The Orange Hobson’s Choice

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It’s now less than three years until the next presidential (s)election. Will the president who wasn’t (s)elected last time run, again?

It appears that he will.

If he does, it will present us – those of us who do not want four more years of this year – with a Hobson’s Choice. The term refers to accepting what’s available – or nothing at all.

Possibly, something worse.

It is difficult for many of us who’ve endured the consequences of the Orange Man’s failure to stand athwart the metastatic weaponization of hypochondria – of his standing aside for the last year of his presidency, in favor of President-not-selected Fauci – to contemplate voting for the same man, again.

How can we trust him, again?

But then, what will our choice be, if that is the only man – besides the other man? Assuming the latter can be kept alive for three more years. Worse, perhaps, is the woman who will likely succeed the doddering old man, if the Adrenochrome drip fails to keep him John Gill’ing around that fake Oval Office set they sometimes transmit his mumblings from.

What then?

How about – what now? 

The best time to stop something bad is before it gets started.


We the people still have a degree of say over who is selected to run for office. In the primary selections that precede the general selection. We can say what we like at rallies. It can be Let’s Go Brandon!

And it can be – No Forced Jabs. At every Orange Man rally.

If the Orange Man wants to be selected again, it must hinge upon his disavowal of his past actions – and his avowal to never repeat similar actions, again.

He must acknowledge his fail, if he wishes to retain our support – in the primaries to come.

In the right now.

At every rally, he must be challenged to admit he failed. Obliged to apologize for it. To state that he won’t make the same mistake, again.

So that we don’t.

A man who cannot admit his mistakes – especially the big ones  – will not Make America Great Again. To err is human. To not admit it – and make amends for it – is a dangerous character defect.

Unless, of course, he doesn’t think the things he did – and allowed to be done – weren’t mistakes. We need to know which it is.

Fool us once, shame on you.

Fool us twice, shame on us.

Herewith a call for everyone who wants this to end – the fomented mass hysteria, the “masks” and most of all, the Jabs – to take a vow, right now – that they will demand of every candidate in every primary that they vow to never use the power of the office they seek – or to act in any way – to further the mandatory taking of any drugs – or the wearing of any devices.

That he – or she – will not only oppose the enforcement of such things but will use the power of their office, if elected, to dismantle any such “mandates” that preceded their election.

This is a pledge that must be taken by the Orange Man, above all – because of the Orange Man’s atrocious record of enabling this.

The weaponization of hypochondria – by allowing the despicable and loathsome Dr. Fauci to do precisely that, from the presidential podium.

By declaring (and never rescinding)  the “state of emergency” that empowered state-level Gesundheitsfuhrers such as California’s Gavin Newsome, Washington’s Jay Inlsee, Virginia’s Coonman and Michigan’s own take on Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, Gretchen Whitmer, to assume the functional powers of a dictator within their realms.

Which – cue the irony – resulted in the Orange Man not being (s)elected when the time came to count the unvetted/absentee ballots that would never have been submitted in mass and cost him the selection   . . . were it not for the weaponization of hypochondria that the Orange Man allowed to metastasize.

But the worst fail of the Orange Man was his Operation Warp Speed.

Or rather, its success.

Somehow – god knows how – a “vaccine” (several, actually) were supposedly developed from scratch in mere months when it usually takes years. Without the usual years of testing them prior to the general use of them. Without which there is no way to assure there won’t be horrible side effects.

Because no one knows.

The population was just urged to roll up their sleeves – and let’s see what happens.

The populace is becoming aware of what’s happening.

Of the many thousands of cases of serious harm that have been caused by the “vaccines.” Of the curious correlation between the injections and heart problems most curiously of all  in previously healthy teenagers and young adults, including elite athletes. It gives a reasonable and prudent person ample reason to worry about the harms these injections might yet cause but which haven’t yet become apparent.

Time will tell.

And yet, these drugs are still being pushed.

All because the Orange Man failed.

He seems to want to have another go – and perhaps he would be a better choice than the other choice, if that is our only choice. Franco is preferable to Stalin – if there is no option to select a Jefferson.

A better choice would be someone who hasn’t made similar mistakes. Perhaps someone without the bloviating baggage the Orange Man lugs around with him.

But let’s not select anyone who has not promised the people prior to the selection that they will not use the power of the office they seek to “mask” or Jab the people – a thing even Stalin never did to his people.

It ought to be the new Third Rail of American politics.

And those who touch it deserve to get burned to cinders.

. . .

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    • Nunzio, I seriously doubt that the US in its current form is going to make it to 2024. From what I’m seeing, even the democrats own internal reports expect them to lose VERY badly in 2022. That’s in spite of all of the cheating they will do. Loss of the House is a given. Loss of the Senate is likely. No matter how much they cheat, and no matter how their Ministry of Truth (media, social media) lies its going to happen,

      That being the case they are desperate. Desperate people do desperate and foolish things, Imagine a House, run by Marjorie Taylor Greene and her friends… It would be a waking nightmare for the democrats. They will do ANYTHING to prevent that.

      Which means this winter is their last chance. If we make it to spring, without something really dire happening, the Party is Over. Not only are they toast, but so are a lot of their RINO allies.

      Most people really fail to grasp how badly the Bad Orange Man deranged them.
      MTG is their waking nightmare. She is worse than Trump is in so many ways, that I’ve seen Progs go right into screaming hysteria over her. If TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) was the first wave that unhinged them, MTG is the tidal wave that’s following along behind it. Buckle up, this winter is likely to be VERY “interesting”.

  1. Trumps proclivity to murder under the order of his Jew/Zio masters and desire to kill Assange….no. He’s a fucking monster. Burn in hell m—-f—–

  2. There is no choice. Vote for Judas or dont vote at all. Thats the choice. Not voting is MY choice. And I contributed the max to Trump in 2015. Dumb dumb dumb. If Rand Paul runs well thats different.

    • Hi Handler,

      As a Virginian who voted for Youngkin this doesn’t surprise me. Most Republicans are RINOs. Personally, I don’t have a huge problem with this. I live in a pretty rural area of the state. My county will not enforce mask or vaccine mandates. Youngkin is pushing control back to the localities which is where the decisions should be made. The laws should be interpreted by the community, not the state or the federal governments. As long as he is willing to stay out of it, I am fine with this.

      Our other option would have forced a vaccine mandate throughout the state. We don’t vote to elect Mr. Perfect, we vote to elect Mr. Leave Us Alone. Youngkin is doing that. If Fairfax County wants to enforce this it is their business. If Madison County doesn’t then that is their right as well.

      • Note: I don’t have a huge problem with Youngkin allowing local governments to dictate what they will and won’t follow. I do have a problem with RINOs. 🙂 Re-reading it, it looked strange.

      • Keep an eye on this, the deceivers are abusing “local control” as well. In NC, although the gov is a Dem, there is no statewide “mandate” for diapers in schools. There is a set of state convid “guidelines” for schools that tracks the CDC in requiring diapers. My county held a vote and the people overwhelmingly voted against requiring them. School started in August and, like every year since the beginning of history, a few kids got colds. The governor then jawboned and made the school board an offer they couldn’t refuse, which I am pretty sure involved funding from state and federal pots of convid money directed at the schools and their employees. The school board flip flopped immediately with no good explanation and the schools have been diapered up since.

      • I suppose the gov-elect had to say this because of the political weight Northern Va pulls? Sort of how Trump could only do so much because of the giant bureaucracy that really runs everything. Trying to put the best construction on this, but my heart sank when I clicked on that link.

