Orange Tells


I voted for the Orange Man – but I am beginning to think that may have been a mistake:

. . .

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  1. Like cockroaches, belly-crawling Congress Clowns slither back into the Crapitol on Tuesday for three four-day workweeks before a government shutdown deadline of Dec. 20.

    Back in September, they promised to pass all the appropriations bills by Dec. 20. But as usual, they lied and failed. LIE, FAIL; LIE, FAIL; LIE, FAIL.

    Nothing of benefit to any American can happen — only fresh depredations on our wallets and new, brazen assaults on our liberties. I avert my eyes in disgust at their slimy spectacle of cowardice, chicanery and cupidity.

    Come on, solon on the roundabout
    Ride on the merry-go-round
    We all know what your name is
    So you better lay your money down

    — Led Zeppelin, Livin’ Lovin’ Maid

  2. Orange Man named Gen. Keith Kellogg as special envoy to Russia and Ukraine. Earlier this year, Kellogg wrote that “the US would continue to arm Ukraine and strengthen its defenses to ensure Russia will make no further advances and will not attack again after a cease-fire or peace agreement.”

    Always spending other people’s money … stinking thieves. Meanwhile, even the Lügenpresse admits that the war situation has developed not necessarily to our advantage:

    ‘Russian troops in eastern Ukraine have seized at least ten villages and settlements in roughly as many days.

    ‘The situation looks particularly precarious for Ukrainian forces in Donetsk, in Ukraine’s east, where Russian forces are closing in on their last two strongholds in the southern part of the region. The fall of the strongholds, Kurakhove and Velyka Novosilka, could pave the way for a Russian takeover of the area.’ — NY Slimes

    Once again, Uniparty knuckleheads and f*cktards have royally screwed the pooch, wasting $200 billion to lose the war. Then we are to pay for the peace as well, after a useless quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing.

  3. Zerohedge has a article about Indiana po-lice raiding shipping at the FedX facility in Indianapolis right off the conveyor line using the despicable asset forfeiture garbage. Seems they pick out packages that meet some sort of suspicion parameters. They open the package. If there is something of value or cash they get a paid off judge to rubber stamp a warrant to steal whatever it is. This is on private property so FedX is involved,,, I imagine they may get a cut of the action. Personally I am going to stop using FedX completely.

    The Orange Saviors administration is fantastico for MIGA. He might pardon the J6 gaggle but only if he gets enough push. Otherwise he could care less. If he cared he would have been raising hell about it over the last four years.

    Many folks have said they pinched their nose to vote orange. Neither contestant was qualified to run a lemonade stand much less a nation. Well,,, stand by,,, the smell is going to get much worse for everyone including those of us that couldn’t lower ourselves enough to overcome the rotting smell of demonic excrement.

    Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. HL Mencken.

    • Hi Steve,

      Is it “TDS” to question Trump? To criticize his actions? How is it defensible to explain-away his appointment of a female Fauci to be surgeon general? To be troubled by his ridiculous – and worrisome – claim that the drugs he helped push “saved hundreds of millions of lives”?

      • These struggle sessions are ridiculous. The — Gee wish I hadn’t voted for Trump — talk starts, meanwhile nobody knows who is running the country, and most of what Trump is doing is already incredibly BASED.

        I’m gonna have to report the pertinent micro-aggressions in this matter to the Real News CZAR, reg. Project2025 Chapter 7 Verse 32. Anti-Orange Racism, or The Best of ORANGE MAN BAD VOL. II

        Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, The Female Fauci (good name) should be nowhere near government | MAGA

  4. We knew his “learning” from last time only would go so far.

    He was bound to disappoint in several areas.

    Trump can’t be compared to perfection, only to what damage would Kamala have wrought.

    He is better than her, but he will do much to be criticized for.

    I don’t think he so much wanted to be President again to do something in particular, just to be President again as proof he should have won 2020.

  5. Unsurprisingly, the medical-industrial complex & the media are already trying to run ANOTHER fear mongering campaign, but this time over bird flu & RFK Jr’s nomination to be Trump’s HHS Secretary….will people fall for it again? The CDC claims that a child had BIRD FLU but had “mild symptoms”. Given that some people are STILL wearing face diapers close to 5 years after the fear mongering campaign involving COVID was proven to be complete bull crap, they’ll likely fall for THIS fear porn campaign….

    • Hi Roscoe,

      As someone who has visited a couple Caribbean hospitals and urgent care centers over the years I have found the healthcare to be better than the current healthcare system in the US. I don’t care where someone went to school. Are they smart? Do they have common sense? Can they critically think?

