
Diaper Report: 02/03/2023

"Masks" do "work" - extremely well - contrary to the findings of the latest peer-reviewed study out England, published by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The evidence that they "work"...

Diaper Report 1/28/22

This is a post-‘Rona (Moronicon variant, I think) report. A first-hand conveyance of what to expect should you happen to catch the latest iteration of the sickness the “vaccinations” are probably...

Diaper Report: 5/23/22

This is an alarming report - because of what it says about what has been going on. A good friend of mine, who isn't elderly or obese or chronically afflicted by...

Diaper Report: 04/26/2024

There is a reason why "masks" are still a common sight outside of the surgical suite - and insane asylums. It is because the lies that fomented the mass hysteria that...

Diaper Report: 10/5/2022

The truth, as the saying goes, will out. At least it does, eventually. No thanks to those who worked so hard to suppress it. Like the Centers for Disease Control, for instance....

Diaper Report: 01/14/2024

It's interesting that hospitals (in italics for a reason; bear with) are pushing Face Diapers - again. Most recently the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health Systems, which is a corporate chain...

Diaper Report 12/20/21

In case you are still wondering what it's all about, let me show you something that will tell you what it's all about. It's this box - pictured below and in the...

Diaper Report 5/13/22

Lenin - plagiarizing a line - asked, What is to be Done? About the ongoing self-Diapering of a fourth to a third of the population? Well, Lenin didn't ask that.But let's do. Almost...

Diaper Report: 5/30/2023

There are people who still don't get it. Like this person, for instance: "You have no evidence that mask mandates were the lynchpin of Covid scaremongering." So says "Richard," a regular heckler here. It...

Diaper Report: 04/16/2024

No, it's not over. At least, not within the boundaries of Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, CA. A reader and his son who went there recently to attend an event for...
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