Here’s the audio (and hopefully, video) of yesterday’s impromptu guest appearance on David Knight’s Real News, hosted by my friend Gard Goldsmith. It was a short notice thing – I didn’t have time to shower or shave – so please excuse my Derelicte appearance! My segment starts at about the 1:00 mark!
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Over at Unz, I managed to get 2 comments published this weekend, and those interested in the Zionist claiming Abraham as their father issue may find interesting. A debate rages on the relationship of Christians, Jews, and the authenticity of the Bible text. French scholar and genius Laurent Guyénot latest article and comments is very good reading for our times:
I absolutely rip the Abraham story in Genesis, Abraham/Sara is a blatant ripoff of the Hindu Brahma story, thousand years before Abraham was “invented” by the rabbinic writers was Brahma who married his sister Saraswati. This means by itself that Abraham is pure fiction, rewritten older mythology.
If you read the article and comments, especially my comments, you will then realize this horrific war of genocide in Gaza and the surrounding nations of Israel is all caused by faith, because the background story is not real, Abraham and all the rest of the Bible patriarchs NEVER EVEN EXISTED!
If you wrap your mind around this, faith in the Bible is the greatest evil of all time. Men are killing each other over nothing. The Zionist project is like the 3,000 years in the future a tribe claiming Harry Potter as their father invades Britain and kills everyone because they claim the Harry Potter books are about them.
X: BREAKING: Vivek Ramaswamy will no longer be involved in DOGE due to tensions with staff.
Swami quits DOGE. I predicted that Musk and Swami wouldn’t last long, and even before the Trump coronation Rama Swamilamadingdong is out. The reason is simple, Musk and Vivek like to get things done and in DC nothing is ever done. Expect many more of Trump’s dream team to quit. Soon it will be business as usual, until the shit hits the fan and the panic begins. I believe MAGA is about to go NDTD Nation Down The Drain, when the owners pull the plug. See the Brandon Biggs prophecy.
The only way to stop the US government largesse is when they can no longer afford to be spendthrifts. This could easily happen, almost overnight, if there is a revolt in the bond market – when the bond holders demand higher rates, and as you know, rates bottomed in 2020 and are now aggressively moving up. ZIRP is over and in the rear view mirror, high rates like the 1970s could be reality for the next decades.
The frenzy in speculative markets like crypto is due to capital having no safe home. The stock market is way overvalued, government bonds have a negative yield, especially if adjusted to the real inflation rate, not the fake BLS number. Big money is very nervous and everyone is trying to beat the game of certain death for dollar collapse and hyperinflation. Everyone knows they will have to print to keep the game going, thus a hyperbubble in real estate and anything with real value, like gold.
But, Jack!
Aren’t you proud to be an American? Where at least you know you’re free? I suppose that’ll keep working – even after tens of millions of Americans are Derelicte (Zoolander reference) and a cup of freeze dried Ramen noodles is considered luxury cuisine.
Proud to be an Amerikan? ‘Merica, ooh ra! In the middle of my USAF career, I was reading lots of Libertarian books, which changed my mind on the whole patriot thing. I tell my sons, it’s not your nation and it’s not your flag, don’t go to war for the banksters, do not be a pawn in the Jewish struggle to take over the planet. I lived off of Ramen noodles for years when I lived in the jungle of Pahoa Hawaii. I made ramen with 2 eggs and wild spinach leaves every night.
I wake up, TikTok banned, tards buying some new coin issued by the president – move aside Fartcoin, make way for $TRUMP coin, now worth 31 billion in one day. Rampant speculation always means you are at the end of an age.
I read at ZH:
Hartnett: Historic Rout In Treasuries Ending As “Trump Can’t Allow Bigger Debt And Deficits”
“At no time in the past 90 years has 10-year rolling return from US Treasuries been negative. It is now” but “Fed more serious on inflation, Trump serious on deficits… investors need to be less UW bonds”
The article is behind a pay wall. The Jew economist says God-King Trump can not allow deficits. What is big spender Trump’s position on debt and deficits? More beautiful debt. Trump can not cut spending as he should, no one in the District of Criminals has any financial sanity or will to cut spending. The Biden regime sent over $200 billion to Ukraine and another $20 billion to Israhell. Not exactly a thrifty state of affairs. I wonder what does this mean? Interest rates through the roof, a huge debt crisis is immediate in our future.
Government shills say inflation is only 2%, yet I can no longer afford eggs. Eggs. A dozen of eggs is as basic of a commodity as you can find at the grocery store. So I look up the FRED chart:
Average Price: Eggs, Grade A, Large (Cost per Dozen) in U.S. City Average
Looks like the lumber chart a couple of years ago. Egg prices have gone haywire. The government has attacked our egg supply. How can egg prices be so volatile when anyone with some land can raise chickens and eggs?
I should of bought some meme coin to afford eggs, foolish me.
The real reason TikTok was banned in the US is because they’re having difficulty controlling the “Israel narrative”.
Their #standwithIsrael hashtag has about 1/10,000th the amount of uses as #freepalestine. Nobody’s buying the BS. Not even on platforms they control.
