A Window into the Derangement


I have an old friend who happens to be gay. I italicize the word because it is incidental to me and to our friendship. He knows I don’t care. And he doesn’t bring it up. And that’s why I don’t care.

Because why would I?

Anyhow,  I got a text from him the morning after the Orange Man Bad won bigly. It read as follows:

If you don’t understand why your gay friend is scared right now then you don’t have a gay friend. You know a gay person.

Scared right now? Of what, exactly? I asked my gay friend – and he was unable to answer with any specifics. The fear seems to be – to crib a line from Franklin Roosevelt – fear, itself. Like the fear of “COVID.”

In other words, the fear of nothing at all.

Most of the people who voted for the Bad Orange Man did not vote for him because they want gay people hounded. They want the chaos ended. They want adult sexual provocateurs  – these are styled “drag queens” – kept out of schools and away from minor children. They voted to not be hounded by mentally ill people who think of themselves as plural – they/them – rather than he or she. Most do not give a damn whether a grown man wants to dress like a woman and pretend to be a woman. They voted to not be hectored to consider them actually women. They voted to get them out of women’s dressing and locker rooms; out of women’s sports.

Is any of that “scary”?

I asked my friend for answers. He had none. Rather, he had none that were rational, grounded in fact. What he did have was a lot of fear about what Trump might do.

What the Orang Man actually does seems not to matter to people such as my friend. He – like many on the other side – is terrified that Trump will assume dictatorial power. I reminded him that Trump was president already and did no such thing then – even during the “COVID” freak out, when he probably could have and probably would have gotten away with it. And when it might have been right – as to counteract the unlawful edicts of the state-level Gesundheitsfuhrers who turned the country into a dictatorship – in the name of “health” and “safety.”

It doesn’t register.

I asked him whether he thought it was sane to have a mentally ill man – “Rachel” Levine – in a position of authority in the federal government. Specifically, in a position of power in the federal government pertaining to federal “health” policies. A man who openly urges puberty blockers and genital mutilation for kids, contrary to their parents’ wishes.

He had an answer for that one, which can be read as symptom of his own illness. My friend said that Levine ought to be judged capable or not according to whether “she” does the job and is qualified for it. I replied that a man who insists he is literally a woman because he changed his name, wears female clothes and affects female mannerisms is by definition someone who is mentally ill and the mentally ill are by definition not qualified. They ought to be treated.

Not appointed to positions of authority over the sane.

He did not like my rejoinder.

I pushed it a little farther.

There was a time, I said, when this whole gay thing wasn’t a problem because it wasn’t something straight people were expected to “celebrate.” Nor – as during the past several years – punished for not “celebrating.” I tried putting it another way: Straight people have never demanded that gay people “celebrate” heterosexuality. It has simply been accepted as normal for most people. Because it is normal to be heterosexual. Literally, as in by definition. Most people are not gay; ergo it is not normal to be gay. This does not necessarily mean that being gay is evil – though some say so. But it isn’t normal – and the pushing of abnormality as the “new normal” is what’s objected to.

Gays have – and ought to have – the right to arrange their personal lives in any way they wish. All adults have that right. But other adults have the right to decline to “celebrate” it.

Or have it proselytized to kids.

That used to be the norm. There have always been gay people – as long as there have been people – and most straight people didn’t give a damn, until some gays began making it everyone’s business by insisting on everyone else taking “pride” in their proclivities, which is both odd and pathologically narcissistic. We’re kind of shell-shocked by it a the moment but when you stop to think about it, what sort of person takes “pride” in their sexual interests publicly and often in a leering, provocatively confrontational way? How often do straight men wear banana thongs in public that show in outline every detail of their manhood – in the deliberate sight of little girls?

This – in its homosexual variant – is what many normal people voted against.

As opposed to this:

Gays you may not be safe. So, to be gay in America, much less trans, ‘cuz they’re obsessed with trans people, to be LGBT in America, is not gonna be a safe thing anymore. To be a woman in America will be less safe than it already is, so take care of each other.

