by the USA taxpayers, but around the world, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has its dirty tentacles in the migration to first-world countries.
    In fact, this jew-owned NGO is responsible for supplying illegal immigrants with food, water, clothing, backpacks, cell phones and stipends as a reward for illegally invading the USA.
    The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has a massive operation getting illegal immigrants across the Darien Gap, which separates South America from North America.
    I wish it weren’t so, but IT’S ALWAYS THE JEWS.
    A primary reason for the jewish support and enabling of illegal immigration is that jews fear any society that is run by White gentiles. They believe that stratification dilutes the power of White gentiles, making it easier for the jews to “rule” and to possibly avoid what is coming for the jews–recognition of their poisonous actions upon White gentile-run societies and the end result–expulsion.

  7. Sorry, Eric. Half a solution is no solution. NO MORE COMPROMISES.
    There are more than 60 million foreign invaders here now.
    Toss them all out and void the citizenship of all the anchor babies because they were illegals.
    Change the law to eliminate anchor babies and make it mandatory to speak good english and have a job or a business to become a citizen.
    Toss out all the invading hordes from the past 30 years.
    The cost will be a lot less than continuing to pay for the invaders.
    Gut the Democratic party by throwing out their base of invaders and never let any of them become citizens. They came here as criminals and they must leave as criminals never to be able to come back.

    • Keep in mind that the Deep State is not tamed at all.
      If we don’t act now and toss them out, the next time the left controls the con-gress the funding of invading hordes will return with a vengeance and all of them will be allowed to sign up as voters.
      The time for compromise has passed.

    • Yes, closing scene of Avatar. Head em up n move em out.

      “B b uttt theyre such good slaves ans we need em for the army.”

      Ok join em asshole ! Up the ramp and out! Every last one of the criminal illegal unwanted alien invaders. Out.

  8. But what about all the “cheap labor?!?”

    Out in my neck of the woods there are third world villages full of “immigrants.” They don’t look like villages, they look like trailer parks. They do the jobs that “we” won’t do. Washing dishes, cleaning hotel rooms, clearing snow from sidewalks, being an au pair for the kids while mom and dad hit the wine tasting dinner. Mom can’t change diapers, that’s gross.

    Except that “we” used to do them, back when kids weren’t pressured into continuing their education beyond grade 12 for an additional 4+ years. Kids having their gap year(s) being a ski bum. They’d work service jobs in the bars and restaurants, catch a few hours of sleep and get first tracks every morning. Be off the slopes by 3:00, head to the dishwashing job (where they got to pick at the food line for meals), and live with 3 other dudes in a converted hotel room.

    Back then, hotels were small and quaint, like an oversized bed and breakfast. The owners were families, the staff were locals (or at least didn’t have to commute 50 miles a day), and they could afford to live in the rickety old houses and condos that dotted the town because they weren’t investments, they were entertainment. And the locals lived there because they wanted to. The people who went skiing did so because they loved to ski, and they’d come back every season, getting to know the staff on a first name basis. Sure, they had money, but they weren’t there to eat foie gras, they were there to enjoy the champagne powder.

    But then came the rise of the modern ski hill. Those groomed slopes, with high-speed express chair lifts, and of course fake snow. That stuff needs a lot of up-front capital and the old ski company had to make a decision: embrace the change and get big or get acquired. Now with the modern snow, the modern skis (no one breaks their leg), and private aviation came the rich folks. Oh at first they were drawn for the many of the same reasons the ski bums and locals, and they even added a lot of character to the towns. But over time the rich folks drove out the locals, and skiing went corporate. Now the CEO of Vail, inc lives in Denver and is more interested in buying hills then skiing them. Marketing makes the ski passes annoyingly expensive while adding benefits that almost no one takes advantage of. Sure, that season pass might get you access to 20 different resorts, but how many are you really going to visit?

    But to make that quarterly number you need consistency and cheap. So import people who aren’t exactly in a position to protest and shove ’em in a trailer with 3 other families. Plow up the old hotels and build modern high-rise “resorts” with WiFi and 2 star restaurants and all the charm of an airport. Meanwhile all those old houses become “real estate” and investment properties, for no apparent reason at all other than some other rich guy might want to park his money there for a few years.

    What are we getting for our money?

    • No! my white son can cook at THE major ski resort shovel the snow from his walk and outwork any illegal worthless invader.

