Generals Der Polizei


National Socialist (it’s important to spell it out so as to point out the socialist part) Germany had an army – the Wehrmacht – as well as a paramilitary. The latter included police generals, as for instance Kurt Daluege – who held the “rank” (so to speak) of Generaloberst der Polizei. Or – in English – colonel general of police.

America has emulated this odd business of awarding ranks to what in America are supposed to be civilian police officials – as distinct from military officers. Some have four or even five stars – the latter being the highest rank (in the military) shy of general of the armies, a rank held by only three American officers – George Washington, John Pershing and (posthumously) Ulysses S. Grant, who led the armies that ravaged the American South to force it back into a “union” it wished to withdraw from. Thereby making it very clear that “consent of the governed” was – and remains – a terrible joke in America.

In New Orleans – site of the recent truck attack by an apparent jihadi type – the head of what’s supposed to be the civilian police force is a four-star “general” named Anne Kirkpatrick. The “general” holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology, according to her official bio. Unlike Generaloberst der Polizei Daluege – who served in combat during World War I – “General” Kirkpatrick has no military or combat background.

More to the point, she has no more business wearing a general’s stars than any other civilian. It is interesting to observe that when the latter dress up as military officers it is regarded – rightly – as stolen valor. For these ersatz “officers” aren’t officers – or even privates, for that matter.

Isn’t there also something in the law about impersonating an officer?

But it does serve a malicious purpose. Dressing civilian cops in military-emulating outfits and awarding them ranks encourages them to regard themselves as officers and to think of themselves as something other than the civilians they are – and are supposed to be.

It was once generally understood – sorry, it was too easy a target not to shoot at it – that it was very important to protect the civilian population from the military, not because the military is evil (per se) but because it is the job of the military to subdue and kill the enemy.

Those enemies are – generally – foreigners. People who do not live in America. Outsiders, in other words.

American civilians are not supposed to be the enemy. Civilian police – who once dressed as such and so were more apt to act the part – have (or had) a more nuanced job. Soldiers are trained to combat the enemy. They are trained to regard everyone who is not one of them as one of the enemy – at least potentially. That is to say, a threat that must be handled as such and roughly. They are taught to shoot and fight. Not to converse politely with fellow citizens. This is why the military are – generally – kept on bases and away from the civilian public,  over whom they do not have dominion.

Civilian police were – past tense  – expected to treat civilians as fellow Americans rather than threats. To only use force when necessary, as in response to force.

That distinction has been muddied to such an extent that it is now very difficult to discern the difference between a soldier and a police officer dressed the same who acts the same toward “hostiles.”

The fish rots from the head down.

And it’s a worse form of rotting because “generals” such as Kirkpatrick are not in fact officers and so lack the discipline and the training that at least makes most military people efficient and effective. “General” Kirkpatrick looks like she couldn’t fight her way out of a Black Friday sale at Wal-Mart yet she is in “command” of her “troops,” who also probably think of themselves as soldiers – and the rest of us as “civilians.”

So it’s a more clownish iteration of the show put on National Socialist Germany, where practically everyone was a “general” – or at least a “major” – and they seemed to be everywhere.

. . .

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  1. Thanks for the band suggestion Eric! I had never heard of XTC before. Considering I’m a very late Gen X’er I probably should have heard of them by now. Better late than never I guess. It’s fun discovering new old music. I think I just listened to “Dear God” about 30 times. Top shelf stuff!

  2. American police department personnel are given “free” trips to israel so that they can learn how to treat us Palestinians (oops, I mean free American citizens). American police departments send their “trainers” to israel to “see how it’s done”.
    This has been going on for quite some time, even before the israeli “false flag” destruction of the twin towers and building 7.
    There is only one solution…

  3. The militarization of law enforcement is perhaps one of the worst things to come out of 9/11.

    While law enforcement has had more than its share of bad apples since the beginning of time (e.g.; 1960s civil rights marches, MOVE bombing, Rodney King, etc.) 9/11 made it impossible to say “No” to anything law enforcement officials from Frostbite Falls to the FBI did or asked for.

    And the real hell of it is that all of that didn’t really do that much to keep us any safer.

    • Replacing “escalation of force” with “command and control” doctrine has done more to poison police practices and procedures than just about any other “change”.
      “Qualified immunity” (which is actually unconstitutional) is but another change which has further elevated police officers as our (supposed) “masters”.
      Police officers are already experiencing the negative aspects of these changes, which pretty much put a target on their backs.

