What the Best Ghouls Are Wearing This Year

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If you need an idea for a Halloween costume this year, here’s one that is guaranteed to scare the crap out of people!

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If you like items like the Keeeeeeev T shirt pictured below, you can find that and more at the EPautos store!


  1. The ghoul Joe Biden should wear a mask of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior, your sins are forgiven. But no, Joe Biden delivers evil in every way he can. Heckuva job.

    However, Joe Biden is the face of evil, pure unadulterated vile cruelty and meanness in every bone in his body, has no compassion for you at all.

    You are in the way and are on a need to know basis only.

    While you are bilked of your money and robbed of your humanity.

    Maybe go as an IDF soldier on Halloween night and see if the costume gets any reaction.

    Shoot first, ask questions later.

    Crucify the Prince of Peace!

    It’s a mostly peaceful world war.

  2. I saw a picture of either a rotting corpse or a skeleton that someone used as his profile picture on social media, and the photo had the banner that said “I got my COVID-19 vaccine”.

    • ‘I saw a picture of either a rotting corpse or a skeleton.’ — John B

      So did I. Then this little man come on the Teevee:

      “This is war. It is combat. It is bloody. It is ugly, and it’s going to be messy. And innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward.” — NSC spokesman John Kirby, 24 Oct 2023

      As the Shake ‘n Bake girl might’ve said [channeling Barky O’Bummer], ‘Some folks got offed. And we hay-ulped!!

      Oh, but ain’t that America, you against me?
      Ain’t that America somethin’ to weep baby?
      Ain’t that America bane of the free, yeah?
      Little pink corpses for you and me

      — John Mellencamp, Ain’t That America

  3. As FDR said “The only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”. Or as the LDS says “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear”.

    The so called “Elites” control us with our fears so in other words get ready for harsh times or at least get the old family chariot ready for winter by putting on your winter tires, rust proofing it and fixing all the broken stuff letting you enjoy the drive this winter in snowy weather.

  4. Great idea, Eric! The only item I would add to the costume would be a T-shirt that says “Covidiot” just to underscore the point.


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