
Get Rid of Mandatory Car Insurance?

A reader wrote in response to an article I did recently on the tyranny of mandatory insurance laws. He had been hit while on his motorcycle - and crippled for life...

1981–1989 Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant K-Cars

Lee Iaccoca gets blame (or credit) for the Dodge Aires and Plymouth Reliant K-cars, but unlike the minivan, this one’s really not his fault. He simply took the ball and ran...

Too Many Cars . . . Not Enough Market?

As we watch the slow-motion train wreck that is the dying U.S. automotive industry, it's easy to blame the economic situation for the debacle. And it's certainly a contributing factor. Or...

2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe

I just did a burnout - which is nothing unusual, except ... I did it in a Hyundai. A rear-wheel-drive Hyundai muscle car. Six-speed stick, 306 horsepower. Thumbs-up, Fonzie!  WHAT IT IS The Genesis is...

Diesel Pros… and Cons

Diesel-powered vehicles are making a big comeback - no surprise given renewed buyer interest in high-efficiency, long-life vehicles. But like gas-burners, diesels have their downsides as well as their upsides. Here's a...

1976–1980 Dodge Aspen R/T and Plymouth Volaré Road Runner

A reeling and soon-to-be bankrupt Chrysler Corp. produced one of the most pathetic paper-tiger muscle cars ever in the embarrassing 1976to 1980 Dodge Aspen R/T and the Aspen’s sister car, the...

The Worst Thing You Can Say in Modern America…

I don't "support the troops." But of course it's not really  the troops  we're constantly pressured to express unconditional, unquestioning - even fawning - support for at nearly every turn. "The troops" really...

Tubby U.S. Toddlers Too Fat For Booster Seats

At least one out of every six children ages 1 to 6 are too beefy to fit into their child safety seats - and need extra-large "husky" seats designed for proto-Elvii....

2011 Jaguar XK

Beauty can be more than skin deep - just take a look at the 2011 Jaguar XK. Heavily updated in all the right places - and left alone were it was already...

Buick Electra 225, 1959–1984

The "deuce and a quarter" was Buick's ultimate ship of the line—measuring nearly 19 feet long (225 inches) from snout to tail. This road titan's wheelbase would eventually stretch to a...
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