
Diaper Report: 5/30/2023

There are people who still don't get it. Like this person, for instance: "You have no evidence that mask mandates were the lynchpin of Covid scaremongering." So says "Richard," a regular heckler here. It...

If Face Diapers Work . . . How Come They’re Not Working?

As this country faces Mandatory Face Diapering - because the cases! the cases! - it's interesting to note what's happening in another country where Face Diapering has been mandatory for months. The...

2018 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid

It’s hard to make an economic case for any converted hybrid right now. This means all hybrids on the market right now, except for the Toyota Prius - which is the...

Subscribe to Drive

People are used to making car payments but the tradition is you eventually stop making them, at which point - finally - the car is yours. Keep it, sell it, trade...

2018 VW Golf R

The Golf R is not a cheap date but fun dates rarely are. And you can have all kinds of fun in the 292 horsepower Golf R - in part because...

VW, Victory Gin and the Chestnut Tree Cafe

In the final pages of Orwell’s 1984, we find Winston Smith - the novel's main character - drinking Victory Gin at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. He’s been released by the Party...

End Times Signs

Here is a startling tidbit; an urgent wake-up call, really: Business Week has just reported that GM sold more than 2 million cars in China for the second straight year in a...

2019 Toyota Sienna

Minivans used to be hugely popular because they were hugely practical. Which may explain why minivans have become less popular than they used to be. Because they are very curiously less practical...

2019 Volvo S60

There's a lot about the car business today that's depressing; relentless nannying, pushy electrification. So here's something that will make you feel better   . . . Maybe even make you feel like...

The New EPautos

Most of the reviews have been positive - and we're working on the tweaks suggested by many of you, including making comments easier to find. Please continue to send me your...
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