Hey Eric… here’s an item of interest. Somebody just paid $33,000 for a basically as-new 1987 Chevy Chevette at auction:
Most of the comments about this are quite uncomplimentary, people do not remember Chevettes fondly. “Pile of hot dogshit” is about as nice as it gets.
Indeed, I remember how bad a lot of those econo-boxes of the ’70s and ’80s sucked. While we all bemoan the lack of affordable, economical cars today, here’s the question: if all the government regs were to disappear, and people were able to buy an ’87 Chevette today, would they?
I doubt it. I think even the poor people today would turn their noses up at some of the proletarian working man cars people used to drive by the millions…
I would LOVE to have a Chevette. No lie, my buddy who works in Columbus, Ohio sent me a photo from his phone of a Chevette not long ago in a parking lot. He was like “Check THIS out!” They’re as rare as hen’s teeth nowadays. I’d love to have one then resto-mod it with some sweet rims, a set of Brembo brakes, a turbo charger, and maybe a nice, tight 6-speed. Hell yeah.
Eric’s segment runs from 0:44:30 to 2:08:50.
It features good, solid, red-meat bashing of CNN, presstitutes in general, genocidal Israel, and even … *drum roll* .. APE LINCOLN. 🙂
Eric catches Gard Goldsmith by surprise with his mention of the chicken tax, a 25% tariff on light trucks from the LBJ era which soldiers on today (and presumably will be retained and maybe even hiked by the incoming Tariff King).
Hat tip to Eric for name-checking Joan Didion and her book Slouching Toward Bethlehem. I was just reading her biography yesterday.
Someone should tell Gard Goldsmith that the word apostate is pronounced A-postate, not a-POS-tate.
Although ’emmasaying’ treats my pronunciation of ‘A-postate’ as secondary.
Best show ever, openly talking about censorship and Israel. There is so much meat to respond to, I don’t know where to begin, but at the beginning Eric makes mention of how the Scofield Bible is the root cause for Christian support for Israel. That is true, but the rabbi hole goes deeper. Christians have been convinced that salvation is of the Jews (since Jesus was a Jew – but even that is greatly contested across the web). Most modern Evangelicals believe what fat bastard John Hagee has convinced them, to go against Israel is to go against God.
It is, of course, all nonsense. Like Lloyd Pye says, everything you know is wrong. No one can be saved, nor does anyone need to be saved … because … when you die you are dead. Humans have latched onto the New Testament story (100% fiction, a fable, see Joseph Atwill’s Caesar Messiah, or watch the movie).
Why do people believe that some Jew man-god could walk on water when everyone KNOWS that no one can walk on water? Because of what the myth offers, eternal life. Humans, being an artificially created sentient race, know they exist, and thus do not want to not exist, so the appeal of a story which promises you can live forever if you only believe.
So what is really going on in Gaza is this, Christians have allied with Jews because of their own selfish desire for eternal life. Gaza is being clawed to death by religious predators who will step on anyone to get to heaven. I liken it to a bowl full of crayfish all trying to claw their way out – but like I said, when you are dead you are dead, no ifs ands or buts.
I would also point out no where in the Gospels does the philosophy of Jesus endorse genocide. So if there was a just god, why would that god admit you to enter the pearly gates if you wantonly supported killing of innocent people. If Jesus truly exists, he would never allow modern Zionist Christians to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If Jesus came back with a golden sword he would kill all the Zionists first.
Disclaimer, yes I know all about reincarnation of souls, I used to work for the Hare Krishna and I’m well versed on that belief system. But there is no evidence of the soul, a necessary concept to justify eternal punishment. In statist theology, the soul is invented by the priest, because when you are dead anyone can see you are dead, so the priest said you have an invisible soul which goes on .. to judgement, also not proven.
Thanks, Jack!
Gard’s a friend and we discuss this stuff a lot off-air. It’s high time it got discussed more on air.
Gard is very knowledgeable on Libertarian economics. The next 4 years will be fun watching Zioclown Trump try to make Amerika great while he kowtows to Israel. Statist Trump will (no doubt) do everything against free market principles as he desperately tries to save us from the very tribe he loves. My money is still on Brandon Biggs prophecy, still batting 1,000. He was the preacher who said a bullet would miss Trump’s ear back in March, and then he said Trump would get elected and all charges dropped. Then upon taking office, immediately the bottom falls out and Amerika plunges into the Greatest Depression of all time.
Jesus = 100% NOT A JEW.
The Jews trying to claim they are “Israelites” or share some ancestry is utterly false. The claim has been around since Jesus’s time, actually, and he addressed it.
“They replied to him, Abraham is our father. And he replied to him, if Abraham was your father, THE WORKS OF ABRAHAM YOU WOULD DO.”
And he makes it quite clear that he is NOT one of them. “I already told you,” Jesus replied, “but you did not believe. The works I do in My Father’s name testify on My behalf. But because you are not My sheep, you refuse to believe. My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me
The Bible requires no “interpretation”. The words are quite clear.