Ask a “Masker”?


When you see a “masker,” do you ever feel like asking them why they’re “masking”? The term in air fingers quotes marks to emphasize the absurdity of the practice. Doesn’t everyone know by now that “masks” don’t “work”?

The latter in air fingers quote marks to emphasize the misdirection of that word’s usage. “Masks” obviously do “work” – in the sense that they provide psychological comfort to those who wear them. Else why would they still be wearing them?  Might as well ask why some people are still taking those drugs presented as the vaccines they never were.

So maybe asking them is a good idea?

The thought occurs to me every time I see a person in a store (most recently, at the gym where I lift weights) wearing a “mask.” I cannot understand it. How obstinately willful do you have to be to ignore what’s literally going on all around you – i.e., that most people around you are not “masking” and are not dying? Perhaps because of what they have seen on TeeeVeeee. This might plausibly account for the old people who continue to “mask” as those people tend to be people who watch a lot of TeeeVeeee. In particular, “mainstream” news, bracketed within air fingers quotes to emphasize another misdirection of thought via the use of a word to impart a meaning that isn’t accurate, much less true. Just as a drug that doesn’t prevent someone from acquiring or transmitting a sickness is by definition not a vaccine, a media outlet that most people do not watch isn’t “mainstream.”

The word was applicable decades ago, when CBS, NBC and ABC were what most people watched. For a time, lots of people watched CNN, too. They were “mainstream.” They no longer are – in terms of audience size – yet continue to drape the mantle over themselves (and have it draped over them, by those who agree with the editorializing that is purveyed in lieu of news) just the same as “vaccine” is applied to drugs that do not immunize – and so are no such thing.

“Maskers” under 30 are harder to understand – in the first place, because they are under 30. How can a young person be so fear-enthralled by a sickness that doesn’t kill almost 100 percent of people who are under 30? Don’t young people – people in the flower of youth and health, who are their physical peak – feel invincible anymore?

Remember when they did?

It used to be the default – as anyone who is over 50 today can attest. When we were under 30, we got lectured about being more careful – and probably, we ought to have been. I rode fast motorcycles right up to the edge – and by the grace of the Motor Gods, am still around to remember it. I no longer take the kinds of risks I did when I was 25, because I am well-aware I am not invincible – and know I wasn’t when I was 25, either.

But when I was, I felt I was. Everyone I knew back then felt the same. We didn’t feel or behave like fearful old men, terrified of risk. And we took real ones. Now I see 25-year-olds walking around with a “mask” over their faces – apparently because they are that afraid of a cold that is as likely to result in their death as a toilet falling out of the sky and dropping on their head.

Yet they persist in pretending they are that afraid of this cold. Or maybe they actually are that afraid of this cold. It could be that they are expressing their approbation of a narrative, much the same as people who wear a yarmulke or similar religious affectation do. It is not that they are afraid of catching cold so much as it is fervor to show they have faith. Doubtless, most of these believers have lost (or never had) the religious faith that this secular religion seeks to hijack by giving those who believe in it the sense of purpose and meaning that they lack. A sense of community – in the religious sense. They belong – and that makes them feel good. It gives them something to ground themselves on. It doesn’t matter that it’s specious.

Ask an ex-Moonie, if you disbelieve this.

What matters is that feeling they’ve latched onto something – and that they are a part of something. It makes them feel safe among the apostates.

Either that or they are just stupid – a possibility that cannot be dismissed. I suppose the only way to find out what’s going on in their minds (assuming they have minds) is to ask them why they are still “masking.”

Of course, this may prove to be like asking a rooster to explain why the sun rises.But we’ll never know until we ask. And it might just be good for them, if they’re capable of answering without exploding.

. . .

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  1. The God shaped hole WILL be filled. It’s quite simple.

    Now $©ience fills that hole.

    People are, in general, quite stupid. The priests and Shamans of yore have been replaced with white coats and stethoscopes.

  2. Oh boy, I had a really bizarre encounter at a Starbucks a few hours ago in big blue city central. I walk in and notice right away that 3 of the 5 baristas are wearing masks. I walk up to who I think is the manager, who is also wearing a mask, and ask him why most workers are masking. He, smaller Asian American mid 20s with a gay vibe, says that one of the workers had an outbreak (whatever that means), so out of safety they are masking.

