Explaining the Inexplicable


The white-coated federal bureaucrat who has come to embody the face of medical terrorism said the other day he finds it “inexplicable” that people objected to wearing what are styled “masks.”

“When you tell people they need to mask in an indoor congregate setting when you’re in a zone that has a high dynamic of infection — that is looked upon by a lot of people, not everybody, as an encroachment on your freedom.”

Looked upon?

Such is the banality of evil, as the writer Hannah Arendt described another mild-mannered bureaucrat, in another time and another place. It is the same in every place, every time. 

Yes, looked upon. As if no big deal. As if without reason. Purely defiant and contrarian, for  their own sakes. Why – how – could anyone object? It’s “just a mask,” after all. Of course, it was – it is – so much more than just that. 

Symbols are important, especially when worn – for the wearing is a form of expression.

Of belief.

In a religious context – in a voluntarily religious context – there is nothing wrong with belief. Indeed, such belief can be positively powerful, as for example when it comes to dealing with the existential problem – of evil. Of reconciling belief in good – a benevolent creation – given the fact of evil’s existence. Such belief – in a higher purpose currently beyond our ken but in keeping with the plan of a benevolent deity – helps many to maintain hope that, ultimately, it will all balance out.

But belief becomes something else when it is mandated. Exactly the right word – both literally and figuratively – with regard to this “mask” wearing business. “Mask” mandates imposed belief upon people who did not believe.

On people who knew.

It is not a “small ask,” as the believers in “masks” often put it, to force another human being to publicly affirm a belief he does not believe in. To pretend he does not know that the belief insisted upon is both wrong and evil. Nothing strikes deeper at the heart of what it means to be a human being than to be told you must play along with something you know to be absurd and – far worse – evil.

The term of abuse – Face Diaper – excellently conveys the rightful contempt those who know better feel for the sick devices styled “masks” that the banality of evil insists everyone ought to believe in. It conveys the intended degradation meant by the things who insist upon their wearing.

They represent an enforced return to infantile incontinence. The mass-visual of adult babies crapping their pants in fear – with “parents” such as the banal little bureaucrat imposing time-outs for misbehavior defined as insufficient belief.

But it is the surrender of truth to the banality of evil that constitutes the fundamental evil of the “masks” – and the banal little man who insists upon the wearing. He wanted – and still wants – everyone to show they believe in what is demonstrably, objectively untrue – by wearing a device in defiance of the facts. He wants, in other words, for people – for everyone – to give over to him and other evil people the authority to proclaim what is truthful and real. To not question. To believe.

Whatever they say.

No matter how absurd. No matter how evil.

You aren’t sick. You haven’t gotten anyone sick. But you might be sick. Everyone might be sick. You must therefore regard everyone as a threat – and threaten those among them who question this sick belief. Exclude them, cast them out. Destroy them.

You must believe in the say-so of banal little bureaucrats more so than the people you know, even those you have known intimately, for years. Spouses, friends; the people of everyday life. All of them suspect, if they do not believe. If they do not show they believe.

Then they are bad. In need of correction.

Place the “masks” on the faces of children and tell them they must believe, too. At an age when they are too young to know better; at an age when they look to parents to tell them what is true and what is not. What is wrong – and right. By “masking” them all, they can no longer tell. They know their parents do not know – or do not value the knowing enough to resist being made to pretend they believe otherwise.

Having established the facade of general belief in that which many knew to be untrue – but which they had been coerced into pretending they believed to be true – it was easier to insist upon more and worse beliefs, such as the need to “vaccinate” everyone. Another seemingly innocuous thing that has proved to be an immensely evil thing. That being not merely the all-but-bayonet-pointing of these injections into the unwilling – styled “hesitant” by the cloyingly evil banalities – and the harm, both physical and psychological it has visited upon millions – but also the setting-down of the incandescently evil precedent that will be used to impose submission to more and worse of the same in the future.

Thus, the world is turn’d upside down.

Righting it requires explaining it. Repudiating the insipid but evil banality that “it’s just a mask” – and a “small ask.”

Nothing could be less true. Or more dangerous.

The banality of evil knows it, too. He rues that the belief he tried to impose did not take to the degree he had hoped. He regrets that the government he somehow became the face of did not impose “much, much more stringent restrictions.”

No doubt other evil banalities – such as the little man Arendt wrote about, once upon a time, also regretted not having done the same.

. . .

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  1. On another note:

    The two major disasters of my adult life so far—9/11 and the Covfefe Virus—occurred in large part due to failure to properly secure our borders and screen immigrants/others who cross our borders, whether due to careless negligence and incompetence or willful disregard.

    One of the reasons government is a necessary evil is that it is needed to secure a nation’s borders and repel invaders.

    Yet the government failed in both cases—and despite all the talk from the Orange Man about the wall—nothing was done.

    What’s even more puzzling is that no one is even discussing this.

    • Imho, the reason no one is even discussing this is because it’s not the people crossing which is the problem (for 100’s of years the border hasn’t been a problem) rather, the problem is the freebies which draw & keep people for the wrong reasons.

      Eliminate the welfare state freebies & ‘the problem’ goes away.
      No, “necessary evil” required.

      ‘Tom Mullen – Invisible Hand (Official Music Video)’


  2. Diphtheria vaccination

    [2012 Jan] FURY AT VACCINE SCANDAL HUNDREDS of public sector workers who claim their lives have been wrecked by vaccines say the Government has abandoned them.

    Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the past 10 years…..

    All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled. Last night it emerged they are to miss out on payouts, prompting furore among campaigners……health problems, which include chronic fatigue, muscle pain, weakness and cognitive problems, because illnesses developed soon after vaccination……Steve Robinson, ….was vaccinated six years ago against hepatitis A, B and polio, tetanus and diphtheria as part of his work as a forensic specialist.

    Two days later he became ill and developed muscle weakness and chronic fatigue……is now 60 per cent disabled, which an industrial injuries tribunal put down to the vaccinations. He has also been diagnosed with macrophagic myofascitis, a disabling condition which may be caused by the aluminum in vaccines.

    He also suffers from problems that cause him to fall with no warning. He said: “Before I had the vaccinations I was very healthy, a keen mountain biker and enjoyed walking and keeping fit.

    This sounds exactly like the forced/mandated 2022 bat germ vaccination and it’s deaths/injuries….


  3. World governments are preparing for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) + CDC reverses itself on every pillar of COVID theater

    The first story concerns new intel from commercial suppliers, indicating that governments of the world are stockpiling supplies like never before, seemingly in anticipation of an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that threatens to wipe out the vast majority of human beings living today.

    Suddenly now, the CDC says their previous guidelines don’t apply any longer. They’ve dropped their demands on masks, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people, social distancing, mandatory quarantines, keeping exposed children out of school and even about running covid tests on asymptomatic people (i.e. testing those who aren’t even sick).

    This is a shocking, wholesale reversal of most of the lies the CDC been pushing for years, and it begs the question: Will all the employees who were fired for questioning the CDC’s previous “guidance” now get their jobs back? Will they get back pay?

    Will Big Tech reverse all the censorship and deplatforming of people who questioned the CDC’s lies?

    Will there be any apology from the complicit media outlets that peddled the CDC’s propaganda for the last 2+ years?

    haha……. will they admit vaccines are bs?….lol


  4. That title is pretty good, very timely, ‘Explaining the Inexplicable’.

    Lotsa Inexplicable sheet these days.

    One of them, why are so many companies substituting bio-engineered ingredients into their food products?

    I’m inspired to throw in a Just-a-heads-up for those who care:

    We looked at the ingredients list of some cheap crappy frozen pizzas we shouldn’t be eating but do cause we’re not always perfect paleo, we were surprised they suddenly started listing
    bio-engineered in their ingredients list.

    Who. The. Fuck. Wants. To. Eat. Bio-engineered anything?!

    A Dracula flick is playing on the free TeeVee right now. …

    Anyway: Aldi frozen pizza, Jack’s frozen pizza, Roma frozen pizza, the last time we looked, they didn’t have the word, ‘bio-engineered’ in their ingredients list.

    Today, they do.

    Soylent Green? Dracula is the chef? Idk.

    Just thought I’d pass that along in case you weren’t paying enough attention and wanted too.

    On a side note: we made some homemade kimchee with kale, it is sooo much better than store bought, you all should consider making a batch.

    “… If you are serious about boosting your immunity, then adding traditionally fermented food is essential.” …


    • I think you’re on to something there Helot. Been getting more of a fake food vibe every time I walk into the grocery store as of late. Its not like the money power would keep the good stuff for themselves and feed us all slop.

      Was never able to stomach the kimchee after being in Korea, where everything smells like kimchee. Of coarse the kimchee was always proceeded or followed by copious amounts of Soju which inevitably produced kimchee flowers.

      Good on you for being able to eat it, it is very good for you. I like sauerkraut. The problem is I like it most on hot dogs. Talk about fake food, mystery meat. I shudder to think what they put in those these days. Only other thing I can eat sauerkraut with is steak and potatoes.

      • … Now ya got me to thinking about home made hot dogs.
        How hard could it be?

        I had to look up Soju. Never heard of it.
        I shouldn’t have looked up kimchee flowers.
        Why would anyone mix alcohol & sauerkraut-like foods, IDK.
        Seems super crazy.

        • Super crazy is what many 19 year olds do. I cant even smell Soju or tequila now without feeling ill. Been about 35 years since I was on that end of the crazy spectrum.

      • Hi Norman,

        I’ve been noticing the “bio-engineered” stuff, too. Because I have gotten into the habit of reading before eating! What is this stuff? All I know is I don’t want to eat it.

        It’s eerie. Like flashbacks from the sci-fi flicks I watched growing up.

        • Hi Eric,

          It would seem one would almost need a degree in chemistry to figure it all out. That in itself tells me they, whoever they are, are up to no good. Some might say just use your sail fawn and gulag it. Its not like search engines ever give out false info

          I remember when we were young, the thing about ‘better living through chemistry.’ That makes sense in a high trust society. Where we are now… Not so much.

      • Norman,
        Bratwurst, and other such sausages, were made for sauerkraut. You didn’t say, but do you make your own fermented uncooked kraut, or do you get the sterilized canned stuff at the store? It’s really easy to make, and will keep up to a year in the fridge. Instructions abound on the web. If you don’t make it, believe me, there is no comparison with the store bought stuff, and you will never go back.

        • They no longer sell sauerkraut in the grocery stores; they sell boiled shredded cabbage…..which is NOT sauerkraut. Fermented? Hahahaha! The crap they sell these days doesn’t even have caraway seeds in it…it’s literally just cabbage, water, and citric acid. On occasion, I’ll buy the grocery store crap and add caraway seeds, mustard and vinegar, and pretend! Ironically, sauerkraut is one of the healthiest foods ya can eat…often paired with some of the unhealthiest food one can eat…..

          • Your right Nunzio, the stuff in the stores is not even close to the same. I didn’t realize it wasn’t even fermented. Just figured it lost its kick from sitting in the jar so long.

        • Hey John

          Mom always makes it from scratch, the wife will do it, if I’m really nice. Its one of those many things in the long queue of stuff I need to learn.

    • Bioengeering is a broader description of the “scientific” food intervention than gmo, though that is included. That being said, even if you buy 100% organic, it and all the food (as well as customers in the wrong place when spraying occurs) in supermarkets is being sprayed with industrial sanitizers such as Grignard Pure. It has a peculiar perfume-y smell that is unmistakeable that actually imparts a subtle taste to things, even through plastic. God only knows…

      Another thing to look for is powdered cellulose a.k.a sawdust, which is basically undigestable fiber. Goes in and comes out. No nutritional value whatsoever. Not even food. It’s in a lot of things, particularly pre-shredded cheese. Above a certain percentage (10% I think) it must be disclosed as an ingredient. Some very processed foods are up to 30-40%. The atmosphere of inflation/shrinkflation has got to have ramped usage up dramatically.