      • **” I live in a pretty rural area of the state. My county will not enforce mask or vaccine mandates.”**

        Don’t be too sure of that, RG- especially when it comes to the schools- as school boards everywhere are populated by the librul leeches. My countyu and the surrounding ones are far more rural than yours, and while they occasionally tease the people with a day or two of ‘masks now optional’, within a da yor two they jump right back to ‘required’. I’m sure that in addition to political pressure, they are also given incentives to ‘think correctly’ and or threatened with demerits if they don’t do what the overlords really want. Not to even mention that at least half of the public is just fine with the mandates, and goes nuts when they are lifted, because just like their children whom they let spend the majority of their day in the conformity camps, they have also been well-trained to believe the BS.

      • As anon poster pointed out, local control is an illusion. The regime can easily get localities under their thumb via bribery, blackmail, and/or threatening to withhold state and federal funds.

  3. nwo/ccp/wef/.0001% coup/reset

    wef runs the new eite nobility/nwo/wef/ccp/.0001% one world government being put in place worldwide right now, this will be your new unelected government. the cv19 hoax is a cover, excuse, trap, to put it in place.

    what was the deal between the nwo/wef/who/.0001% and the ccp/China government to bring ccp into the nwo?

    They are Globalists. They are anti-nation state. They don’t believe in Nationalism. They believe that people are stupid, and that it’s their job to make the decisions for people. The only thing standing in their way of global domination was a strong United States, with Trump.
    the Elite are using China to erode the US from within, preparing for the coup.

    The cartel themselves simply doesn’t have the resources. They needed to make a deal with China and it was a very synergistic partnership because China want’s the same thing.

    They want US property, they want to expand their Empire, they want a seat at the table of 12 seats, the group that will run the dictatorship woldwide.

    Trump didn’t like nwo/wef/ccp/.0001%

    nwo/ccp/wef/.0001% cabal to fight Trump they said Trump was a liar, and evil dictator, and needs to be removed ‘by any means necessary’ meaning even if by force or illegally. they said we need to throw the constitution out and legal system if needed.

    nwo/ccp/wef/.0001% cabal wanted to remove Trump because without Trump it is easy to take control,

    with Trump gone there are thousands of high level officials such as Joe xiden who is a ccp puppet being blackmailed, bribed, or bullied by the Chinese, who will allow the coup.

    the msm is helping, are part of the coup……………. major news outlets like CNN, Fox and others have taken ‘private dinners’ and ‘special trips’ paid for by the Communist Chinese Government.

    a foreign power like China was necessary. US military soldiers will never turn on their own no matter how much you pay them. You can pay Americans to kill Iraqis, but never their own brothers in another state. So for operation US Coup, China is the muscle, chinese soldiers will follow orders.

    Solution: Global dictatorship, one single Crypto currency for the whole world, managed by not one dictator but a group of 12 wise men (Swiss system) where individual nations have no sovereignty or rights. All under the auspices of ‘saving the planet.

    the Great Reset nwo/un/wef/.001% worldwide one world government features:

    the totalitarianism of the CCP. a loss of individual rights—including property rights, free expression, freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the free enterprise system as we understand it.

    5G-enabled smart city surveillance, the equivalent of social credit scores, medical passports, political imprisonment, and other means of social and political repression and control.

    the cv19 hoax is an excuse to lockdown everyone while coup takes place.

    The Origins of the World Economic Forum that will run your new government Go Back to the Third Reich nazis.
    schwab runs the wef, his family was connected to the nazis in germany, his wife is chinese.

    wef/nwo/cabal/ccp/globalists. who is in it? the .0001% billionaires and their huge corporations, big tech, big pharma, big oil, big media (all the media), twitter, facebook, google, big banks, etc, wef has roots from the nazis. china was chosen to lead it, they benefit a lot from it.
    an occult communist/nazi satanic cult they are pedophiles and believe in slavery, eugenics, depopulation, transhumanism. they are religious fanatics with their new covid religion ayatollahs.

    nazi: see origins of allopathic medicine and wef. satanists: see origin of wef. witches: see origin of allopathic medicine.

    As paraphrased by a leading think tank of the new world order, the World Economic Forum,
    for the ones left after the 7 billion cull……..“You will own nothing, have no privacy, and be much happier.”

    the reality:
    they will be turning people left into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.

    they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job.
    you won’t be needed then = soylent green.

    quote from byrne……….(when you get your new nwo/ccp/un/.0001% government) “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,”

    The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations.

    “The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State: ‘Für euer sischerheit’ —> ‘It’s for your safety’” these satanist witches are nazis.
    Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)
    Earth 2020 = Vaccine will make you free

  4. Politician:
    One most adept at getting the most people to believe the most preposterous lies the most often. Usually a sociopath if not a psychopath.

  5. On the wall a few feet from where I’m sitting hangs a poster that reminds me of the only political candidate I have ever contributed money to or campaigned for:

    Ron Paul 2012
    Restore America Now

    It also reminds me – every day – of how that worked out.
    Never again will I waste my precious time in the sewer of politics.

    • Ron Paul was our last hope to maintain the US as a united nation. We chose not to be united. We chose to continue squabbling over money stolen from others at gunpoint. Not even satisfied with that, we chose squabbling over money of others not yet born, a debt that our great great grandchildren are on the hook for. We can do it voluntarily, or violently but balkanization is the only door open.

        • Perhaps, but unlikely. I think he learned from his father that at least some of the game must be played to stay in the game, but it appears that ever MORE of the game must be played. Which would prevent him from “getting anywhere”.

        • Nasir, my friend, the majority of people do not want liberty. It is abhorrent to them. We saw how Daddy (Ron) Paul did here among Republicans (Imagine how much poorer he would have done in a general election?!).

          Rand is decent, but he’s not his daddy…but if he represents any aspects of actual liberty, he would be ignored like a 5’2″ white man on a basketball court. Heck, my own cousin back in NY, who is very ‘conservative’ refered to Rand as a “that nut” when he was calling out Fauci for being a liar (And now of course, it is undeniable that Rand was 100% right- of course- but not that it matters, as that fact is already apparently being flushed down the memory hole).

          But that’s our true problem, and why it doesn’t matter one iota who we vote for- or even whether or not we have worthy candidates. Modern society has been so far removed from the realities of natural life, and so indoctrinated for generations now that except for us few loose nuts, no one wants liberty- they abhor it. They just want lies they can believe in, and a brand of tyranny with which they are comfortable, as that is their idea of liberty.

        • Hi Nasir!
          Do you mean in the presidential freak show? If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have said that he already was a sellout. There were so many issues on which he was weak, at least compared to his dad. I was not impressed.
          But his attacks on Fauci have been heroic. It might turn out to be a political calculation that pays off.
          DeSantis says he’s not interested in being president, but they all say that at some point. Seems like he would have a decent shot if the covid backlash strengthens. He has butted heads with Fauci, and is perceived to have kept Florida relatively free.
          But even if someone more to my liking got elected, the press would hound him for four years for being a covid/climate/gender denier and puppy killer, and then the pendulum would swing back the other way again, harder and farther. This is a losing racket, and will only change if people’s hearts and minds change first. We’ll know that has happened when they ignore politicians except to laugh at them.

  6. Trump hosted an event for a Republican sexual deviancy group (dubbed Log Cabin Republicans) where they took the opportunity to trash Pat Buchanan.

    So, basically, it boils down to choosing between a Jacobin and a moderate Jacobin.

    No thanks.

  7. Anyone else have trouble logging in here? My account no longer seems to work, and it won’t email me a temp password or anything….