    I ask him: do you think that mask is protecting you, and the rest of us non-masking people are at great risk? Then he says: you come here often don’t you? ‘Yeah’ I said. He goes: I feel like we have this conversation every time. You harass any employee here who is in a mask. I said: I am trying to understand why you are wearing a mask when there is no evidence it helps…and does a lot of harm. It’s been 4 years, haven’t you done your own research by now?

    Then he starts gaslighting me: I just like wearing a mask. Me: what do you like about it, are you ashamed about something, or you don’t want to be seen? Then he asks why I care so much about the mask. I explain the psychological and physical harms, the likelihood of another round of mandates and lockdowns and how it’s meant to control the public. Then more gaslighting: I don’t care about any of that. I tell him: It could eventually lead to permanent lockdowns and internment camps like they had in Australia and other countries. He says: I would be happy. Me: you don’t care about anything? No, he says. Me: If people are being forced out of their own home and forcibly injected or even killed? Him: no. Me: How about if someone paid you to kill a person? He said he would do it. Then I said: so if an employee is sexually abusing another employee, you wouldn’t care? He hesitated little then said No I wouldn’t. Me: An employee steals from the store? A more uncomfortable No from him. How do you think corporate would respond hearing you say all this? Then he changes his tune. Hey, I just work here. Me: no, no, don’t try to weasel out of it now. Then, he goes: I could write a complaint and have you banned from the store.

    I ask him what is his purpose in life as he doesn’t care about anything? He doesn’t know. I ask: why are you here in the world? Then, a maskless White, early 20s female barista jumps in to defend him: you got your drinks, you can leave. Some back and forth with her. The whole time I am not visibly angry.

    Now comes the weirdest part. A late 30s, early 40ish white male medium build, looks rough – like history of drug abuse and might be on drugs, with slow slurred tone – says: why you picking on these kids? He continues: look at how big you are and how small they are, why don’t you pick on someone your own size? I said: we were just having a conversation, I am not picking on them, I would ask you the same if you were wearing a mask. Then he says: I know this person from Kansas City, some other guy who is buffed around here, I have transvestite friends, why does it matter? He fist bumps the masked gay Asian worker. I said: why are you defending mask wearing? He repeated his friends from wherever and then I left. As I am walking out, he is trying to stare me down. I kept my eye on him and left. Surreal.

    • Hi Alvin,

      That’s one Hell of a story to wake up to… wow. Reading it felt like reading an account of dealing with Khmer Rouge or Red Guards. These people are profoundly damaged goods; time bombs waiting to explode. That explosion may be coming in a few short months from now if the Orange Man should, by some miracle (or by plan) be installed as Jefe. People like these will go berserk. And that may well be the plan.

      • Stories like these are a wake up call to anyone who doesn’t realize how damaged these people are. And what they are capable of, being soulless, Godless, nihilistic creatures bent on destruction of all that is good in this world.

        Scary stuff. And these are just your everyday regular people. It’s coming. Prepare yourself.

      • Hey Eric, very few of my mask confrontations ever involve a masker who gaslights me by pretending to love masking. Most either can’t come up with a reason, appeal to health/safety, or make up a story that it’s for allergies or because of bad teeth. This guy – the asian gay masker – believe it or not, seemed more emotionally stable and less mentally deranged than the maskers that I have confronted. Yes, it’s not saying much. He didn’t run away, call his supervisor or threaten to call the police, though he threatened to ban me from the store for a brief second but that was after 5-10 minutes in.

        • Morning, Alvin!

          You’re doing good work with this. I intend to follow your example. Maybe talking to these people will help some of them. I know for sure that pretending what they’re doing is normal won’t.

    • It seems that despite masks, distancing, shutdowns and injections failing at their stated purpose, the mass Millgram Experiment in obedience to authority was highly successful.

      • I agree with ML, Alvin. We just bought a Phillips 3200 Espresso Machine…best thing I bought in years. I haven’t bought a coffee out in months. Even when we go out to eat we no longer order coffee to have with our desserts, but take the desserts back home so we can have yummy drinks.

        With the average coffee costing $7, we have already paid for it.

          • Hi Eric,

            Nothing is better than fresh home brewed coffee that one can make one hundred different ways. 🙂

            I also feel better because we buy locally roasted whole beans so we are helping a small business, too…who doesn’t suffer from liberal viewpoints.