      BTW, they actually sell a “meal replacement” product called soylent now.


        • I saw that movie for the first time in the mid 00s. What seemed unimaginably impossible and campy then now seems like the reality we’re headed towards shortly. From the soylent food to the exercise bike for electricity generation. The people movers are probably next.

      • Calories in the supermarket crap-foods are going up, while serving sizes are remaining the same, and as the scant nutritional value is declining even more, due to the fact that they are adding even MORE sugar (or more often HFCS) to the processed slurry which comprises the average American’s diet, in order to ‘keep the price down’ by replacing more and more of any vestiges of real ingredients and flavorings with the cheaper sugar.

        For instance: I was getting some ice cream for my mother a few weeks ago, and noticed that the calories in one pop had jumped from 150 to 170, while the actual size of the pop had shrunk! Ingredients seemed to be the same- so the only difference could be in the how those ingredients are proportioned- i.e. more HFCS and less flavoring.

        Haha…maybe we’re the ones who are wrong…and my mother eats this stuff, and is still quite functional at the age of 97.5…. Then again, for two-thirds of her life, the food she got from the grocery stores was real….. (Or maybe it’s that she never owned a car, and did a lot of walking….which seems to be a common trait among many of my other long-lived relatives and the people they grew-up with who also lived very long- all from the heart of NYC during the Great Depression)

  5. Geez, so many words generated.

    Vaccine is a modern legal term that gives the developer of the therapy the equivalent of qualified immunity from malpractice. That’s it. So eventually everything is going to be a vaccine.

    As for why upending social norms by forcing masks on the public, well, first of all if they did anything to prevent the spread of the disease maybe people would be more willing to wear them. Second, if the disease actually was as deadly as it was hyped up to be you wouldn’t have to require them (assuming they actually did prevent infection, which they clearly didn’t). Third, all of the behavior points toward a guilty concious on the part of the world’s governments. If this were an “act of God,” they wouldn’t care at all about deaths. In fact, the more Malthusian members of the elites would probably be happily shouting “We told you so!” from the hilltops every time someone succumbed. Instead, we get these grand edicts that likely caused more harm than not in a futile attempt to put the genie (gene-ie?) back in the bottle.

    • Hi RK

      There are people that still rabidly defend big pharma with their nazi needle, even after the last 2 1/2 years of big pharma bat germ lies hell….lol

      Are they paid by big pharma to spread lies or just low IQ?
      does rat fauci sign their pay check…lol
      this smells like more ESG money

      bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,

      disordered imagination……. it is a form of insanity, germ phobia that used to put you in the nut house for….lol

      they have disordered imagination disease …..

      it must be fun working for witches….lol….how low can you go….

      modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
      with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
      pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
      pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

      the medieval witches are alive and well in 2022, they are big pharma and their useful idiot helpers and cheer leaders….lol

      fauci flies on a broom…lol

      these witches are evil , they like injecting people with poison and watching them slowly die, they are satanists….

  6. Fercryinoutloud, George Washington mandated the revolutionary troops be inoculated with smallpox pus to prevent an outbreak of smallpox in the Continental Army.

    Inoculating the Continental Army to prevent an outbreak of smallpox saved lives, also credited for helping win the war.

    Washington had smallpox when he was young. George knew the risk, took a chance.

    One of my uncles died from diphtheria when he was 12 years-old. You can be given the diphtheria vaccine and be immunized for life.

    There are and have been advances in medicine, can’t be in denial of that.

    Jim Henson died of pneumonia, all he had to do was visit a doctor and be prescribed some anti-biotics.

    It is a good idea to be vaccinated to prevent smallpox, it lasts for the rest of your life. You have immunity.

    • At the time the US was a British colony and as head of an army of rebels was practically a dictator. At least his vaccination worked and was not based on weaponized hypochondria, bad science and the big lie. Many diseases in the 18th century were killers, get over it. Also do not equate this flu with small pox, it’s a fools (drumphish) errand.

      • Are you paid by big pharma to spread lies or just low IQ?

        bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,

        it is a form of insanity, germ phobia that used to put you in the nut house for….lol

        have you always had disordered imagination disease …..lol

        must be fun working with witches….lol

        modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
        with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
        pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
        pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

      • but viruses don’t cause disease…..haha

        it must be fun getting paid to spread lies for big pharma the satanic cult, they are our modern day witches…do they lend you a broom too?….lol…does rat fauci sign your pay check?

        big pharma and their trolls love injecting people with poison and watching them slowly die….they are satanists……..

      • Hi Myles

        Don’t we have enough trolls and bots already? Next, you will be stating that the moon landings have been faked. And the International Space Station is just CGI. Then flying Cakes will endanger us all. 🙂

  7. Funny thing about SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Eichmann: He was actually the “consolation prize” of the Mossad operation which snagged him. Their primary target was “Herr Doktor” Josef Mengele. An operation to either assassinate, but first attempt to capture, to bring back to Israel to stand by trial, both men had been authorized by Israel PM David Ben-Gurion. Eichmann had a relatively humdrum job working at a Mercedes-Benz auto subsidiary plant in Argentina. The Mossad agents were tipped off by a German Jew that had emigrated to Argentina in ’38 to escape the Nazis, his daughter was dating one of Eichmann’s son, who bragged of his father’s past as a mid-level Nazi bureaucrat during the war. They captured Eichmann easily enough, who never varied his daily bus commute to and from the factory. But Mengele was probably tipped off; as the Mossad agents found he’d recently moved. Since the El Al charter flight (at the time, there was no regular service between Tel Aviv and Buenos Aires) was on a strict schedule, and they didn’t want to be found by the Argentine police, the team had to abandon their quest for Mengele and leave with just Eichmann, who was quietly disguised as an El Al flight attendant, flown back to Israel, and put on trial. He was found guilty in the 1961 trial and hanged on May 31, 1962. His body was cremated, and the ashes were taken out to beyond the 12-mile limit and unceremoniously dumped into the Med.

    • ‘His body was cremated, and the ashes were taken out to beyond the 12-mile limit and unceremoniously dumped into the Med.’ — Self, DL

      Same fate for PJDT?

      ‘FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday removed eleven sets of classified documents, including some marked as top secret and meant to be only available in special government facilities, according to a search warrant released by a Florida court Friday.’ — WSJ

      That’s a hanging offense, according to the Espionage Act.

      ‘Rhett looked lazy and his voice has a silky, almost bored note.

      ‘All wars are in reality money squabbles. But so few people ever realize it.

      ‘Sometimes the rallying cry is “Save the Tomb of Christ from the Heathen.” Sometimes it’s “Down with Popery!” and sometimes “Liberty!” and sometimes “Cotton, Slavery and States’ Rights” ‘

      ‘What on earth has the Pope to do with it?’ thought Scarlett. ‘Or Christ’s tomb either?’ — Margaret Mitchell, Gone With the Wind

      • Well, if that is true about those higher-than secret (HTS) documents, then somebody else has to go down as well. All such documents may not leave a secure facility. There is a documented chain of custody. The FSO of any such facility is required to regularly (if not daily) review the chain of custody logs. Even plain-old secret cannot be left out, on a desk, in a work area or anywhere unattended. Not for one second.

        And, you know, I’m not taking the bait. Fuck ’em if he had that shit. It was felonious for Hillary and its felonious for me/you, it’s felonious for anyone. I’ve got no sympathy of DJT.

        There is nothing that can be done, even public naked torture, would be insufficient to make up for Operation Warp Speed.

        OWS… that was the deal with the devil. Piper paying time can’t come soon enough.

        GTFO of the way of other better people FFS.

        …and may god have mercy on his soul because I won’t.

        • Exactly, EM. Much the same as DeInsanetis booting the attorney- Even though that attorney was a Soros-backed POS and an enemy of all decent people, Desantis’s breaking of the rules he is supposed to uphold is scary- for even though it may actually accomplished something good in this case, such conduct can just as easily be used for evil- and almost always is- especially if tolerated and left unchecked.

          Thing is, with Trump or any of them, EVERY person who is allowed to advance to any level of power on the national, state or even local level(in cities and counties where there is decent population and thus lots of money) ALWAYS has skeletons in the closet which can be used as a threat to keep them in control before they might get far enough out of hand to require more serious intervention (Gotta try and keep serious interventions to a minimum; Can’t have too many JFK’s or the puyblic would wake up fast).

          Those skeletons largely keep them from prosecuting each other…until someone’s closet becomes so packed that they get hit with Fred Flintstone’s bowling ball every time they open it. Then it’s a field-day for their enemies and they end up getting hit with their own bowling ball.

          Like the anal-loggie[analogy] I made somewhere below, it’s like two Mafia families or two street gangs squabbling- and it really doesn’t matter who wins, because they are all crooks and all have done and will continue to do evil. We might like it better if the She-Beast (Billary) got her comeuppance instead- but ultimately, at least if someone gets their comeuppance, it’s better than no one getting any comeuppance.

          F Them All!

      • Your misinformation is epic and that of the brain dead left. Sorry to disappoint but all those supposed classified docs were declassified long ago by Trump, he can do that you know, you do know that right? Citing the WSJ is laughable, they are as Never Trump as you, both TDS afflicted tools. Now Obama took over 30 million docs out of the WH maybe we need to visit him or how about Hillary who took over 2000 classified docs with her and she was only the Sec. of State….hey let’s push that reset button.

        • Hi Doyle,

          No question, there is a double standard as regards the way Orange Man is treated by the institutions of the Left (i.e., the corporate-government nexus). It should be objected to, obviously. And to that extent, I will defend Orange Man. But I have lost any confidence I had in the man, over his (either) inept or complicit handling of the “pandemic” and then – fatally – his ongoing “vaccine” pushing. This latter has become inexcusable in view of the facts about this “vaccine” (irrespective of the question of vaccines, as such) that are no beyond contestation – as well as the broader principle/precedents established by “warp speeding” and all-but-physically forcing people to take it.

          DeSantis has been far better on these critically important matters.

          • ‘there is a double standard as regards the way Orange Man is treated by the institutions of the Left … DeSantis has been far better.’ — eric

            The FBI/DOJ hints that Trump may have violated the Espionage Act. That’s the law they propose using to lock up Julian Assange for life — a rest-of-life show-stopper, for anyone convicted under it.

            Whether one regards Trump as a villain, a hero, or merely an egotistical bumbler, the US government is in grave institutional crisis. As James Kunstler writes:

            ‘The intel-and-surveillance agencies of our Republic have taken on a rogue life of their own as a dominant “fourth branch of government,” and some time ago they embarked on a crime spree against anyone threatening their operations.

            ‘So, the intel-and-surveillance agencies are fighting for their lives [against Trump’s potential candidacy] — and the actual humans in charge must be keenly aware of their criminal liabilities.’

            Meanwhile, DeSantis shows up tomorrow in Phoenix at a Turning Point USA event with Trump-endorsed Kari Lake (R-party governor candidate) and Blake Masters (R-party Senate candidate). My head is spinning.

            It’s almost as if a divine hand has reached out, casually flicked the king resembling Trump off the chessboard, and ceremonially replaced it with another king which looks like DeSantis.

            Does the Fourth (Intel) branch of government now exert sole authority to vet and approve presidential candidates? And if so, should one vote for any of them?

            Looks like the starship of state is headed into the asteroid belt at warp speed. Will anything recognizable emerge on the other side? This is major-league effed up.

