The EV as a Tool of Class Oppression


It’s interesting that the pushing of EVs comes from the Left. Didn’t the Left used to rail about the rich oppressing the average person? The worker?

Well, how does the EV not do exactly that?

Are they not pushing average people – workers! – out of the market for new cars by increasing the cost of an”electrified” new car by 30-50 percent? (Plus the cost to insure it – which goes up in proportion to the replacement cost of the car. Which – in the case of EVs – is apt to be even higher due the increased risk of a spontaneous fire.)

How many workers – how many middle-class people – can afford the $50,000-ish average cost of an entry level EV? Plus the insurance. Plus the personal property taxes that are applied to vehicle ownership (cough) in many states.

Plus the cost of having their home’s electrical panel upgraded to handle a “Level II” charging circuit – which will need its own 30 amp breaker – so that they can recharge the EV in less than a day or two.

All of that times two – because most families need more than just one car. If both are EVs – because all you’re allowed to buy (or own) are EVs – the total cost will be close to $100,000 on the low end.

How many workers can afford that?

The rich can, of course.

It is why each new EV that comes out costs even more than the EVs that have already come out. Soon, the average cost of a new EV will likely be $60,000 or even more. EVs are making car ownership what car ownership was 120 years ago – that being something only the rich could afford. They are bringing back the class distinction that used to attend owning a car.

The poor didn’t.

And not just them, either.

How many contractors and small business people who need a truck for work will be able to afford an electric truck – which costs even more than an electric car and doesn’t work very well.

Or rather, very long?

Of what use to a worker is an electric truck that can’t pull or carry a load for more than 100 miles or so? That forces him to spend time better spent working charging?

Aren’t EVs – inevitably – going to push many workers and middle class people out of their single family homes in the country into townhouses and apartments in or closer to the city – by making it much harder (and much more expensive) for them to drive from the country to their jobs in the city – and then make it back home again?

The answer is yes, of course – and it’s as ironic as it is on purpose.

The Left has never been the friend of the worker – much less of the middle class, derisively referred to by the Left as the bourgeoisie. Read Marx, the grossvater of modern Leftism.

What the Left really likes is poverty.

Especially mass poverty, which creates a herd – because herds are much easier to manage than individuals.

It exploits the poor – by promising them things it has no intention of ever delivering, except to its leadership cadre. Hence the saying about you owning nothing – with the obvious inference being that they will own everything. That is how it always works in any society gone Left. It cannot go in the other direction because in Leftist societies, force prevents it from going in any other direction.

That is the whole point of Leftism.

Modern Leftism goes the old Left one better, though. It gets the workers – and the bourgeoisie – to beg for their own impoverishment by convincing them that their relative affluence is harming – not the proletariat – but the planet.

Environmentalism has nothing to do with conservation or stewardship of the natural world. It has everything to do with an “ism,” though. One that begins with a capital “M.” Look into the foundership of the modern “environmental” movement and you will discover not green but red. One of the founding fathers of Earth Day, for example, was a man named Ira Einhorn (one horn, in German) who was a double “M” in that he murdered his girlfriend and was also a Marxist. Also, Earth Day – April 22 – just happens to be the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, who was also an “M.”

When old-school Marxism failed, it got rebranded – first by men like Ira Einhorn and then by the last leader of the failed state that tried for 70-something years to make it “work.” Mikhail Gorbachev founded the Green Cross – after the Red State collapsed.

And now, here we are – again.

Only this time, the relatively affluent workers and middle class bourgeoisie – who (unlike impoverished peasants) own their own cars and often own homes – are colluding in their own impoverishment. To be fair, it is mostly the offspring of these workers and bourgeoisie who are demanding it, by voting for it. For them, the relative affluence they have always enjoyed will always exist. They have never wondered what it would be like to live without it because they have never lived without it.

It is the gift that will be their undoing – and ours.

. . .

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    • Some of the best programmers are Russian. This will only create more jobs and opportunities for Russians. Typical stupid PC move that will hurt them more then their targets.

  1. They are psychopaths, and psychopaths will psycho. What they’ve done, and are doing to the middle class is sick. Of course what the middle class has done to help in their own destruction, perpetual debt as a life style, is sick as well.

  2. EVs = 15 minute cities. You can’t go to the outback in an EV. There’s no chargers in the wilderness. The O’Biden regime wants to keep you “contained”.

    • I live in a “15 minute city” in that most of it can be reached on bicycle in 15 minutes or so. There’s a small grocery store, a Kum-n-go, two liquor stores and a Dollar General. Oh and this month there’s another try at a restaurant too (hope you like burgers and beer, because that’s what they’re trying again). I can pretty much live on what’s around although the selection of provisions is extremely limited. Down by the highway we have a few fast food restaurants, a chinese and mexician place, and of course Parachute’s famous seven pot shops, but that’s more than 15 minutes and involves climbing a fairly steep hill.