            • To level up your coffee even further, you can roast your own beans. The equipment doesn’t cost much (my last roaster was about $150, but there are less expensive options available) and green coffee costs about the same or a bit less than whole-bean roasted coffee. Coffee’s flavor peaks about 24 hours after it’s roasted, so the coffee you roast yourself will be fresher than most of what you can buy already roasted (though the output of a local roaster might be close). Green coffee will keep longer in your pantry, too.

                • Sweet Maria’s has a lot of good articles for a beginner roaster. They sell green beans, but are pricy. Use their site for good tutorials and get your green beans from The Happy Mug. Great quality and better prices than SM’s.

      • The only reason I stop at Starbucks is on my way to visit my sick mom in a care home, not for myself. I buy her favorite – vanilla frappuccino (light ice) – and cafe lattes for the two caregivers. If I could find another place that sells similar drinks I would. 7-11 has good coffee but nothing similar to a vanilla milkshake.

  3. The Jews in America need to show some compassion for Palestinians, displaced as they are, and provide housing in each humble home of a Jewish family.

    I’d say about 10 Palestinians per Jewish household.

    Love your neighbor as thine own self.

    Have to make room for those teeming masses in Gaza. Think of the children, even the dead ones. 25,000 dead Palestinians, 1,000,000 dollars in reparations, 25 billion dollars debt due on demand.

    The Jews can provide some assistance, need to have a heart.

    Might as well share lox and bagels, some pastrami too!

    • A quote from Braveheart is appropriate for the present israeli occupation of Gaza:
      “Lower your flags and march straight back to England (israel), stopping at every home you pass by to beg forgiveness for a hundred years of theft, rape, and murder. Do that and your men shall live. Do it not, and every one of you will die today.”
      One can only hope…

  4. I saw the best example of the mask stupidity in a fast food drive through two years ago. A guy was wearing a mask while alone in his car, which was a convertible. And he had the top down. Bless his heart…

  5. Eric, excellent question. I ask maskers all the time “why are you wearing a mask?” and, no matter what response they give me, I always push back to the point where they usually walk away or refuse to speak with me. Occasionally, someone will agree and take off their mask. When I am making headway in the conversation, I always tell them to take it off.

    I take a gentler approach to younger Gen Z types. I agree with you, I think the young maskers feel a sense of purpose wearing them or they are making a political statement.

    Last week, I asked a Gen Z barrista at Starbucks why she was wearing a mask, and she was taken aback by the question. When I pressed her, she said for health reasons. When I told her there was no scientific or clinical evidence that masks worked and pointed out that the size of virus particles (assuming they exist) are orders of magnitude smaller than the holes in her mask, she turned away from me and her manager jumped in. When I told them, assuming even the masks work – and they don’t – that she can get just as easily infected through the eyes, ears, and skin if any cuts or abrasions, another customer jumped in and told me to stop harassing the worker because it’s her choice. Then I told the customer: oh, so 2-3 years ago, when it was required to wear a mask, and I couldn’t get served without a mask, and they called the cops on me, did I have a choice to not wear a mask? She (customer) said: well, I didn’t agree with that. Then the two of us talked for 10 minutes.

    The customer admitted that she had not ever looked into the data or done any independent research into the science. She just followed the mainstream narrative.

    • Recently, pre-Christmas 2023, California central valley, Japanese teppanyaki restaurant, manager & servers all masked, no customers masked. I asked our grill chef “why the mask?” Couldn’t understand his muffled answer, something about “manager”. I said “you’re scaring our granddaughter” (a 1-year-old, staring, had never seen anyone masked). I asked other party at our grille if they’d mind if he removed his mask. Unanimous response: “take it off!” Server disappears for 20 seconds in back room, comes back with mask under his chin. Everyone applauds, and everything after that was great.

  6. Mass Hysteria is why, although none of them will admit it. The response you will get is something along the lines of ‘following the science’; as if it was a religion they had adopted, out of fear, no less.

  7. Computer graphics and technical illustrations are a big part of the problem. It wasn’t until the mid 1990s that IBM researchers managed to capture an image of a virus using their new-fangled scanning electron microscope. Up until then any “pictures” of a virus were as real as Steamboat Willy dancing around the silver screen. But the colorful spiky beachballs that were used throughout the pandemic to add a graphical element to news stories are deeply ingrained in the fearful. A real face to the enemy.