      Stop repeating that crock of bullshit excuse to not face the problem of MILLIONS of illegal invaders leeching off hard working LEGAL AMERICANS like my son. Even sarcasticlly, its no longer joke material. Its time to act NOW.

      Get every last illegal alien invader OUT.

      Why do we allow our kids to become fat worthless garbage. We can change that first then resume free shit for illegal invaders.

      • Fact is, your son cannot work for minimum wage in the Colorado ski towns. Even with a bunch of roommates. Because he’ll need reliable transportation. The illegals don’t care about driving without licenses, insurance, registration or any of the things that citizens require to drive the 25+ miles to the resort town every day. Because if an illegal gets pulled over, he’ll pull out his Venezuelan passport (with blank pages where the visa should be), not give out any address or tell the cop where he lives. The cop hands him a piece of paper for driving without a license and whatever the cop noticed, might impound the car, and that’s that. Sucks to be the immigrant, but up until then he was driving for a fraction of the cost we pay to drive, and if he’s smart he won’t attract attention anyway.

        And that immigrant has a wife at home who can cook very basic foods for very little money. The ski bum might be able to mooch some food at the restaurant, but the corporate handbook clearly states that employees only get a discount, not “just make yourself a plate” like it should be.

        Not saying it’s right by any measure, but that’s the way things are today. Until the ski town real estate market crashes, and investors figure out that Vail and Alterra are way out over their skis, nothing is going to change.

  9. What bothers me is that there are already laws in force with respect to illegal immigration, but those laws aren’t being enforced.

    We don’t need to pass new laws or deport people en masse. We do need to enforce our current laws, and we do need to send a clear message that we are enforcing our laws.

    BUT—and this is a big Sir Mix A Lot but—doing so would involve perp walking LOTS of C-level executives and rich housewives from New Jersey.

    • Exactly, Bryce. But government lives to enact new laws. Endless new laws. And THAT is our foremost enemy. Laws only apply to the law-abiding; those who have something to lose, and those upon whom they are enforced. So no matter how many more laws they concoct, one can be sure that they only impact us…and not the.

    • No every single illegal criminal alien invader needs to be arrested and deported immediately. Not killed just deported.

      Failure to do so got us to this point.

      180 time. No quarter.

  10. According to Karl Denninger (at The Market Ticker), 8 USC 1324 already provides for, once again, felony criminal prosecution for any entity that provides aid, comfort, employment, housing or anything else to a person who is here illegally with either knowledge or reckless disregard.

    • KN, Does that apply to medical care? Many illegals use the emergency room as their doctor. If it’s not a life or death emergency, can they be turned away legally?

    • And what is an ‘entity’, KN? Must that be an organization, or can it be an individual? What is “reckless disregard”? If I can be made a felon by giving someone a few bucks to help them out, without checking “ze papers”, sorry, but I fully disagree with that law.

      Stiff penalties to anyone giving taxpayer money to non-citizens is one thing, but criminalizing me helping my fellow man is quite another.

  11. I see it like you do. Just cut off their benefits. That includes public schools, which should be defunded anyway. The only exception I would make is life threating conditions. And if you entered “illegally,” you never are eligible for citizenship unless you pay at least a $50k fine to the government and have at least two natural born citizens put up an equivalent amount as your bond. I think that is a fair trade. One citizen cannot “sponsor” more than 2 of these people to avoid billionaires from just bankrolling the whole thing.

    I agree that we don’t need deportations, which I believe is problematic. We just need to get control of the situation as it is.

  12. It’s wait and see what the Great Orange Man will do, and what he may NOT do. Like investigate his assassination attempt.

    Maybe Trump won’t use the massive power of the Federal government, which has an agency that collects every single thing ever typed on the internet, to find out who tried to kill him. A whole lot of people in D.C. know. Some arm twisting and threats ought to get these insiders to spill their guts so they don’t find themselves in prison for treason.

    My guess is that Obama and Biden are directly responsible for trying to kill Trump. Trump will let both of them go. That is insane and criminal, not to mention immoral. Or maybe it was faked, which I tend to think because of the Iwo Jima trump fist in the air photo. Way to perfect. And no ear wound.

    I thought, why not have Steve Bannon, now freed from jail, to head a task force to uncover who did it. But I will wager right here and right now Trump will not investigate his own assassination – because it was faked. It was one act in election stage managed theater.

    Trump promised last time he would release the JFK files, then he did not. Now he has promised again? He won’t. The reason is that the JFK files are completely damning of the USA and Zionist Israelites.

