Reader Question: What Will You Do?


Here’s the latest reader question, along with my reply! 

Mike asks: I caught your article about the “Coonman” and threatened gun confiscations in Virginia. I’m curious about your specific plans. What will you do if the government decrees you must turn over your guns?

My reply: I plan to do the same as I would if the government passes a law forbidding me to criticize it. In the words of Giles Corey (an interesting story; look it up) . . . more weight.

The thing to understand is this is about much more than guns. It is about everything. I have been trying to get this point across all my life. We are either free men – or we are the property of these people who control the apparatus (the force) of government. If they can criminalize possession of guns, then they can criminalize self-defense. This includes written and spoken self-defense against obnoxious and tyrannical edicts.

They have already eliminated the possibility of ownership of anything substantial – via the imposition of perpetual taxation as payment for the privilege of temporary and conditional use. They already decree with whom we must associate, the terms and conditions of our business dealings, how we are allowed to raise our children… even what we may and may not put into and do with our own wretched bodies, which they quite literally believe they own and are increasingly making it very plain that they do, in fact, own.

Without guns, we are helpless. They can do what they like.

About anything.

Take guns off the table and everything is off the table.

We are meat, dressed and presented for their consumption.

. . .

Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics – or anything else? Click on the “ask Eric” link and send ’em in!

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  1. Salem with trials, a good comparison eric. Those with no sense or morals, just evil in their hearts. More Weight. I feel kinship with him.


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