    And FUCK Trump. He’s a lying sack and a scumbag.

    Stop fucking voting for the major parties! Vote for ANYONE else. Make your vote a middle finger to the two (really one) party system.

  8. Eric – the thing is, the Orange man (along with every other politician alive) will stand up on a podium and say whatever they have to to get the crowds following…. and that can be anti jab, anti vax, whatever…. will they actually do it is another story. Remember “lock her up” and the minute he won, he changed the statement?!

    • I also recall candidate trump correctly calling out the fed and its crooked monetary policy. And then president trump complaining that they’re not doing enough money printing and taking credit for the bubble which got even bigger under him ! I mean people lie and change their tune – but how one can do these things so blatantly is beyond me… but I guess I’m just not made for politics….

      • He was all things to all people. If you were a UFO conspiracy nut, so was he. If you were a sound money Rothbardian, he was down to clown. As long as you have an opinion so does he.

        • “The ‘Trump’ name is still very much an asset.” -Wilbur Ross

          Before founding WL Ross & Co, Ross ran the bankruptcy restructuring practice at N M Rothschild & Sons in New York beginning in the late 1970s. In April 2000, Ross left Rothschild to found WL Ross & Co. Ross was a banker known for acquiring and restructuring failed companies in industries such as steel, coal, telecommunications, and textiles, later selling them for a profit after operations improved, a record that had earned him the moniker “King of Bankruptcy”.

          On November 30, 2016, then-President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate Ross to become the U.S. secretary of commerce. On February 27, 2017, the Senate confirmed him in a 72–27 vote. He was sworn into office on February 28, 2017.

          ^^Yeah, Donny boy is gonna shake things up and audit/end the Fed.

    • Exactly, Nasir! One can count on anyone who even makes it to a podium to be a pathological liar as it is…but here’s a guy who does not even require that we make such presumptions because he already had four years on the stage which confirmed that virtually everything he said while campaigning were blatant lies. But such means nothing to the average American, who will believe anything.

      • True dat Nunz,
        I actually had hoped he’d pull the US out of NATO, which reached its expiration date when the Berlin Wall came down. Instead he just pressed the EU to kick in more money……sigh….fool me again, shame on me.

        • Hi Mike and Nunzio,

          The fundamental problem is people dont want to hear the truth, because its probably never nice and involves them accepting there is eventual hardship in the future…. I mean look at how far a guy like Ron Paul got!!

          • Nasir, that is EXACTLY the problem. The LAST thing most people want is the truth. That is one of the reasons that politicians spend so much time lying. The truth tends to be complicated and messy. It also tends to have consequences. The one thing most people HATE even more than the truth, is personal responsibility for their actions, in actions. These days, the truth is down right terrifying. When reality knocks down the door, most people are not going to be able to survive it.

  9. most elections are the lesser of two evils which are barely distinguishable

    sometimes one of the evils is so bad that the lesser evil has to be chosen only to ward off the greater threat

    • Pyramid of Power

      at the top the controllers the elite nobility in the background, always hiding, nobody talks about them, the control group.

      one elite example……..Prince Phillip, late husband of Queen Elizabeth II said ….“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

      2nd level the banksters provide financing for the elite nobility
      3rd level more banksters

      4th level down the administrators, gates, schwab, etc..

      5th level the political prostitutes in the foreground, corrupt , bribed, owned by the elite
      the politicians just follow orders from their bosses the elite.

      6th level down the enforcers

      at the very bottom the little people, the common people, paying for everything, used and abused.

      part of the great reset agenda is changing over all governments to the ccp/china style government a one world government with central control run by the UN/wef. it is better to have the country under an emergency order and locked down while you do this… less resistance then.

      all taxes will go to new bankster/wef/nwo/.0001% central one world UN government now.

      all assetts, bank accounts, pension funds go to new wef/nwo/.0001% central one world UN/wef government bank account. you might get small ubi.

      the real estate you were obsessed with in 2019? gone….
      you won’t own properties, cars or anything. satan klaus….klaus schwab of the wef says you will own nothing and be happier…the nwo great reset, building back better.

      note: fascism (combination of government and big business) and riches for the cabal at the top. communism for the people on the bottom, own nothing, small ubi for the 10% not culled.

      the Great Reset nwo/un/wef/.001% worldwide UN government features:
      the totalitarianism of the CCP. It will have a great abridgement of individual rights—including property rights, free expression, freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the free enterprise system as we understand it.

      5G-enabled smart city surveillance, the equivalent of social credit scores, medical passports, political imprisonment, and other means of social and political repression and control.

      The Origins of the World Economic Forum that runs your new government, Go Back to the Third Reich nazis.
      schwab runs the wef, his family was connected to the nazis in germany.

      the reality:
      they will be turning people left into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.

      they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job.
      you won’t be needed then = soylent green.

      quote from byrne……….(when you get your new bankster/nwo/ccp/un/.0001% government) “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,”

      The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations.

  10. Eric,

    Remember, “Patterns of Force” ended with John Gil waking from his stupor and trying to put right what had gone so horribly wrong, paying for his courage with his life. I don’t think we will be so lucky.

    Borrowed “Hogan’s Heroes” uniforms, but still scary effective, especially on Nimoy, ironically.

  11. When Trump was in office all the leftists talked about 24/7 was Trump, if you you went into a restaurant all you heard were leftists ranting and screaming about Trump, these stupid leftist bastards were cheer leading, promoting the leftist/globalist/satanic cult that is running the western world now.

    They are responsible for the leftist/globalist/satanic cult that is now force injecting the killshot into five year old children, part of their 7 billion extermination cull.

    The 500 million left after the cull will be transhuman genetically modified slaves, you are probably better off dead…..

    It will be the end of natural, free range, free will autonomous humans, right around the same time ice cars are banned.

    this is what the leftists are bringing you:

    quote from byrne……….(when you get your new nwo/ccp/un/.0001% government) “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,”

    The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations.
    the track record of communist governments is a horror story:

    They have littered the 20th century with 160 million corpses, not foreign people killed in a time of war, but their own people, killed by their own governments in times of peace.
    Over 66 million slaughtered under communism in the Soviet Union,
    over 69 million murdered in Red China.
    Over two Million killed under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

    The millions more killed under Mengistu in Ethiopia, under Samora Machel in Mozambique, and Agestino Neto in Angola and under Fidel

  12. He is running again in 2024, no question. He still has many millions that will vote for him, over any other person put up by Republicans. Whether or not he runs as a Republican remains to be seen, or if the establishment Republicans manage to block him this time…….We will see.

    Like always Republicans manage to have a bad hand (Trump or bad establishment candidate) even when they have the upper hand…….. Biden is a huge disaster and even Democrats know it. The stupid party label gets them every time. Democrats will still manage to outmaneuver them somehow.

    I don’t think they will ever let Trump win, even if he does win (again). Since they managed to unseat him when he held the office, he has even less chance of being reseated being out of office. I am one of the tin foil hat wearers that thinks he not only won that night in 2020, he actually won big, even winning a few states he didn’t get in 2016. But we will never really know, as they have covered their tracks and almost nobody is really looking at it. Fraud that night was at third world levels, which makes sense since we are quickly becoming the third world.

    So if he runs third party, Democrats, will get “reelected” by default, no matter how bad their candidate is. And that happens because Republicans will do well in 2022, likely retaking Congress, so some of the anger towards Biden now will be dissipated enough or turned back onto Republicans.

    The stupidity of today’s politics……….