    Problem goes back to that issue of size. The illustration over the shoulder of the news model is as big as her head. But in real life photons aren’t small enough to adequately reflect off the surface of a virus. Even the comparison I’ve heard of blocking flies with a chain-link fence isn’t anywhere near the scale.

    like many modern scientific principles, grasping the concept and thinking you grasp the concept are two very different things. For the layman, conjuring up Schrödinger’s cat is a good enough explanation if he just accepts it and moves on. But pretending that understanding the thought experiment is the equivalent of being a particle physicist is ridiculous. Problem is many people convince themselves that they do understand without knowing even basic calculus or any advanced mathematics.

    I used to try and understand how spread spectrum radio signals worked, and I’d get books out of the library and read technical docs online. Inventively I’d run into a bunch of equations with symbols I didn’t recognize or understand. Then I’d get the “Calculus for Dummies” books and try to learn enough to at least read the equation, and run into another brick wall. I finally just figured I can understand the concept but I’ll probably never be at the levels necessary to build a modulator. It’s enough to trust the engineers that built the thing.

    I tell this story because I’m sure that the overwhelming majority of the world’s population operates on this level of understanding. And for 99.999% of us, that’s good enough. But when one of those 99.999% sets policy, and ignores the 0.0001% who actually know, that’s when problems start.

    • >But when one of those 99.999% sets policy,
      Aye, men, RK.
      Something totally FU, IMO, about a society that pays its smartest members to design a way of ending life as we know it, and then hands the decision to use it or not to a Grade B movie actor.

    • “It wasn’t until the mid 1990s that IBM researchers managed to capture an image of a virus using their new-fangled scanning electron microscope.”

      I’ve gotta call bullshit on this one. Before you can take a picture of a “virus” you first have to prove its existence, show that it is the cause of an alleged disease and then somehow identify it in the first place. As far as I am aware this have never been done.

    • ReadyKilowatt,

      Not to give you anymore trouble, but it was ~1938 when the first alleged viruses were visualized by Ruska et al. using transmission electron microscopy, and many, many were to follow through the years. Perhaps you were thinking of the first scanning-tunneling electron microscope in the mid-eighties?

      Speaking of physics, regarding “But in real life photons aren’t small enough to adequately reflect off the surface of a virus.”: Recall that photons are said to be massless, while electrons have a minute mass, in the order of 9 x 10^-31 kg, and are thus “larger”.

      It’s really the wavelength of visible-light photons is too great to adequately resolve things as small as viruses, given that the resolution of a microscope is a function of wavelength. The wavelength (L) of an electron is given by the de Broglie equation, L = h/p, where h is Plank’s constant and p is the momentum of the electron (or other particle). Thus, the wavelength of an electron can easily be much shorter than that of a photon in the visible range and the resolving power of an electron microscope much greater…

      “I used to try and understand how spread spectrum radio signals worked, and I’d get books out of the library and read technical docs online. Inventively I’d run into a bunch of equations with symbols I didn’t recognize or understand. ”

      I have a huge antenna engineering handbook much like that. I reckon that I’ll mostly stick with the commercial variety. 😉

  8. Why the difference between the 20-somethings of yore and the ones today? The ones today have known nothing but a world in which they’re strapped into “safety seats” every time they get into a car (As opposed to sitting on grandma’s lap as mom drives while smoking a cigarette).

    They’ve grown up wearing a freaking helmet to ride a bike!

    There are “safe spaces” at school in case you’re a fairy or think that you’re a girl with a dick, so your feelings won’t get hurt when someone uses the wrong pronoun.

    And the schools are closed if strong winds are predicted (Seriously, it’s now a thing where I live).

    Someone leaves their briefcase on the bus and the bomb squad is called.

    • “And the schools are closed if strong winds are predicted (Seriously, it’s now a thing where I live).”

      North Alabama? They just pulled that crap here last Friday.

      • Some contrast I think of from time to time:

        ‘One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth −71°C (−95°F) | Yakutia, Siberia’

        “The children in Yakutia will go to school when it’s warmer than minus 54 degrees but when the temperature drops below 55 degrees it’s too dangerous to go to school”

  9. A mask wearer is an insecure person. I don’t believe there is any magical theorem or reason to what they do. Personally, I don’t think they even know why they do it. But, it does border down to insecurity. Insecure in their looks, insecure to stand up to dominance or control, or not having the mental capability to reflect why they are subjecting themselves to a falsified narrative.