So said the orange-haired comedian Kathy Griffin. The one who “beheaded” the Orange Man a couple of years go.

I tried to calm my friend down. I tried to tell him that he has nothing to fear from anyone I voted for Trump. I reminded him that I am still his friend – and not his enemy. I did not vote to harm him in any way. I wish him the same good fortune and happiness I hope for everyone.

But I’d like the government’s hand out of my pocket. I’d like the government to stop importing millions of people from strange foreign countries and planting them all over America with loaded up debit cards. I’d like a carton of eggs to cost what a carton of eggs cost four years ago. And I’d like “drag queens” to reserve their performances to gay men’s clubs rather than elementary schools and public libraries.

I asked what’s to be scared about any of that?

But he’d hung up the phone by then.

. . .

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  1. Orange Man Bad chooses Red Guard Regan’s replacement:

    ‘President-elect Donald Trump has selected former Rep. Lee Zeldin to serve as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, The Post can exclusively report. Zeldin, 44, served four terms as a Republican congressman repping Long Island.’ — NY Post

    Seems an odd choice, when Trump could have nominated someone from an oil or coal or natural resource producing area. Given the lavish praise Zeldin’s nomination received from ultra-Zionist Dov Hikind, this is probably a veiled payoff to the Lobby.

  2. Many cannot be helped and it would be better to focus on better education so the next batch of kids doesn’t end up like them. Our textbooks are shitrags major brainwashing. High school class of 2013 took me 5 years to unfuck myself, and 97% probablly never did.

    As to the mass scale derangement, maybe it would be different if some outlets didn’t constantly push images of him in an orange jumpsuit? Probablly not but we won’t really know now will we?

  3. I wonder how many people who think that Trump is anti-gay and a threat to gay people have noticed that Trump’s theme song throughout his campaign has been YMCA by the Village People? He just loves dancing around on stage to that song.

  4. Almost all the leftist leaders use ‘lawyer speak.’ They will say Trump is going after gays. This is true, but not because they are gay as the leftists imply, it is because specific ones are tied to other crimes like human trafficking and other perversions. Their gayness has nothing to do with it. The media just twists this into Trump going after random gays on the street. This really does not make sense because he never has, and he is a New York liberal of the 1990s style- so pro gay and abortion and all that. Unfortunately I have no recommendation for how to get a gay guy to understand the straight truth.

  5. Very good article that articulated how we feel about the gay thing. Actually, that is the best explanation I’ve read anywhere about how most of us feel about gays. We don’t care and we want to be left alone – by gays and government – and how obnoxious it is to put some fat Jew pervert – Rachel Levine – as a health czar. C’mon, that is crazy. Biden did that, he must be crazy – and in fact we have evidence the Biden thing is crazy because he sniff kids and bites babies.

    What many people have said and concluded about the government promoting the tranny/gay agenda – is that the elites, the owners, want to cull the human population, way to many people for them to control – so these billionaire elites, who have the political scum in their pockets, are promoting:

    unlimited abortion – kill the baby directly, make it free to increase abortion to maximum rate, A dead baby has a multiplier effect, no offspring multiplier.

    gay/tranny – no reproduction, promote gay behavior in grade schoolers so they never reproduce, grade schoolers are being shown explicit gay sexual acts in text books

    Hollywood actresses all he-shes – to promote the perfect woman has a man’s body – thus confusing the plebs into engaging in homosexual lust for the wrong form, like the Victoria Secret models are mostly trans – they want your mind confused as to what is a woman. Most people are unable to grasp that their favorite actress is trans:


    death jab – kill the elderly quicker, turbo cancer, delayed reactions

    wars – kill the fit males, especially white Christian boys like in Ukraine

    immigration – replace whites with less aggressive breeds – more easily manageable

    vaccines for infants – make them sick their whole life and die quicker

    vote stealing/ballot stuffing – to make sure no sane person like Kari Lake is ever governor – so that the elite agenda is not overturned by some moral upstart whippersnapper