    • ‘he has even less chance of being reseated being out of office.’ — richb

      Concur. If push comes to shove, the utterly corrupt Merrick Garland will file criminal charges against Trump and perp walk him in cuffs before the election.

  13. Trump was not a member of the committee of 300, he was an outsider, he was also a nationalist, was pro America, this is a huge problem for the globalists trying to put into place their one world government, (using ccp style communism because it is best for total control), which has been their agenda for a long time. Stalin did the same thing, he turned into a nationalist, instead of supporting a worldwide communist government. They put hitler in place to get rid of stalin, that blew up too, he turned into a nationalist also, just supporting germany, so they attacked him and got rid of him.

    Xiden is perfect he is into globalism, against America and controlled by the ccp and the globalists, same as all western leaders in canada, australia, new zealand, europe. china is helping the globalists put in place the worldwide ccp style government worldwide, they run the WHO which runs the covid hoax, they were chosen to launch it, (they cooperate to further their own agenda and for profit, almost all drug and vaccine ingredients come from china), but they are not culling their own people (injection rate 3%, probably 100% into the minorities they hate).

    Trump it looks like is provax. (at the very beginning he said it was a hoax (maybe a gut feeling?), but was shut up really quickly. He probably has done zero research on the subject so is uninformed, misinformed, brainwashed by 100 years of big pharma propaganda, the biggest most expensive marketing campaign in history, he probably knows nothing about the the fraud/lies in the allopathic medical system cult.

    The germ theory bs based allopathic medical system cult was proven wrong over 100 years ago, but nobody knows or cares.

    (they might just start to care a bit when the experimental gene therapy extermination injection is forced into their body, a depopulation/sacrifice for the GAIA cult (climate change as an excuse), satanic cult religion).

    According to Dr. Zelenko: he says the leaders were told by the control group at the top that they could talk to them and they would put one billion dollars in an offshore account, or if they didn’t want to go along ………..them their family would be gone. With very few exceptions all the leaders cooperated, the little people got screwed are being exterminated.

    Trump was tricked by and trusted fauci, big mistake.

    this killshot isn’t even a vaccine, (they say it is so it can be forced and escape liability) even the most rabid provaccine experts are warning it is an extermination injection/killshot, (they are probably worried about their liability when the trials start)

    nazi germany on steroids…….

    the 6 million in the holocaust was just warming up, agenda 2021/2030 is the big one 7 billion target. to do something that evil requires a satanic cult for sure. who? take a look at the committee of 300. for the little people on the bottom it has now come down to……. us or them culled.

  14. As usual, in 2024 there will be no choice. If one votes, it is merely to decide who shall head the massive federal tyranny and build upon what their predecessors have established- for no one ever dials back the tyranny; no one ever repeals that which previous admins have enacted…they only add to it.

    So vote for the arrogant braggart whose admin brought us the very scamdemic, the 5G which enabled contact tracing and is the prerequisite to a social-credit system, and who also started the wheels in motion for the vaxxing of the nation; who pardoned criminals while continuing to persecute and prosecute true heroes, like Assange and Snowden….who drained the Swamp [of any water which may’ve offered even the sliughtest possibility of cleansing)….who gave more money to the military and the fuzz, and who authorized the largest single amount of money ever spent in the history of the WORLD, because he gives lip service to a few things which we conservatives like…or vote for the other guy/gal/zhal/guyal who will do the very same things, only while using language which is more appeasing to what libtards like….but you will not change anything, nor preserve liberty, nor curtail the expansion of the Beast government no matter which box you check…so why even bother?

    Instead of voting for a ruler, I vote to ignore them by ignoring their rules and ignoring their elections. Why pay homage to their lies? Why enable their lies? Why give your consent to that which you oppose?

    Look at the people these clowns seek to appeal to- regardless of which character they play. The stupid Trump supporters who apparently think Trump would somehow now do something if given another 4 years (and presumably, something other than issuing in a fraudulent pandemic)…or the ones who cheer for overt communism (That is the real choice: Overt communism vs. dolled-up communism couched in euphemisms)- but either way, it’s a fool’s game, and why should those who know better even waste their time concerning themselves with such non-issues which offer no solutions?

    No matter who the candid-dates are in ’24, it might as well be GWB vs. Gore again- ’cause either way, the same overall agendas, globalism, wars, welfare and tyranny will march on…only the verbiage changes.

    • Trump was way better then the leftists…..

      leftists they are the jackboots of the new world order.

      written by Brandon Smith:
      if you are a leftist and don’t like what he says go argue with him

      They are the ONLY group of people that has consistently supported mass surveillance, mass censorship and deplatforming, mass violence, property destruction and looting as well as violations of individual rights through medical mandates and lockdowns.

      Leftists are afraid to question anything within their own circles. To dissent on the smallest detail is to be a heretic, a traitor to the cause. They use the word “diversity” all the time, like a battle cry, but when confronted with true diversity (diversity of thought), they panic and react violently.

      Leftists don’t actually care about diversity; they only care that you have blind allegiance to the collective. Stray but a little, and the mob will come for your head. They LOVE plantations, they love slavery; as long as they own the plantations and they control the slaves.

      A natural consequence of this Animal Farm mentality is that irony and hypocrisy is lost on the followers of such movements. They project all their shortcomings and crimes on others. The devils they see in conservatives are actually the devils they see in the mirror everyday. That said, the higher up you get in the leftist pyramid, the less it becomes hypocritical and the more it becomes malicious and deliberate.

      The gaslighting, the word association propaganda, the selective memory hole they use to erase historical facts that contradict their ideology, the people at the top and their lackeys KNOW exactly what they are doing. They don’t care that their claims are hypocritical or outright fraudulent. They know they are lying, they know they are gaslighting. They’re not interested in being right, they are only interested in WINNING.

      There is much more going on here than meets the eye. There is a great deal of power and money behind the rise of the hard left ideology and there are certain people that benefit from it’s expansion.

      Leftists like to view themselves as the “underdogs” or revolutionaries fighting against “the man”. However, every resource of global power brokers has been offered in support of the political left. The “Man” is the ally of the leftists; in some ways he is even the creator of the leftist movement.

      They aren’t revolutionaries at all; they are the jackboots of the new world order.

      It was globalist institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation that funded different elements of the feminist movement and “gender studies” movements from the late 1960’s onward. This included the Rockefeller Foundation’s large donations to ‘The Feminist Press’ and the Ford Foundation’s programs to indoctrinate university professors into injecting social justice talking points into their curriculum.

      That’s right folks, social justice activism was paid for and encouraged by the so-called “patriarchy”. This is reality, and it never stopped.

      Even today SJW groups are funded by globalists. For example, as the mainstream media often tries to dismiss or ignore,

      Black Lives Matter was initially funded by the Ford Foundation and George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. BLM coffers were flooded with over $100 million from uber rich white elites.

      Again, this is a FACT that even the dishonest spin doctors at Snopes are not able to deny. Instead, they attempt to use strawman arguments and sophistry to distract from the implication of extreme-left mobs receiving seed money from elitist billionaires.

      But let’s follow this path even further: Who gets the support of the mainstream media behemoths? Conservatives or leftists? The answer is obvious.

      What about Big Tech platforms? Do they enforce leftist ideological standards? Do they censor conservative viewpoints predominantly or leftist viewpoints predominantly? The reality is that conservatives are deplatformed from Twitter, YouTube and Facebook far more than leftists, this is verifiable fact.

      When alternative platforms like Parler are built, are they allowed to simply exist? Of course not! The leftists rampage in an effort to destroy them, but the leftists would have no power without the backing of corporate monopolies like Apple, Google and Amazon. Not only does Big Tech aid the leftists in their Jihad against conservatives, but the government does as well.