    Illegals? Round them up and send em home. In any other country on earth, if you are there illegally you get arrested and deported.

    Don’t miss False Flag Weekly News by Dr. Kevin Barrett, every saturday morning, this week title “Genocide-Loving Zionist Stooge SElected to Replace Genocide-Loving Zionist Stooge”

    • Well said Jack,
      He promised to release the JFK documents his last term, I read somewhere that Pompeo talked him out of it. Let’s see if he manages to do it this time, that will be as good an indication as any of whether or not he’s on our side. Not holding out much hope though, since Pompeo seems to be heading for appointment as Defense(sic) Secretary.

  13. Obviously publishing everyones’ ballot and auditing the voter database is the way to stop election fraud. But there IS ANOTHER good way to run an election — just use the mechanical voting machines like WE USED TO!!! I remember voting on one of those in 2004. Why did the govt get rid of those EXCELLENT machines? Because they were TOO GOOD … because the govt could not fraud us with those machines! That’s why they got rid of them!

    The machine counts your votes right then and there, and there’s no way the criminals (democrats) can change or delete your votes! This is why the govt got rid of all of those machines. Also, a poll worker could stamp peoples’ hand when they vote — just like amusement parks stamp your hand when you go in the entrance gate — this would prevent anyone from voting more than once. And you have to go in person to vote, so this prevents fake voters!!!!! That stops a HUGE amount of fraud!!! And there’s no ballots no papers no scams going on — this prevents BALLOT DUMPS!!!! Plus it’s easy and doesn’t require lots of poll workers.

    The machine can’t be programmed to scam anyone because it’s fairly simple and mechanical and can be inspected. Anyone trying to rig an election would have to custom modify the machine after they knew what order the candidates/measures were in, which would be IMPOSSIBLE to do. Whereas electronic machines are easy to modify because it’s just software code running. But the mechanical machine is TAMPERPROOF. This is why smart people invented these machines before we were all born — because they were smart and it makes elections honest.

    This is what Trump etc should be giving us all! But they’re just planning to keep your elections FAKE and FRAUDED!!!!

    Here’s an old video of a machine, but they were used up to about 2012 in some states I think.

  14. Completely off topic, but I thought this was of interest.

    Apparently Iranian radar can lock-on to F-35s from possibly hundreds of miles away. Perhaps Israel might not be quite as cocky now, and begin opting for peaceful relations with their neighbors.

    I’ll bet these new radar systems are Russian-made, and you have to hand it to the Russians who build some bad-ass technology.

    • That railroad from Russia will deliver bigger goodies to Iran.

      Making psychopaths “bravery of being out of range” shrink again.

  15. As the country ages we should be working smarter not harder. No need for ‘papers please.’ Trump could issue an EO giving them sixty days to leave voluntarily. They can leave with their filthy lucre laden pockets untouched. On the way out the door they get issued a golden ticket, like one would get from Chucky Cheese, for a Zoom hearing, one year from the day they leave. If they stay longer than sixty days they are ineligible to ever set foot on our soil again. The things you mentioned would work in conjunction. Cutting off all freebies, de funding all NGOs, heavily fining employers who employ them, cutting off all fedbux to sanctuary cities/states. Also, a one year moratorium on ALL immigration until this gets sorted. These things together would rid us of ninety percent of the scum sucking free loaders without firing a shot, breaking a sweat, or ‘Papers please.”

    • Hey Norman,

      Unfortunately, most of the scum-sucking freeloaders I’ve known in life have been white American citizens. 😉 Sadly, too many have learned to game the system, and then it becomes multi-generational. We WOULD cut lose 90% of the freeloaders if we finally got rid of 90% of the government, however.

  16. I know the world is in deep doo doo — Earth is the s***hole of the galazy for sure, run by evil alien/hybrid rulers. BUT … I’m SO GLAD Mr T got through the massive fraud! I think we all dodged a bullet — I can’t even imagine how much worse things would be if he didn’t get in. Lets hope all the wars (for no reason) are stopped, and the destruction of our survival transportion stops (the whole stupid EV thing etc), etc etc. YAY!!!!!! THANK GOD he got in!!!!! I hope he with others do some good things.

    We as a population have got to stop with having rulers boss us all around — if we’re voting anyways, why don’t we just vote for what we want (laws, international policies etc)? Why are we voting for people (we hardly know) to vote on our behalf? This whole thing is nuts. Countless aliens in the galaxy look at us Earth people like we are complete NUTTERS LOL.