    Biden thing lost the 2020 election was installed anyways because he carried out the elite agenda, while Trump promises to overturn it. Thus the existential fear amongst those who were part of the agenda. Think morphogenic field phenomenon

    Jimmy Kimmel cried when Trump won, this morning the headline at GLP:

    BREAKING: Jimmy Kimmel Named As ‘Diddy Co-Conspirator’ in Elite Pedophile Investigation

    “Jimmy Kimmel has been warned he is facing life behind bars on a string of child sex trafficking charges according to investigators who warn he is about to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted alongside Sean “Diddy” Combs.

    Kimmel and Combs aren’t the only alleged VIP perpetrators facing the prospect of spending the rest of their lives behind bars as insiders come forward to blow the whistle on a litany of heinous crimes.

    A whole host of abusers, including household names in Hollywood and members of Congress, are sweating as the walls close in on them.”

  6. Sometimes, I wish project 2025 was real, just so there irrational fears were legit.

    I suggest he get a journal, write down his fears and come back to it every few months, see if anything he fears came true. The only thing I see is toning down how bold they’ll be

  7. This is why I could never be friends with a queer. They are just as mentally ill as the Levine thing. (Well, that, and the fact that what they “do” is utterly repulsive to me). Eric, I guess your friend forgot that Trump courted them. He had a big fund-raiser dinner for the well-to-do ones at his own estate. Most homos I’ve known are Republicans/Conservatives, and don’t care for the in-your-face liberalism and politicizing of sexual practices and lifestyles.
    Your friend is like a woman screaming “Won’t someone think of the children!” if some “safety” legislation isn’t being shoved down our throats. He feels that it’s not enough for him to do his [disgusting] thing and go about his business unhindered, but that he needs special benefits and privileges to help him oppose the rest of society and to sustain a lifestyle which inevitably results in numerous (and expensive to treat) health issues.
    He means that if we are not forced to bear the cost (financially and otherwise) of his ‘preferences’,(as if we won’t be) and that if government does not propagandize society to accept his aberration, and force us to interact with “them” in our dealings and transactions, that he may have to suffer the natural effects of embracing something that is repulsive to most normal people and which puts him outside the bounds of their culture.
    In other words, they want to force us. Force us to think positive thoughts and to interact with them, and to not express our true feelings about them, and to pay for the consequences of their choices. It’s not good enough for them that we just let them be. No. They want some artificial equality, and even more; they want special rights and benefits and protections, which come only at the expense of our rights and wallets.

  8. It’s not the person,,, it’s the concept that is dangerous. It spreads sexual debauchery wide and far. The Young Turks leader, Cenk Uygur is all for bestiality. Says there’s nothing wrong with ‘pleasuring’ an animal.


    Homosexuality (Gay) has spread to Trans,,, they both are now spreading to Bestiality,,, pedophilia and other decadence. The individual him/her self may mean no harm but its a society killer as readily seen in the USA. Also as no young are generated its anti nature.

    By treating the illness as normal one is destroying civilization and the species. Homosexuality has always been around,,, usually not accepted as a normal lifestyle. Anywhere it has been accepted has been destroyed. Our country will be no different.

    Almost every organ in a woman’s body is designed for the miracle of reproduction. Today’s modern women find that miracle disgusting, immoral, and “dirty”. Many now abort their would be children to further their career. Not all,,, but a lot. Between the Homo’s , Trans, non productive women, and abortion,,,the result has been a major reduction in population that now it is used as an excuse for importing the uneducated and unskilled scourge of humanity. Of course the now surplus of women are working to pay taxes into the ‘system’ to support these millions of parasite cretins. But that will soon end when they die off.

    Now that these sexual deviants are gaining in acceptance they are turning militant, demanding this and that. Homosexual marriage was an assault on religion. Suing for a baked cake is an assault on religion. Today a homosexual can ‘touch’ someone in a workplace setting whereas a hetero would be terminated for the same.