            • Serves the bastard (DJT) right, Jim- after pardoning a bunch of criminals, while being complicit in Assange’s persecution. Hate the libtards, but the Republicunts are not our friends either. What we’re seeing is like when Mafia crime families or street gangs war amongst themselves- doesn’t matter who wins…we lose, ’cause either way, some psychpathic purveyors of coercion and violence win- and we are the spoil.

            • Radio news this morning just casually mentioned that the NSA is reporting what some Trump supporters are talking about. Apparently not realizing the scary thing isn’t what blowhard Trump supporters are talking about in their mental masturbation but the fact the NSA is listening to them and its just casually reported by the media as if it’s perfectly normal for government to spy domestically.

              I knew this is why the government went after Snowden. For decades they never went after the whistleblowers that said the federal government was spying on americans. They left the whistleblowers to be considered kooks and conspiracy theorists and their documents fake. But that changed with Snowden. It was to normalize the spying on americans so it could be done openly.

          • Hi Eric

            Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY Arranged For Chinese Vaccine Manufacturers to Avoid US Government Scrutiny…the leftists are full on communists….lol

            Chinese Made Vaccines are “Pre-Approved” by the World Health Organization (WHO). They Completely Bypass Any US Agency Inspections…

            japan just dumped millions of doses of the injections because they are contaminated with metal, (japan does their own testing after they receive the vaccines, no other country does, they don’t trust big pharma)
            Japan stopped complying, they are using ivermectin only now, no more killshot very smart………then their prime minister Abe got asassinated

            it is hard to exterminate the japanese with the experimental gene therapy extermination injection, they are too high IQ. japan has no injection mandates, in the U.S. children are mandated 72 injections, in japan none, send your child to japan……. japan will survive, the whites won’t.

            china benefits more from mild flu relabeled as bat germ bs then any then any other country

            Anybody supporting this is a paid ccp/globalist troll, paid to spread lies.

            anybody supporting this is a pusher for poisonous chinese sourced/based drugs and injections

            All the ingredients for these shots and all vaccines and all drugs are made in china

            china supplies all the materials used to make drugs and vaccines for all the world so china will make huge profits from the bat germ bs. now monkey germ….lol

            This chinese professor says china defeated the U.S. with biological warfare.

            Some say we are in WW3, so weakening your enemy with deadly injections would make sense.
            the bat germ mind game was the marketing campaign to suck you into the bioweapon shot



          • OK. I may be going into wacky conspiracy territory, and I’m not saying this is necessarily true. But here goes.

            What if the guy they fear the most is Desantis, since he actually does some things? They make a martyr out of Trump and lock up the 2024 nomination for him, ensuring that Desantis gets knocked off electorally.

          • Hi Eric

            As I’ve stated, I highly suspect DeSantis. He may become the Strong Man, who must “save” us in these times of chaos. There are far too many questions about him in my mind. He already has demonstrated a taste for power. What happens if he gets to become El Presidente? Over a totally corrupt national power system? Given the examples of the last couple of years. Do you think he would hesitate to crush anyone who opposed him? Granted he is a much more experienced politician than the bad old Orange Man. But he is already in the small hats pocket. Who else owns pieces of him? What did you learn from your support and disappointment in regards to the bad old Orange Man? DeSantis is just another seeker of power over the lives of others. Anyone who seeks such power, should be the last one trusted to wield it.

            • DeSantis, having made The Pledge (to Israel) and attacking the very pillar of liberty (free speech) in his own state by outlawing criticism of Israel seems to be the man they have chosen to win the next (s)election; and he has thusly indicated his willingness to play ball with the true rulers of this country by having done the above-mentioned.

              How utterly absurd…that a state governor in the US would pledge support to a foreign nation, and defy the very codification of the people’s rights which he swore to uphold, by outlawing criticism not of his own nation [which would be an equally abhorrent act of tyranny) but rather of a foreign terrorist nation!

              I lose any respect for anyone who knows these things and yet continues to support such a person. Anyone who believes that such a man will do any good for the cause of liberty, just because he may seem a little saner than the libtards, is sadly mistaken, as making The Pledge [et al] he has indicated that he is friends with the source of communism, globalism, propaganda, multiculturalism etc. and that he will not impede their agenda- though his words might say otherwise to appease those who are foolish enough to believe that despite the above, that he is still somehow opposed to all of those evil isms.

              Meet the new “Trump”, same as the old Trump…..

        • The president cannot declassify anything related to nuclear weapons or the identity of spies. Besides, Biden could have reclassified everything the minute Trump left office. Anything and everything is pure speculation at this point. We have no idea what they were really looking for (or why), or what they found. I’m certainly not going to believe anything from the mainstream media, although I’m also unwilling to believe anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth. For those reasons, I think it best to withhold my opinion on this, until we find out more.

        • re: Doyle August 12, 2022 At 9:11 pm

          It doesn’t matter. Outside of real crimes laws are created to prosecute those bad people over there but not these good people over here. Americans love laws that are selectively enforced. Look at all the people foaming at the mouth about what is obviously and most likely boxes of documents government employees didn’t bother to move back to the whitehouse. Trump has been classified a bad person thus that’s just the way it is.

          The only real out Trump has is if he’s on the record somewhere telling the government to get their crap out of his house.

    • EM,
      Saw this early this morning. CDC obviously adjusting its demands to what people will tolerate, otherwise there might be open rebellion. They CAN be defeated after all.

    • It’s Over: CDC Says People Exposed To COVID No Longer Need To Quarantine

      No symptoms? No problem.
      Vacc inat ed or unva ccin ated? Same guidance.
      Exposed? No need to even quarantine.
      Students exposed? They can stay in class, what the hell, right?

      It’s over folks. Pack it up! The great Co vid pan dem ic is over. As predicted in December of 2021, Omicron was the end of Cov id, it just took far too long, and far too many additional lives for that reality to sink in.

      I predict it will be many more months before Canada, New Zealand and Australia finally awaken from their authoritarian nightmares, but that too will happen. Hopefully with extreme consequences for Trudeau, Morrison, Arden, Andrews, Ms. Freeland, and countless other bureaucratic minarets.

      To help heal from this disaster, we need to be as welcoming as possible to those who finally wake up and want to be re-included as good-standing members of The Remnant. Of course, they will be on probation forever as a result, but welcome they will be.

      More immediately, I call for a global apology to the va cc ine inj ured and their loved ones who were horribly gaslit by the medical establishment. They deserve our support, and they shall get it.

    • There’s still a lot of face diaper “recommendations.” IMHO, this is an attempt to cement diapering into place forever at any place/institution that “follows CDC guidelines”, of which there are far too many. The fight is far from over. The absolute key is to never, ever get tested for “it.”

      • Hi Anon,

        I agree. At my gym, there are still “Mask up, Virginia!” signs by the door. Notwithstanding that almost no one does – and no one is required to.

        • Hi Eric

          here is a good one for you….disordered imagination (fear). that is what these mask wearers have….lol

          so-called human rabies is the result of a disordered imagination (fear).

          NOTE: disordered imagination (fear). that is your mask wearers, a mental illness, they are insane

          this is the same as today’s bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,

          it is a form of insanity, germ phobia they used to put you in the nut house for….lol

    • There is a sly reference to that line in “Ghostbusters: Afterlife”, inserted into the scene when the family first arrives at the farmhouse.

  8. On mask religion

    Here are three more religions:

    germ theory: never been proven, just a belief = a religion. now we have allopathic rockefeller nazi death medicine, a satanic occult death cult, run by witches.

    vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them: vaccine religion: an occult satanic religious death cult

    allopathic rockefeller nazi death medicine, it is just a religion, no science behind it.

    germ theory, it just proves people are superstitious nut cases, believing in a bs religion it is medieval….lol…are we still in the dark ages? people really are religious fanatics, leftists are the worst ones.

    the so called bat germ disease was just a relabeled mild flu

    this was hyper germ phobia, nationwide, that would get you put in a nut house in the recent past, people just keep getting stupider….lol

    the official narrative was it came from a bat mating with an armadillo in a wet market….lol

    • vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them….so why would you get them injected into your body?…..are you insane or is it a death wish? it is like MAID….medical assistance in death…when you get injured or die they say….you volunteered….lol…and no liability….bringacoffin

      • Anon,
        A positive aspect of the pushing/mandating of the clot-shot, might be that it could cause a lot of people to wake-up to the fact that vaccines are a total scam. Unfortunately…many of those who did not already realize that fact will not be around much longer…so I guess that nullifies such a benefit.

        From childhood, I intuitively knew vaccines were quackery and detrimental- and not because I feared needles, as I never have. As I got older, seeing the scenarios that play-out with people who vaccinate their animals really gave me concrete evidence to back-up my intuition.

        I’ve never vaccinated my animals; not my dogs, cats, cows or chickens. My dogs and cats have always lived to ruipe old ages (Large dogs living to 16 or 17) and have never had any of the common “human diseases” like cancer; and have never been incontinent, even to the day of their death. Meanwhile, the vast majority of people I’ve known who all vaccinate, their dogs always seem to to have various cancers and other diseases which are the very same ones that plague so many humans these days; and often die prematurely.

        Same with cows. I’ve never had a diseased cow. My nioeghbors who vaccinate lose multiple cows per year from the very dieases they vaccinate against. Neighbor ajoining me vaccinates for blackleg…guess whose cows got blackleg? And I’m sure that some probably would criticize me and say that I’m the problem since I never vaccinated…but my cows (when I had cows) never had blackleg or anything else…and even if they had, isn’t the vaccine they give their cows supposed to prevent that very thing? Just like with ‘COVID”- it doesn’t work- and the vaccinated often end up with the very disease they’re seeking to avoid.

        I guess that is one of the reasons they push mandatory vaccinations, because if more people didn’t vaccinate, it would become apparent that the vaccines not only don’t work, but in-fact cause disease- but if ‘everyone’ vaccinates, and some get cancer and some get the diease they’re supposedly ‘immunized against’, then it just appears to most that it is merely the luck of the draw, or maybe “They didn’t get their boosters in a timely fashion’ or some such BS.

        Nothing exposes a society full of lies and superstitions more than those who practice the truth- and that is something which the liars-in-chief can not tolerate.

        • so we should reintroduce smallpox and polio? Is that what you are saying? Smallpox was eradicated by vaccines.
          The Covid Vaccine which isn’t a vaccine at all is dangerous but lumping all vaccines into the same category is far more dangerous and ignorant.

          • Doug,
            Plenty of debate regarding whether the vaccine eradicated small pox, or quarantining did. Polio a similar story. Polio largely spread by contaminated water. Was it the vaccine, or a cleaner water supply?

            • Hi John…..

              Polio: As farmers & communities began to spray the first arsenic-based “Paris Green” in the late 1800s to control insects, and then lead-arsenate, more cases of paralysis and poisoning appeared, but with no detectable source of “infection.” When the public began to question possible toxicity from pesticides, they were shouted down and mocked – but not challenged with actual scientific data.

              “Reports of children killed by arsenic poisoning began to surface, and authorities who had worked tirelessly to enforce the mandatory application of pesticides blamed the deaths on improper spraying techniques by reckless farmers.” – The Moth and the Iron Lung DDT was invented in Germany in 1873. The first recorded case of paralytic polio was in Sweden around 1886. And back then, all types of paralysis were diagnosed as polio.

              According to the World Health Organization, a vaccine strain of polio is running uncontrolled across Africa right now. DDT was in widespread use across America for years and is still in widespread use in many “third world” countries.

