OC Deputy charged with Pepper Spraying Pizza


It’s remarkable to me they actually charged this cop:

“An Orange County Sheriff’s deputy is facing jail time after being accused of pepper spraying a teen’s pizza without his knowledge during a traffic stop last year, prosecutors said.

Juan Tavera, a six-year veteran of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at the time of the alleged crime, faces one year in jail if convicted of spraying the pizza and ultimately sickening five people who ate it, according to a release by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.”

I just quoted the start of the article, rest here:



  1. Sounds like it was meant as a prank.

    Let’s put some extract of ghost pepper in piggy’s coffee, and we’ll see how he likes it? Good laugh for everyone, right?
    1,000,000 scoffeld, at 110 F – we’ll make sure to pour the rest down his pants….

    Then we can ALL see the humor in that sort of prank, right?

    (Bear in mind – I LIKE spicy – and there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, that will make you remember spicy like cutting up jalapenos and jabaneros for chili – and then peeing with a firm grip on the hose… You realize it just a few moments too late sometimes, and spend the next hour in the COLD shower!!!)

  2. Holy crap. Although charged with battery or assault, there’s a raft of charges that could be filed, such as willful poisoning, unlawful tampering etc. The FDA would have something to say about this.


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