    Billions are spent trying to figure a way to manufacture humans in an industrial way to weed out the troublemakers,,, to produce only obedient worker bee slaves. Let’s hope they fail.

  9. Gays suffering from TDS is one example, but also I’m seeing an awful lot of hissy fits regarding the perceived ending of women’s rights due to Trump being re-elected. Personally I find the left’s ideas about women to be insulting, patronizing and demeaning. The very sorts of thing they accuse the other side of. It is assumed by the left that just because I lack a Y chromosome, the only things I should care about in life are abortion “rights” and hard-core feminism.
    In other words, I shouldn’t care about inflation, government overreach and invasion of my privacy, extreme control over so many aspects of my life, the banning of my access to useful and dependable products and so many other things that can and will negatively impact my life. I suppose people who are attracted to others of their own sex (as well as those who choose to dress and live as the opposite sex) should not be concerned about those things either.
    And yet so many on the left simply cannot understand how the orange man got back in the Whitehouse, nor why the Senate is now red and the House is still in play.

    • The Left (which, as pointed out in the article and comments, are usually narcissists) often pathologically project on to their adversaries the very bad acts that they themselves do. Some call this “admission by projection.”

      Mental illness is most certainly rampant among the Left.

  10. I’ve long held that most of these reprobates, the ones who are deluded about biology, not the garden variety gays, are current or retired federal employees. Its almost like there is some form of bonus, or attaboys for this cosplay nonsense. Keeping crazy away from children is a no brainer that eighty plus percent of the country agrees with. Its not outside the Overton window to suggest they should be put somewhere safe, where they can receive safe and effective, big Pharma approved treatment. Theres already a trial drug for the female to male lunatics, its called Tricoxagain.

    Making FEMA camps great again should be a goal of Trumps transition team

  11. Wow.. just wow.
    There seems to be a serious uptick in mental illness here in modern times. Psychological warfare through television and education, plus all the drugs/chemicals in water foods ect are leading to this end.
    I have heard it stated that mass mental illness is what is required for the masses to accept the Rothchilds ‘New World Order’ and it sure looks to be effective.

    Since 2007 our household does not drink fluoride or watch broadcast tv. I am sure this has helped keep our mental health in tact.

    I am sorry to hear about your friend and I hope he finds a way to heal.

  12. I was talking to a group of early 20s guys the other day. They’re anti-woke and voted for Trump. They said a long-time and close female friend of theirs had a sobbing, post-election meltdown. She apparently repudiated their long-time friendship, accusing them as racists because of their vote. This reminds me a bit of how during the “Covid” scam I lost a lot of “friends” because I was a selfish science denier and super spreader.

    I say good riddance to these fucking nuts.

  13. As recently as the 1970s, state governments were still passing laws criminalizing homosexuality. I urged then Arkansas governor David Pryor — a Democrat — not to sign an anti-sodomy law, on the ground that government should stay out of people’s bedrooms. But as a malleable, principle-free politician, he signed it anyway.

    Twelve states STILL have such laws, though they became unenforceable in 2003 when the Supreme Court issued its Lawrence v. Texas decision. Since then, gays are treated the same as everyone else — LEFT ALONE when it comes to their sex lives.

    Problem solved? No: this is America. Everything has to be pushed to the limit, and then some. So the drive to legalize gay marriage began. It became a reality in 2015, when (once again) the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that states could not enforce their ‘man and a woman’ marriage laws, backed by thousands of years of tradition.

    Then new extremes were reached under ‘Biden’: US embassies flying gay pride flags, along with the White House; freaks like ‘Admiral’ Levine and Sam Brinton in govt jobs; drag queen shows for kids; etc. Anyone can realize that Big Gov actively promoting a minority sexual lifestyle is bizarre and inappropriate.

    Few want to return to criminalizing homosexuality. But the fact remains that the old laws were swept away by judicial fiat. While recriminalization is unlikely, gay marriage might be up for reconsideration, or at least reaffirmation by popular vote.

