In a small town in New York, armed government workers cuffed and berated an 11-year-old girl who had done nothing more to warrant it than being dressed in clothes similar to those worn by another (older) girl who was apparently involved in a car theft.
The armed government workers treated her as if she was the suspect they were looking for rather than treating her as if she might be – a distinction that used to be important.
They also presume she is some kind of threat – which would be funny were it not so pathetic. Several armed adults vs. one 11-year-old girl – who is remarkably calm and cooperative with her accosters even when they accuse her of lying, which is another way of them saying they are certain she is guilty.
“You’re gonna lie and tell me that’s not you”?
It wasn’t.
But that doesn’t seem to matter to these ‘fraidy cat “heroes.” Probably because they’ve been trained to presume anyone they suspect is guilty. It is not uncommon for them to accuse people of the “crime” of “acting suspiciously.” Whatever that means – which is just the point in that it can mean anything. What it usually amounts to acting in any way they don’t happen to like, most of all anything that smacks of less than obsequious genuflecting to their Authority.
The girl is questioned without being advised of her rights (as required by law). No attempt is made to call her parents or any other responsible adult who might protect her from being intimidated by these thugs into “confessing.”
That happens, too.
It gets worse – after it becomes clear the girl is not the suspect they’re looking for. The handcuffs are removed and she is let go – but not before she is lectured by the deputies, who publicly humiliated her about how she ought to understand: “You see how this could happen, right.”
She – and he friends – didn’t. They having tried pointing out relevant facts to the deputies – such as the girl’s shoes being different as well as her hair and also corroborating facts that would raise doubts about their “suspicions,” such as that the girl and her friends were playing in the snow rather than riding around in a stolen car and the deputies maybe ought to check it all out before placing the girl in cuffs.
Instead, they cuffed this kid – hands behind her back – and treated her as if she were both guilty of something and dangerous.
But that’s not the worst part. That came later – when the four star “general” who is really just a sheriff who thinks he’s a field-grade military officer – insists that what his dobermans did was “good police work.” That it was good to handcuff and berate a minor child on the basis of presuppositional guilt and treat her as if she had committed a felony – and constituted a “threat” to the armed adults who accosted her.
The “deputies did everything by the book,” reads a statement issued by the Sheriff’s Office. And the Sheriff/General affirmed this, when questions were raised about it. “How do you characterize” what was done to the little girl, asks a reporter?
The “general” replies: “Good police work.”
“The deputies,” says the four-star, were “very cooperative” – which is a fantastically fascinating inversion of things. What they did was coerce “cooperation” via the implicit menace of their badges, handcuffs, guns and authority to use them all.
“Why not speak to her without the handcuffs on?” asks the reporter.
The four-star replies: “Because you get in a situation (where) you don’t know who you’re dealing with.” Which is to say, someone they do not know has committed a crime. “We know that if we don’t control them” – meaning, in this case, an 11-year-old girl who controlled herself remarkably well given the circumstances – “we might be chasing them later.” In other words, because these deputies worried this girl might try to get away from them it was acceptable for them to manacle her on the basis of nothing more than . . . suspicion.
“It’s for her safety.”
Of course.
Predictably. It is always for our “safety” when government goons abuse us.
“Does this mean anytime anyone matches the description of someone wanted, they’re at risk of being handcuffed by police?” inquires the reporter. The four-star dodges the question and instead relates a “personal example” – about an adult man he arrested and cuffed who was a criminal. This apparently justifies handcuffing an innocent 11-year-old on the basis of “suspicion.”
A civil right lawyer – the narrator in the video embedded with this article – explains that the law forbids this sort of over-the-top Hut Hutt Hutting of children, citing case law to support what he says. It is probable the four-star and his deputies will be sued – and the taxpayers will pay. Again, having already been forced to pay for the deputies’ salaries and the four-star’s stars, too.
By the way. Isn’t it a crime to impersonate a military officer? And why is it not stolen valor when a small town sheriff struts around wearing a general’s stars on his collar?
It all seems pretty suspicious, doesn’t it?
. . .
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This is precisely why there is no such thing as a “good cop”. Period. I know people want to think otherwise, but that ship sailed way back in the times of Mayberry. If that’s “by the book” then the fucken book is wrong. Again, period. No two ways about it.