      They don’t just go after alternative platforms, they try to go after web service providers. And when alternative platforms move to more freedom oriented service providers like Epik, the leftists get government support in order to intimidate them also.

      Leftists revel in the argument that “freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences”; they seem to think it is rather clever. I would say, actually, yes, that’s EXACTLY what freedom of speech means. Freedom of speech means that no single group of people is allowed to use fear, intimidation and punishment to compel silence in other groups or individuals that disagree with them. With corporate monopoly and government on their side, it is clear that leftists have appointed themselves the sole arbiters of “consequence”, and this violates the constitution in every conceivable way.

      The collusion between government, corporations and extremist ideological movements is the classical definition of fascism.

      And, just as the Third Reich enjoyed immense funding, investment and industrial support from globalists and corporations in the decade leading up to WWII,

      the political left is enjoying immense support from the global corporate oligarchy today. You cannot be “anti-fascist” while you are colluding with fascists.

      quote from byrne……….(when you get your new nwo/ccp/un/.0001% government) “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,”

      The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations.
      the track record of communist governments is a horror story:

      They have littered the 20th century with 160 million corpses, not foreign people killed in a time of war, but their own people, killed by their own governments in times of peace.
      Over 66 million slaughtered under communism in the Soviet Union,
      over 69 million murdered in Red China.
      Over two Million killed under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

      The millions more killed under Mengistu in Ethiopia, under Samora Machel in Mozambique, and Agestino Neto in Angola and under Fidel Castro in Cuba.”

      when communists take over: The third stage instigates a crisis that leads to a civil war, revolution, or foreign invasion. This stage only took 2-6 months.

      This is the stage when the leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” are no longer needed, because they would be disillusioned, become obstacles, push back, turn against the new government. They are going to be eliminated, exiled, or imprisoned. note: this is the interesting part, when the communists takeover, leftist idealists, or “useful idiots,” who helped the communists are exterminated. for one they know too much.

    • Nunzio,

      I agree with most of what you’ve written, the government is totally corrupt. Power corrupts. Regardless, there will be a “system”, human beings organize hierarchies and as a member of this society, you will be held to the rules established by the “system”. If you chose to leave, you will be held to the rules used to govern that society. Bottom line, you will live in a society that has chosen to organize itself around a set of rules and that “system” will not require your individual consent, but that “system” will require your individual obedience.

      There is no perfect “system”, there are always compromises between rights of individuals and the rules needed to prevent chaos. The only way to ensure your right not to participate, to be left alone, is to participate and organize.

    • Hi Nunz –

      It’s funny that so many people still fall for the shtick of this orange con man, believing that he would make substantive course corrections even if he could. The cancer has metastasized so much, I’m not sure anyone could do anything but make smooth talking platitudes – Trump’s specialty – that appeal to clapping seals. That said, there may be something to the idea of changing the administrative policy situation, given that this seems to be from where the crushing tyranny emanates. Maybe we could at least get a happy face on the advancing tyranny, instead of FJB’s overt mean face, to make it feel better as it gets jammed up our ass.

      If we make it that far, Election Day in November 2024 will be just another fall day for me. I will not vote and will watch in amusement as the circus comes back to town. While I lament what has been lost, I realize it’s never coming back, no matter what loser sits atop the throne. Sanity requires me to not participate and to just ignore what I can as I go about my life.

      • RE: “not participate and to just ignore what I can as I go about my life.”

        Reminds me of the bit ~, “You might not be interested in politics, but politics (busybodies?) is interested in you.”

        Also, it kinda reminds me of Grizzly Adams. He seemed to do better than Geronimo in avoiding The Man.

  15. The president of the US is a serious position of power, it is not a popularity contest.
    It is so serious that an oath is taken – if the oath is ignored, impeachment should follow.

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    Trump, and other presidents, have no legitimate authority over vaccines, health care in general, automobiles, etc.

    If the Constitution, and oath, are to be ignored, then remove both and the dictatorship
    of the psychopaths can continue unabated.

  16. Today is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    F is for failure and the other F word.

    F Joe Biden,

    F Donald Trump,

    F Nancy Pelosi,

    F Chuck Schumer, schmuck nonpareil,

    Fuck those people, they’re not here for you.

      • A popular song in T.J. during the 80’s:

        “The Roof’s on Fire, Burn, M.F., Burn”

        [I couldn’t find a good version on YouTube to link, the one I heard in the 80’s was fast & loose. The versions I found online are dreary pathetic slow-pokes.]

  17. Couple of thoughts on this one. First of all, as Resident Bidet is demonstrating, it’s not the officeholder who makes the decisions but the bureaucracy surrounding him/her. If you go back and read some of the EO’s from Trump, it should be obvious as hell that he didn’t write them. Second, remember how they pulled out all the stops last year to make sure Orange Man wouldn’t be reelected? They’d only do it again, no matter who the dumbocrat running against him is. Our best bet is to make sure Orange Man doesn’t get the nod in the primaries.

  18. “If we just vote in the right candidate, everything will be better this time!”

    I thought this was a libertarian website. Eric, why can’t you learn that whatever happens in the world of politics, you and I have no say. It’s a big f***ing club and we ain’t in it. Any small incremental improvement to our circumstances due to voting is temporary and easily (and inevitably) reversed in this system. Stop participating in it. It is only costing you your humanity.

    The system needs our participation. Without it, it would surely wither.

    • Exactly, Philo,
      It pains me to see this D vs. R political stuff here. The very first step in making a difference is making people realize that the spectacle we witness is nothing but political theater, and that they are powerless to decide how things are run at the federal or state levels- and that it is only when they divest themselves of such delusions, and stop participating, and live life in such a way so as to maintain control over their own lives and property- and stop participating in this ritual in which they give their consent to collectivism- that any progress towards liberty can be made anywhere.

      And if we as Libertarians/Anarchists/Voluntaryists are going to sully ourselves and play along as audience members of the political theaters and give our consent and participation, then there is no hope for anyone.

      Much like the alternative media actually helping to perpetuate the scamdemic by devoting 95% of their time and space to stories about it. Even if those stories illustrate what BS it really is, and oppose it, just by giving such non-stop airspace to it, and for so long, it actually helps them perpetuate the idea that it is real- after all, one doesn’t spend 90% of one’s time talking about that whikch is not real- see how that works?

      Non-participation; not being concerned with what they tell us we need be concerned with; not giving publicity to that which should remain obscure (Notice how the MSM always avoids any coverage of actual true grassroots protests which don’t fit their agenda? )- some quick affirmations of the facts to be maintained for those who might not otherwise be aware. Much else is the doing of the enemy’s work- even if our words contradict his.

      I mean, if you don’t want your kid to grow up to be a faggot, which would you prefer:
      An environment where faggotry is discussed non-stop- even if in a negative light- or, an environment where faggotry is almost never even referenced, except perhaps on one or two relevant occasions to point out it’s caveats and distaste?

      The more we imitate Hollyweird/The MSM, the more we become like them- even if our message seeks to contradict theirs.

      • A lot of things have happened/are happening. It’s a push and pull for me for sure. Sometimes I just want to live like I have for years now, basically not participating in and ignoring the system to the largest extent possible but the outside world intrudes at times in egregious ways. I don’t wish for other to presume tacit approval so, at other times I feel the strong impulse to engage with people in person and online about the parade of horribles our society and world has become. I don’t think ignoring evil is a way to overcome it.

        • “I don’t think ignoring evil is a way to overcome it.”

