Walking Along the Road is “Suspicious”


Here’s video of a man walking along the road at night in New Jersey who finds himself accosted by an armed government worker. The armed government worker belligerently demands ID. The man asks why; has he committed some crime? He points out that he is not doing anything illegal; that he is just walking along the road.

The armed government worker responds that it is “suspicious” to be doing what he is doing and to not be cooperative with armed government workers.

This is one of the new crimes in Heliogabulus-stage America. It’s not on the books – but it is in the minds of armed government workers, right next to the one about affronting their Authority.

The armed government worker – costumed in Gestapo-style breeches and with the usual bullet-headed menace – escalates the threats of arrest and a ride to jail and the video cuts out.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

. . .

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