Who isn’t sick to death of hearing of their atrocious behavior 99.99% of the time being examined to the extent of whether or not it’s by some supposed “book”?? Yeah? Where is that fucken book? Let’s see it.
This is a democracy right? Then don’t we get to have some say in what is in that book? If not, why not? They can put any-fucking-thing in their imaginary “book” and say “we did it by the book.”
IDGAF what your Book of Statist Religion and Porcine Oppression happens to say.
Or, what about, the idea that those pigs might have to chase after a runaway 11 year old?
Postpone the inauguration until January 30th and have the ceremony on the scorched remains of Malibu Beach.
The burned-out Biden will be a feature not a bug.
Better than freezing in DC tomorrow no matter where you will be, stay home.
Besides, the Praetorian Guard is under a lot of pressure. They need a break.
You can go where it is warm and comfortable.
It’s rather warm in Los Angeles, that will help. That will be just fine.
Jackie Treehorn doesn’t draw much water in Malibu these days.
It’s a movie about firestorms in Los Angeles, but it’s real.
This happened about a year ago locally. Didn’t hear about this until today.
Local woman having stroke in parking lot taken to police station instead of hospital because cops thought she was drunk. Even though one of the cops was a “trained” EMT!!!
Extra scary to me, because a friend recently had a stroke in a parking lot, but in his case someone walking by realized he was having a stroke and called paramedics instead of the police.
There is a DMSO protocol for strokes I suggest folks look into.
So the policy is people can attack me and call me all manner of foul things, but I can’t return the same.
Ok. I thought this was a different place. My apologies for my own ignorance in thinking otherwise.
Just don’t get how other people can get away with what I was yelled at for.
These corrupt cops cost taxpayers a fortune too! I have wrote about an incident involving my dad back in the 1980’s (he stood up for some of my friends rights who were 10 and 11 at the time). By the time the dust settled years later, it had cost taxpayers over 2.3 million dollars (in 1980’s money, probably double that now). And it could have cost way more had my dad and my friends parents gone for damages which they could have gotten.
Has anyone ever seen evidence that “The Civil Rights Lawyer” has ever actually stood up for someone’s civil rights? Or is it just a constant stream of monetized rage videos, making money off the suffering of others while hiding under the guise of “concern”.
It’s just…oddly reflective of what government does. “Oh, we care about you. Now give us some money.”
Hey Letmepicyou,
The guy litigates cases.
Is he not “standing up for” that 11-year-old’s civil rights by producing a video, engaging in legal research and bringing the injustice to the attention of others on a mass scale? What would you like him to do? He’s a WV lawyer and this matter occurred in NY.
A “monetized rage video. . .under the guise of ‘concern?'” What kind of a person would characterize this unemotional and factual presentation as that? This is absolutely nothing like what government does. He does not use a gun and a badge with the implied threat of deadly force to generate income.
Hmmmm. This post of yours, in addition to some of your previous ones, makes me believe that you may not be here in good faith. I think you might have an agenda that’s contrary to the libertarian ideals that are discussed here.
Who are you letmepicyou? What kind of work are you involved in?
Hi ML,
I think we know who he is. He has Fed written all over him. His goal is to shut down sites like these. Rather than just pulling the plug and taking it offline (which usually requires a warrant) he posts divisive commentary so the site turns into chaos and chases away constructive debate and conversation. Posters get fed up seeing garbage in/garbage out and stop visiting. The site loses money due to lack of support and dissolves into a black hole.
The best thing any of us can do is ignore him/them. But, it will take awhile before they slink away like the snakes they are.
See now I’m the victim of a personal attack.
Time to go on the offensive, I suppose.
Up yours, Jew. Raider Girl here won’t admit to being a Jew. It won’t deny it either. Note how the Jew tries to poison the well?
“Sssss….he’sssss not one of ussssss.”
Right, kol nidre filth?
Well, if we had any doubt of your disruptive and divisive goals, you sure proved us right with this post.
If you want to raise a point that’s fine, but please go away if you’re going to resort to ad hominem attacks. The commenters on ep autos are pretty smart and can usually through the BS. Enough is enough letmepicyou. You project your intent when you make the assertion of poisoning the well.
I’m not the one calling people “feds” in order to cause division. Perhaps you should check yourself.
And what I’m getting from you, frankly, is that you SUPPORT unlawful property taxes.
I notice you properly shut your damn mouth on the subject of police power coming from unlawful property taxes.