      In the era of college wokeness I am not as impressed with degrees from Harvard, Yale, and Stanford that once held such prestige. Her degree from American University of the Caribbean is not why I don’t think Nesheiwat is a good fit. It was her promotion and acceptance of the authoritarian measures deemed by the NY government that is.

      • I meet a lot of doctors because of what my wife does for a living, and the US citizens who opted for the Caribbean training always strike me as a bit “off” and in possession of a certain “moral flexibility” as they put it in “Grosse Point Blank”.

        Personal preference. I don’t see one for treatment for anything, and it doesn’t surprise me that the Surgeon General nominee was a big proponent of the jabs and masks.

        Of course, Caribbean-educated MDs are a huge step up from what the AMA and Government have in store for us as they begin to import large numbers of MBBS grads for cheap labor in primary care, something which is currently flying under the radar right now.

  6. More to the point on J6, he has a little over a month to get this right. He should, through truth social, twatter, or whatever put out a statement that says in effect, if Garland and FJB doesn’t release/pardon these modern political prisoners, He will direct the new AG to go after everyone involved. Maximum prison time, with extra prejudice, for everyone, including FJB, RatfuckGarland, and all the congress critters and their family members who participated in the show trail of this outlandish and cruel act of political grandstanding.

    Such an action would serve three purposes. One, it forces these communists to own up to their extraordinary lie about the ‘attack on our democracy,’ and two, it saves Trump some of his dwindling political capitol, of which he will need after the very first poor old lady is rounded up and sent packing back to Squatemala. Third, it will also produce a biblical flood of media tears. Face it, they constantly claim Trump will weaponize the DOJ against his enemies, and he never has. He might as well put some bite in his damn bark. Will he do any of this? Will he even pardon the J6ers? Doubtful. But like RG, I will withhold judgment on that til he takes office. I can wait, as I’m used to being disappointed by him.

    We should have picked our own vegetables and we probably should have voted for none of the above.

  7. “I am beginning to think that may have been a mistake”
    Voting is always a mistake. All it accomplishes is authorizing the results.
    What if they held an election and nobody voted? From where and from whom would they get their “mandate”?

    • That’s easy: From ‘postal ballots’, of course.

      That worked perfectly for Sleepy Joe, who was all of a sudden more popular than the Black Jesus, also known as O-bummer…

  8. Voting is always mistake in our current system. Voting implies consent to be governed by that very system.

    The idea of democracy as an acceptable form of governance is a lie.

    Gang rape is democracy in action.

    Nothing changes as long as people believe they can vote harder and vote their way out.

    • As H.L. Mencken so astutely observed a long time ago already:

      “Democracy is the idea that the voting public know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

      When I think of it, Henry was quite a prophet, really.

      As time goes on, this next quote of his is also very much spot on, and in fact we are pretty close to living the movie ‘Idiocracy’ by now:

      “On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.”

      I would just use the generic ‘government’ instead of ‘the White House’. The competition in DC is, after all, pretty fierce, and it is getting ever harder to distinguish between ‘evil’, ‘traitorous’ and ‘stupid’ these days.

  9. I am not regretting my vote yet. I am willing to allow him the opportunity to be inaugurated and see what he can accomplish. I voted for Trump 3x. Sometimes I had to hold my nose to do it, but I made a decision based on the options provided to me.

    Am I going to like everything he does or who he picks? Nope. I also don’t like everything my husband does, my kids do, or (very, very rarely) what I do. It is about accountability. If I threw in the towel every time I didn’t like something I would be a very lonely and bitter woman, licking my wounds, and playing the victim card.

    I voted for him. I own it. We are never going to agree 100% with someone else. Ever. The question becomes does the good outweigh the bad? I will wait and see.

    If life has taught me anything it has showed that it is ineffective and foolhardy to try to anticipate and forecast it. Life never turns out how we expect it to. There are good times and bad times and we have to roll with the punches. Couldas, wouldas, and shouldas are a waste of brain function. Let’s be grateful for each new day and deal with the challenges as they arise and not create new ones that haven’t.

  10. Well, RFK Jr and Jay Bhattacharya have landed positions in the administration. Vivek Ramaswamy is a vaccine skeptic & has influence over Trump. At least there’s some counterweight, I guess.