    An intelligent person would want to learn, understand, and then decide if what they are doing makes a difference. What are the benefits of me doing this? What are the repercussions? How will this affect my health? What has history taught us? What has science taught us? Is there something more beneficial that I could do to take care of my body?

    I don’t want to waste my time hearing their reasoning. I don’t care. My time could better be spent having a thought provoking conversation with someone with sound judgement and insight rather than listening to the rantings and feelings of someone who doesn’t know how to open a science book.

  10. I live in the middle of lefty loonie land, surrounded by houses with rainbow “Hate Has No Home Here” signs, black BLM fist signs, etc.

    There’s a public school across the street, and people walk their kids by my house all the time, so I often hear the conversations. Last week, a dad was walking two young kids, perhaps in second and third grade, to school, and everyone was masked up. The kids asked him, why is it that they have to wear masks when nobody else does. His answer was that even when everyone is being irresponsible, they shouldn’t be irresponsible just to fit in. The message is sound, but the context is crazy.

    I taught my son the opposite. He was a first grader when covid hit and school shut down for a year. When he went back, masks were optional, but highly encouraged. The teachers kept nagging him about wearing one, but this little second grader was asking them if they’re mandatory, and then declining to wear one because it doesn’t make sense. I’m proud of the little dude! He also told me that the few masked children whose parents force them to wear them, remove the masks the moment the parents leave.

    • Those of us who have been trained (and certified) to work in IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Health) environments know that a surgeon’s “mask” is useless to protect the wearer from airborne contaminants. An N95 is otherwise known as a dust mask, the lowest level of protection, and requires a tight fit for that purpose.

      Protection from chemical or biological contaminants requires AT LEAST a half mask respirator, properly fitted to seal (rubber seal) and with the proper filter cartridges. The highest level of protection is fully encapsulated with supplied air (Gumby suit), which is required to protect from the most hazardous chemical, biological, or radiological hazards.

      Most medical doctors (unless they have worked in a lab with serious pathogens), and virtually all software engineers, are likely ignorant of these facts. There is no cure for stupid, but education is the cure for ignorance.

  11. My rant about the covid vaxecution shot isn’t so much that they harm a persons immune system causing cancers and other diseases or deaths. The fact that it likely sterilizes. I have read in several of the pamphlets by the depop groups how it’ll only take killing off 2 to 3 generations to get the population back to a manageable billion or so. Of course all the ‘fact checkers’ deny it saying the shot is safe and effective but the late Dr. Arne Burkhardt (German) found that the Spike Proteins actually replaces sperm in males. He said:
    “If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man who has been vaccinated.”

    Of course other studies have shown the spike protein also destroys ovaries in females.

    Don’t look for rogue governments or medical systems to warn about this.

  12. I think a lot of the foolishness and craziness surrounding the Covfefe Virus proliferated because we, as a society, are less religious, particularly in the Judeo-Christian sense.

    First, it’s because contrary to what one might think, when you stop believing in God, it doesn’t mean you believe in nothing—it means you believe in anything and everything. In other words, you end up worshipping what the 1st Commandment calls “strange gods.” Among those strange gods are “the environment” and “safety.”

    Second, worshipping the strange gods of the environment and safety means you’re reverting to paganism. By this I mean not necessarily worshipping tree gods, but that you believe that nature is angry at you and you must propitiate nature with sacrifices, like wearing masks and driving EVs, lest nature get really angry and kill you, even if those sacrifices are detrimental to your property, liberty, and life.

    Third, if you believe that this life is all there is and that when you’re dead, you’re dead and that’s it, you believe that you have to hang on to this life as much as you can, regardless of the quality of your life or the quality of others’ lives.

    Finally, you believe that the here and now is all that matters. You denigrate the past and its tradition and wisdom as being benighted and intolerant. You believe that the future will only get worse, and who cares—you won’t be around anyway.

    If we hadn’t jettisoned Judeo-Christian traditions and values, would we have even let half of this stuff happen?

    • It’s strange, because a lot of people of God were convinced that this BS was real. Of course many more weren’t. It’s all a spectrum I guess.