              At the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University) it was Abraham’s older brother Simon Flexner who was frantically poking around in the bone marrows of lab animals to find/create/pass on the polio virus. Scientists would go on to drill holes into the brains of monkeys and pour toxic spinal gunk into it until achieving the desired results: One monkey died and another got paralyzed and then some.

              This was heralded as the polio “vaccine”. So in stark contrast to the claim that vaccines save lives, it’s the vaccines themselves that are a big problem. So, how was polio “eradicated”? The corporate elite simply stopped spraying everyone with pesticides, rolled out a toxic vaccine and then took credit for helping people, while getting rich from the misery they caused in the first place!

            • John, don’t forget that there never was “polio” until the mid-20th century, when kids were routinely sprayed with DDT. I’ve seen pictures of trucks driving down residential streets, spraying the trees bc it was “mosquito season.”

            • And speaking of the polio vaccine: The Philippines had a lower rate of polio than the US…until the vaccine was introduced- Then their rate of polio increased, to match that of the US.

              Where are the broad-range long-term studies comparing the cancer rates of never-vaxxed to vaxxed? (Oh, that’s right…can’t be done, ’cause just about everyone is vaxxed at least at some point when they’re a kid).

              Why are childhood allergies, asthma, autism etc. EXPONENTIALLY higher today than a few generations ago, even though we have much more ‘advanced healthcare” and higher standards of living?

              Why are things like Alzheimers and dementia so common today among the elderly, even at relatively young ages? (My own mother who will be 98 in 5 months has hadalmost no vaccinations in her life- you could count the number on one hand, and she’s still very much competent; ditto her late sister-in-law, who was still working [and taking the SUBWAY to work] at 97 -grew up same time, same place- little or no vaxxes…)

          • The Four Most Dangerous Vaccines

            Speak even one sentence about vaccine-induced injuries and most allopathic “believers” will dismiss your “conspiracy theory” immediately. These same folks will complain and confess all their health problems to you, and talk about autistic children, kids with severe allergies and unexplainable immune system disorders, but they won’t talk about the deadly toxins in vaccines for even a minute. Why is that?

            The Fauci mild flu relabeled bat germ jabs are 300 times deadlier than all other FDA-approved vaccines ever manufactured and distributed. That means you could add up all the injuries and deaths that were induced by the 70 vaccines invented and approved by the FDA over the past several decades, and no other jab comes close to being as dangerous.

            the Fauci mild flu relabeled bat germ jabs are more deadly than atomic bombs.


          • smallpox vaccine to be used for monkey pox….
            it has a great history of failure….


            vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them….so why would you get them injected into your body?…..are you insane or is it a death wish? it is like MAID….medical assistance in death…when you get injured or die they say….you volunteered….lol…and no liability….bringacoffin

          • Doug,
            What evidence do you have that vaccines eradicated smallpox? People say the same thing about Polio, but it was not the vaccine that eradicated polio, but rather the practicing of improved sanitation and hygiene. Not to mention the many people who suffered often life-long disabilities from the effects of that vaccine (Including a relative of mine). Even IF it could be proven that any vaccine prevents any particular disease, one would still have to ask if it is worth the risk of contacting other diseases which are often worse than the one being vaccinated for- such as cancer, SIDS, autism, etc.

            You may say that “There is no proof that the above conditions are related to vaccinations”, but considering that there have either been no large, long-term studies to determine such, and or the motives of who conducted any such studies which were done, one can say that there is as much proof that vaccinations cause such diseases as there isthat they prevent any diseases.

            Before vaccinations became de rigueur, 2 out of every hundred people would contact cancer in their lifetime. Now that people receive numerous vaccinations starting at infancy, 50 out of every hundred people will contact cancer in their lifetime; and it is the same with animals: Prior to animals being almost universally vaccinated, it was rare for pets to have so many of the human diseases- but since vaccinating animals has become routine, now pets have the EXACT same diseases which plague humans.

            Yes, yes…I know what they say “But pets didn’t live as long ‘back then’ “. Tell that to my neighbor whose grandma had a dog who lived to be 23, or many of the other country folk around here who also have such stories of ancient animals in the fambly- vs. today, where it is not uncommon for dogs to expire prematurely at 8 or 9 or 10 because they are riddled with the same diseases as their [also]vaccinated owners.

            You see what a scam the clot-shot is.
            Are you old enough to remember the Swine Flu ‘epidemic’ of 1976, where a whopping 8 people died? (All casualties were vaxed for Swine flu).
            Have you seen how “effective” the seasonal flu shot is?

            Vaccinating is a religion, and a very dangerous bullshit one at that. Believe if you want, but you would do well to know the facts first.

          • Polio is floating around NYC’s poop these days, so there’s that. Weird that people venture into sewers to sample shit water for viruses.

          • doug

            Are you paid by big pharma to spread lies or just low IQ?
            does rat fauci sign your pay check…lol

            bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,

            it is a form of insanity, germ phobia that used to put you in the nut house for….lol

            have you always had disordered imagination disease …..lol

            must be fun working with witches….lol

            modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
            with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
            pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
            pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

        • Hi Nunzio

          they said the big monster virus is going to kill everybody. those people are insane psychopaths, should be locked up. the latest one was a deathly bat germ…..lol

          The Virus Truth

          We have been given false information as to what virus’ really are. The “Germ Theory” put forth has never been proven. A virus, is something created by our bodies to aid in the removal of toxins, and cannot jump from one host to another.

          ALL Viruses from HIV, EBV, CMV, Hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Measles, Zika, and Now the Coronavirus, are ALL Phantom Viruses – Viral Existence Has NEVER Been Scientifically Demonstrated and Never Proven!

          Germ THEORY has been debunked since 1918, when the Boston Health Department failed to infect a single one of the 300 healthy subjects they contaminated with the bodily fluids of “Spanish Flu” carriers. Viruses do not exist the way most have been taught to believe. That is due to; two centuries old medical/corporate (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gates, Morgan, etc.) propaganda at work.

          Viruses are Exosomes – solvents for toxic cells. Allopathic medical doctors are trained in Rockefeller funded medical schools without any real nutritional knowledge, taking about two weeks of classes in all their years of study.

          Abraham Flexner was hired to write up the Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford/AMA inspired and funded 1910 FLEXNER REPORT, which was used as an excuse to defund, defame and eventually eliminate the holistic medical service and culture. Louis Pasteur was another scientist in league with the Rockefellers, and he pushed the Germ Theory, which is still pushed as fact by the medical schools.

          The irony is that towards the end of his life, Pasteur renounced the germ theory and admitted that Bechamp was right all along. In the 1920’s medical historians also discovered that most of Pasteur’s theories were plagiarized from Bechamp’s early research work.

          Some quotations from Doctors, Scientists and Nutritionists:
          “Rudolph Virchow, a great German scientist, repudiated the germ theory of disease. He said that disease brought on germs rather than the germs caused disease. Claude Bernard, Bechamp and Tissot – great French scientists – all disproved the germ theory of disease. In Hans Selye’s book Stress of Life (Page 205), an account is recorded that Louis Pasteur, inventor of the germ theory of disease, admitted he was wrong. Sanitation is the only factor that has reduced the spread of the old-time scourges.

          If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what is herein written, for germs are ubiquitous – they exist everywhere. In many diseases supposedly caused by a specific germ, that germ is not present. Contrariwise, specific germs said to cause a specific disease are present in huge proportions without the specific disease manifesting itself.” – Dr Bernarr D.C, D.D

          modern medicine is based on the germ theory. modern medicine: evil spirits (germs) how do you fight them? with pharmaceuticals, vaccines (witches brews).

          pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
          pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil), which cause cancer.

          drugs made from petrochemicals (oil), which cause cancer were forced into use. instead of using natural remedies. they defunded, defamed and eventually eliminated the holistic medical service and culture.

          Terrain Theory, put into play by Pasteur’s rival, Henry Bechamp, says our bodies express bacteria and viruses as cleaning and alarm-messenger agents to other cells.

          To sell drugs and vaccines, pharmaceutical backed companies, doctors and schools ran with Pasteur’s Germ Theory and tried to blamed every disease possible on it. Scurvy, for example, was blamed on infection, yet proven to be caused by a lack of vitamin C.

          When kids ate asbestos-laden wall chips, docs and scientists blamed their parents for being stupid, rather than themselves for blanketing the planet with harmful drugs, toxins and chemicals. The “progress” driven by the big money in the last couple centuries saw a lot of toxins from lead, arsenic, DDT, asbestos and many pesticides be splayed upon the public.

          When people got sick their corrupt scientists blamed it on an “infectious” agent that is present during the very toxicity caused by their employers. This industry causes 440k deaths a yr in America alone due to “medical errors” (partially defined as an unintended outcome even under correctly administered care) and over 100k annual deaths due to legal drugs. This is only from the reports we know about.

          Taking into account hackneyed “studies”, unreported medical errors and overdoses, and unreported adverse vaccine effects that cause all sorts of chronic diseases, neurological disorders and death, it’s abundantly clear that the pharmaceutical-backed medical industry is not aimed at healing the population, but rather, at reducing their prolificity, health and power through deceptions of the highest degree.

          Take Polio: As farmers & communities began to spray the first arsenic-based “Paris Green” in the late 1800s to control insects, and then lead-arsenate, more cases of paralysis and poisoning appeared, but with no detectable source of “infection.” When the public began to question possible toxicity from pesticides, they were shouted down and mocked – but not challenged with actual scientific data.

          “Reports of children killed by arsenic poisoning began to surface, and authorities who had worked tirelessly to enforce the mandatory application of pesticides blamed the deaths on improper spraying techniques by reckless farmers.” – The Moth and the Iron Lung DDT was invented in Germany in 1873. The first recorded case of paralytic polio was in Sweden around 1886. And back then, all types of paralysis were diagnosed as polio.

          According to the World Health Organization, a vaccine strain of polio is running uncontrolled across Africa right now. DDT was in widespread use across America for years and is still in widespread use in many “third world” countries.

          At the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University) it was Abraham’s older brother Simon Flexner who was frantically poking around in the bone marrows of lab animals to find/create/pass on the polio virus. Scientists would go on to drill holes into the brains of monkeys and pour toxic spinal gunk into it until achieving the desired results: One monkey died and another got paralyzed and then some.

          This was heralded as the polio “vaccine”. So in stark contrast to the claim that vaccines save lives, it’s the vaccines themselves that are a big problem. So, how was polio “eradicated”? The corporate elite simply stopped spraying everyone with pesticides, rolled out a toxic vaccine and then took credit for helping people, while getting rich from the misery they caused in the first place!

          Koch’s Postulates
          Four criteria that were established by Robert Koch to identify the causative agent of a particular disease, these include:
          the microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease
          the pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
          the pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal
          the pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the originally inoculated pathogen
          Without Koch’s Postulates prove, the virus does not exist.

          It is now more important then ever to do you own research. It is a fact that: government, big pharma, CDC, FDA, science, main stream media, lie and deceive the people. Pharma has consistently harmed, killed, millions for the sake of a fat bank account. Cures have been held back, natural remedies hidden, destroyed, vilified.

          Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor
          Dr Andrew Kaufman on virus’ video
          Virus’ are a lie video
          The Only Way to Get a Virus is to be Injected With it – Aajonus Vonderplanitz Video
          would-you-trust-these-people-with-your-life Video

          • Hello, Anon!
            I’m ‘immune’!~ (I turned off the TV and radio decades ago, and never did pay any attention to politicians!).

            Good stuff you posted there! Much good stuff for the unenlightened to ponder!

        • Hi Nunzio

          vaccines are great….haha….safe and effective fauci the rat said………

          Dr jekyll


          from Dr Carrie Madej

          you can patent anything that has been created, modified, or engineered.
          The cv19 vaccines are designed to make us into genetically modified organisms in the same way Monsanto has modified and patented their seeds.