It’s clear what this Jew is here to do.
I despise property and any other taxes. My eyes are wide open to your discussion as to how and why any tax is unlawful. In fact, if you make a compelling argument I would absolutely use it to file a lawsuit against the applicable taxing authorities to have such tax(es) declared unlawful. The problem is that you don’t actually lay out the argument. You just make the assertion, complaint that discussion of any other topic beside your assertion is evidence that your argument is being suppressed and then say Jew, Jew Jew.
Mark Twain advised never to argue with a fool, as onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.
Hi RG,
There are two possibilities here.
1) He is “fed” as you suggest.
2) He is a hate-filled, racist, bigoted moron who actually believes the bullshit that he is posting. In a previous post that he made on the John Galt thread, he claimed that the sun is getting cooler, despite overwhelming astronomical evidence that the sun is actually getting hotter. He also claimed that Venus may soon become habitable in the future as the water vapor in its atmosphere cools down, despite the fact that there is almost no water vapor in Venus’s atmosphere and Venus has a surface temperature of almost 900 degrees F. This leads me to believe that he actually is just an idiot.
I’d also like to point out that every source making claims about Venus talks at length about GREENHOUSE GASSES, lol.
A misnomer if ever there was one.
So we got ourselves a closet greenie here, looking to curb CO2 output because of global warming.
Right, Chaim?
The point is…and sorry if I didn’t make it clear enough in my original post…
But I’ve mentioned to the “Civil Rights Lawyer” in his comment section something that’s absolutely true:
And that if he were a CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER, he would be engaged in attacking the police on THAT FRONT.
I’m sure not knowing what I’ve been trying to get this guy to respond to, you lacked context complete for my comment. I get that. But this is it.
I’m actually more purely libertarian than you can probably imagine. SO libertarian, that I’m trying to take the fight WHERE IT MATTERS.
Something the “Civil Rights Lawyer” IGNORES.
So, yeah. I have a hidden agenda in where I’m trying to attack the FOUNDATION of their power.
How utterly suspicious of me.
More courageous actions from our beloved heroes. And, of course, they just callously defend what they’ve done. Keep backing that “thin blue line”.
The one positive that might come of this is, as some of you have already stated, is this type of experience in one’s youth ignites an anti-authoritarian fire and a zealous defender of human freedom is born.
It would be better for someone who causes harm to a child to have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. . .
My blood boils. In a better time the men of the community would take it upon themselves mete out a sufficient punishment to those that treated this very young girl. Goddamn them!
Her friends were incredibly supportive and loyal to her, and they are clearly mental giants compared to those stupid fucking cops.
The eleven year-old girl had more poise and composure than those brainwashed cops.
Elon Musk has the mental age of a ten year-old, she’s smarter than Elon, doesn’t take much.
There were five police vehicles three doors up the street demanding an occupant come out with his hands up.
The person has psychological difficulties and has been housed by a neighbor lady for a number of years.
“This is the police department, come out with your hands up.”
“We know you’re in there and we aren’t leaving until you come out.”
“You are surrounded.”
Don’t know what the person did, but he has been apprehended and is in police custody.
He is now un-housed.
No arson at the local donut shop, it’s a mystery.
I can rest easy, knowing something would take place one day, it is a relief.
Saw this the other day. Give the kid credit for staying cool! Hopefully she learned a valuable lesson at a bargain price!
A similar incident as a 15-year old propelled me toward libertarianism and a healthy distrust/disdain of the state and its enforcers.
Two new kids moved into our neighborhood at the same time. Ryan, the quiet son of the new golf course superintendent and Dewey, the ne’er-do-well son of a half-ass ‘connected guy’ that bullied him relentlessly. I didn’t know either of them at that point.
One day after school, Dewey beat up Ryan because his Dad apparently told him to. The cops showed up at MY house a little later. I had no idea any of this had happened, and denied involvement. My mom even told them repeatedly I was there the whole time, working out.
The cops kept asking me if I knew ‘Jeff H.’ and I said ‘no!’ because I didn’t! I only knew of a ‘Ryan H.’ I kept saying ‘what, is Jeff Ryan’s Dad or brother?’
They swore they were ‘trying to give me a chance and see if I’d be honest’ and when I insisted I only knew Ryan, they saw this as a ‘gotcha!’ before calling me a liar and arresting me for battery. They cuffed and stuffed me, and my mom was clearly scared. (So was I, and more than a little irritated.)
