
The Great Winnowing

GM’s announcement the other day that it will no longer make cars - or rather, just a few - follows Ford’s previous announcement along the same lines. Chevy will lose more than...

What We’ve Gained . . and Lost Along the Way

When every new car comes standard with air conditioning - and an LCD touchscreen - such things become given things. It becomes harder to make a case for more expensive things. Why buy...

Armed Government Worker Punishes Passer

Here's a video taken - luckily - by a man pulled over for the manufactured offense of "speeding" by an armed government worker who appears to have been triggered by the...

Seasonal Coverage? Nah… That’d Be Reasonable!

Seasonal riding is a fact of life for many motorcyclists. Come fall - and cold weather - many riders hang up their leathers and park their bikes for the duration. It...

Hero Cops Don’t Like “Raw Milk”

Self-proclaimed “authorities” levied threats against Vernon Hershberger of Sauk County Wisconsin. Hershberger’s alleged offense? He, his wife, their eight sons and 200 others in their private club, consume the milk and other...

Today’s Clover: Slow Down & Tailgate (May 4, 2018)

Here's today's Clover - yesterday's, actually! I was driving down the mountain - as we say up in The Woods - when I rolled up behind this Clover, who was "driving" (if...

Reader Question: Is It Stupid to Buy a Hybrid?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Brad asks: I am interested in buying a hybrid because it might actually save me money but I worry that, as you've written...

“hero” Needs Anger Management Therapy

Watch this NY City "hero" and ask yourself whether he ought to be trusted with a gun - much less authority to use it:   . . . Got a question about cars -...

Reader Question: Trusting a Mechanic?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Karen asks: I'm not a car girl and feel totally at the mercy of dealerships and mechanics. Do you have any advice to...

Reader Question: Turbo’d Longevity?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! M asks: Hi Eric, I enjoyed your article  on the Turbo Tax, regarding turbocharged engines.  I didn't see where you addressed it directly...
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