          Participating in evil is no way to overcome it either. That was my point. How about we neither ignore it, nor participate in it?

          In my list of top 100 ways to fight evil, voting didn’t even make the list.

          What’s number 1 on my list you might ask? Articulate the truth at all times, no matter the personal cost to you.

          • Funny, I didn’t even mention voting and was addressing the rather broadened non-participation mentioned by Nunzio, who I replied to. So, I think we’re on the same page.

            • Your comments remind me of the stuff Bionic Mosquito has been writing about how the NAP is incomplete & isn’t enough, … only the church can be – or is big enough – to be a counter-balance to tyranny.

              … I’m watching a TeeVee religious channel discussing the, “You’ll be happy & own nothing” shit. They don’t seem ok with owning nothing & being ok. [I’m surprised to even see it on TeeVee!] They’re saying good stuff about how Socialism never works and how they do not like how goobermint is trying to be God.
              Good stuff. And, … whoops, voting is the answer?
              It’s a panel of people, only one person said that.
              Interesting discussion. …It’s a start?

              • They might have a Calvinist-tinged belief system. Calvinists like their “things” – my observation is that they believe their stuff is proof that God loves them and that they’re good people, practically sinless.

    • The system does not need your participation, the system requires your obedience. The system does not care if you obey voluntarily or looking down the barrel of a gun. Maybe 200 years ago you could run off into woods and live off deer meat and acorns, but today in an age of facial recognition, global surveillance and digital currencies there is no where left to run. If you think you can hide, try not paying you income or property taxes. After a couple years you’ll either be in jail or living under a bridge.

      The days when libertarians could virtue signal above the fray and let conservatives get their hands dirty with politics are over. The Communists are coming for the libertarians as well. Communists don’t care about truth or principles, they only care about power. They want the ill-gotten wealth you stole through your privilege. Fellow travelers in big Tech and social media will censor and shut down websites like Eric’s, and brainwash you and your children with constant propaganda. Truth will be what the state tells you it is. There will be no dissent.

      You have to fight the war with the weapons you have and right now you can still fight with your vote and support of candidates that share your principles.

      • I agree about the commies. They play for keeps with no rules. Dangerous characters. Proportional response required, at a minimum. But so-called conservatives “got their hands dirty?” Puhleeze. Digging’ at the same trough, maybe.

      • I dunno, Griff. Brandon Smith has convincingly written about how civil war is inevitable.

        He’s also said, along with others (Martin Armstrong, Cliff High) that the Bastard Power Elite will fail. We’ll have to look for evidence, either way. I suppose. In Red States, the evidence seems to growing. Time will tell.

  19. Were any of them really elected though? The govt would have us believe that the serfs’ votes are real, but they’d have us believe their money or their big scary pandemic is real too

  20. As Longshanks said in Braveheart: As king you need to find the good in any situation….
    Trump running again will cause their collective heads to explode which will be fun to watch. Especially Liz Chenney who just got fired from the republican party ….if there is such a thing. They may even try having Trump jailed as an insurrectionist. Triple down on third world Marxism and really show who they really are.

    • When Trump was in office all the leftists talked about 24/7 was Trump, if you you went into a restaurant all you heard were leftists ranting and screaming about Trump, these stupid leftist bastards were cheer leading, promoting the leftist/globalist/satanic cult that is running the western world now.

      They are responsible for the leftist/globalist/satanic cult that is now force injecting the killshot into five year old children, part of their 7 billion extermination cull.

      The 500 million left after the cull will be transhuman genetically modified slaves, you are probably better off dead…..

      It will be the end of natural, free range, free will autonomous humans, right around the same time ice cars are banned.

      this is what the leftists are bringing you:

      quote from byrne……….(when you get your new nwo/ccp/un/.0001% government) “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,”

      The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations.
      the track record of communist governments is a horror story:

      They have littered the 20th century with 160 million corpses, not foreign people killed in a time of war, but their own people, killed by their own governments in times of peace.
      Over 66 million slaughtered under communism in the Soviet Union,
      over 69 million murdered in Red China.
      Over two Million killed under Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

      The millions more killed under Mengistu in Ethiopia, under Samora Machel in Mozambique, and Agestino Neto in Angola and under Fidel Castro in Cuba.”

  21. I supported Trump in 2016 and 2020 and will again in 2024 if he is the Republican nominee. I don’t apologize for it, he was “the lesser of two evils”.

    That said I hope Rand Paul, Ron DeSantis or some other candidate emerges and wins the nomination. If he seeks the nomination, I’ll support and contribute to Rand. Given his denunciations of Fauci and rational response to the pandemic he is positioning himself well should the “vaccine” turn out to be the poison many of us believe it to be. As the communists rush forward toward the destruction of Western Civilization, there is an eternity between now and 2024.

    • Remember 2012 when the primary was stolen from Ron Paul and Mitt was put up against Obama. There would have never been a Trump if Ron got in and started fixing things then. But yes, he needs to denounce his failings on the shot to have a true chance, but I don’t see him as evil, just the bad side of good

  22. You forgot one thing: Trump is like Fonzie, he is unable say he was wrong.

    We thought it was OK send the candidate we had instead of the candidate we wanted. Actually we were so disturbed by the idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency we would have voted for pretty much anyone with a pulse. Now there’s this monster who thinks we actually want him, not don’t want the other guy.

    Ultimately I blame Norman Vincent Peale.

  23. OM will not insist on forced jabbing, but he will also praise the jab(s) and his efforts to bring them to the population. The Swamp will do the exact same thing to him as they did the first time. Secession and nullification are the only answers.

  24. Since every government on the face of the planet is built upon the assumption of authority to kill you if you don’t go along, voting is the selection of what and how many things you might be killed for. I castigate no one for voting. I just pray they are aware of what they are voting for. There are no messiahs among candidates. None will lead us into liberty and justice. Few are likely to significantly improve the situation. There’s too much fiat money in doing evil works. Which is not a problem for sociopaths and psychopaths.

  25. Dementia Joe is a Zaphod Beeblebrox wannabe. Trump is closer. The point is both attract the attention of the masses & deflect it from the real seats of power –soros, the MIC, big pharma, israeli lobbies etc. I’m cynical enough to believe there’s not even a Hobson’s choice and it simply doesn’t matter who wins the ‘presidency’.

    Now if only there was an earthly equivalent of the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster I’d reconsider my personal prohibition on alcohol…

    Oh, and FJB.

      • The difference is I believe that DJT is sincere in his political aim to Make America Great Again. And up until the covidcon I thought he did a pretty good job of achieving that aim.

        At the Trump rally in just south of me in Cullman, Alabama the crowd only booed twice: first when Mo Brooks essentially said get over 2020 electioneering and second when DJT encouraged people to get the clot shot.

  26. He may run again (although I doubt it), but he won’t win. Nothing will formulate the rebuilding of the Democratic Party than Trump tossing his hat into the ring. Right now the Democrats (and our country thanks to them) are in complete shambles. Why would we allow them to regroup?

    Trump was the person needed to show us how ugly our government and its media truly is. This country will go through a fundamental change in the next two years, the Donald is no longer the man needed for the job.

    For anyone out there still rah rahing over a future Trump presidency we need you to open your eyes. He is a backstabber and will throw those around him under the bus so quick that the tire marks will have already imprinted their body before they realize what has happened. Need an example? How about January 6th. Men and women who allowed themselves to hold onto his every word now find themselves behind bars. Where is their honorable leader? Golfing in Palm Beach, of course. William Wallace he is not.