Turns out, Ryan’s given name was Jeff (his father’s name, as I’d guessed) but he went by Ryan. I told Ryan about the past night’s events on the school bus the next day and we went and talked to his parents who apologized profusely and promised to straighten the whole thing out at court. They more or less did, but with great effort to actually get someone to listen.
Court comes and the judge says Ryan’s parents called him and told him they had the wrong kid. He says ‘the best thing is to plead guilty (maybe an Alford plea?) and I can go home with a “clean” record.’ My Mom, tired of missing work, said ‘sounds good’ so, being a young idiot, I did what the adults told me to do.
I go to join the Army later and what do you think is still on my record, holding things up? A ‘battery’ charge that the perpetrator was later convicted of and that I’d foolishly plead guilty to. Got it waivered, but that’s beside the point. Innocent people get screwed all the time!
Ryan and his family were stand-up people and we became good friends. I also learned my rights and to never, EVER speak to cops or other state agents. The only thing they are interested in is ‘helping you’ out of your money and liberty and right into jail! I guess I owe them grudging credit for instilling within me at an early age, a healthy and abiding skepticism of the state!
Hi Vincent,
I had a similar “awakening” – at 20, when I was cuffed and stuffed for growing pot plants in my dorm room at college. It was over-the-top ridiculous and vicious, too, just as you experienced. And that’s what turned from a “limited government conservative” to a libertarian, so some good came of it!
Yes – I recall reading about that just a day or two ago here, IIRC. Matter of fact, I just discovered your blog and have been thoroughly enjoying reading all your new and older articles (e.g., ‘How Times Have Changed’ really resounded.) Great stuff! Cars and libertarian politics…how’d I miss this for so long?
I’m glad you didn’t get completely hosed on those charges; I remember back in the day you could get serious time for such a ‘crime.’ Hell, you still can! Thanks for reading my damned novel and replying, lol. Looking forward to a lot more of your excellent writing!
V. V.
Just wait until Tangerine Man and his foot soldiers start kicking in doors and tossing wetbacks into the trucks. And the Blue Line MAGA asswipes will cum in their pants. And it’s not that the illegals don’t need to be sent packing, it’s that boobus will cheer the gestapo, not realizing they are practicing for us, maybe for the next set of mask or vax refuseniks.
Separately, what kind of cowardly retard cuff and stuffs and 11 year old girl? Tough guys probably go home and kick their dogs and slap their wives around. Fuck them and anyone who looks like them.
Sounds as though you like and respect them ALMOST as little as I do.
Preach it, BAC –
As a man, I cannot fathom the mindset of a male who would feel the need to manacle an 11-year-old girl. It’s either sadism or cowardice – and I’m not sure which.
“ It’s either sadism or cowardice – and I’m not sure which.”
Why rule out one or the other – LOL.
It’s the “israelization” of law enforcement that has come full-circle.
American police agencies routinely send representatives to israel to “see how its done”.
We are all Palestinians, now…
Just about every local jurisdiction instills who’s in charge for every child. It’s called a “resource officer” in every school K-12. I think it’s ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer’s money. As a member of Gen X, the only time a cop was in a school was when an actual law was broken. The cops back then treated you like a human being not like corralled cattle. AGW’s these days tend to get over inflated egos when they get a gun and a badge. People who display “Back the Blue” banners need to start backing common sense and demand a stop to the abuse of everyday people.
“demand a stop to the abuse of everyday people.”
Trouble is, they usually aren’t aware of that abuse, because the only “abuse” the media ever shows is when they beat5 or kill some ‘aspiring rapper’ who has a string of felonies. They never show innocent white people being abused, though it happens FAR more often and in every city and town in the country. They see the Bastards In Black as protecting them (as if!) from “the bad people”, and even if they or a friend or relative should become the very victim of abuse, they have been so brainwashed that they just chalk it up to “one bad apple”. You can show them thousands of videos of innocent white people being abused on Youtube, but it’s always “one or two bad apples”.
I’m sort of over being outraged at the cops. Thugs gonna’ thug. It’s what they do.
What I’m really getting tired of is that we now have decades of proof via citizen video footage and yet the public eats this back the blue crap up.
The number of bootlickers in the world that defend this sort of behavior is what has me concerned.
2020 was a huge wake up call for me that the average Mericlown’ doesn’t value their freedom at all.
