Trigger-Happy Cop Out on Bail


Betty Shelby, the Oklahoma Hero Cop who shot and killed a man – unarmed, retreating, hands in the air – has been let loose.trigger-happy-hero

It’s another example of the differing (kid gloves) treatment accorded armed government workers (which is what cops are, not “heroes”) when they commit an act that would result in severe, life-altering consequences for any of us.

I’ve mentioned before that I possess a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Before the permit was issued, I (and everyone else who wishes to obtain a permit) received a stern lecture by – of course – an armed government worker who meticulously described my obligations under the law regarding use – even mere display – of my firearm.

Only when my life was clearly in imminent danger and I had no option to retreat could I legally resort to my gun in self-defense. Any use or even display of my firearm without that standard having been met would be treated as presumptively criminal and I would face severe consequences.

Why does the same standard I and every other citizen are legally obliged to abide by – and are held accountable for not abiding by – apply to a lesser extent to armed government workers?

Had I or any other ordinary citizen shot – and killed – and unarmed man, a man attempting to retreat – we’d be facing more than merely a manslaughter charge. Unlike Betty Shelby, we’d be facing a murder charge. And more than four years in prison (the time Shelby may receive but almost certainly won’t, even if she is ultimately convicted of the much less serious manslaughter charge).

We certainly would not be out on the streets – and back in the comfort of our home – two days after having shot a man to death, no matter how plaintively we cried “safety”!

From Oklahoma statute:

Any time one person takes the life of another, a homicide has occurred. While not every act of homicide is criminal—self defense or military combat, for example—intentional deaths or accidental deaths resulting from criminally negligent acts are prosecuted as felonies.

Murder, which may be charged as either first degree or second degree murder, is often marked by intent. Manslaughter, on the other hand, may occur as a result of criminal negligence or rash actions in the heat of passion.

Criminal negligence refers to an accident which leads to an unintended crime. The firing of Shelby’s weapon was by no means an accident. Her gun did not accidentally fall out of its holster and discharge when it hit the pavement. She meant to shoot Terence Crutcher.

Why is she not dealt with accordingly?

We all know why. Because she is an armed government worker, held to a different – more lenient – standard. Which, of course, incentivizes trigger-happiness. Why not?

If not, then why are ordinary citizens so sternly admonished about what will happen to them if they point a gun at someone – to say nothing about what will happen if they actually shoot (and kill) someone?

Shouldn’t armed (and “trained,” we are constantly told) government workers whose specialty is enforcing the law at least know the law? And be held to at least the same legal standard as any other citizen?

Perhaps someone will explain it to me…. depends on you to keep the wheels turning! Clovers hate us!

Goo-guhl blackballed us!

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  1. Potentially all women are like her. AWALT. Briffault’s Law.

    Briffault’s Law
    Briffault is known for what is called Briffault’s Law:

    The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. — Robert Briffault, The Mothers, Vol. I, p. 191

    In 1930, H. L. Mencken wrote the following in his Treatise on the Gods:

    Primitive society, like many savage societies of our own time, was probably strictly matriarchal. The mother was the head of the family. …What masculine authority there was resided in the mother’s brother. He was the man of the family, and to him the children yielded respect and obedience.

    Their father, at best, was simply a pleasant friend who fed them and played with them; at worst, he was an indecent loafer who sponged on the mother. They belonged, not to his family, but to their mother’s.

    As they grew up they joined their uncle’s group of hunters, not their father’s. This matriarchal organization of the primitive tribe, though it finds obvious evidential support in the habits of higher animals, has been questioned by many anthropologists, but of late one of them, Briffault, demonstrated its high probability in three immense volumes [The Mothers: A Study of the Origins of Sentiments and Institutions].

    It is hard to escape the cogency of his arguments, for they are based upon an almost overwhelming accumulation of facts. They not only show that, in what we may plausibly assume about the institutions of early man and in what we know positively about the institutions of savages today, the concepts inseparable from a matriarchate color every custom and every idea: they show also that those primeval concepts still condition our own ways of thinking and doing things, so that “the societal characters of the human mind” all seem to go back “to the functions of the female and not to those of the male.”

    Thus it appears that man, in his remote infancy, was by no means the lord of creation that he has since become.”

    Briffaults Law: All relationships are transactional

    Relationships are a spontaneous emergent order agora. It is your empathizing and systemizing quotients that matter. Success in social life means more than IQ. You also need EQ and SQ.

    Your relationships are transactional. To individuate and actualize what you’re learning here, you eventually need to manifest your red-pilled individuality and free-thinking in the real world with real people.

  2. Well, firearms are the great equalizer as we all know. However, there is something to be said about a 5’2″ or so 120lb female cop trying to persuade a 6′, 240lb (or so) guy. Yep, with her 9mil she’s equalized, but then again she’d have to use it to achieve equalization. Therefore, here’s a case against diminutive persons (be they female, or male – as in the Michael Brown case) as police officers. —Just sayin’

    Another thing too: Was in very thick, very slow traffic on the 495 beltway in MD yesterday, and here comes the Fire Captain with lights and siren on. Then they go off. “Asshole!” I said, as I noticed they were turned off when he was about 750yds from the next exit. “Maybe he’s not needed anymore”, my wife said. We both watched as he simply got off the freeway, taking the exit in the direction of the firehouse. Boy that burns me up. (Separate set of rules and all…)

    Things like that, seen time and time again, are what get people to adopt a “Black Lives Matter” attitude. (For which they have a legitimate grievance, by the way.)


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