    I don’t foresee Trump’s name on the ballot in 2024, nor the old senile puppet that is currently “running” our country. Fate has a way of stepping in when needed. I expect her to uphold her bargain.

    • Trump served one and only one purpose, and did it well. His election informed the Psychopaths In Charge we were not happy. That purpose ended the moment he was elected. That capital has been spent. Find another investment.

    • RG,

      I think that Trump will run again; he’s giving every indication that he will. That said, I agree with you in that I think time and circumstances have passed him by; he had his chance, and he blew it. He is, as you said, a back stabber. Finally, for someone who’d pledged to drain the DC Swamp, he sure surrounded himself with a lot of swamp creatures, e.g. Bill “CIA/Bushie” Barr.

      • Hi Mark,

        He is insinuating he will run again, but why wouldn’t he? Those 2024 Trump flags, t shirts, and bumper sticker proceeds will dry up once he denounces it. He is a business man first and foremost.

        • That’s a good point! He and the GOP did that stop the steal thing; they solicited funds from these people. What they DIDN’T tell them was that the first $8K went to Trump and the GOP! Only funds above the $8K threshold went to combat the election fraud; the first $8K were split by Trump and the GOP. So yeah, I could see his present actions as another cynical grift to keep the money coming in…

        • >2024 Trump flags, t shirts, and bumper sticker proceeds
          Jeesus, is he that hard up?
          Can’t pay the fuel bill for the TrumpJet?
          Needs to sell trinkets to fly to Palm Beach?
          Maybe so, I dunno.

        • RG – I think he will run. The democrat party, you’re right is falling apart. And even the relatively sane democratic party supporters (assuming there is such a thing) have realised it and may not support them again. On the other hand, what are the options for TPTB to put in charge of the republican party ? They know trump, though he may make noise and be entertaining, is essentially under their control…. (i mean why dint he do so many things he said he would, the fed, lock her up, not fire and hang Fauci) I mean apart from trump are there any contenders they will let to the top ? And I dont think Neom and De-santas will run this time, given trump has such a strong fan base….All that will end up happening is trump will rip them apart !

        • Infact the more I think of it – I suspect OM will run – he will have the blessing of the establishment to do so, in order that he wipes out any real contender such as say a De-santes, Neom, or even Rand Paul, (who im still a fan of)…. In the end once hes nominated in the primaries, for the powers that be, its smooth sailing as he may just rock the boat a little, mostly for show – but wont really change anything….

          • Hi Nasir,

            Trump would be 78 years old old if he was to run and take office in 2024. We already have a 78 (soon to be 79 year old in office). Although the oligarchy seems to live longer than the average person, they don’t live forever. Time is going to catch up to these individuals.
            One can’t run from fate or the Grim Reaper.

            Noem will run. Although, DeSantis would be a shoo in I don’t think he will run in 2024 due to his wife’s illness and their young children. My only concern is that I see Nikki Haley and Tim Scott running as well. They have larger name recognition than Noem and there neocon support for overseas wars is worrisome to me.

            • Why do you think she will run against trump? And I really dont see that as doing any good as you say with the other neo cons joining….

              Yeh youre certainly right about the elite living longer – Adrenochrome seems to do wonders…
              Interestingly – in the first past the post, the easiest way for the establishment to mess up the selection of a genuine candidate is to just throw more candidates in the mix…. as we saw in the dumbocrats this round…. enough candidates from all views, and then a couple which you support, and soon enough your guy the most votes and is the last one standing ! We also always see that in the British elections.

  27. It is reasonable to conclude that these poisonous shots were already developed and just waiting for an excuse to be forced. The medical establishment has been wrong about every damn thing to the extent that people with functioning brains have stopped believing them. Or worse really.

    I read an article today by Steve Kirsch saying that the obvious thing to do is the opposite of what the establishment says (and gave good reasons to do so). These same people could not have possibly developed a new technology in such a short time. While we may never know the truth about that, it’s a pretty safe bet that they’re lying about it.

    Now, if Orange Man runs, that is the most likely scenario to get another communist in the White House in my opinion. Somebody like DeSantis could turn this around or even Noem but if OM causes them (or others) to lose the primary, we’re screwed.

    Regardless of whether OM has seen the light and come to Jesus or not. He’s radioactive and will destroy the chances of turning this thing around. He won’t win. They’ll use the same lies as cover for the voting fraud. They would have a much tougher time doing that with somebody that doesn’t have Trump’s baggage.

    IMO… which is almost the exact opposite of people on the right (it seems)… my prediction is that if OM wins the primary, we are screwed.

    • Re Radioactive Trump: After the 2016 election, one of the acquaintances in my husband’s friend list on Facebook (a female) demanded that any Trump voters unfriend her. She was hysterical. This from an accomplished, self-sufficient (not married) outgoing personality.

      People are deluded, it seems, willingly. I think you are correct that the lies will again cover for fraud, unless the mainstream media crashes and something better rises from the ashes.

      • HEY snapdragon, I had a cousin that demanded we all pitch in $ so she and her queer daughter could leave the country. She was sure trump would kill her daughter, daughters wife, and their adopted Haitian baby.

        Still haven’t talked to her since Nov 2016. She was so hysterical at the time, I told her the only way I would give her any money is if she used it for a hysterectomy.

        • Hi Norman, yeah, that’s a similar freakout. It seems to me that a lot of these Trump-haters were self-righteous snobs. Why couldn’t the woman in our case just unfriend my husband? Why ask, piously, to be unfriended by him? Like, “oh, I’m such a nice person, unlike you!”

          • I think you nailed it, virtue signaling is strong in the sky screamer sect. I thought my cousin was pulling our leg at first. Totally serious, she wanted my mom, not her mom to pay. Because we voted for trump.

            She’s about twenty years older than me and she never recovered from the ‘Grab em by the pu$$y’ comment. After that she acted like Trump had physically assaulted her. I tried to sprain her that Trump only goes for nice women, not nasty ones. It was hilarious, even though it showed everyone how deep her mentally illness is.

    • Ron DeSantis’ wife is facing cancer, and he is a decent human being. If she isn’t 100% in two years, he won’t run for President.

      DeSantis probably isn’t enthused about putting his wife through reelection for Governor, but Florida can’t let Charlie Crist have another term. The former RINO has enough influence in the Legislature to get some of the Dem agenda passed.

  28. I believe, at least according to GW Bush, the correct saying is “Fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again!” GW was not only saying it wrong, his sentiment was incorrect as well.
    Unfortunately, I’m afraid Boobus Americanus can, and likely will, easily be fooled again.

  29. This is the time to reject both halves of the political oligarchy.

    Voting for Trump, for me, would be bending the knee to the tyranny, and allowing myself to be forced to accept all of the damage that he allowed and perpetuates to this day.

    It was grating enough to be escorted around the polling center last November because I refused to wear the degrading diaper that was “required” due to The Don’s infernal “state of emergency.”

    I’d rather be free.

    • Hi Anon,

      I’d rather be free, too. But I’d also rather be less a slave, which may well depend on the choice we have to make. If the only choice is OM or something worse, I’ll reluctantly vote OM. Doing so doesn’t mean I won’t also continue to strive for freedom. I think it’s an error to believe that once necessarily precludes the other.

      We have to work with what we have – in order to work toward something better…

      • I understand what you are saying. I just think that after 2 years of being free on my own (i.e., without the support of the government – in fact going against the government), I prefer now to throw off the shackles of pretense of voting.

        Having said that, I would vote for a candidate who has a record of doing right. Hard to find, even with 330+ million possibilities in this country.