  4. I apologize, it’s Admiral Levine, not 4 star general. Of course Mr. Levine (born Richard Levine) did nothing to earn the rank of Admiral, but was assigned that rank by the Biden thing – which makes a mockery of all the servicemen who have earned rank. I myself was in the military and I can attest you have to work very hard to move up in rank especially for commanding officers.

    Another thing, according to the research I’ve done, Richard Levine was raised Jewish and attended Hebrew schools. To be a Jew you must believe the Torah, and God of the Torah condemns homosexuality and trannys.

    Levitcus 18 “Unlawful Sexual Relations
    …21You must not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD. 22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination. 23You must not lie carnally with any animal, thus defiling yourself with it; a woman must not stand before an animal to mate with it; that is a perversion.”

    If you all remember your Bible catechism, God burns Sodom and Gomorrah for rampant homosexual degeneracy. God made man and woman to procreate. This Bible God obviously does not exist because NYC and Tel Aviv, the two biggest homosexual cities on earth, have not been destroyed. In fact God should apologize for Sodom and Gommorah.

    God does not give you the choice to cut your dick off and become a woman. You are born either male or female, and that is your lot for this life. Genesis 5:2 says this directly, Male and female He created them, and He blessed them. And in the day they were created, He called them “man.”

    Mr. Levine’s God calls him an abomination:

    Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God”

    I am not religious but I do have a good reasoning mind, how can you be a practicing Jew following Jewish law established by your books and be a transgender? For a Jew those words in that book are their LAW that they MUST OBEY. I also have not heard any traditional Torah Jew condemning the Rachel Levine transgender abomination.

    • That’s because there are lots of fake Jews and Catholics.

      Admiral Levine is a fake Jew just as Sleepy Joe Biden is a fake Catholic.

  5. A “Major” announcement regarding the Cybertruck:

    “It’s the toughest & most badass truck ever made!”

    “Cybertruck actually contained the explosion and directed the blast upwards.” said the Musk.

    Of course, it was actually the fact that the alleged, military-trained perpetrator was an incompetent pyrotechnician, but hey, why waste the opportunity to spin it into a Cybertruck ad?

  6. Eric wrote, “In New Orleans – site of the recent truck attack by an apparent jihadi type”.

    One news report said he was a “Home grown” terrorist that supports ISIS.

    B-b-but Federal GovCo just supported the ISIS gang in the overthrow of Assad!

    You can’t know the jihadis without a scorecard.

  7. People can assign their own rank, I remember reading about some gun toting hillbilly redneck who crowned himself general of the militia of some area he was assuming was his fiefdom. Got a beer in one hand and my AR in another, I am lord of this briar patch. You ain’t shit until you establish taxing authority over a given area.

    If Amerika were to go down into post nuclear war chaos, it would be interesting what sort of authoritarians would take over – because in Amerika there are thousands of diverse memeworlds, like this branch Davidian religion or that Galt’s Gulch political ideology. If Amerika collapses under Trump I would expect militaristic dominion Baptist ideology to rise up and dominate.

    Nature would decide, the strong win. In reality, this universe is ruled by natural selection, the most ruthless, cunning, deadly becomes the dominant gene – which goes a long way in understanding why Zionism is dominating the planet right now. Gentile ideas like Libertarianism never catch on and rule, because that is not how this universe organizes itself. Some day if I find out Reptilians from Orion own earth for loosh gathering I will not be surprised.

    One of my favorite movie series is Mad Max, post apocalypse the most ruthless prick monopolizes the water and oil supply. The free range libertarian type is the hero who defies the local war lord. Mad Max 4 is awesome:

    We don’t have to worry about gang violence rule yet, but it is creeping in as the system implodes. Rome falls when the currency no longer commands the loyalty of the soldiers. Our worry is some fat slob pervert Jew-boy who put on lipstick and calls himself Rachel Levine and was made a 4 star general at his health secretary post. That “thing” was assigned to manage the nation’s health. The multi-cultural cesspool is reaching it’s final logical conclusion.

    • Maybe we could all apply for membership in the Jewish tribe.

      If all humans were Jews, then Jews would have no one to beat up on, except members of their own tribe.
      What would happen then?

      • Bibi did say the Palestinians could convert to Judaism or die. The real question is what would happen if our endless billion dollar aid packages stopped? Can Israel survive without endless USA welfare checks?

        Have you ever noticed that we are lectured ad nauseum about respecting other religions and nationalities by the Jew media, but in Israel, racist Israel, those rules which the Jews insist we live by do not apply to them? The double standard is appalling. They are using our gentle sense of fairness against us when they believe no such thing themselves.