      What there’s not is a social scene. Or a clothing store. There’s almost no offices, no hospital and specialty stores (like a bike repair shop). No bowling alley. And other than the governement run rec center and golf course, not many sports facilities either. For sure there’s no car dealer. One of my neighbors fixes cars in his garage and we look the other way, but it isn’t a legitimate business.

      There just isn’t enough of a population to support all those little niche businesses that make a community interesting. The schools are run by the county, so they’re subsidized by the tax base in Rifle and Glenwood Springs (and whatever the county is able to extract from property owners).

      Its a nice town but if I couldn’t easly travel to a larger city there’s no way I’d stay.

  3. Dems, The Left, used to allegedly defend the “working class” which was, by definition, unionized workers. But, look at this listing of unions in the U.S.

    The majority of unionized folks are employed by GovCo. These are some of the more highly paid people you can find. They are also some of the greediest, arrogant, sociopathic homo sapiens on the planet. Add to that they enforce their opinions at gunpoint if necessary.

    They are perfect minions for the oligarchs.

    • Great point Mark.

      It’s my contention that if ordinary people really want to discover what group of people are mainly responsible for the destruction of the classic American way of life, look no further than that bloated bunch called govt employees. It boggles the mind that the average citizen (and esp. those who should know better) cannot connect the dots as to who’s responsible for its demise. How many times does history have to repeat itself until their victims finally realize who the giant elephant in the room is which is causing the majority of their problems.

      Beam me up Scotty.

  4. In a nutshell, here’s the reason why greens want to destroy the middle class. The middle class was created by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution is the root cause of global warming. The only solution to global warming is to stop producing CO2, and the fastest way to do that is to destroy the gains of the industrial revolution. The greens are fully aware that people will starve to death, and that’s fine. Becuase they’re the champions of all life, and believe that humans are causing an extinction event. If your goal is to save all DNA, then killing a few billion people isn’t a big deal.

    What they assume is that they’ll be one of the ones that doesn’t die. Like the royalty that thought God would protect them from the bubonic plague. And in the case of politically induced starvation (see sub-saharan Africa) that might be the case. But reality is, once there’s not enough to go around the threads of society get shorter, and the further you are from production the tougher time you’ll have.

    • Hi RK,

      I agree with you – except as regards one point. The average Leftist does believe in “climate change” and the other related made-up problems. Religiously – fanatically – so. But the intellectuals that power the Left know those people are just what Lenin cynically called them: Useful Idiots. Great Thunberg is the apotheosis of this. The leadership cadre of the Left is sadistically cruel in its desire to control – to hurt – the average person. Stalin’s chicken explains it in a way that is easy to understand.

      • I meant the true believers, not the puppet masters. The globalists are just looking to make a buck. Can’t make money when there’s plenty.

        And I believe they’re pissed off that all their “special places” are overrun with new money and hoi polloi. What good is it to have a beach house in Saint Tropez if the Norwegian Epic dumps 4000 buffet cows off to overrun the town once a week? Make travel expensive (or illegal) and they can have their exclusive world back.

        • The elite in the Chicago area would love to not have to sit in traffic on the interstates when they go to their beach houses in Michigan and Wisconsin. D*** those middle class folks with their motorboats and two weeks of vacation cottage rentals.

          It is that simple, greedy b*****d’s

  5. Much discussed on conspiracy sites is that Communism and Capitalism end up being the same thing, control of the many by a few ultra rich. To the guy at the bottom, does it really matter what badge the rulers wear? Government is an ultra scam for the elite families to own it all and make everyone below their slave. The elites write the holy books, and the preacher works for them, and the teaching is Romans 13, God ordains the government.

    Greg Reese (infowars) has been putting out some interesting videos about the Lahaina Maui fire, he claims that the ultra rich like Mark Zuckerberg (CEO Facebook), Oprah, and that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos want to turn Maui into a completely controlled Ai island.

    And it not so far fetched either, here is Lyndon Johnson giving a speech about whoever controls the weather controls the world:

    Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson 1962: ‘He Who Controls the Weather Controls the World

    Weather weapons are the ultimate weapon, unlike like nukes, which you can not use. Weather weapons can be used all of the time and blamed on god. Klaus Schwab (gopher underling of the wealthy elites) wants to remake the world and weather weapons are the perfect tool to wipe the slate clean during the great reset.

