Armed Government Worker Parks in Traffic Lane


Here’s video of an armed government worker parking in the middle of the road, blocking traffic – something for which any of us would be ticketed. The armed government worker is apparently stalking the person taking the video. After sitting in the travel lane for several minutes, the armed government worker then pulls forward menacingly and parks closer – again in the travel lane, blocking several parking spots.

Then the armed government worker gets out of his car – wearing his Intimidator opaque sunglasses – and begins accosting the man with questions. Another armed government worker circles behind the man – also wearing his Tough Guy apparatus – to menace the man.

The armed government workers are apparently affronted by the man’s having dared to film them. This, of course, the armed government workers regard as “suspicious.”

Note that no law has been broken yet the armed government workers won’t leave the man alone.

. . .

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    • If the cops are going to do anything on that interstate (I-65, which I complain about often) this is what they need to do, get all the thousands of slowpokes out of the left lane. They could write hundreds of those tickets, and actually prevent quite a few accidents. They cause accidents, not the evil speeeeeeeeeddddders!


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