
Two Wheeled vs. Four-Wheeled Worries

You may know all about buying a used car - the things to look for (and watch out for). But how about a used motorcycle? Lots of people who've never ridden...

The Tragedy of Socialist Insecurity

The real tragedy of Socialist Insecurity is just that. Many of those forced to "contribute" all their working lives to this socialist wealth transfer scheme could probably have retired - in the...

Postal Reversion

Looks like the Post Office won’t be replacing its fleet of 165,000 delivery vehicles with electric vehicles - contra the urgings (and injunctions) of the Biden Thing.  It looks bad for him...

The New Number One

Some may recall the excellent '60s BBC TV series, The Prisoner - starring Patrick McGoohan as Number Six. Well, we now know who Number One is, after all these years. It's not...

Today’s Thoughts . . . Nov. 7, 2013

This is the beginning of our third month AF (After Google) and for the first time since we dropped Google ads and began to rely on direct support from readers,...

No More Down by the River?

"Electrification" - as it is styled - is also an attack upon those of modest means, who can least afford a 30-50 percent increase in the cost of  transportation. That being...

CBDC Preview

Readers of this column witnessed - because I posted video of it - the difficulty I had recently attempting to put charge into an EV. The same problem I have encountered...

The Other Shoe Drops

We are told that replacing the cars and trucks we have with battery-powered devices that cost more and weigh a lot more and that entail using up more natural resources is...

The Arrogance of One Size Fits All

It’s funny that “saving lives” only seems to apply when it works to further the degree of control over us  . . . exercised by the people who control the thing...

When the Children Won’t Go Bedtime

In the Department of You Can't Make This Stuff Up, a group of German "scientists" who are "concerned" - read deranged - about the "climate emergency" - glued their hands to...
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