
Reader Question: Erratic Idle?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Jay asks: I have a Nissan pickup that does a weird thing. The engine revs on its own. This happens intermittently. The engine...

Reader Question: Warming up?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Jen asks: I like to let my car warm up on cold days before I drive it but have read that this is...

The Forum is Coming (Back)!

As Elvis once said, it's been a long time . . . Many of the regulars here remember and miss the Forum, which was an area where anyone could start their own...

Reader Question: To File a Claim or Not?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Tom asks: This answer to this question is largely academic because I already chose to do one of the two options I'm about...

The Trap is Sprung

Diesel engines had to be made expensive and inefficient precisely because they used to be neither - in order to cancel one of the last remaining impediments to "electrification." And now it's...

Latest Radio (Dec. 14, 2017)

Here's the latest audio clip - from my guest appearance onBill Meyer's show out in Oregon (KMED): We talked about the pros - and cons - of electric cars! . . . Got a...

Is There Anything Good About EVs?

EV sales are collapsing like Pfizer's clot-shot revenue. Both for essentially the same reason. People have figured out the truth about them and for that reason, want no part of them. Who,...

They Have Blood on Their Hands

Larry Pratt Gun Owners of America December 16, 2012 A gunman whose name we do not need to memorialize took advantage of our gun control laws to slaughter some 20 children and seven adults...

What’s Next? Airbags for Pedestrians…

The air bag thing is about to get really out of hand. And really, really expensive. Apparently, it's not enough that most cars now have four (or six) air bags inside. Volvo...

Happy De-Platforming!

Just a quick post to thank all of you, the readers and contributors, for a great year and for making this possible. Most of you know that the organs (as Solzhenitsyn might...
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