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The “Safe” Car

Many people want what is styled a “safe” car - and the government panders to this fear by implying that any car that does not comply with the latest “safety” standards...

How You Can Tell It’s a Fraud as Well As a Con . ....

It is easy to prove that the whole electric car thing is a gigantic fraud - as well as a con. The fraud is the assertion that electric cars are the best...

The Trouble With Selling Used Cars . . .

If you’re having trouble selling your used car it might be because fewer and fewer people can afford to buy it. Trading in is no problem - other than the problem of...

Lesson 5,371 Regarding Why it is Always a Bad Idea to Dial 911

Government is very good at breaking things - including people - and leaving other people to clean up its mess. Armed government workers are especially good at this. Witness the ruin visited...

A Pothole in the Path of the Electrification Agenda

A number of problems stand athwart the Electrification Agenda, which is supposed to be accomplished fact less than nine years from now - come 2030. Perhaps the single biggest problem is...

To Vote or Not to Vote?

Voting seems to many an exercise in futility as well as something worse, perhaps. Does your vote matter? And - more fundamentally - is it wrong to vote at all if...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show 3/10/21

Here's the audio of my weekly gabble with Bill Meyer over at KMED Radio in Oregon. We talked about why Senile Joe continues to wear his Diaper - wasn't he vaccinated?...

The Cost of the (S)election . . . at Every Fill-Up

Some probably think it was worth anything to get rid of the Orange Man - who got rid of himself, when you think about it, by not doing anything to prevent...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 3/9/21

Here's the audio of this week's chat with fellow Wrongthinker Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked out loud about why Senile Joe continues to wear...

Diaper Report 3/9/21

Seeing a face is great - but there's something even better. A handshake. Offered by someone you just met - and who just met you. This used to be the way people exchanged...
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