    The Governor of Hawaii, a New York Jew named Josh Green, wants to scarf up all the burned out land. Other wealthy Hawaiian real estate owners like Mark Zuckerberg is also a Jew, as is Oprah, who is also a suspected tranny like Big Mike (no kids), who she always promoted on her TV show.

    You know the Israeli Jews did 911 and the New York Jews covered it up. So good luck with any real investigation into the Lahaina fire. Here is a map of Amerika, showing where Jews dominate are coincidental to the false flags:

    You might find the map shocking, but it is our reality, Amerika is being taken down by the tribe. They own and control us, they control all of the media, all of the big banks, and the Zionists control all the western governments. It is a dirty aunty semenite conspiracy theory that is true.

    The elite employ actors to fool you. Ronald Reagan was an actor, as is Zelensky, as is Oprah, as is Michelle Obama and her fake kids. Obama fooled the country, he is a gay man married to another gay man who plays a woman, and here is the proof:

    Note, the man in the video is Big Mike, aka Michael Lavaughn Robinson, who later became Michelle Obama. He is wearing earings in his first transitional phase to being a woman. Later Big Mike wrote “Becoming Michelle” to mock you. Michelle was also on the river cruise when Norte Dame was lit on fire – go look it up, she was doing a photo shoot with the famous cathedral burning in your wine glass:

    And if you find that shocking, ’cause they fooled you good, take a look at this gay man who has destroyed Ukraine and killed 500,000 white Christian boys and caused 14 million to flee:

    The information on the J-wtube is scripted fake reality. Maui will soon be replaced on the news cycle perhaps from Hurricane Hilary which is dead on target for San Diego and LA. So no worries Goyim, (((they))) are in charge, and just be glad they didn’t burn you out this week.

    • RE: Capitalism vs communism. The “capitalist” system most of the world claims to be using is at best just old fashioned mercantilism and at worst blatant fascism. In fact “capitalism with Chinese characteristics” is almost certainly fascism, even including genocide of the (Islamic) Uyghurs and persecution of Falun Gong.

      When things are going well, any politically based economic system will work, and indeed most politicians take credit for the good times as if they had anything to do with it. But the downside is when things go poorly, even a little, the hammer comes down on whoever is an easy target.

      The US was always mercantilist, even prior to the revolution, because the land was handed out by the European monarchy. Never mind that it wasn’t theirs to hand out. Once self-government was in place, the landowners didn’t have to purchase it from the governments or reclaim it. The titles were just transfered to the new country. And almost immediately there were petitions to the new governments for pork projects like public roads that happened to connect owned land, land grants for the new railroads (with shares granted to elected officials), and industries campaigning for friendly politicians -Abraham Lincoln comes to mind.

      Capitalism, communism and all the other “isms” are all concepts. None have ever been truly put into practice for any length of time. Human nature isn’t going to allow for pure economic theory to be put into practice.

      • I find it very strange that China, which has been around for a very long time, with a rich cultural history, which has birthed many great thinkers and philosophers, would adopt a foreign ideology, Marxism, written which proved deadly, yet is still defended by Xi. Those at the top defend the system that gives them power. A revolutionary system that defeats the old wealthy power elite and allows new set of bureaucratic elites is of, of course, defended by those with the new power.

        • China has been an Anglo colonial plaything for centuries now. The Marxist element in the 20th century was fostered by Rockefeller and Carnegie funded NGO/think tank organizations like the Institute for Pacific Relations starting in the 1920s and, later, a successor organization, the Council on Foreign Relations. These councils were/are staffed by communist true believers. IMO, they are the model and test case for globalist hyper-capitalism that benefits a small group and communism for the rest.

        • Documentary that shows how China’s geography influences it’s political systems, culture and how it interacts in the world.

          TLDR: Northern China is arid with often flooding rivers running through the area. This led to big projects to try and tame the rivers, which needed a lot of peasants and leaders to coordinate them. Southern China is cut off from the north so is more likely to trade with outside world.

          Communism is just the new boss, same as the old boss.

      • To be fair, capitalism is probably the less evil of the isms. We don’t have capitalism as defined by Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations. Letting the invisible hand of the free market choose who and what succeeds, etc. We have corporatism aka fascism and close to communism. We also have satanism along for the ride. We’re a fallen nation.