          For example, Monsanto genetically modified various seeds.

          So transpose that to a human cell line that could potentially mean that we could be patented, or human cell lines could be patented. And if it’s patented, it has owners. Do you see a problem with this?

          What if our DNA is modified with genes from another species? Are we still human? Is this trans-humanism? And what if our DNA, our genome, is modified and thus can be patented and owned? This is going on right now, today.

          I will add that this type of DNA vaccine has never been used on humans before.
          They are now proposing to take something we have never used and inject it into everyone that will make them trans-human.

          They are not using good scientific methodology at all. They have no randomized placebo-controlled trials for any vaccine, They’re not following any sound scientific protocol to make sure this is safe for us, to make sure it would work for us, or to know anything about it—and they want to inject the vaccine and DNA altering cell lines into the masses.

          The vaccine manufacturers, referred to as Big Pharma, were made exempt from product liability in the 1980s. Meaning that if a vaccine causes seizures, paralysis, etc., they as a group are not liable.

          here is the big lie:
          Big Pharma just has to prove that the vaccine is producing antibodies.

          Just because you’ve got antibodies does not make you immune to something.
          the efficacy of every single vaccine is predicated on the idea that it induces antibodies and therefore immunity. This is the key assumption – and it is patently false.

          ATTENTION READ: there it is: based on an assumption = a belief. this vaccine bs is just a belief = religion. this is being pushed by religious fanatics. the new covid religion.

          vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them: vaccine religion: an occult satanic religious death cult

          it is worse than that: and now we have more evidence of this in the form of certified pathologists stating that there is no proof of the existence of covid antibodies as well.

          Without testing we don’t know for a fact if it would really work as claimed out in the population of people. A real study would show that it actually works, or doesn’t work, in the population of people. But they are not testing, saying they don’t have time.

          Another important fact to know about all vaccines is that many of them are using the MRC5 aborted fetal cell lines from the 1960s. This is an immortalized cell line. Immortalized means it does not die. In other words it’s a cell that has lost the ability to go through apoptosis—natural cell decay and death.

          A cell that cannot go through that death process is called cancer. That is a definition of cancer.
          ATTENTION: So they are trying to use a lot of words to mask the fact you’re being injected with cancerous cells.

          “Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced
          ATTENTION: I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and never saw a case in an unvaccinated person.”
          Dr. W.B. Clark, New York Times, 1909

          Some of the vaccines that are using these cancerous cell lines from aborted fetuses are:

          MMR – measles, mumps, rubella
          Chicken Pox
          Hepatitis A & B
          Polio, etc.

          An Italian report backed by the government of Italy and a group of scientists called Corvelva They state that these vaccines have the potential to increase tumorigenesis, which means increased risk of cancers, increased risk of mutagenesis or mutant genes.
          anyone taking those vaccines would also have an increased risk of transmitting live infections. This is well known.

          SUPER SPREADER: read this…………..They would have an increased risk of transmitting live infections. so when you get the vaccinee you will be a biosecurity terrorist. shedding spike proteins…a new zombie

          There’s new evidence that double-vaxxed individuals build up huge viral loads in their noses and sinuses, causing them to become super-spreaders, and infect others

          Israel is one of the most heavily vax//xe…d countries in the world, with nearly 80% of the population fully vac//ci..na…ted and almost 100% of the elderly. But now Israel is experiencing a massive increase in infections (and of serious cases), mainly among the fully vax//xe..d.
          sweden has banned people traveling from isreal

          Added bonus in shot……….The Covid 19 vaccines will have a bacteria that’s a contaminant—mycoplasma pneumonias. It’s a very common bacteria used as a contaminant. This really has nothing to do with the vaccine itself but they have it in there. So you are getting an infection on top of the v………e.

          This stuff is so bad it has the potential to be used as a bio weapon. They are injecting cancers into your body along with very toxic substances, like mercury derivatives, aluminum derivatives and other things like that. In addition to the unknown effect of the combination or an accumulation of these vaccines together and the synergistic effect that happens. mixed together they could be 10 times as dangerous.

          “The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State: ‘Für euer sischerheit’ —> ‘It’s for your safety’” these satanist witches are nazis.

          Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)

          Earth 2020 = V……….e will make you free


          • another article brought up this

            there may be no escape. humans all over the world have been excreting spike proteins from their bodies for 18 months. these toxins will be in water tables, reservoirs, rivers, lakes and oceans by now. maybe they are being ingested by sea creatures and returning to the human food chain. maybe animals and fish physiologies will metabolize the creation of spike proteins they ingest. who knows – not the WHO that’s for sure.

            what kind of mess did they create?…..lol

          • Anon, even if one knew NOTHING about medicine[sic], physiology, our bodies, etc. just the very thought of having something injected into one’s bloodstream which is the product of some huge corporation(s) which are immune to liability [Heh…THAT is about the only type of immunity which can ever truly be linked to vaccines!] and which is trumpeted and often mandated by government at all levels (The one thing almost all politicians can agree on!) ought to be enough to make anyone run far away at great speed from the sight of any needle!

            • Hi Nunzio

              There are people that still rabidly defend big pharma with their nazi needle, even after the last 2 1/2 years of big pharma bat germ lies hell….lol

              Are they paid by big pharma to spread lies or just low IQ?
              does rat fauci sign their pay check…lol

              bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,

              disordered imagination……. it is a form of insanity, germ phobia that used to put you in the nut house for….lol

              they have disordered imagination disease …..

              it must be fun working for witches….lol….how low can you go….

              modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
              with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
              pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
              pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).

              the medieval witches are alive and well in 2022, they are big pharma and their useful idiot helpers and cheer leaders….lol

              fauci flies on a broom…lol

        • Hi Nunzio

          People actually inject this crap into their bodies…..lol


          The bureaucrats behind this killer vaccine KNOW what happened in previous animal testing with mrna vaccines. When animals were vaccinated against the virus and then exposed to it after vaccination against it, ALL OF THEM WENT INTO A CYTOKINE STORM. This is when the immune system attacks itself destroying every organ in the body. It is a rapid death. IT KILLED EVERY ANIMAL IN THE STUDY. cool, a vaccine with a 100% death rate.

          The only other RNA vaccine ever approved killed the horses it was supposed to save.

          Now you know why they SKIPPED ANIMAL TESTING. They will give everyone this vaccine and then release another virus. skipped animal testing, the useless eaters are lower than animals.

          The DNA-based use reverse-transcriptase (like HIV uses) to change your DNA to incorporate the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein into your own DNA so it can be expressed at semi-random times like the mRNA vaccines do. This is equivalent to planting random time-delayed grenades throughout your entire body.

          the bottom line is that the vaccine is UNSAFE and downright dangerous being an elixir mixed in hell’s real kitchen, and made up of “aborted fetus tissue”, “half mouse half human chimera tissue”, hydrogel: a biosensor which would monitor your body as well as send and receive information to the 5G Smart Grid.

          Autoimmune disorders of all kinds (allergies, psoriasis, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and many more) have exploded as vax mania gripped the world over the past 30 years. It’s not a surprise. Vaccines by their very nature disrupt the immune system.

          all you really need to do is look at the decline in overall health over the past 30 years and it’s pretty obvious that vaccines play a big role. 1/3 of American children have chronic, lifelong health conditions now. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 72 shots they take.

          what about the vaccine industry’s little-discussed reliance on DNA from species such as birds, dogs, monkeys, cows, pigs, mice and insects in vaccine manufacturing. Noting Béchamp’s belief that “an organism’s microzymas are unique to it, and are not interchangeable with those of another,” Béchamp would disapprove of introducing microzymas “proper to one species. . .into an animal of another species”—which is exactly what vaccines do.

          How. . .foolhardy is it then, when vaccinal microzymas are not only from another species, but are already morbidly evolved and are accompanied by preservatives, formaldehyde, and other chemicals? There is no sanity whatever to this practice.

          we hear that muslims and jewish can’t and shouldn’t get the Vaccine, due to it containing pig ingredients. christians because it contains aborted fetus tissue. now we hear that it will infect or disable your testicles.
          researchers say: To protect fertility, some men may want to consider freezing their sperm prior to vaccination

          And this mRNA shot is pure madness if you care to look. The technology was patented in 1991 and has never been used on humans (so you get to be the first guinee pig, good luck with that, bringacoffin) because every single animal study has shown horrific results. Do not get this shot no matter what they say. It’s very, very bad.

          Vaccines to cure a Hoax virus that nobody can isolate, identify or photograph (yes, not even one virus), (the chinese dug out something from somebody’s lung, it was actually an exosome, these people are nuts they believe in fake science), changes your DNA in unknown ways and people line up for it. They must be crazy.

          mRNA vaccines hijack the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.

          another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccines in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”
          “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

          MRNA vaccines intervene directly in the patient’s genetic material and, therefore, they change individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, something that has been banned and so far considered criminal.

          after unprecedented MRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat vaccine symptoms complementarily. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, just as you can’t cure a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, Disease genetic heart, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because genetic defect is forever! dead or permanently disabled, gimped.

          the cv19 hoax created a great opportunity to force inject a dna vaccine or insert chips, nano wires, nano particles, 5g is being installed to connect you to the cloud and data mine you. goal: depopulation, sterilization, behavior modification, total control and a cull.

          These new vaccines are not vaccines, installing gmo technology, chips, wires, etc. is not a vaccine, but they say it is to avoid liability, vaccine manufacturers can not be sued. if they say it is a vaccine it can be mandated (forced), these new injections are not vaccines but they say they are so they can be forced. if there is insurance involved, you save the insurance company lots of money. this is insurance fraud.

          who is responsible for cv19 hoax? nwo/cabal/ccp/globalists who is in it? the .0001% billionaires and their huge corporations, big tech, big pharma, big oil, big media (all the media), twitter, facebook, google, big banks, etc, china was chosen to lead it.

          Psychopathic members of an occult satanic death cult running the planet, planning your horrible future. religious cult fanatics ramming their poisonous vaccine down your throat….vaccines/germ theory = religious fanatics, the new covid religion. a satanic cult that believe in eugenics, slavery, transhumanism and fake science.
          pope is part of this cult.


          • mRNA vaccines hijack the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.

            these injected buggers are self destructing…..watch out a lot of them are driving…..lol

      • being called an anti-vaxxer is a political/religious thing, best to be avoided.

        if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it.

        NOTE: this has never ever happened yet in history for any vaccine ever.

        until this happens the people who believe in vaccine religion can inject themselves, for the others wait for scientific approval, not fake science.

        However, in spite of the widespread notion that vaccines are largely safe and serious adverse complications are extremely rare, a close scrutiny of the scientific literature does not sup-port this view

        note: For example, to date the clinical trials that could adequately address vaccine safety issues have not been conducted (i.e., comparing health outcomes in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children).

        The lack of such controlled trials may be because historically, vaccinations have been assumed safe . read again….assumed safe.

        There is also a view that conducting such trials would be extraordinarily difficult or unethical; the first is simply not correct, the second is not a scientific issue per se.

        It is also often assumed that vaccinations face a tougher safety standard than most pharmaceutical products. However, according to the U.S. FDA,

        “Historically, the non-clinical safety assessment for preventive vaccinations has often not included toxicity studies in animal models. This is because vaccinations have not been viewed as inherently toxic” .

        This is a startling admission from an Agency which according to its own mission statement is ”responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs”.

        Essentially, what the FDA workshop revealed is that not only are vaccinations not adequately evaluated for toxicity but also,

        that the reason for such an oversight rested on a belief rather than scientific evidence. Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people.

