
Reader Question: Nissan Quest Distributor

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Charles asks: Got a misfire code and the engine shuts off randomly while driving. I think the distributor is shorting out to the distributor...

Automotive Dissonance

It's interesting to consider that a man can be (and many have been) criminally charged for selling a physically harmless drug such as pot that has never killed anyone to people...

2011 Camaro Convertible: Finally!

The first factory-built Camaro convertible in two - no, three - generations is finally here and just in time to catch up with the Mustang convertible and put some distance between...

Learning Helplessness

It's astounding they still allow kids - allow adults - to ride bicycles without training wheels. Probably not for much longer. Keeping them affixed might prevent someone from falling over. The same...

AGW Exercises His Authoritah

Here's a video depicting what happens when you decline to show the proper obsequious "respect" for an armed government worker. A trucker flips one the Bird. In response, the AGW uses his Authoritah...

Are Car Salesmen Dirtbags?

Car salesmen are dirtbags - right? They're not well thought of, at any rate. But the truth is they're just salesmen and working the system - which is what it is. And...

Citizens Against Senseless Violence: “Join Us! Tell Everyone Your House Is Completely Unprotected!”

Mac Slavo January 17th, 2013 This is one you don’t want to miss. Citizens Against Senseless Violence goes door-to-door and asks supporters of gun control legislation to join the movement by putting signs in...

SSssssssssafety Catalepsy

What happens when the latest ssssssssssaaaaaaafety systems are stymied by snow? Here's a look! Well, sort of. I wasn't able to get my camera rolling in time to show you the warning display...

Reader Question: Air-Cooled Bikes in the South?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: I hope you'll take a moment to answer this question for me. For many years I've been riding a liquid cooled...

Trump is Trying….

To starve The Beast. The Trump administration is seeking to nearly eliminate federal funding of the EPA's budget for light-vehicle emissions and fuel-economy testing but will seek to raise fees on the auto...
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