    • Hi Mike,

      Speaking of RFK Jr becoming HHS Secretary, have you noticed how the pharmaceutical industry is in out and out PANIC over that? They, along with many politicians & even corporate media, are trying to frighten people into believing Kennedy is a “Danger to public health” & will likely do their dirtiest to make sure he either doesn’t become HHS Secretary, or, if he does get in, stop his MAHA agenda.

      • Yeah, I’m sure the knives are out. His saving grace is the Kennedy namesake, but, I think the libtards in his family have distanced themselves. Keep in mind, that RFK Jr is right on when it comes to American health. On all other issues, he isn’t exactly Ron Paul.

        • Mike,

          RFK Jr was also one of those people who got COVID right and dropped truth bombs about other issues that the establishment wanted to keep HIDDEN from the public. I once thought he was a Quack over the climate change thing, but he did once say in an interview with Kim Iversen that billionaires were using “climate change” as an excuse for implementing global totalitarianism. And now, people on “The Left” and establishment media calls RFK Jr a “Quack Anti-vaxxer”.

          As for American health, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren says she “looks forward” to asking RFK Jr questions during his confirmation hearing. However, she is one of those people who says he’s a danger to public health, and considering Warren herself got lots of money from Big Pharma, any questions she asks will probably be tilted toward maintaining the status quo or frighten people into believing that diseases will come back because of ANTI-VAXXERS.

    • I’m waiting to see if/when the Senate refuses to confirm RFK,Jr. and any other of Trump’s choices if he will have the stones to stand up to the uniparty and see that his picks get installed anyway, by recess appointments or whatever means are necessary to accomplish that. If he doesn’t then we are done.

        • True, Eric. Kennedy, however, is better known and has popular support across the aisles, even among anti trump people. Nixing his bid won’t be quite as easy. I think he gets in, but only by a hubcap

        • Source? Far be it from me to believe the official story on any subject, but I think Gaetz made an informed decision to derail the media smear campaign by declining the offer after their course became apparent. Pick your battles so to speak, don’t let the media control the garbage narrative and quickily move on. So he folded.

          • Hi Steve,

            I think the Gaetz pick was an agreement between Trump, Gaetz, and Johnson to 1) oust him from the Congress (which Johnson wanted), 2) watch the media throw a temper tantrum (which Trump wanted), and 3) allow Gaetz to save face on the impending ethics report (which Gaetz wanted).

            Gaetz was never intended to be the AG. I am almost positive that Johnson said if Gaetz left quietly he would make sure the Congressional Report wouldn’t see the light of day. It was a win for all three and the media than reports that Matt left because his pick “distracted from the campaign”. Everybody saves face and no one is wiser.

  11. All we can do is imagine. We imagine what might be. We imagine what he’ll do. We imagine what she’ll do too. Then, based on whatever fog of information we have, we decide.

    We could have stayed home. Clearly that’s what the Bernie Bros and old school democrats did. But we didn’t. We imagined what he might do, and went with our gut feeling. I don’t recall him ever promising to pardon the J6 protesters, but I didn’t listen to all his campaign speeches.

    As for many of his nominees for cabinet positions… Well, we just don’t know who else was asked to apply. We don’t know who’s advising his advisors. The CFR seems to be popping upon everyone’s résumé again. We know that the left is all too eager to DOX and openly threaten people they don’t like (which is somehow protected speech). All your past indulgences will be brought up in the confirmation hearings. You’ll be smeared by the New York Times. And once you’re in, it’s a big commitment with little reward. If you have any integrity at all you’re not coming out of that time ahead, except maybe you can get on the lecture circuit.

    And I imagine a lot of people who would be qualified and on our side (as you put it) don’t think the system can be reformed in 4 years, even with a friendly congress and Supreme Court. More of them probably don’t think Trump can accomplish anything. Heck, the lower courts will tie up anything he does for the next decade. Last time he wasn’t able (willing) to keep his promises, what makes things different this time?

    • From Zerohedge:

      Multiple of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees were targeted with violent threats in recent hours and law enforcement officials are responding, Trump’s transition team said on Wednesday.

      The threats occurred on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning and included bomb threats and swatting, Trump transition spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. Swatting refers to attacks where people falsely report crimes to police, sending them to locations where no emergency occurred.

      “Law enforcement and other authorities acted quickly to ensure the safety of those who were targeted,” Leavitt said. “President Trump and the entire Transition team are grateful for their swift action.”

      When someone decides to discipline these adult children it won’t be pretty. But it needs to happen soon. We cannot tolerate a Great Leap Forward style revolution in this country.


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