        Furthermore, such assumptions of safety, in the absence of actual experimental data, are not only dangerous but have historically hampered serious scrutiny of potential vaccine harms.

        another reason not to trust blindly any company currently producing vaccinations in the United States. Each one of the four vaccine producers “is a convicted serial felon: Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck.”

        “In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly.”

        Science is not a religion in which dogmatic statements of faith can replace adequately powered, controlled, longitudinal vaccine safety studies in animals and people…
        so if you believe, go ahead get injected…for others show scientific proof

        vaccines are not backed by science only by belief, so it is a religion only

        • Hi Anon,

          With regard to vaccines (no air quotes):

          For me, it is a cost-benefit analysis and I think that ought to be the case for any sensible decision. Is there a serious risk? If so, is there little risk – and much benefit – to taking the vaccine? If so, ok – that make sense. If not, a sensible person would . . . what’s the word? Be hesitant.

          • Hi Eric

            vaccines are not backed by science only by belief, so it is a religion only, so I will pass thank you, forget it….

            These people are religious cult fanatics ramming it down everyone else’s throats, more so for the last 2 1/2 years, they are 100 x worse then the ones that come to your door, at least those ones don’t force inject you with the nazi needle…..

            cost benefit analysis…..for example the small pox vaccine has a great record….lol……http://www.whale.to/vaccine/quotes10.html

            some of the most vaccine hesitant are highly educated people….maybe they don’t just listen to religious cult fanatics and believe all their bs…maybe they can analyze and think/research….

          • Hi, Eric,
            Thing about vaccines, is: It is truly impossible to test their safety [Not to even concern ourselves with their effectiveness], because it would literally take many decades, since systemic detrimental effects might not manifest for many years. They would need to have a very large group of unvaccinated and vaccinated people all living under similar conditions for quite some time in order to even draw a vague conclusion- and then such a conclusion would only be valid if motives like profit and power were not involved. Since those conditions are not going to exist in our lifetime….I would rather just take my chances and let my little old immune system do it’s thing, without injecting man-made who-know-what into it.

            Even if there were proof that vaccines worked (which there truly isn’t) there will never proof that they are safe. Not good odds to bet one’s life on. Just look how it has gone for those who have believed in the clot-shot, using the same arguments that the average vaxxer has used for decades.

            • Hi Nunz,

              I agree – regarding vaccines. Even though I also don’t dispute that some vaccines have benefitted people. For me, the fundamental issue is individual. Do I need this drug? Is it likely I will be killed by some malady if I do not take it? If it is not likely, then why would I take it? I do not want air bags in my car for the same reason.

              Yes, I know. The air bag – and the vaccine – might save my life. But I am not persuaded that this “might” – against a hypothetical – is of more value to me than assuming the cost and the risks associated with the supposed preemptive palliative. Air bags add a lot of expense – and ugliness – to a car. They can injure or kill you as well as “save” you. My odds of being in a serious car crash I judge to be extremely low. That judgment based on the fact of 30-plus years of “accident” free driving. Yes – I know – someone else might cause the “accident.” Maybe so. But attentive driving greatly reduces that chance, as evidenced by my 30-plus years of “accident” free driving!

              I am a healthy guy. I do not take risks with my health. Indeed, I take measures to be healthy – and so able to deal with getting sick. Yes, I know… there are “viruses” out there! Maybe so. But how likely is it that I will catch one? How likely am I to get seriously ill? Is it worth the risk that comes with risking the vaccine to take the vaccine?

              As far as I can tell, the answer is – generally – no. Certainly, with regard to the ‘Rona. Only a fool would take the risk of being “vaccinated” against a sickness that 99.8 something percent of the time is nothing more serious than a bad cold, if that.

          • Hi Eric

            cost-benefit analysis ….is a great idea….but…

            if a vaccine is safe and effective and has been through double blind peer reviewed studies, most people would be ok with it.

            but…….NOTE: this has never ever happened yet in history for any vaccine ever. anywhere..

            so there is no science based evidence to use to make a logical decision to get injected with unknown poisons…

            but fauci the rat who makes billions of dollars off the scam says….just trust me get injected…i alone am THE science……

            then bribed politicians say we wiil not tolerate the unvaxxed, they are demonized, a huge witch hunt….we are in the year 1200 dark ages again….

            the unvaxxed pure bloods are banned from society, lose their jobs, can’t travel, harassed and demonized

            vaccine hesitant………

            the most vax hesitant are blacks, 80% are un vaxxed

            the next most v. hesitant are indigenous and other people of colour, including immigrants

            the next most hesitant are highly educated Phd’s, they research and see past the lies.

            the next most hesitant are the uneducated, they know they know nothing and they don’t trust the government

          • Hi Eric

            mask and vaccine religious cult believers in the msm talk about fairies at the bottom of the garden but aren’t discredited…why not?…..

            mask and bat germ religious cult believers:

            anybody who believes the mask and bat germ myth; is their name jung?

            freud is the pro real science people, he warned jung: don’t talk about fairies at the bottom of the garden we will be discredited.

            jung is the bat germ idiots talking about the effectiveness of the unproven, masks and injections, it is like talking about fairies at the bottom of the garden

            seeing things? hearing things too? they must be possessed.

            they are talking about something that hasn’t been scientifically proven to work, that is nuts, like jung talking about fairies in the bottom of the garden.

    • Let’s say you’re bitten by a raccoon that’s foaming at the mouth. You become violently ill and die. What is it that killed you?

      Let’s say you’re bitten by a raccoon that’s foaming at the mouth. You receive the post-exposure rabies vaccination series and don’t get sick (let alone die). How do you account for this?

      • I’m glad you brought that up Myles.
        I have long pondered the logic in giving somebody a vaccine post exposure. This is done with at least rabies and tetanus.
        Vaccines are supposed to work by exposing the immune system to an attenuated or dead virus so the body can immediately attack the live virus before being infected by it. So my question is… How does one train the immune system after the body has been exposed and infected by the real threat? I know the rabies shots are a series. Do they perhaps inject the victim with an antibiotic or antiparasitic “just in case?”

        • Hi, QE. Rabies immunoglobulin (basically, antibodies against the rabies virus) is given along with the vaccine.

          The point of my post was more to challenge those who insist that viruses do not cause disease, and vaccines don’t work. I’m pretty confident they would seek vaccination after being bitten by a rabid animal.

          • H Myles,

            For me – I suspect, for many – the problem is the entire medical apparat has become suspect; it is foolish to trust anything it urges as “necessary” at face value. So much trust has been vitiated. This is one of the many costs of the past almost three years now.

            • Eric,
              “the entire medical apparat has become suspect”
              If anything good has come out of the last year and a half, it’s the exposure of “medicine” as an industry, and no longer a service. Private practice is a thing of the past. Nearly all doctors have been corralled into a corporate conglomerate that takes care of the appointments, the billing, and insurance claims, etc. And they all work in lockstep with Pharma.
              I’m done with it. I may die earlier, or maybe later, by denying myself “medical care”, but so be it. I won’t be a party to it.

            • I agree, Eric. I have strong distrust for Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. However, I think “Anonymous” has gone off the rails, believing bacteria/fungi/viruses don’t cause disease, all vaccines are bad, etc.

              I’d bet the house that he’d get the shots following a bite from a rabid animal.

          • Myles

            Are paid by big pharma witches to spread their lies? is this part of the ESG scam?

            Rabies Past Present in Scientific Review

            There are over 3.000 deaths on record in reports from the Pasteur Institute, of persons bitten by dogs. All died after rabies vaccine treatments.
            On the other hand, the record of the London Hospital, a few years ago, showed 2,668 persons bitten by angry dogs: not one of them developed hydrophobia and not one had been treated by the Pasteur method rabies vaccine.

            This sounds exactly like the current bat germ poisonous injection vaccine, all the vaccinated are injured/dying…..lol

            Dr. Woods recently wrote a discourse of mimetic diseases, in which he discussed rabies. His evidence supports the view that so-called human rabies is the result of a disordered imagination (fear). In animals, so-called rabies is fundamentally due to maltreatment or malnutrition or both.

            so-called human rabies is the result of a disordered imagination (fear).

            NOTE: disordered imagination (fear). that is your mask wearers, a mental illness

            this is the same as today’s bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,
            it is a form of insanity, germ phobia thay used to put you in the nut house for….lol

            Dr. J. W. Hodge reported that of 56,000 stray dogs and cats collected in one year, not one case of rabies was found. He further states that there is no rabies in England nor is the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment permitted to be used.

            Dr. Hodge has in his possession the names and addresses of more than 2500 persons reported as having died of “hydrophobia” shortly after having received the Pasteur rabies vaccine preventive treatment.

            This would seem to prove that the cure is more deadly than the disease when one considers that nearly 300 of these “victims” of the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment had no recollection of ever having been bitten by a dog.

            Dr. Hedge predicted that “future generations will look upon the present day delusion about hydrophobia and the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment with feelings akin to those which we experience when reading the history of witchcraft delusion.”

            modern allopathic medicine is based on witchcraft

            medievel medicine: you are possesed by evil demon spirits ) how do you fight them?
            with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
            pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches

            modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
            with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
            pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
            pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).


            • Rabies vaccine adverse reactions

              Neurological complications in adults following rabies vaccine prepared from animal brains

              Facial diplegia with cellular albumin dissociation of the cerebrospinal fluid following rabies vaccination

              Immune complex-like disease in 23 persons following a booster dose of rabies human diploid cell vaccine

              Unusual features of the Guillain-Barre syndrome after rabies vaccine

              Myofibroblastic sarcoma originating at the site of rabies vaccination

              Neuro-paralytic complications following antirabic vaccination

              Delayed onset of post-rabies vaccination encephalitis.

              Brainstem encephalopathy following antirabic vaccination.


            • Anon, I share you distrust of Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex, but I guarantee you would get the shots after you were bitten by a rabid raccoon.

              • Myles

                I can show you 1000’s of links to research on rabies vaccines, all negative and horrific, this is well hidden, big pharma doesn’t want people to know the truth about vaccines, they make 100’s of billions of dollars off these poisonous injections.

                big pharma has spent billions of dollars over the last 120 years brain washing the public about vaccines, allopathic medicine and vaccines are the most deeply believed lies in people’s minds, it is their deepest belief. The problem is big pharma is a satanic cult.

                Good luck trying to unravel that mess…..lol..it is not even worth it, on the other hand being a troll for big pharma is very well paid, probably more ESG money….lol

                Rabies Past Present in Scientific Review

                There are over 3.000 deaths on record in reports from the Pasteur Institute, of persons bitten by dogs. All died after rabies vaccine treatments.
                On the other hand, the record of the London Hospital, a few years ago, showed 2,668 persons bitten by angry dogs: not one of them developed hydrophobia and not one had been treated by the Pasteur method rabies vaccine.

                This sounds exactly like the current bat germ poisonous injection vaccine, all the vaccinated are injured/dying…..lol

                Dr. Woods recently wrote a discourse of mimetic diseases, in which he discussed rabies. His evidence supports the view that so-called human rabies is the result of a disordered imagination (fear). In animals, so-called rabies is fundamentally due to maltreatment or malnutrition or both.

                so-called human rabies is the result of a disordered imagination (fear).

                NOTE: disordered imagination (fear). that is your mask wearers, a mental illness

                this is the same as today’s bat germ disease……disordered imagination (fear) from 24/7 fear mongering from the globalist big pharma,
                it is a form of insanity, germ phobia thay used to put you in the nut house for….lol

                Dr. J. W. Hodge reported that of 56,000 stray dogs and cats collected in one year, not one case of rabies was found. He further states that there is no rabies in England nor is the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment permitted to be used.

