AGW is “Paid to Find Out Who’s in Town”

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Here’s video of an encounter with an ancient but still dangerous (because armed and with a license to kill) AGW who accosts a guy riding a bicycle and demands ID, announcing that he “get paid to find out who’s in town” and threatens the man multiple times for daring to question the AGW’s legal right to force him to produce ID or answer his questions.

Keep in mind this is a “law enforcement officer” – as AGWs love to style themselves – who is clearly ignorant of the law as well as violating it under color of law. If any other person came to a screeching halt in the road, leapt out of their car armed and began to threaten someone who was just riding their bike or walking and doing nothing illegal, they’d be facing criminal charges and (hopefully) psychiatric evaluation.

This Metamucilized AGW should be in jail – or a hospital. At least, someone ought to check his Depends. Maybe he has a piss rash and that’s why he’s so belligerent.

Instead, he’s on the government payroll – eating on your dime and mine while blatantly breaking the laws he’s supposed to know better than the rest of us – and ought to be obligated to respect even more than the rest of us.

Just another day in the USSA.

. . .

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  1. Rambo: There wouldn’t be no trouble except for that king-shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat. But the man kept pushing Sir.

  2. As incredible as it sounds, members of the “Badge Gang” are not required to know the laws, statutes, codes, ordinances, and regulations they are supposed to enforce! To act on it, they need only to “reasonably believe” that a particular law exists even if no such law actually exists. Since it’s impossible to know every law, how could it be proven that any Law EnFORCEment Officer did not “reasonably beleive” he, or she, was acting appropriately. Please see the following United States Supreme Court rulings: Heien v. North Carolina, and U.S. v. Shelton Barnes et al.

  3. What a crock. If that had happened in my high school that would have been one dead guy. We often had guns in the lockers and the pickups were an arsenal of all types of guns.

  4. “If any other person came to a screeching halt in the road, leapt out of their car armed and began to threaten someone who was just riding their bike or walking and doing nothing illegal, they’d be …”


  5. “This Metamucilized AGW should be in jail – or a hospital. At least, someone ought to check his Depends. Maybe he has a piss rash and that’s why he’s so belligerent.”

    Okay, quit with the geezer jokes. Some of us here are sensitive! (lol)


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