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Site Weirdness

All - I'm hoping someone can help me figure something out. I'm seeing (on both my iMac and my laptop Mac) the "latest" version of...

Electric Pegasus

Pegasus was a horse with wings who was supposed to be able to both run and fly. Of course, he could do neither -...

Vidcast: Uncle Under The Hood

I wrote the other day about the disappearing V-8 (and also the disappearing six). This Vidcast gets into all of that: Like a tsunami that...

The Month So Far

The EPautos official stickers (see image below) should be here any day now. They are free to any reader who makes a one-time donation of...

Volt Double Down

The Volt electric car has been a fizzle for GM - and that's putting it kindly. Only a small handful have sold - and...

Clover’s Colon Coughs

Here - for those who can stand it - are Clover's latest intellectual eructations:     clover 1,076 approved xxx.xx.xx.xx Submitted on 2014/05/09 at 10:38 pm | In reply to...

The Electric Crack Pipe

I never "took" drugs - but I increasingly feel as though I'm the only one who's not on the pipe. In the June issue of...

Do Away With Dealers?

Did you know it's illegal to buy a new car from the manufacturer? That's right. In most states (48 states) so-called direct-buys are unlawful...

The Affordable Coffee Act

I mean, why not? If government - using its magical powers - can make health care "affordable" why not make everything people need (and hell,...

2014 Ford Fusion Energi

You'd think plug-in hybrids would be an easy sell. Unlike a regular hybrid, which has to burn gas at least some of the time to...
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