    • The Judeo-Christian verbiage is a bit strange. It’s relatively new,,, 20th century approx after WWII at the start of the cold war. Some say it was to differentiate between the godless Commies. Most Russians were closet Christians during the period so there’s that. The Jews do not agree with the Christ or the new Covenant which replaces the old. Today the Jews trying to eradicate the Palestinians doesn’t seem very Christian like as many Palestinians are in fact Christians. I doubt their common god is very happy about this. The USA was not founded by Judeo-Christians,,, it was founded by Christians. Perhaps the term was meant to unite the two populations after Britain and the Zionists appropriated a good chunk of Palestine illegally for the new State of Israel.

    • Bryce wrote above about lack of Judeo-Christian values being involved with this masking behavior.

      The observation that the set of rationally incoherent values adopted by various collectivist groups may be accurately termed a religion seems obvious to me. The mask serves the same purpose as a burka….it dehumanizes an individual to a faceless pawn. The religious aspect of the thing serves the same purpose as a charm, talisman, totem, amulet or fetish. So, that said…..asking somebody to explain why they have that behavior pattern will never result in a rational response…just as with any religion. And just as with any religion, violence against “heretics” can be justified on irrational grounds….just saying. The Judeo-Christian cabal has tons of blood on its hands including what’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank even as we converse.

      • >The religious aspect of the thing
        I call them Branch Covidians.
        >The Judeo-Christian cabal
        As far as I can see, “Judeo” and “Christian” are two entirely different things.
        Christians preach forgiveness, whereas Jews are all in for revenge.

        • You are correct. I have been “yelling from the rooftop about the mortal differences between Christianity and judaism.
          Get rid of the “judeo” in Christianity and Christianity will do just fine.
          Why do Evangelical Christians love Israel and Netanyahu?
          It’s all about the shekels.
          That fat bastard Hagee is a prime example. A close second is that of those who preach the “prosperity gospel” (Osteen, et. al.) insisting that “God” will make you wealthy if you just “believe”…which couples directly with judaism which celebrates the “God” of money and wealth, strictly jewish concepts.
          Every Christian or Catholic sect that promotes judaism is not following any of the precepts of Christianity or Catholicism.
          Judaism is the exact opposite of Christianity or Catholicism and must be recognized as such. The concept of “judeo-Christian” faith must be abolished.
          Is it possible to be a Christian or Catholic without falling into the error of promoting the jews?
          Absolutely YES.
          However, it requires a recognition that both the Old and New Testament Bible is NOT the “inspired word of God” but is a text which does have some usefulness in guiding human behavior. “Sola scriptura” is a false doctrine along with the Scofield “translation” of the Bible which cemented the jews to the status of “our elder brothers”.
          The Old Testament “God” is a vengeful “God” who has to constantly remind “his people” “who is boss”. Punishment was always a part of the equation.
          Contrast that with the New Testament “God” who is a “God” of mercy and forgiveness…two different concepts, indeed.
          Keep in mind that jews have never repudiated slavery or genocide. Both abominations are still a part of jewish doctrine. It’s all in their talmud.
          Add to that, jews consider ALL gentiles to be “no better than livestock, given long lives in which to serve the jews”. This is talmudic jewish supremacy at its worst..
          The worst people of any faith or belief system are those who “wear their faith on their shoulder” who insist that “their way” is “the only way”.
          That being said, zionism (judaism) must b wiped off the face of the earth by any means necessary.

          • It’s so funny to hear Judeo-Christian values when the Jews are spiritual descendants of the Pharisees, who sent Jesus to be executed, rejected all his teachings, spat on him, etc. It’s like calling it Satano-Christian valyes saying “Western civilization has a rich history of Satano-Christian values”…lmfao

            Hang in there Anarchyst, people are really seeing them for what they are now. “Muh holocaust and muh anti semitism” really only still works on the boomers.

            If you drop some Talmud stuff on people now, like how it teaches the rest of us are a bunch of talking animals created by their god to serve them (at best), most are like huh that makes sense (thinking of how the Gazans are being treated).

      • RE: “The religious aspect of the thing serves the same purpose as a charm, talisman, totem, amulet or fetish.”