    BIG PICTURE: as developed countries slide into demographic decline, both abortion and homosexuality will be less favored, as self-imposed extinction looms.

    • Amen, Jim –

      And – in re marriage: I wish the government had no involvement in this whatsoever. If two people wish to commit to one another, then that is their business and no one else’s. It is certainly not the government’s. It is my position that government has poisoned marriage by making into an anvil that can be held over the man (or the woman’s) head.

      • Yup. Alimony and “equitable” distribution of property with “no fault” divorce also causes serious moral hazard. It allows a bad spouse to break the vows of marriage without suffering a loss (and in many cases it creates a windfall for the bad actor). It’s tailor made for a society without accountability.

      • Yep, Eric. Marriage used to be consecrated and governed by religion. This still exists in vestigial form, as ministers are permitted to solemnize marriages.

        But government effectively took over the regulation and dissolution of marriage. Then it overreached by judicial fiat, claiming that the 14th amendment protects gay marriage, when it plainly says no such thing.

        As the ‘Biden’ regime just learned, trampling on traditions by executive or judicial decree provokes pushback.

    • A good bit of the fight to get gay marriage through was the “fix” that closed the marriage penalty that became an issue in the 1980s and 90s. While few women worked it wasn’t a problem. But when Enjoli became the preferred fragrance for the working gal on the go, suddenly couples realized they were paying more taxes if they filed jointly. And if they filed separately only one spouse could take the children deduction. Either way, a one-income family with the same income paid less tax than a dual-income family. Hence the penalty.

      Once you give one group a tax break, if you don’t offer it to everyone it’s not fair. Instead of clarifying the legal definition of marriage or changing it to “civil union” for the purposes of law, they just amended the definition to include gays and others. Ignoring the fact that marriage existed before government, the rule of law and the IRS and was pretty much defined by biblical standards. No. the meaning of words is whatever Humpty Dumpty says they are.

  14. Eric I’m sorry you may be losing a friendship.

    I also know that you’re not unfamiliar with how this loss of friendships thing works having lived through the scamdenic.

    I’ve recently strained and probably lost another friendship by my refusal to go along with and cheerlead for the Israeli genocide project. He was the one to bring up the subject of Israel and to push the conversation toward a confrontation. He insists that I HAVE to support Israel. He’s wrong – I will not support genocide. He’s gone maybe someday he’ll realize how wrong genocide is regardless of whom is doing it.

    It’s so sad so many people are so idealistically linked to these aberrant behaviors (COVID hypochondria, sexual identity politics, Zionism, etc.) that they insist everyone else support them in it. If you don’t, not only are you not a friend, you are the enemy.

    And don’t know about you but for me it really stings. I don’t know why. I should be used to it after COVID but it still is sad seeing people I used to enjoy spending time with being sucked into the black hole of identity politics.

    It was said by Hans Gruber the other day in the comments section and I think it elegantly captures what I’ve been experiencing but couldn’t put into words for myself. I capture the feeling essence of what has led to a loss of so many friendships over the last 4 years and a 27 year automotive career.

    Here’s is the quote from HG:

    “Our society has changed from one of *consideration* to one of *accommodation*. Minding our own business and being considerate of others were at one time values we instilled in ourselves and children. Today, the public schools have instilled in our children that *accommodation* is demanded of others and when not met, others are then bad people for not making the person’s *accommodation* their own business.

    This creates a generation of grown children that don’t understand: freedom, respecting the rights of others, delayed gratification, the world does not revolve around you and your sorrowful life.”

    • ‘my refusal to go along with and cheerlead for the Israeli genocide project.’ — Burn It Down

      During our lifetime, we saw South African apartheid ended:

      ‘Paul Simon’s solo musical adventure [led] most famously to apartheid-era South Africa, where – after hearing a bootleg tape of township music – he worked on 1986’s Grammy-winning, 16m-selling Graceland, amid allegations that he had broken the cultural boycott of the time.