          • I’ve been criticizing grown men for supporting professional “sports” for more than a few decades. I never watched that garbage…
            Not only the “National Felon League” and the “National Basketball Association” but even that bastion of truly professional skills, NASCAR has been infected with “woke” ideology. When (((they))) banned the “Stars and Bars” flag, a part of their history, NASCAR sealed its fate, along with the promotion of substandard “affirmative action” driver “bubba” wallace complaining about “racist” garage door pulls, triggering a full-blown FBI investigation, NASCARs fate was set. To add insult to injury, recently “bubba” wallace’s violent tendencies were on full display.
            Let’s not forget the billions spent by grown male “sports fans” on sports ball jerseys, caps and other “trinkets”, overpriced game tickets and taxpayer-subsidized stadiums (playpens), all to benefit the (((owners))) of the criminal, steroid-addled costumed players who are paid millions of dollars to play children’s games.
            “Bread and circuses” which are provided to “quell the masses” are just as successful now as they were in ancient times…
            It is disgusting to see grown men spout off useless and meaningless sports statistics and the adulation that they give these costumed players (actors) while not giving a damn about the direction this country is taking. It is just sickening to see grown men debase themselves.
            I realize that sports ball is “entertainment for the masses” and do look down derisively on grown men who sport their favorite sports ball players clothing or other accouterments.
            I think to myself: “don’t you have anything better to do?”
            There are much better things for grown men to do than watch sports ball sports.
            Build something…repair something…study philosophy or technical journals on something that interests you, make something better, improve yourself and your standard of living and devices…use your wisdom and knowledge to get your fellow men to THINK for themselves, not what to think, but HOW to think and to not just accept the pablum, lies and falsehoods of the mainstream media and useless professional sports.
            Message to grown men: Get away from the sports ball. You are much better than that…

            • Hi Anarchyst,

              I think there’s a distinction worth making between people who enjoy watching a game and people who invest themselves in the game. There’s nothing I can see that’s pernicious about watching a game – or watching a movie. It is entertaining, a diversion from the stress of life. It can be enjoyable to watch high-caliber athletes just as it can be enjoyable to watch a well-done movie or play.

              But a weird line is crossed when people talk about how “we” did last night. Are euphoric (or catatonic) based on the outcome of a game. Hero-worship the players (or the actors) and obsess about them, their “stats” – and so on.

              I think what’s changed over the past 50 years is just that. Watching sports used to be something most people did as a diversion. If they watched them at all. I can remember when people who watched sports all the time and had little to say other than “we” won (or lost) and who seemed to idolize athletes were considered jock-sniffers and meatheads.

            • For whatever reason, the NHL seems to be the least PC’d of the major sports leagues. It could be that most of the players are North American, Scandinavian, and Slavic white people. It could be that they aren’t as big as the NFL, NBA, and MLB. It could be that although there are real fights on the ice, the aggressive behavior stays on the ice for the most part.

              • Uhhh, have you seen all the “pride” jersey controversies? It may just be for warmup or something but whole teams skate around in “rainbow” versions of the team’s jersey.

                • I have…and I recall a story where an Orthodox player got into trouble because he wouldn’t go along with it.

                  The point is that the NHL seems to be the least bad of the major sports leagues—in other words, they’re the cleanest dirty shirt in the hamper…or so it seems.

        • I agree. But aside from a few brief periods when laissez-faire presidential adminstrations were elected (Andrew Jackson, Harding/Coolege), “that wasn’t real capitalism” is every bit as a valid excuse as the left’s constant “That wasn’t real communism” excuses of the atrocities of the Soviet Union.

          One of the reasons for this “climate catastrophe” is the lack of definition of air rights and the failure to accurately asses damage from air polution. If there were precedent for showing harm from smokestack emmissions it would be no-brainer to argue that CO2 is not harmful. As it is, we have to rely on “science” that is sketchy at best and fraudulant at worst, without any evidence that could prove damage in a civil law courtroom.

          • Sorry, slammed paradigms into 4 wheel low without a clutch there…

            The state has no business assessing harm from gaseous emmissions. Under a capitalist system, the damaged party should be able to collect from the polluter, just as someone dumping trash on your property is wrong. But because governement promotes activity it deems important, the polluter is given free reign to discharge waste into the atmosphere. Now that waste might not be bad at all, but we’ll never know because there’s no way to assess harm. And there’s the old “one man’s trash is another’s treasure,” what’s to say it might have a value on the salvage market?

            By allowing connected firms (for whatever reason) to have privilage over another, the state destroys true capitalism. There may be legitimate reasons for doing so, but don’t call it capitalism.

        • Adam Smith did not account for the “invisible hand” actually being multiple hands (cartelization) in which industries actually use government edicts and laws to advantage themselves.
          We are at the stage where corporations write the actual laws that exclude “outsiders” and then hand them over to the “lawmakers” (along with envelopes stuffed with cash) to “get the laws enacted”.

      • All economies are capitalist. The differences come from who controls the capital. Those who created it, or those who stole it.