                Dr. Hodge has in his possession the names and addresses of more than 2500 persons reported as having died of “hydrophobia” rabies…shortly after having received the Pasteur rabies vaccine preventive treatment.

                This would seem to prove that the cure is more deadly than the disease when one considers that nearly 300 of these “victims” of the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment had no recollection of ever having been bitten by a dog.

                Dr. Hedge predicted that “future generations will look upon the present day delusion about hydrophobia and the Pasteur rabies vaccine treatment with feelings akin to those which we experience when reading the history of witchcraft delusion.”

                modern allopathic medicine is based on witchcraft

                medievel medicine: you are possesed by evil demon spirits ) how do you fight them?
                with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
                pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches

                modern medicine: you are full of germs, how do you fight them?
                with pharmaceuticals, drugs (witches brews)
                pharmacon = poison, pharmakeia = sorcery, witch craft, witches
                pharmaceutical = drugs made from petrochemicals (oil).


      • Hi Myles

        It was obviously something other than the raccoon bite that killed you. It couldn’t be what entered your system from the raccoons mouth. Any more than it can be the “vaccines” that are behind the major rise in all cause deaths. Micro organisms don’t cause disease. Its just an imbalance of humors, evil spirits or something “toxic”…
        The world is over run with Cultists of various types. Which leaves most people up a certain creek without paddles.

  9. leftist’s great reset and cull

    all the politicians, doctors, nurses, scientists, enforcers, karens, moron believers, that are pro lockdown, masking, social distancing, quarantining, forced injection with poisonous gmo franken injections are all liberals. (two exceptions are naomi wolf and rf kennedy jr.)

    they are all in for depopulation, transhumanism, biofascism and support of the nwo/ccp/wef/.0001% biofascist great reset. they are evil and believe in fake science. satanic witches. all they care about is helping gates and the other billionaires bring into reality their satanic nazi nightmare, with it’s 90% cull.

    who is behind the great reset? it is run by the nwo/ccp/wef/.0001% globalists. the most powerful force in the world now is fauci with the WHO, they shut down the whole world economy and has complete control over the medical tyranny, the WHO tells all governments what to do….the WHO is run by the war criminal tedros….lol

    fauci personally has over 2300 patents on drugs and vaccines and millions of shares in big pharma companies, he runs big pharma, he is big pharma’s head witch. big pharma controls everything now, the government, the media, the official narrative. (he locked you up, he controls you too). fauci will make billions of $ off this medical tyranny.

    financing the great reset is gates, he is the leader of the medical tyranny great reset. he has way more money then he can spend buying toys, so he is using the money to remake the world in his image, he is a satanic witch so that is not good. he loves eugenics, his main goal is depopulation, a 7 billion cull.

    gates will make 100’s of billions of $ off this medical tyranny. gates has huge investments in vaccines, 5g, farmland, etc., all parts of the cull. gates wants to own and control everything and everybody, he has gone global, you get nothing. gates thinks he is god.

    nwo/ccp/un/.0001% planned future
    for the few remaining useless eaters, after their 7 billion cull.

    turning people into appliances plugged into an all-seeing internet, more transhuman robots than people, dutifully following orders but unable to produce anything beyond what is programmed into their quantum microchips, bereft of the sparks of inquiry, innovation and joy in a electric panopticon that’s sterile and joyless, you are better off dead.

    they implant an operating system in you and connect you to the grid, they also connect an AI robot to the grid, this is so you can train the robot to do your job. you won’t be needed then = soylent green.

    the nwo/ccp/who/.0001% always see themselves as altruistic, the reality is they are satanists, monsters. (they believe in slavery, eugenics, transhumanism, fake science).

    globalist/nwo/who cabal who is in it? the .0001% billionaires and their huge corporations, big tech, big pharma, big oil, big media (all the media, facebook, google, twitter), big banks, etc, china was chosen to lead it. a satanic occult death cult, run by witches.

    germ theory: never been proven, just a belief = a religion. now we have allopathic rockefeller nazi death medicine, a satanic occult death cult, run by witches.

    vaccines are just a belief = a religion no science behind them: vaccine religion: an occult satanic religious death cult

    allopathic rockefeller nazi death medicine, it is just a religion, no science behind it.

    the satanist doctors released a cgi, computer generated image of an imaginary virtual fake virus and a fake story to go with it, to scare you. it worked. they relabeled mild flu as a super deadly bat germ disease…the official narrative was it came from a bat mating with an armadillo in a wet market….lol

    “The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State: ‘Für euer sischerheit’ —> ‘It’s for your safety’” these satanist witches are nazis.

    Auschwitz = Arbeit macht frei (Work will make you free)

    Earth 2020 = Vaccine will make you free

    the dissenting and disenfranchised will find themselves branded as “terrorists”, gathered up into the box cars, and shipped away to be disappeared by the millions.

    Clean, efficient, cheap elimination, sustainable and always environmentally friendly. And it will be at that point, in these cramped box cars, within these hot and stinking quarters during that collective silence where time is suspended between repeating clanks of iron on iron and the hypnotic rhythm of the carriage roll, it is here where “of the people” will ponder upon why they did not wake up, why they did not wise up, and why they did not rise up.

    And so these thoughts go, box car after box car, train after train, day after day. And as the trains slow into the camps, “of the People” will finally experience the epiphany of just how few individuals there were who ruled over the world, but will also discover too late just how few bullets would have fixed things early, how little blood need be shed to derail this Road to Zero.

      • Hi Letme

        The Dynasty and its tools are indeed part of the problem. But they are only a part of the small hat tribe. Most are just people. The same as anyone else. Judge people by their actions, not their tribe.

  10. Now, now, Eric.
    One may indeed ponder the ponderous. To do so is natural. Perhaps even inevitable.
    But one may not explain the inexplicable. By definition.
    Next you’ll be purporting to imagine the unimaginable…or to poss the impossible!


  11. Not sure if anyone else has seen this commercial or not. At about 10 seconds in it shows a woman in a shower…wearing a mask and horrified of germs coming out of the shower head. It’s selling a “Shower Hygiene System”. JFC.

    At first I was infuriated. Then it dawned on me that a fool and his money are soon parted. Every last one of these imbeciles that can’t get a grip on their mortality deserves to get fleeced.


  12. The CDC has just announced that one no longer has to quarantine if they test positive for the fake virus regardless of vaxx status.

    So much for three years of bullshit from the Crime and Death Corporation. They now say we’re just going to have to live with the fake virus. Well, they have the Money Pox coming up and who knows what else. Now they seem to be singling out ‘long covid’ which of course is just one of the many intentional events from the ‘shots’.

    But it doesn’t matter,,, Hospitals are still denying organ transplants to infants if they or the parents are not shot up with the latest euthanasia shots.

    Not to worry though,,, The hospitals and witch doctors are still getting their moola from the CDC’s treatment routine of supposed long covid. Heard a good one the other day,,, it seems an oxygen level of 93% requires ventilation! If that is the case I should have been on ventilation years ago. Then they put you on remdesivir which destroys your kidneys and lungs,,, next stop the freezer. Payouts as high as $200,000 buckeroos. Be the first on your block to come home in a box.

    The covid hype continues around the world. Australia, New Zealand, Kanada, China, Russia, the EU and UK, etc. Israel is on numero cinco. The alleged WWII holocaust has nothing on them.

  13. Excellent article, Eric!

    I don’t know that the term “face diaper” is appropriate though- as diapers tend to be effective at containing poop, whereas dunce masks don’t really do anything, least of all manage to contain the poop produced by the assholes entrenched on that porcelain throne on the Potomac.

  14. According to a study the esteemed “Dr.” Fauci conducted approximately 5 years ago,the major cause of deaths during the “1918 flu pandemic” was bacterial pneumonia, NOT influenza. The common denominator was the (forced) wearing of masks. Sound familiar? Look for an uptick in respiratory illnesses in the coming months due to mask-wearing. The study is available on the internet…

  15. Nothing “inexplicable” about it. All that’s required is sufficient knowledge — as opposed to belief.

    Fauci is the most obvious, most infamous crypto-jew on the planet.

    The same way the jews got most of the world to BELIEVE in covid is the same way they got most of the world to BELIEVE one man shot JFK is the same way they got most of the world to BELIEVE that our German cousins were the bad guys.

    People who don’t know this yet and who use pictures of WW2 Germans as symbols of evil ought to read Henry Ford’s book “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem.” Or read the 1945 diary entries of Gen. George Patton. Or read Gerald L.K. Smith’s book, which includes his witnessing the killing of his friend Huey Long by the jew Karl Weiss. Or … many many books by Whites of real knowledge that students and adults NEVER hear about from their jew-controlled sources of info: tv, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, government, facebook, youtube, twitter.

    My CREDENTIALS page has some of them linked, free as pdf files.

    • When it comes to “jews”, it is necessary to note the differences between the “little jews” and the “big jews”.
      The “commonly accepted history” of pre-WW2 Germany conveniently leaves out the machinations and strife committed by “big jew” zionist leaders against the German people and government. Most people think that Germany “threw the first punch” when it came to the marginalization of the “jews”.
      Actually, it was “the other way around”.
      “World jewry” (not all jews, just zionist leaders) demonized Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933) with its declaration of (economic) “war” against Germany which was splashed on newspaper headlines all around the western world.
      The ordinary “little jews” suffered because of the arrogance and demonic practices of their zionist leaders (the “big jews”).
      You see, Palestine was in the process of being “colonized” (actually stolen) by zionist jews. however, not enough jews were emigrating, A way had to be found to make life uncomfortable for German jews (who had no desire to emigrate), hence, the demonization of German society with the jews’ declaration of “war”. This made ALL jews unpopular in German society, which was actually a “feature”, not a bug as it went quite far to achieve the zionists’ aims.
      As to Kristallnacht, this was a “false flag” event egged on by zionist leaders to make jews further marginalized. When Adolf Hitler received word of Kristallnacht, he was furious, as it destroyed his plan for the orderly, peaceful emigration of jews. Yes, there were agreements between zionist leaders and the German government for just that purpose. Not only that, commemorative coins were issued celebrating the cooperation and collaboration between the zionists and the German government,
      The commonly accepted “history”, is not only wrong, but egregiously so…
      This tome does not absolve the “little jews” from their participation in the “troubles” that afflicted Weimar Germany and beyond to the present day.
      Jewish allegiance is to “jews first”, no matter how right (or wrong) their own policies and actions affecting their host countries. Jewish insistence on “multiculturalism and diversity” for all others (gentiles) while maintaining cultural and social insularity (but only for themselves) is a major source of friction. This one fact is the reason why jews have been kicked out of countries 109 times in history…time for country 110.

      • Anarch,
        Not to justify Adolph and the Nazis….but I think what ostensibly got the ball rolling with them was that the Jews (even many of ‘the little ones’) represented the face of communism/liberalism (Just as so many here today do). Realizing that the spread of such would essentially destroy Germany and the German culture/people, they sought to rid their society of the promoters of that pernicious mindset- but unfortunatly/ironically, their counter to it was…National Socialism…which of course is the same damn thing, only with an emphasis on nationalism.

        Seems like this country is following in the very same footsteps…..and either way, those of us who oppose collectivism, -whether it be imposed by the left or the right, or whether it embraces communistic or socialistic nuances- are always the odd-men-out, and thus the enemies of the state. Kinbd of a 180* turn of events, where we are the new Jews, and the actual Jews are calling the shots and destroying us (Through the front of their often non-Jew lackeys).

