
Reader Question: Stupid Wars

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Franks asks: I have never read any report about the amount of fuel wasted by governments fighting stupid wars that are not needed by...

Arrest Them All!

Here's a video taken of a mass arrest in Leon Valley, Texas. The people - among them credentialed reporters, according to news accounts - had gathered at the request of the...

Armed Government Worker Shoots Little Girl

Extremely disturbing video out of  Wichita, Kansas.  Armed government workers enter a home in which several very young kids are seen standing around. A little girl is sitting on the couch. The...

What The Government Really Thinks About Gas Mileage

All this hubbub over how much gas cars burn and the government won't even synchronize traffic lights. How much gas does that waste? An interesting study was done by a Stanford University researcher...

Why Aren’t Law Enforcers Required to Know the Law?

Here's a video sent to me by a reader; it shows a cyclist being harassed by multiple armed government workers - aka, "law enforcement" - who do not know the law. The...

Reader Question: Remote Start Via Phone

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Todd asks: Am I able to start my car from my Android phone? Do I have to buy a remote starter? I have the...

Video Rant: 2018 Mercedes GLC350e

Here's a look at the pros and cons of plug-in hybrids and why all of sudden so many car companies are putting them in their lineups. You'd think we were running...

Reader Question: Force-fed ethanol

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Brian asks: Why am I forced into buying the 91 octane premium fuel to avoid putting harmful ethanol into my 2000 Toyota Tundra and...

Reader Question: Oil Burning Subaru

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Leo asks: My wife drives a 2013 Outback. We bought it slightly used with 13K in 2014. It now has 130K. Still a decent...

Latest Radio (KMED/Bill Meyer June 23, 2018)

Here's the audio clip of my appearance yesterday on Bill Meyer's show in Oregon. We talked about the MPGe scam, among other nuggets! . . . Got a question about cars - or...
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