    • Dang! Everyone you don’t like is either gay, Jewish, or trans. What are the odds of that?
      I would disagree about Oprah. Lesbian not trans. No man can put on fat in the places that woman does.

  6. $7,500 tax credit for one of these POS. Americans stealing from their neighbors. It is truly incredible. I can’t wait for the crash.

  7. The Left has exposed themselves as a bunch of phonies if not frauds the past few years. For example, they’ve bleated “My body, my choice!” when it came to abortion, but supported mask & COVID jab mandates for ALL, no questions asked. They’ve also bleated about the evils of Big Pharma for years but effectively became their biggest shills after Joe Biden got into office. They also opposed war for decades but are now PRO-WAR. They also opposed censorship from government but became PRO CENSORSHIP the past few years.
    They’ve also bleated about the evils of the “Super wealthy”, but many of them ARE the “Super Wealthy”.

    • Let me add that leftists say what they have to say to gain power. Once they gain power, as they did with the recent, crooked elections, they show their true colors. And then they proceed with their leftist “Rule by Experts”, that used to be called fascism, until the clever leftists started called their opponents fascists. They call themselves progressives, as if moving in the wrong direction is progress. Leftism is a secular religion and a mental disease, of people who want to control others.

      Unfortunately, the history of world governments is one of many tyrannies, with only a few democracies, and the democracies did not last long.

      The climate change “leaders” attack YOUR carbon footprint, but own multiple homes and fly to global climate conferences on private jets. That tells you everything you need to know about the climate change religion. And leftists.

  8. I believe the elite environmentalist wackos are all watermelons – green on the outside, red on the inside. Those that are the “true believers”, the ones that really think that fuel engines, gas appliances, and farts from every living thing are killing the planet, are nothing but gullible, useful idiots for the Marxist elitists. They’re actually more dangerous because they act as influencers duping the masses. As an example I give you Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the most moronic people on Earth.

    • You can stick your head up a telemetry database to get a good look at the charging time issue, but wouldn’t you rather take the customer’s word for it?

    • ‘Of what use to a worker is an electric truck that can’t pull or carry a load for more than 100 miles or so?’ — eric

      Ask the same question to the auto maker CEO cited in the above-linked article:

      ‘Ford CEO Jim Farley said he faced a “reality check” while attempting to charge his electric truck during a road trip across the American West, an admission that comes as President Joe Biden spends billions to spur electric vehicle adoption.

      ‘Farley embarked on the trip in Ford’s new electric F-150 Lightning last week in an attempt to “see the EV transition in action.” He started in Silicon Valley, made a stop in Los Angeles, and then ended in Las Vegas. Farley documented much of the trip on social media, including his late-night charging sessions and the “challenging” nature of obtaining enough power to travel long distances.

      “Charging has been pretty challenging,” Farley said, adding that at one stop it took him 40 minutes to charge his truck’s battery to just 40 percent. “It was a really good reality check—the challenges of what our customers go through.”

      ‘Farley acknowledged in other posts that finding a charging station wasn’t always easy, telling one user he had to go to multiple stations just to find one that was available.’

      Uhhh … Jim … you’re just figuring this out now, after losing BILLIONS on EeeVees that are massively inconvenient for owners, and will stay that way?

      Jim, you know I love you like a brother. But I’ve decided to fire your ass. You’re an embarrassment. We’ve towed away your company car. So call an Uber, bro. And good luck to ye.

  9. As of March 2023, the average price of a new US car is $48,008, according to Kelley Blue Book. Although the current average transaction price decreased by 3% from December 2022 to March 2023, it’s still 27.8% higher than pre-pandemic prices. Jun 29, 2023

    The Rear-Wheel Drive trim of the Tesla Model 3 starts at an MSRP of $40,240 with zero upgrades, not including any taxes, destination, or other fees.
    Jun 22, 2023

    The $40,240 Tesla would be 16% below the $48,008 average.

    If the Tesla buyer has income, the Tesla is less expensive than average by even more. The Biden administration confirmed that all Tesla Model 3 vehicles now qualify for $7,500 electric vehicle consumer tax credits.

    $40,240 minus a $7,500 tax credit is $32,740

    $32,740 would be 32% below the $48,008 average.

    A similar sized Toyota Corolla is $21,900

    That would make the Tesla 3 with tax credits almost +50% more expensive than a Toyota Corolla. That is a big deal for me and a lot of other potential buyers.

    Us po’ folk will have the option of purchasing the used ICE vehicles that most EV buyers traded in for their EVs.

    And we can thank those rich folks buying EVs for stopping the boiling oceans and saving the planet. I’m doing my part by not purchasing a private jet.


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