Agreed. Once you accept that we live in the world’s biggest banana republic, it all makes sense. The corruption, the abuse, the comic book villain uniforms, and the incessant propaganda all add up to one clear picture. You’re on your own. In some ways it’s morally liberating, there is no reason not to steal from a thief or kill a murderer.
” the comic book villain uniforms, ”
Growing up, I always hated the ‘superhero’ cartoons. Now I know why. The fidelity to “authority”; the adherence to “the law”; the universal agreement on the “evil” of anyone declared to be the enemy of the state; the super-human powers possessed by ‘the heroes’; and…the UNIFORMS(costumes).
We’re trained well from toddlerhood….
The public sucks, fuck hope.
Virtually every problem we have today exists because the majority tolerate, condone, and participate in it.
Farmers obsequiously let the state tell them what to grow or what not to grow -and how to do it- in exchange for various welfare payment schemes.
Suburbanites send their kids off to “public” schools and colleges where they are taught political, social, economic, and moral values contrary to the ones held by their families, and which are against their own interests.
What really “gets” me though, is the number of “Christian” home-schoolers I’ve encountered in recent years, whose sons and even daughters join the military and or work for government agencies, including the freaking cops! THIS boggles mind, as they are the ones I had had some hope in, seeing as it appeared that they were insulating themselves against the tyranny and other evils of the state, but in-fact, here they are, apparently doing a better job of creating fodder for the evil state than even the public schools do (I recently read a statistic that even confirmed this. It showed a very high percentage -I forget the number- of home-schooled joining the military; as my own observations have suggested.).
So, at this point, it pretty much doesn’t even matter what TPTB do, as every facet and subculture of society has been carefully molded into being slaves and into being effective disciplinarians of their fellow slaves and inflicting Massa’s will on them.
There truly is no hope, other than separation.
Where in the Gospels does it say blessed are they who beat the piss out of their fellow travelers or who lob bombs at brown children in faraway lands? I must have missed Jesus’s teaching about the piety of being a trooper. Weird how some Christians have such a bloodlust. Because covenant or something.
It’s basically the same as saying that the Roman soldiers who spat on Christ and flogged him and laughed at him as he was being crucified were the “good guys.” And that the testimony of the paid government informant Judas Iscariot was sufficient proof of his guilt.
American Christians were co-opted by the State during World War II and the Cold War against the “godless communists.” They have been brainwashed into thinking that the Amerikan Police State is “good.”
In fact the American ruling elite is just as godless as the Bolsheviks were.
Precisely, BAC & X.
So, what exactly was their purpose in home-schooling? To make their kids even MORE subservient to the state, and evil? It boggles the mind; but if THAT is the resistance, then they are just as much our enemy as the state, because they are one and the same, only THEY think (apparently) they are doing “God’s work”.
Arthur, if it makes you feel better, not all who homeschool teach their kids to bow down to the state. The current sad state of Christianity was predicted by Paul when he wrote that there would be a great backsliding before the end would come. So it is no wonder that now they cheer when Palestinians are murdered for example. I remember once, in a church service of about 600 people the pastor asked everyone to stand in honor of those who were killed while in the military. I got a few odd looks when I continued to sit in my seat while everyone was standing. When do they ever honor those who are killed for preaching the gospel? They are the harlot church that rides on Babylon that is referred to in the Book of Revelation. Their pastors are “hired hands” who either flee when the wolf comes, or worse, lead the sheep straight into the wolves’ den. But one day the harlot will be burned with fire.
Buddy, you have that right!
I always wondered what moron could possibly watch ….
“The Walking Dead” program?………Ohhhhh….
now I get it!
The 2020 scamdemic reaction was a true epiphany for me, Holy Shit! USA,USAers….
Really Are that stupid…..Will be out of “Dodge” by the Ides of March……
I’m looking forward to meeting more White People ( Don’t get me started)….in the Caribbean than in SOFLO….
At least “Blancs” are somewhat respected there!
Policing, and those who perform it, is unAmerican.
They are a scourge among free people. Their entire existence relies on stealing freedom for a variety of “harms” against the state.
On rare occasions they are called upon to defend the rights of individuals, but regularly fail in that task.
Police are a military force waging a war on Americans.
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” – US Constitution Art 3 sec 3
Since states are a imaginary construct, and exist through the “consent” of their citizens, WE are the state. Modern policing is therefore treason.