      “The boycott was intended to stop white, western musicians performing in apartheid South Africa and making money,” Alex Gibney argues. “What Paul was doing was amplifying that music and letting the whole world hear its power. People suddenly started thinking: ‘This music is wonderful. Why is South Africa treating people who make it this way?’ And then the world changed.”


      What will it take to dismantle the far more virulent system of Israeli apartheid, whose mechanized warfare against civilians makes South Africa’s petrol-fueled necklace slayings look like amateur hour?

  15. Funny how the gay dude isn’t worried about SWAT teams kicking in doors, government tracking of all cell phone calls and GPS coordinates, or license plate readers. He’s not worried about what’s in the NSA Utah Data center. He’s not worried about the $35 trillion debt. He’s not worried about funding wars in Israel and Ukraine and deploying troops in those regions that may end up engaging in the hostilities. He’s not worried about the affordability of homes or vehicles or jobs getting offshored. He’s not worried about the stock market crashing or about hyperinflation. He’s not worried about the Deep State lawfare and assassination attempts against a political candidate.

    He’s worried because HE’S gay and HIS candidate didn’t win. It’s all about HIM and HIS narcissism. I’m gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. Did you know I’m gay?

    I’M GAY.

    A large part of the derangement on the Left is pure narcissism. They think they are entitled to do anything and the world is obligated to get down and kiss their ass. Me, me, me, me, me. Mememememe. That’s why they shove their perversions in everyone else’s faces.

    If your buddy wants to be gay he can be gay behind his own locked bedroom door where I don’t have to hear about it. Orange Hitler isn’t going to throw him into a camp.

    (Although unless he and his ilk learn to STFU, more and more people are going to start thinking that might not be such a bad idea…)

    • Well-said, X –

      I tried to tell him essentially the same. The narcissism stuff is real and a danger to all of us. We are all vulnerable to it (me included) and for that reason it is important to guard against it and (per the old Roman practice) recall that we are just men – not gods – and that all glory is fleeting.

      • Another thing never mentioned by anyone concerning gays and Jews – is that Jews represent the keepers of the holy book – specifically Genesis – where God commands humans to be fruitful and multiply. Thus to be a Jew means to believe in the Torah/Genesis story and thus how is it that Jews are the biggest promoters of de-generate behavior – when the holy book specifically tells you to generate, to breed?

    • Excellent X!
      You listed every reason people voted for Orange Man, someone’s sexual orientation is of no concern unless, as noted, they try to shove it down our throats and pretend it’s normal. Do straight people have “pride” parades? WTF is their to be proud about, it’s just who you are. I’m getting more hopeful for a return to normality every day, especially that Trump did NOT select Pompeo for his administration as had been rumored. Let’s hope he kicks the rest of the neocon warmongers to the curb.

    • Awesome comment X. Most people are single issue voters. My Irish Catholic mom loved JFK because he was handsome, Irish, and Catholic. Nothing else mattered to her and she had zero understanding of any political issue of the day. When JFK was assassinated she was emotionally devastated and never recovered.

      If you want a scary statistic – look at how many people voted for Kamala Harris – a completely unqualified candidate by any measure. Voting is driven mostly by perception and feelings, not facts.

  16. I read something on ZeroHedge last night that can only be described as evil. In addition to calling for other women to not have sex for the next 4 years, deranged liberal women want to POISON men who voted for Trump with a powerful poison called Aqua Tofana. Nothing says “joy” like plotting to poison men who voted for someone you were told relentlessly is “Hitler 2.0”.


    • It’s a Greek play, Lysistrata, a comedy, Aristophanes wrote it all down back in 411 BCE.

      Women are going to withhold sex for four years?

      Don’t count on it.

      When the West was being settled, prostitutes were there too.

      The misery of the existence drove some to suicide and did drink lye to end it all.

      • Hi drumphish,

        What they forgot to mention is that the women withholding sex haven’t had it in four years anyway. This will affect no one’s lives.

        • RG, when I worked on the railroad during the summer months, an old railroader, a tie spacer, would drink at the bar after work hours and into the night.