        • According to current “public service announcements” on talmudvision, “anti-semitic” incidents against jews are up 388%.
          I could only hope that Americanized jews start to realize that their “leaders” have “bitten off more than thy can chew” and that good people of character are finally realizing that (((they))) are a destructive influence on American society.
          I refuse to refer to ANY jews as “patriotic Americans” as (((they))) have proven their disloyalty to MY country and its Constitution. From so-called “civil-rights (for some)” laws and statutes to one-sided “hate crime” laws to unconstitutional restrictions on “speech” to the double standard and selective prosecutions evident in today’s “justice system”, jews have a lot to answer for. Observe “head jew” attorney general Merrick Garland’s (nee Garfinkle) behavior trampling on the Constitution by weaponizing federal agencies under his control.
          This also extends to politicians and other influential types whose first loyalty is to israel and not the USA.
          Observe the Republican “debate” (I use that term loosely) candidates whose first words out of their mouths rendered loyalty to israel. Just what American pubic office are they running for?
          Solution: Abolish and prohibit “dual citizenship” for ALL federal, state and local politicians , office seekers, and employees–every last one…
          Fire everyone who holds dual citizenship beyond an agreed-upon date with mandatory, permanent deportations for those who do not comply.
          Outlaw ANY political action organization by JEWS as every JEW holds loyalty to israel and judaism and NOT their host country–the USA.
          Remove tax-exemptions from ALL jewish organizations–yes, this includes synagogues (which are breeding grounds for jewish terrorism).
          Close ALL “holocaustianity” museums as they are all based on lies, grift and deception and should not get a penny in American taxpayer dollars.
          One “holocaustianity” museum is allowed to remain open with explanations of the grift, lies, and fabrications that been foisted on the world for the past 80 years or so.

    • “People can assign their own rank, I remember reading about some gun toting hillbilly redneck who crowned himself general of the militia of some area he was assuming was his fiefdom. Got a beer in one hand and my AR in another . . .”

      It’s as if you know me . . .

    • Indeed, people CAN assign their own rank. For myself, I’ve always thought Generalissimo Supremo had a really nice ring to it. My preferred forms of address are Your Highness or Eminence, but getting any great number of followers to recognize it is usually the problem.

  8. January 20, 2025 will be an interesting day for Washingtonians.

    If it is going to be like January 20, 2016, there’ll be some broken windows and maybe some looting.

    Not going to be the place to be, especially on Capitol Hill.

    Have a hologram of Trump at the Capitol steps, not Donald himself.

    All of those VIPs in one place, a perfect target. You are going to need some serious surveillance.

    Just make a thousand cardboard cutouts, be plenty good enough, and nobody is there then.

    When you have wars going on everywhere, nothing is safe and nothing is sacred. All is fair. Have to be real about it.

    The inauguration can be cancelled.

  9. Also missing from both the New Orleans and Las Vegas events would normally be blaming the *vehicle* not the individual responsible especially when the individual is the correct color or identity group. Usually it is *an SUV-you know those carbon emitting evil devices* attacked and ran over a crowd of people. In this case, the media couldn’t defect blame from the individuals because the *car/truck* was the correct identity group…an EV in both cases!

    HEADLINE: EV’s attacked and Ran Over Party Goer’s in New Orleans, Also Attack Trump’s Hotel in Las Vegas. Women and Minorities Affected Most

  10. Totally off topic but President Potato or his handlers declared January 9th a federal holiday for President Carter’s funeral. Maybe Vivek & Elon can eliminate most federal holidays starting with MLK (aka he-be/we-be), President’s Day, joon-teeeeenf, and Columbus Day).

    • “Maybe Vivek & Elon can eliminate most federal holidays starting with MLK”

      My only wish is that they eliminate “Affirmative Action” which is discrimination against White people.

  11. Mock them. Belittlement. Shunning.

    These are the appropriate ways to interact with wannabe generals.

    The fact that the military has nothing to say about the stolen valor angle of civilians wearing military insignia tells you all you need to know.

    By the way, the US military can’t fight its way out of a wet brown paper bag either. Hasn’t “won” anything in over half a century. Just another giant grifting operation. They are pretty good at killing remotely via drones, missiles, etc., though which really only serves to instill further hatred towards Merica’ from those that might otherwise ignore us.

    Anyone remember the Ron Paul moment where he brought the concept of blowback out into the light? Ron was right.

    • “By the way, the US military can’t fight its way out of a wet brown paper bag either.”

      But but…they are diverse and inclusive now!
      And they will soon have electric tanks and planes, so as to save the planet!
      That’s more important than winning wars, right? /s

  12. The Chief of Police looks kind of like Big Helmet in Spaceballs with a hat like that. Reminds me of Admiral Rachael Levine, must be a distant relative.