        For more detail, there’s this in depth bit:


        “…the entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.”…

  13. There are people who STILL think that face diapers are some magic amulet against respiratory viruses like the dreaded ‘Rona, and that wearing one shows you “Care about others”. Ironically though, there was a story out of the UK last year showing that people who dutifully followed face diaper mandates “Out of care for others” had worse mental health outcomes than those who refused to comply with such nonsensical diktats. Is it possible that people who STILL wear face diapers have been mentally damaged in some way, given the MASSIVE propaganda that establishment media has been pumping about COVID, face diapers, and “vaccines”?

  14. Eric, I’m curious – why do your articles refer to the mRNA concoctions sold as vaccines as “drugs” or “palliatives”? Calling them drugs almost implies they offer some desirable effect (unless you are taking the strict textbook definition as a metabolism-altering substance). I’d say they are none of the above. These are drugs in the way that Draino is a drug. Just think we should be using language that underscores that these should not be taken under any circumstances. They are: Failed experimental compositions. They are developmental synthetic genetic material. They are untested biologics. Above all, they are toxic, harmful or fatal upon exposure, and may cause heritable genetic damage.

    • The very same people who take mrna shots and wear masks are the ones who call caffeine a “druuuug” and the same with alcohol. To which I ask why do they make a distinction between drugs and alcohol and why does no one get locked up for caffeine abuse. These people are insufferable and get on my every last nerve when I hear them talk. Here’s the bottom line. Drugs (marijuana and the harder stuff) turns you into a Democrat.

      • That’s why they want to lump alcohol, caffeine and nicotine as “druuuugs” so they can feel better about rotting their brains on dope. All that said, I don’t give a crap, but a drug test must be mandatory before you vote.

        • A little inner tyrannical, nanny State big .gov Jack Boot peeking out, here: “Drugs (marijuana and the harder stuff) turns you into a Democrat. […] a drug test must be mandatory before you vote.”

      • A long time best friend voted for every Republican candidate for president his entire life. Hated JFK.

        Smoked cannabis his whole life through. Taught middle school and had an interest in history, hence his teaching position. Kept impeccable records and meticulous information in scrapbooks of local history.

        You’re stereotyping.

  15. ‘In particular, “mainstream” news, bracketed within air fingers quotes.’ — eric

    Here is a typical ration of ‘mainstream’ opinion from the Lügenpresse:

    ‘The Los Angeles Times’ editorial board endorsed Rep. Adam Schiff in the competitive race to replace the late California Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

    ‘The Times praised all three Democrats in the race, describing Schiff, Rep. Barbara Lee and Rep. Katie Porter as “smart, experienced, savvy members of the House who could represent California well in the Senate.”

    ‘But Schiff, the Times said, “stands out for his extraordinary leadership over the last several years in helping to protect the nation’s institutions, the rule of law and American democracy itself from former President Trump.”’

    Never mind that Schiff was formally censured by the House last year for having “abused this trust by saying there was evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.”

    Both Schiff and the Lügenpresse keep repeating their absurd ‘Russia Russia Russia’ slur, even after the Mueller investigation found nothing, repetition being the sine qua non of effective propaganda.

  16. An interesting proposition. I might try it one day but all I expect is one of the sundry appeals to authority or experts or altruism or “whatever their reason.” Had all of the coofy doof stuff remained in the realm of recommendation and not mandate, which made it political, the libertarian in me wouldn’t care one whit what some idiot wore on their face or shot in their arm. Even though the mandates are over, the odor of those days sticks with me and I have nothing but derision for people who do those things as I still see them in a default way as wearing the “armband” of a regime and its narrative to which I am politically opposed.

    • Hi Funk,

      At the height of COVID hysteria, I read that some people who were wearing face diapers did so because they didn’t want to be thought of as “Trump supporters”, as people who supported Orange Man were (allegedly) more likely to not be wearing face diapers or “Listening to Fauci”. Many Lefties who had an irrational hatred for Trump eventually worshipped at the feet of Tony Fauci. Remember the Fauci candles, portraits of Fauci, and even signs that people had that said stuff like “We ❤️ Dr. Fauci” & “Thank you Tony Fauci!”? The joke’s on them though, as Fauci has a history of being a criminal bureaucrat disguised as a “Public Health Servant” going back to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.

  17. After reading about a month or so ago that CO2 emitted by humans every time we EXHALE is now looked at by “Scientists” as “Contributing to climate change”, I’m curious how many people who are STILL wearing face diapers do so thinking that they’re “Stopping the spread of CO2”. Those who subscribed to the cult of COVID/ FAUCIISM are likely also members of the Climate Change Cult.

