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Monkey Paw

It's been a while since the monkey extended his paw, but the times prompt him to do it now. The monkey - that's me!...

Avoiding a Soylent Future

Hamburger and pork chops are becoming what lobster used to be - expensive specialty foods most of us can only afford to eat once...

$7 for a Pack of Raspberries

As with "the cases! the cases!" - about which you don't hear as much anymore - you cannot trust the truthfulness of what the...

Lawns in the Crosshairs

California's pomade-slicked Gesundheitsfuhrer, Gavin Newsome, has just issued a Gesundheitsbefehl (health order) banning the sale of new small engines of the sort that power...

When Comedians are the last Real Journalists

If you didn't catch Joe Rogan's interview with "vaccine" pusher Dr. Sanjay Gupta, I urge you to do so now. He called Gupta -...

What $5 (or More) Gas Will Mean

Have you given any thought to what it will mean to you when gas costs $5 per gallon - which is likely, given how...

The Realistic Rebuild

As America goes Cuba, politically, it is becoming Cuban - vehicularly. You have probably read about the aging of the vehicle fleet - that the...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 10/13/21

Here's the audio of this week's talk with Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah. We talked about some encouraging developments,...

Solo Diapering

Yesterday, I saw another Solo Diaperer. An old lady in her Buick, all by herself . . . except for her Diaper. Which made me...

Arguing What Was Never Argued

One of the dirtiest ways to win an argument is to change the subject of the argument - and thereby argue for or against...
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