
If They Want Your Money . . .

There is always a catch. You may have heard about Attorney General Eric Holder's recent announcement that states would no longer be able to cite federal asset forfeiture laws to snatch people's...


All, We're at mid-month and things are looking bleak. Take a gander at the pie chart. I never post these little cries from the tar pits unless I am genuinely worried about the...

2015 Toyota Yaris

Toyota can get away with it. Kia couldn't. Honda, neither. What high crime are we dealing with here? It's more like a misdemeanor: Selling While Old. Or rather, selling a car that's getting old,...

Car Stuff 101

The car business has become like the computer business - things change fast. Models change - radically - every four years (and sometimes every three) rather than once every eight (or ten)...

Tax Per Mile Cometh!

Oregon - home of things uber trendy - has become the first state to begin dunning motorists by the mile rather than by the gallon. The "pilot" program begins July 1 —...

Dog & Pony Show

Well, I'm sitting here in a hotel in Arizona  (Scottsdale) awaiting the Ford People. Drinking coffee to prepare to deal with them. That is, banter with them politely about the transitory...

2016 Kia Sorento

Getting to market first definitely helps. It explains the rush, the ever-shortening model year vs. calendar year. You'll get attention if only because the others aren't there to look at yet. ...

1986-1993 Cadillac Allante: They Got it Right … Too Late

It began with high hopes - and an audacious plan. Unfortunately, it belly-flopped badly... . By the mid-1980s, Cadillac was still the "standard of the world" - if by "the world" one meant...

Radio Interviews – Done (and Pending)

Here's a link to my appearance on Bill Meyer's show the other day: Tomorrow Morning (Saturday) I'll be live on WYOO in Panama City, Florida - with Dayton Vause. I'm still working on...

Back Door For “Real” ID

You may have thought - hoped - you could dodge the creepy "real" ID driver's license the feds have been pushing since the terrorists who hate us for our freedoms gave...
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