
Here’s Why Trucks are Popular . . . and Cars Aren’t

One of the reasons people buy trucks rather than cars is because new cars can’t do the things you didn’t used to have to buy a truck to be able to...

2012 Lexus GX460: Less Bling – But Maybe That’s Better….

The Lexus GX460 is kind of plain for a $50,000-plus SUV. It doesn't flash its wares - its MSRP - like a Vegas escort service "date." This is a good -...

‘Rona “Relief” . . .

I got a check today from Uncle Joe - ostensibly “relief” from the harm visited by Uncle in the name of the ‘Rona. I am expected to be grateful, in the...

What Are Government School Teachers Worth?

You have probably heard government school teachers (if that's the right word) complaining of low pay. Said another way, they seem to believe their work is undervalued and that they deserved...

Electric Newspeak

It’s curious that an outfit styled the Zero Emissions Transportation Association - more about them here - is advocating for “national policies to enable 100 percent electric sales in the U.S....

Always Read The Fine Print

So - what's the catch? While there are some great deals to be had on new cars today, it's always smart to be sure you understand the offers - and especially,...

Diaper Report 6/28/22

This is an update - about my friend the nurse, who got sick coincident to being pressured to take the Jab, else lose his job. The sick irony of his working in...

Ride-Sharing’s Broken Promises

In physics, there is a reaction to every action. In politics, there is always an unanticipated consequence to every policy. Sometimes, several. And often, they are worse than the problem which...

“Sustainability” and Three Seconds to 60?

Just as Face Diapers aren’t about “stopping the spread” - that's just the marketing for what's actually being sold - electric cars aren’t about “sustainability.” Witness the latest electric Face Diaper -...

The Mindset of Heroes

This video was taken by a couple of guys filming outside a federal courthouse in Houston, TX: It's interesting chiefly because it reveals (again) the arrogance of these armed government workers (cops,...
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