  18. I learned that getting into an argument with a stupid person is like getting into a pissing contest with a skunk. You will never win!

  19. This is interesting. Sometime during the Clinton Administration, the debate on national healthcare was taking place after a number of failed attempts by Kennedy and Nixon to impose it on the American public. At the time of Clinton, nearly 30 years ago an increasing number of younger people were becoming increasingly concerned about being “covered” in the event of a low probability tragedy. I couldn’t understand that, much less this masking phenomenon. Why would anyone want to increase their own taxes by over 20 percent to “cover” an illness that might not ever occur, especially if you try just a little to stay healthy. That extra money the government would be taking from you would buy you enough supplements or homeopathic care for years.

    Obama comes around, people are fatter and less healthy and he basically extracted a bunch of money to enshrine a sick model disease care system seemingly forever. I count my lucky stars that I retained enough employment to stay out of Obamacare mandates.

    I have 5 more years to become eligible for medicare and for that not to matter. Thank God.

    In the meantime, I believe that you have to come armed with facts with these retards. I have never seen such a strident, insufferable brainwashed lot as these younger people. Time out parenting obviously didn’t work. If I had a kid, if it stepped out of line, I’d tear its ass.

    • My point is that this crap has been festering a long time and is expressing itself with masks and shots. Unbelievable.

      Fight the power, for the people, our democracy. Yeah, fucking right.

      These liberals. “You can see them coming, you can smell them coming. They are all concerned about their civil rights. What about my civil rights, that’s what I wanna know.” .. Walt Chalco, The Rockford Files, Battle of Canoga Park, September 1977

    • Amen, Swamp –

      When I got hired by The Washington Times back in the early ’90s, I had the option of buying into (that is, paying for) company provided health insurance. I was a healthy/fit young single guy in his 20s. What the fuck did I need “coverage” for? Yes, I might have been injured in an accident. Oy vey. I do not cringe in fear of “might.” I reasoned it out, instead. The chances of me needing “coverage” were slim to nil. But I sure needed every cent I was paid by The Times. I was able to save literally several hundred bucks a month by opting not to have “coverage.” And that saved me enough to allow me to save up for a down payment on my first house, which I was able to buy much sooner than I might otherwise have, if the thousands I saved by not buying “coverage” had been wasted on the latter.

      But kids today have been raised up to dread risk – and are willing to enserf themselves (and us) to ward it off.

    • George Bush the Senior was an asshole.

      Bill Clinton is an asshole.

      George Bush the Short is an asshole.

      Dick Cheney is an asshole.

      Donald Rumsfeld was an asshole.

      Barrack Obama is an asshole.

      Hillary Clinton is an asshole.

      Chuck Schumer is an asshole.

      Johnathan Glodblatt is an asshole.

      Benjamin Netanyahoo is an ass hole, non pareil.

      Zelensky is a super special asshole.

      Mitch McTurtle is an asshole.

      Nancy Pelosi is an asshole.

      Ad infinitum

      All they do is foment discord and cause death and destruction. Not much progress there, is there?

      “No need to wonder why, whoopee, we’re all gonna die.” – Country Joe and the Fish

    • George Washington paid taxes on slaves he owned, since they produced goods, commodities, on Washington’s 10,000 acre estate, George paid the British Crown to satisfy his tax obligation.

      Seven percent of George’s slaves tried to make a run for it.

      47 total, both men and women. .07x=47, x=47/.07, George owned some 670 slaves.

      George needed some help in the worst way. The beeswax infused plaster was used to form and sculpt the ceilings at Mount Vernon.

      Washington bought and sold slaves.

      Slavery was here before George was born.

      John Newton and William Wilberforce, the original abolitionist, were friends.

      John Newton wrote the song ‘Amazing Grace’.

      John became a slave himself, was guilty of misbehavior at times.

      Navigating the ocean with a fresh cargo of newly enslaved souls eventually bothered John’s conscience.

      Making a living in the slave trade does pay.

      Now the slaves pay all of the taxes. har

  20. I’d ask them but most likely wouldn’t understand their muffled response. Then they’d lift the mask and I don’t really need an answer then. I figure they like the smell of their exhaust and hate oxygen.


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