    Thank you all for being here (on Earth), I read TONS of excellent smart moral honorable comments here and elsewhere on the internet. God bless all of you honorable people. You deserve better than the stupid dictator regimes in Earth, you deserve for things to get alot better.

  17. Excellent suggestion Eric, that would free up a boatload of hotel rooms here. Entire motels have been taken over by the migrants and the owners of said hotels are making out like bandits because all the rooms are occupied and they are getting paid for by the state, as in us taxpayers/suckers. Also free food, sail fawns, etc., put them to work or boot them out, but end the all inclusive resort stay.

  18. Again, I thank you for understanding this issue the way you do, Eric. I agree whole-heartedly.

    I’ve been thinking that not only is this “border crisis” being has been set into action deliberately, it is being done for a reason, and that reason is not only to have a legion of Democrat voters.

    It is being done so that your typical American will cheerleader Gestapo forces and tactics.

    As the High Chancellor in V for Vendetta demands:

    “I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. I want everyone to remember why THEY NEED US!”

  19. I respectfully disagree. The only way to deal with illegals at this juncture is to detect, detain, and deport. A fourth D, deter, would follow the first three. Deterrence means what Eric described by denying, taxpayer, funded hotels, healthcare, education, everything else.

    • I talked to the owner of our local Mexican restaurant last night. He legally immigrated to the US as a young man from the Chihuahua region of Mexico. Anyhow, he’s a big Trump supporter and resents illegal immigrants. I’d contend he’s every bit of a good American as any of us here. And yesterday he said, “Hey Mike did you see Musk reached out to Ron Paul?!?” Only in America.

      • Trump is going to start with going fire and brimstone on the NGOs that smuggled them here, the ones responsible for the human trafficking and lots of gang busts. That will give people the stomach for more and he’ll probablly do an about face on his retoric when the media grills him for going after anyone else.

        Of course electronically invalidate work visas incase anyone checks and any criminal alien arrested for new crimes who get caught by police in red areas will be handed over to ice.

        At the end of the day there will be lots who end up staying if civil liberties are to be upheld.

        But there will not be retoric of mass amnesty while we still have the stomach to deport their asses. It would be incredibly poor posture to the rest of the world to come out with talk of mass amnesty first and Trump wouldn’t do it.

        When you complain of civil liberties before the gang and ngo busts are well underway, the answers gonna be “well lets continue getting rid of the worst of the worst and then we’ll see…”

        Unfortunatly that’s going to be his posture I predict, even if it pisses us off.

        Now if you’re really afraid the conversation we should be having is when are they going to launch a real bioweapon with a 20% kill rate. The smirk on gate’s face means they could totally do it if they don’t capitulate.

        Don’t get me wrong I’m a big a fan as anyone is of Alex Jones’ Police State films.

        • Meant to post that on the main thread.

          Relevant to your comment Mike,
          My favorite resteraunt is a 4 star spanish speaking joint and it’s authentic.

          But routinely every weekend that I do go my friend will ask the owners wife as she passes by and ask how many sineloa? Last time she said there were 16 cartel guys eating with us in a small joint. Nothing happens because they are not going to shit where they eat, literally. Atleast my tatted white friend will flip them off while he’s in there because he’s someone not to fuck with back. The menudo is to die for.

  20. They should do both, because the problem with defunding is that the illegal aliens in questions might resort to crime, or theft just to be able to stay and survive in the country.

    1/ seal the borders
    2/ arrest, defund, stop all illegals
    3/ stop and defund all fake ngo’s whose business is to flood white countries with fake migrants (they do the same in Europe, behind it are the UN, Soros, the EU, and their ‘ngo’s’)
    4/ Of course do not pay a cent to any illegal, then they have an incentive to just go back
    5/ deport as many as you can.

    However, i am afraid that one of the reason they flooded Western countries with the scum of the world is to impose on us ‘digital id’s”. they are now doing it in Russia, the alibi is that it will make sure that not needed central Asians stay out of Russia. This is probably the goal in the US.

    In Europe, id’s are already mandatory and tey are also touting the digital id scam for the same reasons while it is them who force fake ‘refugees” on Europeans.

    So number 6: deport all deep state operators, globalists, pro-immigrants, immigration ngo’s and make it into law that helping illegals is a serious crime.

    7/ stop the abortion madness, this is how they can come with the argument that we don’t do enough children.

  21. No, definitely deport them. They cannot be allowed to stay, there has to be a punishment for violating our laws. Even if you drop them at the border then let them apply to enter legally it’s the right thing to do.