          One night in the bar, Rooster stood up and exclaimed, “Of all the barnyard animals, I’d like to be a bull. I’d jump up on a heifer’s back and fill her belly full.”

          Rooster would crow every morning at 5:00 am to wake you up.

          What you will hear in the real world.

    • I overheard three pissed booms.
      They really honestly want Trump to be killed. These are filthy evil people. Ive lived among this ilk for 27 years.

      Dont waste your time with filthy evil scum. They are ugly old frustrated and now NOTHING.

    • There was a movement in the Ghetto for women to withhold sex until gun violence was eradicated. An impossible feat BTW especially in the “Ghetto”. This movement failed along with Midnight Basketball, violence disruptors etc etc etc. Nature rules over nurture most especially in certain neighborhoods.

  17. Maybe they should be worried. Maybe their predatory sexual behavior when it comes to children (teenage boys) needs to be “outed.”

    When I was in high school I sang. Really well. So I took singing lessons from someone who turned out to be closeted (in hindsight not really at all, but hey, it was the 80s and everyone was wearing neon colors). He regularly got flirty with me, even groped me once. I shrugged it off, told him I don’t go that way and that was that. It was a test to see if I’d go along with it. One that I imagine was performed on him at one point, 10 or so years prior. And after that our relationship was strictly professional, just like the pretty blonde (and very female) math tutor who got me through algebra.

    But 1975 was a very different time than 1985 or 2025. The gay “community” says that what they’re doing today is helping move the process along, so that the gay kid doesn’t have to wait for someone to grope him in secret, he can figure it out by himself. Except that your message is abhorrent to 95% of the population, even the people who are on your side. OK even that’s fine, but keep it out of the tax funded institutions. Let us turn off your message. And it isn’t like there’s no other method to get your message to your audience than the classroom. In fact there’s infinitely better ways to get your message out, none of which involve taxpayers footing the bill.

    But none of this will end until we collectively declare that people shouldn’t be shoehorned into categories for political purposes. Making demographics political was a key function of the civil rights movement. Once a selected group received preferential treatment, the race was on to get yourself slotted into a preferred race. Elizabeth Warren comes to mind, exploiting the 1/10,000 Cherokee blood coursing through her varicose veins to claim she’s a Native American. And the expansion of oppressed grew to include anyone who isn’t whatever is imagined to be the majority. Turns out gays have a lot of money and time (because they’re not busy raising kids) so they became a select class of people for the politicians. The scare tactics are quite effective for fundraising and getting the vote out, but by definition they’re not a big enough group to do much more than act as spoilers -which I’ll bet is what happened in this election. Maybe the gays stayed home. Maybe they read the room. Maybe they don’t want to be lumped in with the rest of the sex freaks and voted for Trump.

  18. A LOT of gay people actually support the Bad Orange Man because:

    -Bad Orange Man favors controlling immigration, particularly from chauvinistic Hispanic and Islamic countries where gays are at best scorned, ostracized, and laughed at and at worst publicly executed. Those immigrants import those beliefs.

    -Bad Orange Man favors lowering taxes. Gay people pay a far higher share of taxes than straight people yet receive fewer benefits in return.

    -Bad Orange Man favors rolling back the regulatory burden. Many gay people own small businesses and investments that will perform better under his administration.

    -Bad Orange Man’s policies, such as encouraging domestic energy production, are likely to keep inflation in check. Gay people, like straight people, buy bread, eggs, milk, and gasoline too.

    -Bad Orange Man’s approach to matters of war and peace means less likelihood of war. Gay people serve in the military and can be drafted. Plus, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza are key drivers of inflation.

  19. The gay alphabet soup advocacy groups have pushed too far. The louder, more vulgar, & militant they became, the less I was willing to support them. I’m an anomaly in the Deep South in that I supported gay individual rights (bc like Eric, I simply don’t care). Note that it was individual rights, not collective group rights.

    Comedian Andrew Dice Clay from the 80s (NSFW): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fe7dCVZgHw


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