
Classic Cars

Muscle cars and trucks. View the entire archive.

How it Survived

As people who know me already know, I own a bright orange - technically, Carousel Red - 1976 Trans-Am. I have owned it for a long time - some 30 years....

The Last Camaro . . . Again? 

It looks like the Camaro is about to get retired - again. This time may be the last time, though. And it’s different this time, because Camaro isn’t selling poorly, which was...

Mechanical vs. Electronic Fuel Delivery

When I point out the various downsides of electric cars I am often accused of “hating” electric cars. Which I do - but that is beside the point. I freely admit...

The First is Last . . . Again

In about two years from now, the Ford Mustang will be the last new car of its type still on the market - a fitting thing, given it was the first...

Premature vs. “Planned” Obsolescence

You may have heard the term, planned obsolescence. It refers to the policy of General Motors (and others) back in the '50s and '60s to egg-on the purchase of new cars...

Remember the Service Station?

We have gas stations now. We used to have service stations. These were places were you could buy gas and repairs. They had bays and racks and mechanics on hand to fix whatever...

Silver Linings Amid Darkening Clouds

Every dark cloud has a silver lining, it’s said - and there is truth to it. Much of it, of course, depends on your perspective - and your situation. What if you...

Doomed: Cord 810/812 (1936-1937)

The saying has it that there’s not much new under the sun. To which one might add: But a great deal has been forgotten. Front wheel drive isn’t new, for instance. Nor...

Heterogenous Cars

As the dreary trend toward the Universal Transportation Appliance - the crossover SUV, soon to be rendered even more drearily homogenous via electrification - waxes, it might be worthwhile to look...

Reminiscing . . .

You don't see a lot of things in new cars that were once common to almost all cars. It can be fun to remember - and if you don't, to hear...
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