    The Cybertruck in Las Vegas and the Lightning in New Orleans are connected.

    The drivers of both vehicles apparently were in cahoots, both are dead too.

    The New Year is coming in with a bang.

    Spells trouble. Your fault, as always.

  13. 30 years ago, the sheriff in my county wore a suit and tie and looked no different from the county manager. Along with the deputies who simply wore blue uniforms, carried 357’s and drove white Crown Vics or Caprices with red stripes.
    Now we have sheriff buzzcutt and his 4 star epaulets, along with his camo shock troops and completely murdered out paint schemes on the patrol vehicles.

    All the hero worship and badge sniffing that came out of 9/11 remains nauseating.

    • Let’s not normalize policing from 30 years ago like it was some sort of golden era of civility.

      Has been over 40 years since the PoPo stole my bicycle right out from underneath me as a kid and left me walking home. My offense? Not having the bicycle licensed with the city and displaying their obnoxious, paint destroying sticker/license.

      I kid you not.

      Police have ALWAYS been goons.

      Police have been oppressing and stealing forever. Highway men used to be fair game to be killed at roadside when they tried to rob a traveler. The highway men then realized that if the public could be convinced to give them a title and a shinny badge, they could rob at will, with much less risk of their own demise.

      And here we are. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

      • “Let’s not normalize policing from 30 years ago like it was some sort of golden era of civility.”

        You make an excellent point. The cops have always been rotten, but they are more militarized now.

      • Fair point.
        I’m not trying to diminish the uselessness and evil that exists in most – if not all – LE agencies.
        Maybe I’m just pining for the “old days” when they did some abuse to citizens and beat their wives – mostly in quiet.
        Long before I had to constantly be reminded of their superiority with the Blue Flag sh*t everywhere and how they get 10% discounts at every store.

  14. Having been an actual Army officer (and prior enlisted), I can assure you there’s nothing in common with self-annoited majors / generals of the police force. For one, to be commissioned you have to be physically fit, ahem…

  15. ‘“General” Kirkpatrick looks like she couldn’t fight her way out of a Black Friday sale at Wal-Mart.’ — eric

    Eric brings up an angle — Anne Kirkpatrick’s mode of dress — that eluded me. Here’s a different angle.

    In yesterday morning’s news conference in Nola, Kirkpatrick came across as schoolmarmish but competent. Then a black lady half her age stepped in front her and announced that she was taking over the investigation on behalf of the FBI.

    Why? Did the Texas plate on the attacker’s truck create an interstate angle that allowed the feds to horn in? Or — more likely — does the FIB simply take over any incident that seems sensational, just because they can?

    Let us recall the FIB’s ‘investigation’ of the TWA 800 crash in the summer of 1996, which they likewise took over from competent aviation authorities. Ignoring the testimony of dozens of witnesses who saw a rocket trail arc up to the doomed craft on a clear night, the FIB settled on an ‘exploding center fuel tank’ theory — something that’s never happened since, because it never happened in the first place.

    Chris Wray, head of the corrupt, election-meddling FIB, will resign in less than three weeks. But that’s not good enough. Dozens more tax feeders need to shitcanned. Then the FIB’s planned palatial new headquarters in Greenbelt, Maryland needs to be axed. Finally, the FIB itself needs to be deauthorized and consigned to the dustbin of failed history.

    We don’t need no stinkin’ G-men.

    • Spot on Jim,
      The FBI is taking over to control the narrative, just like TWA 800. Witnesses are so unreliable, you gonna believe what Govco says or your lying eyes?/sarc

    • Yes, our conservatives brethren say that the Feebs have bad leadership or a few rotten apples and is mostly made up of “rank and file good guys”.

      But that is irrelevant and they can never say where in the constitution there is a place for a federal secret police. The FBI is an unconstitutional agency and a clear and present danger to the citizens of this country. No reforming is possible- smash it into a thousand pieces and throw it out.

      The same goes for any other TLA operating on American soil. If there is to be intelligence gathering, it needs to be under military discipline with capitol penalties for operating on American soil.

    • >Ignoring the testimony of dozens of witnesses who saw a rocket trail arc up to the doomed craft

      They also ignored the *physical* *evidence* of explosives residue on the seat cushions. The existence of this evidence hit “da noos” for a few days, and then magically disappeared, along with the testimony of a combat veteran helicopter pilot who stated he had seen an explosion characteristic of high explosives prior to the explosion which caused the orange fireball.


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