Be mindful of your terms. Policing is legitimate. I police myself and my own property, I keep it clean and orderly.
What is an absolutely un-American concept is “law enforcement”. This term presumes rulers forcing their rules on an inferior class.
“C’mon, bro. That 11-year old girl coulda been an ISIS terr-rist, ya know. I gotta go home at the end of my shift…”
ISIS=israel state intelligence service
Hide it in plain view. Da goyim will never know.
One of the biggest crimes committed by the police seems to me to be the loss of innocence suffered by the young girl. Perhaps she has had this happen to people she knows but either way I see her losing trust in society. Sad.
Disgusting, the generalissimo and his entire team of AGW’s should be fired, no pension, nada.
Why are these stories typically buried for months or years – until the lawsuit gets filed?
Here’s another one. Looking for a suspect and the Keystone cops locate the wrong vehicle model, color, LICENSE PLATE, pull him over…and threaten to shoot the guy and then say “ooops! Our bad…never mind.”
The worst thing is the boot lickers’ endless support of this behavior and the taxpayers who always pay.
We’re all Palestinians now. Time for a real slave revolt.
Hi Flip,
If you or I or any other “civilian” even displayed a holstered gun in a threatening manner without legal cause, we’d be facing serious charges. Point a gun at someone and you’d be looking at a potential felony charge. But these goons will suffer no consequences. They will still have legal authority to point guns at innocent people.
This was in New York where the Second Amendment has been nullified. If you simply POSSESS a pistol in your own home without the permission of the government it is a felony.
Even if you have government permission it to posses it, it is a FELONY to carry it almost anywhere.
You need the permission of the government to buy ammunition, too.
What kinda chosen stupidity signed up for that sorta tyranny?
It’s fully supported by the NY left wingers and further backed by the copsucking right wingers who have the “Back the Blue No Matter Why” and “freedom is fine, when you have a permit.”
It gets even worse that a pistol permit requirement.
The conservatives hate on Hochul as governor, yet are suspiciously silent on her Troopers, which BTW, BY WHOM ALL AMMUNITION SALES ARE BACKGROUND CHECKED.
Yep, in commie NY, you have to get a background check – at a cost of $2.50 per – EVERY time you buy ammo.
New York City is the epitome of citizen disarmament whose residents have been taking it for a very long time…and apparently liking it.
Since the Sullivan Laws were enacted, enabling the most extreme and restrictive limits on the acquisition and uses of firearms, the Constitutional right to defend one’s self and others has been almost totally obliterated.
Once restricted to handguns, the laws have been extended to rifles and shotguns, all of (what were supposed to be “registered”) demanding that they either be confiscated or taken out of NYC.
I’ll bet that those people who voluntarily turned in their weapons added to NYC police officers’ gun collections.
NYC prosecutors relish the thought of prosecuting those who legally defend themselves, even a “rolled up newspaper” is considered to be an illegal “weapon”.
The honest citizen is the easiest person to charge and convict.
If you defend yourself successfully against a criminal without NYC police being involved, you WILL be prosecuted.
Witness Daniel Penny who was being viciously prosecuted for saving fellow subway passengers from mentally ill Jordan Neely who had been harassing and threatening subway passengers for decades. Thankfully he was acquitted of all charges.
The case of the bodega owner, Jose Alba who successfully thwarted a knife attack, his attacker succumbing to his injuries, was under indictment and prosecution for murder until a groundswell of opposition forced the prosecutor to back off on prosecuting him.
The case of Bernie Goetz, the subway rider who thwarted being robbed by dispatching three of his attackers to the “hospital”. Subway crimes dropped dramatically after that act. If Goetz had kept his mouth shut, no one would have been the wiser.
What kind of society prosecutes the victim of a crime?
It happens in NYC all the time.
You see, the approximately 36,000 NYC police officers constitute a powerful lobby and do not want to give up their monopoly on the use of force.
They cannot have their monopoly on the use of force jeopardized by allowing honest citizens to provide for their own self-defense by “taking the law into their own hands”.
Despite having relatives who live in NYC, I will not visit or enter NYC. This also applies to New Jersey.
Body cameras are proving their worth. Very soon now the police will be trained to keep the “optics” of a call in mind. Then they’ll be trained in how to put a positive spin on their actions. Many people will believe the spin doctors’ revised narrative because they believe that cops are Andy Taylor and Steve McGarrett personified. Maybe Dick Wolf can open up a media relations training center.