    You probablly don’t have any out in the sticks. It’s a goddamn nightmare here!

  22. What you describe, Eric, is basically how things were done up to about 120 or so years ago.

    In those days, there were no passports and if one could save enough for the passage to the ‘New World’, that was sufficient to get there.

    At most a short stint in quarantine, and off you went.

    You could do whatever you wanted and would have no contact with the government whatsoever.

    But you were also on your own. No welfare, no unemployment benefits. If you didn’t work, you starved.

    This is why the arguments over ‘open borders’ are somewhat of a red herring.

    Without the lure of free shit, only those prepared to work in order to better themselves would come over.

    But that would also mean that large parts of the government apparatus that is ’employed’ dealing with these issues would then be surplus to requirements.

    And that is unlikely to happen.

    • “At most a short stint in quarantine, and off you went.”

      That’s how my grandfather did it coming from Ireland in the 20’s. A short stint at Ellis Island, he changed his name there (why? who knows, I always believed he was running from something in Ireland), and off he went. He found a job from an American relative and went from there. No government aid whatsoever his entire life.

      Now my grandmother on my father’s side was an illegal alien all her life here. She was British/Canadian and married my grandfather an American citizen. She never became a citizen and was worried all her life about being deported. I don’t believe she had any government aid as well, other than my grandfather’s pension and SS when he died.

    • I still have the $10 gold piece my Italian great grandfather had when he came to Ellis Island to prove to the authorities that he was not indigent and, in the words of the law, not “liable to be a public charge.”

  23. Great idea but, expect massive pushback from GovCo’s social[ist] services such as the schools and health departments. They get massive funding benefits from “servicing” illegals and they won’t give up that dough without a fight.

    As the director of our county health department told me in 1995, “You don’t understand, Mark. My job is to get as many people through the doors, getting as many services as possible and keep them there as long as I can. That’s how we make money.”

    And he was good at it. But, he lost his job when he got caught diddling the secretary in the broom closet. Good news, though. He got a job at the State level.

    Gotta love GovCo…

    • Lots of well paid jobs for poverty pimps….managing the homeless…they don’t want to stop the problem…then they would lose their high paid job…expanding the problem is job security…

      Illegal alien pimps……managing the illegal migrant issue…they don’t want to stop the problem…then they would lose their high paid job…expanding the problem is job security…

  24. Many migrants were given asylum, and an immigration court date as far out as 2031.

    One hopes photos and fingerprints were taken as well. But you can bet that with HIAS agent ‘Mayorkas’ in charge, ‘mistakes were made.’

    In any case, failing to show up for a court date is a ground for revocation of status under existing law. Those who have regular employment shouldn’t be hard to locate.

    After the housing bust of 2006-2010, the crowds of day laborers in the parking lots of big box stores shrank dramatically. Some went home on their own because they weren’t making much money here.

    One big theme of the 2024 election was an hispanic majority for Trump. Wage competition from migrants is real. Saw an article today that leftists are now berating hispanics for voting Trump. Let’s see how that works out!

    Not to wish a recession on anyone, but the data shows one is coming. This will incentivize some migrants to return home, though it also will cause a lot of pain for Americans … and bankrupt some auto makers (again).

    • Speaking of bankrupt auto makers:

      I never thought the propulsion of a vehicle would become a political issue,” GM chairman and CEO Mary Barra said onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt on October 29.

      “General Motors’ goal is to keep supporting the charging infrastructure to be more robust … we’re still looking for battery innovation to get energy density up, cost down, all those things are going to be unlocks.”

      “I take cybersecurity really seriously from a vehicle perspective. Privacy as well, treating data with respect and continuing to raise the bar on how to manage data and make sure we’re doing the right thing.”

      Lies … ALL LIES. Connected cars with telematics are spy devices, leaking data every which way. EeeVee Mary is a lost puppy, rabbiting on about battery innovation (*yawn*) while her customers walk away.

      ‘I never thought the propulsion of a vehicle would become a political issue’ should be engraved on General Motors’ tombstone. Ripping off the taxpayers by tens of billions to subsidize rich toffs like yourself? GET A BRAIN, MORAN.

  25. “it’s probably not doable without imposing a regime of checkpoints and “papers, please” on Americans.” -EP Perhaps that’s the whole reason behind the planned deportations.

    Might soon be time to double down on the exercise of the 4th Amendment recognized “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. . .”


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