
Radio Interviews

Audio clips of Eric’s radio interviews

It’s Free, Swipe Your EBT….

Sing along, now:

Josie Harris Reads Letter from Guantanamo Bay

Here is Josie Harris reading a letter from a prisoner of Guantanamo Bay, along with a "visual aide" by Mos Def, doing a real-life demonstration of the force-feeding practices that are...

Dom in DUI Check Point

This happened last night on the way home. These maggots do the DUI check point by night and the safety check by day, same spot. I cut out three seconds in the middle...

What Really Happened to St. Trayvon

I know exactly what happened that night because I have been paying attention to the liberal media! 9-year old Trayvon Martin was on his way home from choir practice and delivering hot...

Border Heroes Smash Car Window/Cuff Driver

Makes you proud to be an American, where at least you know you're freeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Brazil Preparing For WC

Here's some WTF news for the day.  Talk about zero tolerance for dissent against a referee.  The ref red cards the player, they get into a fist fight which leads to...

How VA State Cops Celebrate “Our Freedoms”

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Virginia State Police will boost road patrols over the Independence Day holiday. Increased patrols begin Thursday and continue through Sunday night. It's part of the annual Operation CARE...


I would like to add a word to our vocabulary (I have even submitted it to Urban Dictionary and it's currently under review): tyra-nanny (noun) (tee-ruh-nahn-nee): a tyrannical fascist governing body that commits...

Video to Help You Celebrate Your “Freedoms”

Forced Blood Draws in the land of the "Free" :

Night in jail for fleeing from aggressive non-uniformed cops.

Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for U.Va. student BY K. BURNELL EVANS Charlottesville Daily Progress When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student...
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