‘“The deputies,” says the four-star, were “very cooperative” – which is a fantastically fascinating inversion of things.’ — eric
From where do deliberately inverted narratives emerge? Apparently they go way back, writes French Biblical scholar Laurent Guyénot:
‘Christians are expected to stand with Moses when, in Numbers 31, he ordered his men to slaughter all the Midianites, as a punishment for having encouraged the Israelites to intermarry with the Moabites. Moses was enraged with the army commanders for sparing the women and the children, but finally allowed them to keep for themselves “the young girls who have never slept with a man.” The booty amounted to thirty-two thousand girls, of which Yahweh required 0.1 percent as his own “portion”, offered to him presumably as holocausts, together with Yahweh’s portion of oxen, cattle, donkeys and sheep.
‘When these stories were written, there were civilizations in the Fertile Crescent — meaning civilized peoples, with moral values. Despite their legendary brutality, the Assyrians did not slaughter the defeated Israelites, but deported and resettled them. Later the Babylonians allowed their Judean captives to stick together and prosper on the riverbanks of the Euphrates.
‘Yet the Israelites and the Judeans chose to record and cherish their gruesome stories of indiscriminate massacre and child-trafficking as part of their sacred traditions. Worse, they decided that, by committing these acts, their ancestors had done nothing but obey the Almighty God. And since the day we became Christians, Jews got us used to their inverted narrative, and to looking at the Assyrians and the Babylonians as the baddies.
‘By sanctifying old tales of tribal genocides, and claiming that the corresponding war code is the eternal Word of God, Israel has turned itself into a living stone-age fossil, a monster from a bygone age of savagery. Not the elephant, but the tyrannosaurus in the room.’
By any objective standard, portions of the Old Testament are flat-out hate literature, making the Marquis de Sade sound like a naive schoolboy by comparison. That most government officials swear their oaths of office with their right hand on this book tells us a lot about the cultural spread of malicious inversion.
What’s amazing is that even in our enlightened age there are people who believe and worship the tenets of a group of stone age superstitious people that lived 2, 3 thousand years ago.
I understand the need for religion and herd mentality but couldn’t some smart people in our new age come up with something better. I guess that when the magic is gone the reality of nature becomes apparent that there do exist rules by which humans can govern themselves. The ten Commandments are a good start. They were originally meant to apply only to one tribe until the new Testament came along.
Well said, much more to the point than ranting about “the jews, the jews.” We are all children of god, calling yourself the chosen of god embodies several real and deadly sins.
That’s a lie.
Jesus himself made it quite clear that not everyone is a “children of god”.
As in, THE JEWS.
Jesus Christ SAID TO THE JEWS:
“He who is of God, hears God’s words; for this reason you do not hear, because you are not of God.”
The words are clear.
You just don’t know them.
You are a fucking moron. It’s a real testament to Eric’s commitment to free speech on his platform that he lets you continue to pollute his platform with your verbal sewage and bullshit.
Once again, it’s ME who is coming under verbal attack.
Swearing, all the stuff that Eric asked ME to stop.
Here you are engaged in.
I quoted ACTUAL SCRIPTURE, you piece of shit.
Notice all this POS has is a PERSONAL ATTACK. (Yoo hoo…Eric…).
Do let me know if there’s some other BS you’d like to spout with no basis in scripture or fact.
That’s John 8:47, by the way.
I should have referenced that properly because I should realize you have NO IDEA where that comes from.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.
The Bible has multiple levels of meaning. And has been written and translated repeatedly by fallible humans.
If you want to hate jews, knock yourself out. I have zero problem with antisemitism and racism. Both are expressions of deeply held beliefs. Both are explicitly protected by the first amendment of the US constitution.
But hate is something that will consume all your energy and potential, and will poison your soul. I advise against it. Jesus Christ preached standing up to corrupt powers, and forgiveness. Perhaps you should seek to follow his worthy example.
Jesus Christ made a weapon, overturned the money changer’s tables, and BEAT THEM.
And so I will, indeed, seek to follow his worthy example.
And I seem to know what that example was a bit better than you.
Get rid of the “judeo” in Christianity and Christianity will do just fine.
Why do Evangelical Christians love Israel and Netanyahu?
