
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

The Modern American Police Officer

American law enforcement is a very sick entity these days. American police are very much like Tokugawa Shogunate-era Japanese samurai, in that they have EGO, POWER and WEAPONS, but they have...

Obama Diverts $500M to IRS to Implement Healthcare Law

By Sam Baker The Hill The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law. The money is only part of the IRS’s total...

St. Trayvon – and The Truth

  Almost all of the news items about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin contains a combination of false statements, opinions presented as facts, transparent distortions, and a complete absence of some of...

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Essay by Charles Goyette, April 9, 2012: ------ Perhaps it's like shouting an alarm, unheard above the engine noise of two trains on a collision course. Or, screaming helplessly as a car slips...

Hutaree “Milita” Cleared – But Very Quietly

This is important news - which is probably why it isn't being covered... (see original story - with links - here:   Hutaree Militiamen Cleared In Court By Chuck Baldwin Much to the chagrin...

There Won’t Be 24/7 Coverage of This “Racist” Outburst

Because it's a black racist who let loose: WASHINGTON -- Former District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry (D) made some indelicate remarks about Asians on Tuesday night while celebrating his win in...

Global Warming Skeptics Are “Racists”? Obama Supporter Say So

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, April 5, 2012 The climate change professor at the center of the scandal over her assertion that global warming skeptics were akin to racists and should be “treated”...

Section 230 Revision Will Likely Impact Anonymous Internet Speech

Machttp://mcintyre-v-ohio.comApril 1st, 2012 Joe Lieberman, it seems, is looking to crank up the anti-terrorism volume a bit further. I would have thought that with Bin Laden killed we’d be heading in the...

Think The Government is Interested in “Your Safety”?

Then think again... ( This report was originally published at Inalienably Yours) The mainstream media and the federal government will soon have the blood of the world on its hands. Radiation from the Fukushima...

Ron Paul on Obamacare

The Supreme Court and Obamacare By Ron Paul Last week the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of the Obamacare law, focusing on the mandate requiring every American to buy health insurance...
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