        This will be the first time since I turned 18 many years ago that I will not vote.

      • Eric –

        One the your best terms you have ever conceived is “the weaponization of hypochondria.” The phrase has become a regular part of my parlance. I usually, though not always, take the time to give attributional props to you.

    • If you go look at the numbers from Georgia, the current mess we have in the Senate is because ~ 11,000 Libertarians “voted their conscience” in November, followed by 300,000 Republicans choosing “none of the above” in the runoff elections in January.

      “None of the above” will result in Kamala Harris or the Deep State’s obvious preference as of late, Mayor Pete, sitting in the Oval Office in four years. And if you look closely at his background, Mayor Pete is more likely to add pointless “wars” to the country’s problems.

      That choice is not a luxury we have anymore.

      • Mayor Pete will never have President before his name. He (as well as the current Veep) both ran for President in 2020 and neither succeeded. Granted Buttigieg did well in Iowa and New Hampshire, but his work as the Secretary of Transportation leaves much to be desired. He is responsible for the backup of ships in Long Beach, LA, Savannah, and New York. The supply chain shutdown due to not enough drivers falls squarely on his shoulders.

        He did a lousy job in South Bend as Mayor and an even lousier job as Transportation Secretary. Do the American people think he will be successful as President? Hasn’t the Biden Presidency taught us anything? This country needs to stop electing people who have accomplished nothing except living off the government dole.

        • Hi RG,

          The worrisome things about Mayor Pete are that he’s bright and articulate; he has the ability to come across as a reasonable/nice guy. As Obama did. And that makes him dangerous.

              • Let’s address the elephant in the room. People want to be on the right side of history and want to advance certain progressive inroads. This is especially prevalent in the Democratic Party.

                Would Pete have found the success that he has if he was not gay? On the other side of that equation could his sexual orientation hurt him in a future Presidential election?

                • Sorry, the designation “sexual orientation” doesn’t get it for me. Time to call things by their right names.

                  If the American people are “ready” (having been suitably “prepared” by various sleazy ideologues with their own agendas) for a 6ULDV8 in the White House, then we are truly, as a nation, f*ed in the arse.

                  And I am by nature a “live and let live” person. No one can help what he/she is, whether it is a club foot*, or megalomania**.
                  That doesn’t mean that “just anyone” should be considered suitable for high political office.


        • >He is responsible for the backup of ships in Long Beach, LA,
          No, sorry.
          The cluster f*ck @ POLA & POLB is due to Greasy Gavin, not the Fed Gov.
          Do your homework, RG. I know you can.
          Two things (by fuehrerbefehl) in CA trucking industry:
          1. Independent contractors vs. employees.
          2. Outrageous restrictions which ban older diesel trucks
          Next thing you know, the Nuisance and his minions will require battery powered container ships (har, har). Amazon has already decamped for the Port of Houston, using ships with onboard cranes (bulk cargo haulers), and specially designed extra long containers.

          • I disagree, turtle. When Trump was in office from October-December 2020 the shipping bottleneck was roughly 25 ships with a window of a five day wait. By the end of January 2021 (and Biden taking office), 55 ships were in Long Beach/LA and now taking up to two weeks to unload. Today, we have 164 ships with a turnaround of 17 days.

            Newsome has been governor since 2019. Although I do agree his regulations are making it harder to do business in CA, especially the ridiculous ordinances regarding the age of the trucks and union members, he was able to oversee the unloading of ships perfectly fine during the Trump years. The backlog was created under the Biden Administration. Newsome is the scapegoat (although I couldn’t wish it on a bigger douche), but he is not the only one impeding flow of products and hurting businesses.

            If I was the Transportation Secretary I would not allow a state to create a backlog so severe that it stopped the flow of supplies in and out of the United States.

            If Newsome’s regulations are impeding transport then I go around him by sending the ships to Portland, Tacoma, or Seattle, or hell, even Jacksonville. I do not sit there with 160 container ships waiting to unload their cargo, because some loony leftie has to cajole the unions.

            Do you think if Jacksonville or the Houston ports were doing this that the Biden Administration would not have been down there barking orders and screaming that DeSantis and Abbott were obstructing goods from getting to their rightful destinations?

            • >turnaround of 17 days
              Probably longer than that.
              If you have current data, please post a link.
              I am currently waiting on a shipment from Asia; I honestly do not expect to see the goods in less than one month – we shall see.
              > I couldn’t wish it on a bigger douche
              >If Newsome’s regulations are impeding transport then I go around him
              The market is already doing that, as I said.
              Including using different types of ships, which use different technology to load/unload. No need for government intervention, IMO.
              But, not all players have the $$$ of Amazon.

              >Do you think if Jacksonville or the Houston ports were doing this that the Biden Administration would not have been down there
              So, what you are saying is that the commies stick together, is that right? Not saying I disagree. 🙂

        • Mayor Pete is very Deep State. Go look at his resume and read between the lines. He’s being groomed for … something.

          I remember Obama giving the Dem keynote address in 2004 and wondering why he was there. Two unsealed divorce cases later, within two years, he’s an elected US Senator working on getting into the White House.

        • There is no “seeming” about it. Members of the large L Libertarian party are mostly just fine with the system, if only they were in charge of it. A local radio personality incessantly brags about being a “card carrying Libertarian”, yet has no end of praise for law enforcement, and promotes the “vaccines”.

    • Hi Snap,

      We’ll never be able to know – re whether he was Jabbed (or Jabbed with saline). But we can hold his orange feet to the fire. Drown him in torrents of boos if he says anything in favor of the Jabs. At every opportunity, question his stance on “masks.” Back his orange ass into a corner so as to make it clear where he stands.

        • ‘ignore him and move on’ — RG


          Only one president in US history, Grover Cleveland — a New Yorker like the Orange Man — served two non-consecutive terms. Aside from Cleveland’s fluke, there are no second acts in the White House. Not even for the Clintons.

          Orange Man Bad is damaged goods. For that reason, the Republiclown party probably will serve him up again as a candidate, to throw the election to some fresh-faced communist from the DemonRat party.

          Efamol 2L …

  30. Lucy & the football? Or, work with whatchya got?

    I supposed it was more like: If ya just gotta vote,… at least do this. ?

    I dunno. The only time in my life I ever voted for anybody or anything was for Ron Paul in the Primaries. I feel good about that. Surprisingly, there sure were a lot of people who tried very hard to make me feel bad about it.

    • I meant to place my comment in reply to Chris below.

      Eric’s comment wasn’t there yet. “We have to deal with what we’ve got…” Seems I was on the right wavelength.

      I’ve been repairing partially rotted wooden structures with salvaged lumber. I often find myself saying, “Work with what I’ve got. Just jump in & see how much you can get done.”

      Seems like things are a bit like that.

      A question or statement I once read keeps coming up for me: ~

      “How do we get from here, to Liberty?”

      I suspect a metaphore-ma-jig: very messy, not-square or level, crudely, wavy, bumpy, herky-jerky lurches, different lengths at different sections (States & regions), … with a mix of nails, screws (some new, some rusted & straightened) with big patches of metal here & there over the holes.

    • Hi Chris,

      We have to deal with what we’ve got… and what we’ll get, if we don’t.

      By pledging not to be a part of this, we have a tool that can be used against them, if they break their pledge. This is no small thing. Remember, if you will, what cost the Chimp’s sire the selection… Read my lips… and the electorate did.

      In my state, the Republican candidate for governor vowed not to “mask” the populace; he won – I think – in part because of this. And because he did so pledge, it will be much harder for him to go back on it.


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