        To balance this out, we ought also to emphasize the role that the Catholic Church plays in this as well, as a major player in the power establishment of the NWO. Note how that the centers with huge Catholic populations are always liberal shitholes- and their (often unwitting) parishioners migrate south, they are transforming their new locales into the same.

        [Interesting tidbit: My mother, who at the time was Catholic, had lived in South Carolina for a while in the 1940’s, and to this day still remarks that “They did not like Catholics or New Yorkers” -Would to God that the South still retained such sensibilities! (Today, they are more like: “Come here and bring you six-figure pensions and high taxes and liberalism!”) -Oh, and of course, they didn’t like Jews either. Even the blacks were leery of Jews and Catholics!]

        As the late chess champ Bobby Fischer said “…little by little, the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all”.

        • You are correct that Roman Catholicism has been “liberal” for many decades now, but it was not always the case.
          Prior to the “coup”–the “Vatican II Ecumenical Council”– Roman Catholicism did recognize the dangers of allowing judaism to take over nominally Christian societies. Jews were not to be harmed, but were to be recognized as the inventors, promoters, and purveyors of Godless communism. As a result, Catholics (and other Christians) were persecuted to no end in communist-run societies. It is interesting to note, that in these jewish-run communist societies, only Catholic and Christian properties were “repurposed” for secular purposes and use, and only Christian adherents were persecuted. Not one jewish synagogue was touched. THAT is telling.
          Fast forward to today. The jewish-run “separation of church and state” crowd has been quite successful in removing Christian symbology from the “public square” . Witness the last decade or so…jewish menorahs are popping up all over the place–even at the White House. What ever happened to “separation of church and state?”

  16. ‘He regrets that the government … did not impose “much, much more stringent restrictions.” — eric

    Today — barring a meteor strike on the Capitol — “much, much stringent restrictions” on tax compliance are to be voted by House: 87,000 new IRS auditors, some of them armed, to shake down the tattered remnant of the ‘middle class’ (remember them?).

    The Lügenpresse are delirious with jubilation, already celebrating “Biden’s” big win and accelerating political momentum.

    You can see where this leads. If the D-party unexpectedly, ‘inexplicably’ retains control of Clowngress, it was thanks to triumphs like today’s, earning plaudits and votes from a grateful populace. Free masks for all!

  17. I spent some time with my liberal sister from CA and her family, she’s had (4) shots. Her son- in- law was along with us and he got the sniffles and got tested…covid. She started not feeling well and tested…covid. She also had some heart trouble last year after her first or second shot.
    I didn’t say a thing because it is religion to liberals to follow the science. But really Sis…you thought you were getting immunized from a disease including the boosters and you still got the disease?? Oh, but thank God you took the shots so the disease wasn’t as bad as it could have been..? So, it was a therapeutic shot (with risk)?

    • Hi Hans,
      I had a falling out with my daughter over the vaxxes; I’ve had none, she and her hubby and son have all been double vaxxed and boosted. Guess who got Covid last month – not me but all of them. I might add that their symptoms were like having a bad cold, so what’s the big deal? Weaponized hypochondria indeed, the sheeple have been frightened to the point they think they’re going to die from the sniffles.

  18. ‘he finds it “inexplicable” …’ — eric

    This too:

    ‘White House Chief Medical Adviser Tony ‘Ratso’ Fauci was booed Tuesday evening by attendees before a Major League Baseball game between the Seattle Mariners and New York Yankees.

    ‘A section of the crowd greeted Fauci by booing him as he threw the ceremonial first pitch at T-Mobile Park in Seattle. Several attendees can be heard booing in video footage.

    “You’re going to miss this like you did the pandemic, loser!” one person yelled.

    ‘Fauci was in attendance to receive an award given to a figure who “best exemplifies the spirit of the late Fred Hutchinson, a pitcher and manager who died of cancer in 1964.” He is the second person to receive the award after former President Jimmy Carter did so in 2016, the outlet reported.’


    Like Hollywood stars, swamp dwellers from Washington (the ugly version of Hollywood) relish their bogus celebrity.

    My late cousin would have none of that. He likened politicians to urinals — functional, but too nasty for public display.

    • Jim,
      I would question the “functional” part of that. Unless “functional” means lining their own nest.
      Politician: One most adept getting the most people to believe the most preposterous lies. Usually a sociopath, if not a psychopath. Few exceptions. Very few.
      In my opinion, anarchy would be an improvement.

      • ‘I would question the “functional” part of that.’ — John Kable

        So would I. Was quoting my late relative — born in 1930 — who viewed government as a necessary but oft-misused tool, and anything but glamorous.

        He proudly described his dad pilfering a beef cow that was supposed to be buried under Frank Roosevelt’s program of destroying food and spilling milk to stop deflation.

        His dad delivered the stolen cow to a local black family who had no food at all.

        • Jim,
          I understand perfectly. It is in fact exceptional your late cousin was as aware as he was, given he did not have access to all the information we have.
          As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, WWII vets are excusable because of their ignorance. Current military has no such excuse.

    • Hi Jim

      fauci America’s Dr. Mengele

      he got an award….lol

      Kennedy on Fauci……
      Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a household hero to half of America.

      Drug companies, government officials and the pharma-funded corporate media invoke his name to justify lockdowns, masks and experimental vaccines.

      A recent editorial in a leading medical journal urged Congress to make it a felony to publicly criticize Dr. Fauci.

      Encouraging his own deification, Dr. Fauci has declared that all those who questioned his pronouncements are “anti-science.”

      But who is Dr. Fauci really?

      In my book , I show that Dr. Fauci has done little to earn the sobriquet “America’s Doctor.”
      Kennedy Jr., Robert F.

      Instead, he has survived 50 years as the J. Edgar Hoover of public health by consistently prioritizing Big Pharma profits over the welfare of his countrymen, and through mercenary homage to the chemical and agricultural industry, the military industrial complex, the intelligence apparatus and all the other pushers of pills, potions, powders, poisons, pricks and the police state.

      During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research, I unearthed a shocking story that obliterates the obsequious media’s spin on Dr. Fauci … and that will alarm every American — Democrat or Republican — who cares about democracy, our Constitution and the future of our children’s health.

      In my book I reveal how Fauci:

      has been the principal architect of “agency capture” — the subversion of democracy by a drug industry that manipulates regulators like sock puppets.

      failed dismally over his 50-year career with the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to address the cause, to prevent or cure the exploding epidemics of allergies and chronic disease that Congress charged him with curtailing. The chronic disease pandemic is his enduring legacy. Those ailments now debilitate 54% of American children compared to 6% when he joined NIAD.

      repeatedly used fraud, bullying, intimidation, dissembling and falsified science to win approval for worthless and deadly drugs and vaccines.

      sabotaged safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS while promoting deadly chemotherapy drugs that almost certainly caused more deaths than HIV.

      transformed NIAD from a public health regulator into an incubator for pharmaceutical drugs for which he and his trusted deputies often file patents and collect royalties. Dr. Fauci has claimed Moderna vaccine patent rights worth billions of dollars for NIAD and hand-picked at least four of his NIAD underlings to receive $150,000 annually from royalties.

      exercises dictatorial control over the army of “knowledge-and-innovation” leaders who appear nightly on TV to parrot his orthodoxies and “debunk” his opponents who run his crooked clinical trials globally and who populate the “independent” federal panels that approve and mandate drugs and vaccines — including the committees that allowed the Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 vaccines.

      violated federal law to allow his pharma partners to sacrifice and kill hundreds of impoverished and dark-skinned children and orphans in the U.S and Africa as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.

      repeatedly concocted and weaponized fraudulent pandemics, including bird flu (2005), swine flu (2009) and Zika (2015-2016), in order to sell novel vaccines.

      partnered with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to conduct “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs in poorly regulated labs in Wuhan, China and elsewhere, under conditions that virtually guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes like SARS-CoV-2.
      That’s just the short list.

      Dr. Fauci and his band of pharma and Silicon Valley profiteers — working with corrupted politicians, captured federal agencies and the bought and brain-dead mainstream media — have used the COVID pandemic to mint billions from vaccines and other profitable medicines.

      His disastrous mismanagement ran up one of the biggest COVID death counts among all nations.

      Dr. Fauci has led the crusade to suppress functional remedies like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which could have avoided 80% of the deaths and hospitalizations from COVID and ended the pandemic overnight.

      We need to stop Dr. Fauci and the coup d’état against the Constitution, human rights and liberal democracy globally.

      Because this book threatens their trillion-dollar vaccine enterprise, Dr. Fauci and his allies in the medical cartel, the media and military will hurl fierce criticism and use censorship — to debunk and silence “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

      With your help, this book can play a transformational role in exposing Dr. Fauci as a charlatan and quack and in showing the world that Dr. Fauci, far from being a healer, is one the most noteworthy mass murderers in human history.

      It is my hope that this book will motivate — and mobilize — millions more advocates for truth, health and democracy.


      • fauci really is America’s Dr. Mengele

        The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book – Thomas DiLorenzo

        Fauci….America’s Dr. Mengele – Thomas DiLorenzo…… Kennedy book (Review):
        The pharmaceutical industry “remunerated Incarnation Children’s Center . . . for supplying children for the tests,” writes Kennedy. The “tests” involved giving the children experimental drugs that were “toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage, and fatal skin disorders” (p. 246).

        Torture is not too strong a word to describe what happened to these children. “If the children refuse the drugs,” says Kennedy, “they’re held down and force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital, where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs.

        From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their stomachs” (p. 246). This wasn’t science fiction or a sick horror movie, says Kennedy, but Fauci-funded “AIDS research.”


        This covid death cult are satanists

  19. Humans are being hacked every day. More or less, you are being told what to do. Wear your mask, get vaccinated, you’d think everybody has leprosy and aids, no hope whatsoever unless you do as you are told.

    For the most part, the elited annointed knuckoheads can shove it all where the sun won’t shine. The world’s most dangerous chicken littles, nothing else comes close.

    Something about the sun that worries me, a sunspot is very possibly a micro black hole, if the sun would fade to black, an all encompassing giant sunspot, it would then be a black hole, everything would be consumed by the gravitational force, the earth would fall into the sun. Finito, the end.

    It’ll be a hard day on the planet.

    Something more to worry about.

    Don’t worry about masks and Covid, you can’t, won’t do any good.

  20. The medical midget finds it inexplicable why the lemmings resist masks.

    I find it inexplicable why I never got a hummer from Heather Locklear.

    Both are absurd. Masks don’t work; and apart from that, it’s just wolves corralling sheep. My 80s Heather Locklear fantasies are just that -fantasies.

    • I was actually on the same set as Ms Locker for the filming of the TV movie “Highway Heartbreaker”. I was, of course, an extra trying to make a few bucks. She was quite lovely and continually surrounded by an entourage. One thing that struck me as odd, for someone as thin and shapely as she was, she was constantly munching chips between sets.

      I never saw the movie, so I don’t know if I can be seen in the background somewhere. I doubt it but it was fun.

  21. I’ve never ever seen the mask wearing bullshit or the compulsory poisonous gene therapy to be anything in the same realm as a “small ask” which is one of those phrases that just inherently bugs the shit out of me all by itself.

    No, no. These people have not been “asking” they been demanding that you, your family, and (if you have ’em) your children get raped by bubba. Bubba uses a needle and marks his success with a mask on you, for maximum humiliation, but that’s about the difference in my mind.

    All these people in the covid cult are literally, not figuratively, insane. Every single one of them.

    • EM,
      “These people have not been “asking”
      Indeed, every single government is founded upon its assumption of authority to kill you if you don’t obey. Sane people do not seek such power over their neighbors. So, who does that leave “in charge”?


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