It’s all about the shekels.
That fat bastard Hagee is a prime example. A close second is that of those who preach the “prosperity gospel” insisting that “God” will make you wealthy if you just “believe”…which couples directly with judaism which celebrates the “God” of money and wealth, strictly jewish concepts.
Every Christian or Catholic sect that promotes judaism is not following any of the precepts of Christianity or Catholicism.
Judaism is the exact opposite of Christianity or Catholicism and must be recognized as such. The concept of “judeo-Christian” faith must be abolished.
Is it possible to be a Christian or Catholic without falling into the error of promoting the jews? Absolutely YES.
Yes. However, it requires a recognition that both the Old and New Testament Bible is NOT the “inspired word of God” but is a text which does have some usefulness in guiding human behavior. “Sola scriptura” is a false doctrine along with the Scofield “translation” of the Bible which cemented the jews to the status of “our elder brothers”.
The Old Testament “God” is a vengeful “God” who has to constantly remind “his people” “who is boss”. Punishment was always a part of the equation.
Contrast that with the New Testament “God” who is a “God” of mercy and forgiveness…two different animals, indeed.
The Old Testament should never have been included in Christianity as it is violence porn of the highest order.
The worst people of any faith or belief system are those who “wear their faith on their shoulder” who insist that “their way” is “the only way”.
Here’s my take on the Bible religion. Although I don’t believe in magic and superstition I think there is a reason so many people do and need religion.
The story goes that old Testament God was a tribal God and cared only for His Chosen people, the ancient Israelites/Hebrews. A Savior was sent to earth to spread the religion/God of the ancient Israelites to the unfolding, newly discovered world. A universalist religion for the whole world with a new message of love and togetherness for all people. These are nice sentiments but here on earth we have this thing called competition. Competition amongst individuals and tribes. In heaven we will all love each other as there will be no wants and therefore no competition.The Israelites who ruled at the time didn’t take to the new teachings of Jesus and so somehow got the civil authorities to get rid of him. The rulers somehow sensed that these new teaching would weaken the tribal cohesiveness of the Chosen Ones.
In Catholic school we were discouraged from reading the Bible because we were told that we would not understand these stories.
The new Catholic/Christianity (world universal religion) did separate themselves from the Old Testament religion but it seems that there are certain people who wish to align us with the believers of the old ancient God. Maybe money is involved.
I don’t consider the Bible as real/true history but there some fascinating stories on human nature.
The problem is you start out with a non-sequitur. The “Bible” isn’t a “religion”, and in fact “religion” is forbidden.
“Here’s my take on the Bible religion.”
Here, in essence is why you do not understand the “Bible Religion:”
James 4:6 …God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
There is no “Judeo-Christianity”.
Jews invented that term, and I spit on it and find it radically offensive.
And I’m not the kind of guy that finds ANYTHING “offensive”.
But that term? 100%.
Yes, as in arrogantly stating “We OWN you christians too”
Ever look at the back of the $1 bill?
The PHOENIX (as in, Rothschild) “Eagle” holding WHAT in it’s claws?
A 13-leaved olive branch and 13 arrow.
The 13 tribes of Israel. In the clutches of Lucifer.
With his “All seeing eye” directly opposite.
The Generalissimo said, “deputies did everything by the book,”.
One of two things, either he’s telling the truth or lying. I don’t know which is worse.
This variation of “I was just following orders” shouldn’t cut it any more than it did at Nuremburg. Instead of following orders of a “superior” they are doing it because it said so in some “book”.
I know the majority of the populace will fall down in praise of these “heroes” but, until this stops we will continue to swirl the drain as civilization collapses. We need a list of these miscreants so when the rebuilding begins we will know to shun their very existence.
As nine-year-old bad boys, my friend John and I broke some windows at prison — sorry, school. After we bragged about it, John’s brother ratted us out to the parents.
In the principal’s office, with my dad present, we both denied guilt. The principal and Dad said they were stepping outside to talk privately. John and I reaffirmed our commitment to hang tough. Then the adults stepped back in with triumphant looks — they heard John and me conspiring over the activated intercom on the principal’s desk.
No cops or handcuffs or juvenile court were involved. Responsible adults, with their superior psychological skills, easily out maneuvered us and made us agree on restitution.
Civil society doesn’t seem to function like that anymore. AGWs get involved, and everything turns to blunt force and legal issues. Sad.