GM Loves Uncle. . . and CA, Too

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This is a follow-up to my earlier rant about the tussle over “California emissions” requirements. In said rant, I pointed out that the car companies – who ought to be putting their customers first – are instead leg-humping for the “tougher” CA standards, which include a 50-plus MPG fuel economy fatwa that is also being sold as a “clean air” fatwa.

Read and weep – then get mad:

General Motors Co., which for decades crossed swords with California officials over emissions standards, is now teaming up with the state to tout electric vehicles.

(Italics added.)

The automaker is part of a coalition of utilities, environmental groups and others working with the California Air Resources Board on an advertising campaign boosting public awareness of EVs.

(Italics added, again.)

The $4 million effort comes as automakers have dozens of zero-emission and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the drawing board. California, meanwhile, is pushing to put 5 million ZEVs and plug-in hybrids on the road by 2030 – up from 450,000 today.

Half the money for the ads comes from penalties that Volkswagen AG agreed to pay the state after its emissions cheating scandal. The rest is from GM, Southern California Edison Co., Uber Technologies Inc. and others.

(More italics.)

GM, which in 2001 sued California over a mandate requiring automakers to sell thousands of electric vehicles in the state, has been taking a more genial tact lately. The company has joined other automakers in pushing the White House to negotiate with – rather than litigate against – California over emissions standards. And it has supported the state’s effort to boost EV sales with charging stations.

It makes my teeth ache…

. . .

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  1. I noticed a couple days ago announced a deal to team with GM on EV’s. Of course they had a low single digit stake with GM supplying some ungodly amount of billions….of which GM buyers get to pay for via their new ICE car. What a crock.

    I can just see their first co-effort when Honda tells GM they’ll take the tail of the dog and GM can have all the good stuff. Of course Honda will just be pulling their leg and GM will produce a shitpot of turduckens.

  2. Everyone from California complains about the conditions of the roads, and they’re spending a “windfall” on advertising? Here’s an idea: Put that money into filling potholes. And keep the gasoline cars so you can keep that gas tax that’s supposed to go to road maintenance. Of course four million bux probably won’t fill more than a dozen or so, but at least it’s a start.


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