
Reader Question: Hut! Hutting! the AGWs?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jim asks: Last weekend, my son was invited to a birthday pool party. Sadly, a little boy drowned at the party; thanks to...

Reader Question: Boxster Issues?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Dorsey asks: What bad qualities are hidden in the Porsche Boxster? My reply: It's mostly a matter of things being hidden, period! The Boxster's...

Reader Question: eGolf Economics?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Russell asks: Where you say "Put another way, the eGolf costs a third more more than the non-electric Golf"  . . . it...

Reader Question: What One Feature…?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Stuart asks: If you could wave a magic wand and pick one feature which used to be available in cars that no longer...

AGW Uses Badge to Get “Dates”

Here's a lovely news story about an armed government worker named Chancellor Searcy who would pull women over - that is, use the threat of murderous violence implied by his badge...

Reader Question: Electric Motors for Trucks?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Arthur asks: If a truck trailer had an electric motor it could increase fuel efficiency and control. If the power were to come...

Reader Question: Most Neglected Service?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Tony asks: What, in your opinion, do people tend to neglect most when it comes to car maintenance? My reply: Two things come to...

Reader Question: Why Harp on EV Range?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Chris asks: I know you don't like electric cars but why harp so much on their range? Most people don't need to drive...

AGW Uses His Agonizer on Derelict

Armed government working attracts a certain type of worker. An authoritarian personality who enjoys the work. Increasingly, it attracts outright sadists - as in the case of the following incident recorded...

Reader Question: “AGW”?

Here's the latest - and briefest - reader question, along with my reply! Dean asks: What is "AGW"? My reply: I get this one fairly often - which surprises me, because I usually...
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