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Some Thoughts About Walter

A great man has died, as many of you already know. Walter Williams. He was an economist by training but that is not what made him great. What made him so was...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 12/2/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon. We talked about the Blazer - the old and new - as well as the...

Diaper Report: 12/2/20

I parted ways yesterday with a friend of more than 20 years' standing over his sickness - and my refusal to indulge it or even pretend to ignore it. This ex-friend says...

Turbos Used to be Fun

Leave it to government to suck the joy out of everything. Like turbos, for instance. Turbochargers were something special. If you saw a car - it was once always a high-performance car...

Have a Look at a Gesundheitsfuhrer

Here is a picture of Sheila Kuehl, Gesundheitsfuhrer of Los Angeles. Isn't she lovely? Or handsome, depending on which "gender" it "identifies" as. Note that you can its face - something it...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 12/1/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Bryan Hyde Show in Oregon! We talked about wishful thinking - hopefully not - and the state of...

The Cars We Could Have Bought…

The cars you're allowed to buy today are the cars government allows to be manufactured.  But what kinds of cars might we be able to buy if the government (which, always...

Latest Radio: David Knight Show 11/30/20

Here's the audio of my appearance on David Knight's show earlier today; my segment begins around the 1:01 mark. Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click on...

No Smoking Within

A reader pointed out an interesting parallel between the wearing (or not) of the Holy Rag and smoking (or not). Both are moralizing crusades - in the name of public health. Smokers were...

Bye-Bye, Passat

VW is apparently going to stop selling the Passat in the U.S. - adding to the roster of RIP'd sedans in favor of crossover SUVs. Interestingly U.S. sales of the Passat are...
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